std::pair<Chromosome, Breeder::BreedStats> Breeder::breed(const Chromosome& mum, const Chromosome& dad, uint32_t crossOverPerMillion) { BreedStats stats; stats.crossOvers = 0; std::random_device rd; std::uniform_int_distribution<> randomMillion(0, 999999); std::uniform_int_distribution<> mumOrDad(0, 1); bool startWithMum = mumOrDad(rd) == 0; const Gene* currentGene = startWithMum ? &mum.gene() : &dad.gene(); const Gene* otherGene = startWithMum ? &dad.gene() : &mum.gene(); Gene resultingGene; resultingGene.resize(currentGene->size()); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < resultingGene.size(); i++) { resultingGene[i] = (*currentGene)[i]; if(crossOverPerMillion > randomMillion(rd)) { std::swap(currentGene, otherGene); ++stats.crossOvers; } } return {Chromosome(mum.maxCistronIds(), mum.informationDensity(), mum.startSequence(), mum.stopSequence(), resultingGene), stats}; }
void Chromosome::replaceCistronValues(const std::vector<Cistron>& cistrons) { CistronMap cistronMap; for(const auto& cistron : cistrons) { cistronMap.emplace(, cistron); } size_t start = 0; while((start = mGene.find(mStartSequence, start)) != std::string::npos) { size_t stop = mGene.find(mStopSequence, start); if(stop != std::string::npos) { size_t cistronStart = start + mStartSequence.size(); Cistron cistron(mGene.substr(cistronStart, stop - cistronStart), mMaxCistronIds, mInformationDensity); if(cistronMap.count( { Gene toInsert = mStartSequence; toInsert.append(; toInsert.append(mStopSequence); mGene.replace(start, toInsert.size(), toInsert); } } start = stop; } }
void Host::RestoreHost(const string& sline) { stringstream ssline(sline); ssline >> lociKIR; ssline >> lociMHC; ssline >>age; ssline >> tuning; ssline >> dead; ssline >> mutationRateHost; ssline >> inhibitoryKIRs; ssline >> activatingKIRs; int totalInfections; ssline >> totalInfections; /*use the streamstring from the position after "totalInfections" *for that I copy the rest of the line into a string, and then reassign the streamstring with the content of *for "restLine. For it to work, I have to clear the string first! */ string restLine; getline(ssline,restLine); ssline.clear(); ssline.str(restLine); string infectionString; int type; double inf_time; double immune_time; double clearance_time; for(int i=0; i<totalInfections; i++) { Infection dummyInfection; infectionString = dummyInfection.RestoreInfection(ssline); infections.push_back(dummyInfection); ssline.clear(); ssline.str(infectionString); } string geneString; //cout <<"mhc string>>>>>"<<ssline.str() <<endl; for(int i=0; i<lociMHC*TWO; i++) { Gene mhc; geneString = mhc.RestoreGenes(ssline); mhcGenes.push_back(mhc); ssline.clear(); ssline.str(geneString); } string kirString; for(int i=0; i<lociKIR*TWO; i++) { //cout <<"kir string>>>>>"<<ssline.str() <<endl; KIRGene kir; kirString = kir.RestoreGenes(ssline); kirGenes.push_back(kir); ssline.clear(); ssline.str(kirString); } }
void SmallWorld::initialize() { for (int i = 0; i < bugNum; i++) { Gene gene; gene.initialize(minSpeed, maxSpeed, nodeNum * turn); genes[i] = gene; } generations++; }
void FONSEModel::calculateLogLikelihoodRatioPerGroupingPerCategory(std::string grouping, Genome& genome, std::vector<double> &logAcceptanceRatioForAllMixtures) { int numGenes = genome.getGenomeSize(); //int numCodons = SequenceSummary::GetNumCodonsForAA(grouping); double likelihood = 0.0; double likelihood_proposed = 0.0; double mutation[5]; double selection[5]; double mutation_proposed[5]; double selection_proposed[5]; std::string curAA; Gene *gene; SequenceSummary *sequenceSummary; unsigned aaIndex = SequenceSummary::AAToAAIndex(grouping); #ifdef _OPENMP //#ifndef __APPLE__ #pragma omp parallel for private(mutation, selection, mutation_proposed, selection_proposed, curAA, gene, sequenceSummary) reduction(+:likelihood,likelihood_proposed) #endif for (unsigned i = 0u; i < numGenes; i++) { gene = &genome.getGene(i); sequenceSummary = gene->getSequenceSummary(); if (sequenceSummary->getAACountForAA(aaIndex) == 0) continue; // which mixture element does this gene belong to unsigned mixtureElement = parameter->getMixtureAssignment(i); // how is the mixture element defined. Which categories make it up unsigned mutationCategory = parameter->getMutationCategory(mixtureElement); unsigned selectionCategory = parameter->getSelectionCategory(mixtureElement); unsigned expressionCategory = parameter->getSynthesisRateCategory(mixtureElement); // get phi value, calculate likelihood conditional on phi double phiValue = parameter->getSynthesisRate(i, expressionCategory, false); // get current mutation and selection parameter parameter->getParameterForCategory(mutationCategory, FONSEParameter::dM, grouping, false, mutation); parameter->getParameterForCategory(selectionCategory, FONSEParameter::dOmega, grouping, false, selection); // get proposed mutation and selection parameter parameter->getParameterForCategory(mutationCategory, FONSEParameter::dM, grouping, true, mutation_proposed); parameter->getParameterForCategory(selectionCategory, FONSEParameter::dOmega, grouping, true, selection_proposed); likelihood += calculateLogLikelihoodRatioPerAA(*gene, grouping, mutation, selection, phiValue); likelihood_proposed += calculateLogLikelihoodRatioPerAA(*gene, grouping, mutation_proposed, selection_proposed, phiValue); } //likelihood_proposed = likelihood_proposed + calculateMutationPrior(grouping, true); //likelihood = likelihood + calculateMutationPrior(grouping, false); logAcceptanceRatioForAllMixtures[0] = (likelihood_proposed - likelihood); }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * makeGeneVector(): * * Returns a vector of n randomly generated genes of length CHROMOSOME_LENGTH. Gives each * object in the vector a fitness level of 0 to start it out. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ vector<Gene> makeGeneVector(int n) { vector<Gene> geneVector; /* Make INITIAL_POPULATION amount of random genes and push it to firstNGenes */ for (int i = 0; i < INITIAL_POPULATION; i++) { Gene g; g.setValues(makeRandomGene(), 0); geneVector.push_back(g); } return geneVector; }
genotypes::genotypes(int genomSize) { Gene n; for(int i = 0; i < genomSize; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < SEGMENT_SIZE; j++){ if(rand()%2){ n.flip(j); } } genom.push_back(n); n.reset(); } }
unsigned int Neuron::loadWeights(Gene const &gene, unsigned int index) { unsigned int i(0); for (auto &s : _inputs) { s.second = gene.getWeight(index + i); i++; } return index + i; }
bool operator<(const Gene& g) const { if( (compareChar(chrom.c_str(), g.getChr().c_str()) < 0) || (hs == g.getHS() && entrez_ID < g.getEID()) || (hs == g.getHS() && entrez_ID == g.getEID() && start_p < g.getStart()) || (hs == g.getHS() && entrez_ID == g.getEID() && start_p == g.getStart() && stop_p < g.getStop()) ) return true; else return false; }
Genome* SelfAdaptiveMutation::mutateProper(Genome* target) { std::vector<Gene*> genes = target->getGenome(); std::vector<Gene*> results; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->initialGenomeLength; i++) results.push_back(genes[i]->copy()); double rhoZero = HierRNG::gaussian(0, 1); for (unsigned int index: this->stdDevIndices) { Gene* target = genes[index]; double stdDev = target->getIndex(); double tauResult = this->tauPrime * rhoZero + this->tau * HierRNG::gaussian(0, 1); stdDev *= this->useTauPlusOneCorrection ? pow(stdDev, tauResult) : exp(tauResult); results.push_back(target->copy(stdDev)); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->initialGenomeLength; i++) { Gene* original = results[i]; double newIndex = original->getIndex(); newIndex = newIndex + results[this->initialGenomeLength + i]->getIndex() * HierRNG::gaussian(0, 1); results[i] = original->copy(newIndex); delete(original); } return new Genome(results, target->getSpeciesNode()); }
void main() { CDiophantine dp(1, 2, 3, 4, 30); int ans; ans = dp.Solve(); if (ans == -1) { cout << "No solution found." << endl; } else { Gene gn = dp.GetGene(ans); cout << "The solution set to a+2b+3c+4d=30 is:\n"; cout << "a = " << gn.getAlleles()[0] << "." << endl; cout << "b = " << gn.getAlleles()[1] << "." << endl; cout << "c = " << gn.getAlleles()[2] << "." << endl; cout << "d = " << gn.getAlleles()[3] << "." << endl; } getchar(); }
void genetic::Generation::Generate(const genetic::Generation& ancestor) { int& nCells = gainput.max_cells; m_cells = vector<Cell>(nCells, Cell()); int iCell = 0; // Chose Elites for(; iCell < gainput.max_elite; ++iCell) m_cells[iCell] = ancestor.m_cells[iCell]; // Selection to Next Generation while(iCell < nCells) { Gene child; if(drand(1.0) > gainput.thre_cloning) { child = ancestor.Select().Gen(); } else { Cell father(ancestor.Select()); Cell mother(ancestor.Select()); // if(father.Fitness() > mother.Fitness()) child = father.Gen() * mother.Gen(); // else // child = mother.Gen() * father.Gen(); } // Mutation if(drand(1.0) < gainput.thre_mutation) child.pMutate(); if(drand(1.0) < gainput.thre_mutation) child.gMutate(); m_cells[iCell++] = Cell(child); } ComputeProbability(); }
void Gene::singleCross(Gene& g1,Gene& g2,unsigned position){ Gene g1temp = g1; unsigned word = position / bits_per_word; unsigned bit = position % bits_per_word; unsigned byte_before = word * sizeof([0]); memcpy(,, byte_before); memcpy(,, byte_before); for(int i = 0 ; i < bit ; i++){ if( ([word] & (BIT_MASK << i)) != ([word] & (BIT_MASK << i)) ){ unsigned pos = i + word * bits_per_word; g1temp.toggle(pos); g2.toggle(pos); } } g1 = g1temp; };
double genetic::Evaluate(const double& scale, const double& np, const Gene& gene, const Matrix& K) { Matrix Kp; Permute(K, gene.Sequence(), Kp); double weight = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < Kp.Nrows(); ++i) for(int j = i + 1; j < Kp.Ncols(); ++j) { double d = j - i; // weight += Kp.element(i, j) * pow(d, np); weight += Kp.element(i, j) * d * d; } return scale * weight; }
void SmallWorld::breed() { if (bugs.size() > 2) { vector<Gene> tmp; tmp.resize(bugs.size()); tmp[0] = bugs[0].getGene(); tmp[1] = bugs[1].getGene(); for (int i = 2; i < bugs.size() - 1; i++) { Gene gene; gene.crossover(tmp[0].dna, tmp[1].dna, nodeNum * turn); for (int j = 0; j < int(nodeNum / 4); j++) { gene.mutation(minSpeed, maxSpeed, probability); } tmp[i] = gene; } for (int i = bugs.size() - 2; i < bugs.size() - 1; i++) { Gene gene; gene.crossover(tmp[0].dna, tmp[1].dna, nodeNum * turn); for (int j = 0; j < int(nodeNum / 4); j++) { gene.mutation(minSpeed, maxSpeed, probability * 10); } tmp[i] = gene; } for (int i = bugs.size() - 1; i < bugs.size(); i++) { Gene gene; gene.initialize(minSpeed, maxSpeed, nodeNum * turn); tmp[i] = gene; } genes.swap(tmp); } generations++; }
void Neuron::saveWeights(Gene &gene) const { for (auto s : _inputs) gene.addWeight(s.second); }
void FONSEModel::calculateLogLikelihoodRatioPerGene(Gene& gene, unsigned geneIndex, unsigned k, double* logProbabilityRatio) { double likelihood = 0.0; double likelihood_proposed = 0.0; std::string curAA; std::vector <unsigned> positions; double mutation[5]; double selection[5]; SequenceSummary *seqsum = gene.getSequenceSummary(); // get correct index for everything unsigned mutationCategory = parameter->getMutationCategory(k); unsigned selectionCategory = parameter->getSelectionCategory(k); unsigned expressionCategory = parameter->getSynthesisRateCategory(k); double phiValue = parameter->getSynthesisRate(geneIndex, expressionCategory, false); double phiValue_proposed = parameter->getSynthesisRate(geneIndex, expressionCategory, true); /* This loop causes a compiler warning because i is an int, but openMP won't compile if I change i to unsigned. Maybe worth looking into? */ #ifndef __APPLE__ #pragma omp parallel for private(mutation, selection, positions, curAA) reduction(+:likelihood,likelihood_proposed) #endif for (int i = 0; i < getGroupListSize(); i++) { curAA = getGrouping(i); parameter->getParameterForCategory(mutationCategory, FONSEParameter::dM, curAA, false, mutation); parameter->getParameterForCategory(selectionCategory, FONSEParameter::dOmega, curAA, false, selection); likelihood += calculateLogLikelihoodRatioPerAA(gene, curAA, mutation, selection, phiValue); likelihood_proposed += calculateLogLikelihoodRatioPerAA(gene, curAA, mutation, selection, phiValue_proposed); } //std::cout << logLikelihood << " " << logLikelihood_proposed << std::endl; double stdDevSynthesisRate = parameter->getStdDevSynthesisRate(false); double logPhiProbability = Parameter::densityLogNorm(phiValue, (-(stdDevSynthesisRate * stdDevSynthesisRate) / 2), stdDevSynthesisRate, true); double logPhiProbability_proposed = Parameter::densityLogNorm(phiValue_proposed, (-(stdDevSynthesisRate * stdDevSynthesisRate) / 2), stdDevSynthesisRate, true); double currentLogLikelihood = (likelihood + logPhiProbability); double proposedLogLikelihood = (likelihood_proposed + logPhiProbability_proposed); if (phiValue == 0) { std::cout << "phiValue is 0\n"; } if (phiValue_proposed == 0) { std::cout << "phiValue_prop is 0\n"; } logProbabilityRatio[0] = (proposedLogLikelihood - currentLogLikelihood) - (std::log(phiValue) - std::log(phiValue_proposed)); logProbabilityRatio[1] = currentLogLikelihood - std::log(phiValue_proposed); if (std::isinf(logProbabilityRatio[1])) { std::cout << "logprob1 inf\n"; } logProbabilityRatio[2] = proposedLogLikelihood - std::log(phiValue); if (std::isinf(logProbabilityRatio[2])) { std::cout << "logprob2 inf\n"; } //------------NOTE: Jeremy, Cedric changed the reverse jump to where we DON'T include it. I had my RFP //LogLikelihood go to 0 because of now missing terms. I have added the code underneath to where we calculate it---/ logProbabilityRatio[3] = currentLogLikelihood; logProbabilityRatio[4] = proposedLogLikelihood; }
void Host::MutateGenesForMutualInvasion(int mutationType, KIRGene& kir_hap2, Map& kirMap, GenePool& mhcPool, double simulationTime, double time_invasion, int gene_type) { if(mutationType == 1)//pick another molecule as mutation { KIRGene newGene(RandomNumber(2,16)); /*if(!kirMap.IsGeneInMap(newGene)) { kirMap.FillMap(mhcPool, newGene); //cout <<simulationTime << "|" <<time_invasion <<endl; if(simulationTime < time_invasion)//only after the invasion time, the receptor type should be allowed to mutate newGene.SetGeneType(gene_type); kir_hap2.Copy(newGene); }//*/ int M_id = 0; int mhcPoolSize = mhcPool.GetPoolSize(); //calculate the value of M_id to determine whether the gene is pseudogene or not for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mhcPoolSize; i++) { Gene mhcGene; mhcGene.SetGeneID(mhcPool.GetGenes().at(i)); int L = newGene.BindMolecule(mhcGene); if(L >= newGene.GetGeneSpecificity()) M_id += (1<<i); } //set the Gene pseudo newGene.SetPseudogene(M_id); if(gene_type !=2)////force to have only one type of receptors, if the user wants it! newGene.SetGeneType(gene_type); kir_hap2.Copy(newGene); return; } if(mutationType == 2)//point mutation + L { if(RandomNumberDouble()<0.8) { kir_hap2.PointMutation(); //kirMap.FillMap(mhcPool, kir_hap2); int M_id = 0; int mhcPoolSize = mhcPool.GetPoolSize(); //calculate the value of M_id to determine whether the gene is pseudogene or not for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mhcPoolSize; i++) { Gene mhcGene; mhcGene.SetGeneID(mhcPool.GetGenes().at(i)); int L = kir_hap2.BindMolecule(mhcGene); if(L >= kir_hap2.GetGeneSpecificity()) M_id+= (1<<i); } //set the Gene pseudo kir_hap2.SetPseudogene(M_id); } if(RandomNumberDouble()<0.2) { kir_hap2.MutateSpecificity(); //kirMap.FillMap(mhcPool, kir_hap2); int M_id = 0; int mhcPoolSize = mhcPool.GetPoolSize(); //calculate the value of M_id to determine whether the gene is pseudogene or not for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mhcPoolSize; i++) { Gene mhcGene; mhcGene.SetGeneID(mhcPool.GetGenes().at(i)); int L = kir_hap2.BindMolecule(mhcGene); if(L >= kir_hap2.GetGeneSpecificity()) M_id+= (1<<i); } //set the Gene pseudo kir_hap2.SetPseudogene(M_id); } if(RandomNumberDouble()<0.2) { if(simulationTime >= time_invasion) //only after the invasion time, the receptor type should be allowed to mutate kir_hap2.MutateReceptorType(); } return; } }
void Host :: MutateGenes(int mutationType, KIRGene& kir_hap2, Map& kirMap, GenePool& mhcPool, int gene_type) { if(mutationType == 1)//pick another molecules as mutation { KIRGene newGene(RandomNumber(2,16)); /*if(!kirMap.IsGeneInMap(newGene)) { kirMap.FillMap(mhcPool, newGene); if(gene_type !=2)////force to have only one type of receptors, if the user wants it! newGene.SetGeneType(gene_type); kir_hap2.Copy(newGene); }//*/ int M_id = 0; int mhcPoolSize = mhcPool.GetPoolSize(); //calculate the value of M_id to determine whether the gene is pseudogene or not for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mhcPoolSize; i++) { Gene mhcGene; mhcGene.SetGeneID(mhcPool.GetGenes().at(i)); int L = newGene.BindMolecule(mhcGene); if(L >= newGene.GetGeneSpecificity()) M_id += (1<<i); } newGene.SetPseudogene(M_id); if(gene_type !=2)////force to have only one type of receptors, if the user wants it! newGene.SetGeneType(gene_type); kir_hap2.Copy(newGene); return; } if(mutationType == 2)//point mutation + L { if(RandomNumberDouble()<0.8) //pointmutation { kir_hap2.PointMutation(); //kirMap.FillMap(mhcPool, kir_hap2); int M_id = 0; int mhcPoolSize = mhcPool.GetPoolSize(); //calculate the value of M_id to determine whether the gene is pseudogene or not for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mhcPoolSize; i++) { Gene mhcGene; mhcGene.SetGeneID(mhcPool.GetGenes().at(i)); int L = kir_hap2.BindMolecule(mhcGene); if(L >= kir_hap2.GetGeneSpecificity()) M_id += (1<<i); } kir_hap2.SetPseudogene(M_id); } if(RandomNumberDouble()<0.8) //mutate L { kir_hap2.MutateSpecificity(); //kirMap.FillMap(mhcPool, kir_hap2); int M_id = 0; int mhcPoolSize = mhcPool.GetPoolSize(); //calculate the value of M_id to determine whether the gene is pseudogene or not for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mhcPoolSize; i++) { Gene mhcGene; mhcGene.SetGeneID(mhcPool.GetGenes().at(i)); int L = kir_hap2.BindMolecule(mhcGene); if(L >= kir_hap2.GetGeneSpecificity()) M_id += (1<<i); } kir_hap2.SetPseudogene(M_id); } if(RandomNumberDouble()<0.8)//mutate type { kir_hap2.MutateReceptorType(); } return; } }
/*FUNCTIONS OF CLASS HOST *Constructs a host for the initialization of the population: it fills the MHC genes with a randomly picked allele from the population * and creates KIRs that match their own MHC according to the specificity*/ Host::Host(int loci_kir, int loci_mhc, double _mutationRate, bool _tuning, int numberOfExtraKirs,Map& kirMap, MHCGenePool& mhcPool, bool hla) { InitializeHostParameters(_mutationRate,_tuning, loci_kir, loci_mhc); //fill the mhc Genes for(int i = 0; i <lociMHC*TWO; i++) { Gene firstGene; int mhc1 = mhcPool.RandomlyPickGene(hla); firstGene.SetGeneID(mhc1); mhcGenes.push_back(firstGene); } /* Gene secondGene; secondGene.SetGeneID(mhc2); mhcGenes.push_back(secondGene);*/ //create random KIRs with random specificity for ONE haplotype // (at the beginning of the simulation, the size of the map should equal the LOCI_NUMBER) map< pair<int,int>, pair <int, int> > ::iterator it; for(it = kirMap.GetMap().begin(); it != kirMap.GetMap().end(); it ++) { int id = it->first.first; int geneType = it->first.second; int L = it->second.first; int pseudo = it->second.second; KIRGene kir; kir.SetGeneSpecificity(L); kir.SetGeneID(id); kir.SetPseudogene(pseudo); kir.SetGeneType(geneType); kir.SetGeneFunctionality(false); kir.SetGeneExpression(false); kirGenes.push_back(kir); //cout << "printing genes in host first constructor" <<endl; //kir.PrintGenes(); } int size = kirGenes.size(); //make sure that the first haplotype has number lociKIR (regardless of the Map size!) while(size < lociKIR) { KIRGene bla =; kirGenes.push_back(bla); size ++; } //copy the first kirs into the other haplotype (all individuals are homozygous!) for(int i=0; i<lociKIR; i++) { KIRGene kir =; kirGenes.push_back(kir); } if(tuning == true) EducateKIRs(); ExpressKIRs(numberOfExtraKirs); //CountFunctionalKIRs(); age = RandomNumber(1,70); //population initialized with a random age between 1 and 70 //cout <<inhibitoryKIRs << "|" <<activatingKIRs <<"|"<<CountExpressedKIRs() <<endl; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int c; int option_index = 0; string truth_file=""; string result_file=""; string gene_file=""; string output_file=""; string rule_file=""; int base_resolution=1; int max_diff=20; string pseudo_counts="0,0,0,0,0,0"; int print_num=0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"truth-file", required_argument, 0, 't' }, {"result-file", required_argument, 0, 'r' }, {"gene-annotation-file", required_argument, 0, 'g' }, {"output-file", required_argument, 0, 'o' }, {"subsetting-rule-file", required_argument, 0, 's' }, {"base-resolution", required_argument, 0, 'b' }, {"max-diff", required_argument, 0, 'm' }, {"pseudo-counts", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, {"use-number", no_argument, 0, 'u' }, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; while(1) { c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "t:r:g:o:s:b:m:p:uh", long_options, &option_index); if (c==-1) { break; } switch(c) { case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case 't': truth_file=optarg; break; case 'r': result_file=optarg; break; case 'g': gene_file=optarg; break; case 'o': output_file=optarg; break; case 's': rule_file=optarg; break; case 'b': base_resolution=atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': max_diff=atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': pseudo_counts=optarg; break; case 'u': print_num=1; break; default: break; } } if("")==0 ||"")==0 ||"")==0 ||"")==0||"")==0) { usage(); exit(0); } pseudo_counts_t pct; get_pseudo_counts(pseudo_counts, pct); cerr<<"loading gene annotation file..."<<endl; Gene g; g.loadGenesFromFile((char*)gene_file.c_str()); g.setGene(); cerr<<"loading result file..."<<endl; Bedpe res; res.loadFromFile((char *)result_file.c_str()); cerr<<"removing duplicate results..."<<endl; res.uniq(); cerr<<"loading truth file..."<<endl; Bedpe truth; truth.loadFromFile((char*)truth_file.c_str()); vector<evaluate_t> evaluates; cerr<<"comparing by subsetting rules..."<<endl; ExecuteByRule exe; exe.execute(res, truth, (char*)output_file.c_str(), (char*)rule_file.c_str(), evaluates, g, base_resolution, max_diff, pct, print_num); cerr<<"printing evaluation results..."<<endl; Printer per; per.print(evaluates, (char*)output_file.c_str(), gene_file, base_resolution, max_diff, pseudo_counts, version); return 0; }
bool operator==(const Gene& g) const { return entrez_ID == g.getEID(); }
void FONSEModel::simulateGenome(Genome & genome) { unsigned codonIndex; std::string curAA; std::string tmpDesc = "Simulated Gene"; for (unsigned geneIndex = 0; geneIndex < genome.getGenomeSize(); geneIndex++) //loop over all genes in the genome { if (geneIndex % 100 == 0) my_print("Simulating Gene %\n", geneIndex); Gene gene = genome.getGene(geneIndex); SequenceSummary sequenceSummary = gene.geneData; std::string tmpSeq = "ATG"; //Always will have the start amino acid unsigned mixtureElement = getMixtureAssignment(geneIndex); unsigned mutationCategory = getMutationCategory(mixtureElement); unsigned selectionCategory = getSelectionCategory(mixtureElement); unsigned synthesisRateCategory = getSynthesisRateCategory(mixtureElement); double phi = getSynthesisRate(geneIndex, synthesisRateCategory, false); std::string geneSeq = gene.getSequence(); for (unsigned position = 1; position < (geneSeq.size() / 3); position++) { std::string codon = geneSeq.substr((position * 3), 3); curAA = SequenceSummary::codonToAA(codon); //TODO: Throw an error here instead if (curAA == "X") { if (position < (geneSeq.size() / 3) - 1) my_print("Warning: Internal stop codon found in gene % at position %. Ignoring and moving on.\n", gene.getId(), position); continue; } unsigned numCodons = SequenceSummary::GetNumCodonsForAA(curAA); double* codonProb = new double[numCodons](); //size the arrays to the proper size based on # of codons. double* mutation = new double[numCodons - 1](); double* selection = new double[numCodons - 1](); if (curAA == "M" || curAA == "W") { codonProb[0] = 1; } else { getParameterForCategory(mutationCategory, FONSEParameter::dM, curAA, false, mutation); getParameterForCategory(selectionCategory, FONSEParameter::dOmega, curAA, false, selection); calculateCodonProbabilityVector(numCodons, position, mutation, selection, phi, codonProb); } codonIndex = Parameter::randMultinom(codonProb, numCodons); unsigned aaStart, aaEnd; SequenceSummary::AAToCodonRange(curAA, aaStart, aaEnd, false); //need the first spot in the array where the codons for curAA are codon = sequenceSummary.indexToCodon(aaStart + codonIndex);//get the correct codon based off codonIndex tmpSeq += codon; } std::string codon = sequenceSummary.indexToCodon((unsigned)Parameter::randUnif(61.0, 64.0)); //randomly choose a stop codon, from range 61-63 tmpSeq += codon; Gene simulatedGene(tmpSeq, tmpDesc, gene.getId()); genome.addGene(simulatedGene, true); } }