Пример #1
float compute_reject_threshold(WERD_CHOICE* word) {
  float threshold;               // rejection threshold
  float bestgap = 0.0f;          // biggest gap
  float gapstart;                // bottom of gap
                                 // super iterator
  BLOB_CHOICE_IT choice_it;      // real iterator

  int blob_count = word->length();
  GenericVector<float> ratings;
  ratings.init_to_size(blob_count, 0.0f);
  for (int i = 0; i < blob_count; ++i) {
    ratings[i] = word->certainty(i);
  gapstart = ratings[0] - 1;     // all reject if none better
  if (blob_count >= 3) {
    for (int index = 0; index < blob_count - 1; index++) {
      if (ratings[index + 1] - ratings[index] > bestgap) {
        bestgap = ratings[index + 1] - ratings[index];
        // find biggest
        gapstart = ratings[index];
  threshold = gapstart + bestgap / 2;

  return threshold;
Пример #2
// Runs forward propagation of activations on the input line.
// See NetworkCpp for a detailed discussion of the arguments.
void Parallel::Forward(bool debug, const NetworkIO& input,
                       const TransposedArray* input_transpose,
                       NetworkScratch* scratch, NetworkIO* output) {
  bool parallel_debug = false;
  // If this parallel is a replicator of convolvers, or holds a 1-d LSTM pair,
  // or a 2-d LSTM quad, do debug locally, and don't pass the flag on.
  if (debug && type_ != NT_PARALLEL) {
    parallel_debug = true;
    debug = false;
  int stack_size = stack_.size();
  if (type_ == NT_PAR_2D_LSTM) {
    // Special case, run parallel in parallel.
    GenericVector<NetworkScratch::IO> results;
    results.init_to_size(stack_size, NetworkScratch::IO());
    for (int i = 0; i < stack_size; ++i) {
      results[i].Resize(input, stack_[i]->NumOutputs(), scratch);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(stack_size)
    for (int i = 0; i < stack_size; ++i) {
      stack_[i]->Forward(debug, input, nullptr, scratch, results[i]);
    // Now pack all the results (serially) into the output.
    int out_offset = 0;
    output->Resize(*results[0], NumOutputs());
    for (int i = 0; i < stack_size; ++i) {
      out_offset = output->CopyPacking(*results[i], out_offset);
  } else {
    // Revolving intermediate result.
    NetworkScratch::IO result(input, scratch);
    // Source for divided replicated.
    NetworkScratch::IO source_part;
    TransposedArray* src_transpose = nullptr;
    if (IsTraining() && type_ == NT_REPLICATED) {
      // Make a transposed copy of the input.
      src_transpose = &transposed_input_;
    // Run each network, putting the outputs into result.
    int out_offset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < stack_size; ++i) {
      stack_[i]->Forward(debug, input, src_transpose, scratch, result);
      // All networks must have the same output width
      if (i == 0) {
        output->Resize(*result, NumOutputs());
      } else {
        ASSERT_HOST(result->Width() == output->Width());
      out_offset = output->CopyPacking(*result, out_offset);
  if (parallel_debug) {
Пример #3
// Displays the segmentation state of *this (if not the same as the last
// one displayed) and waits for a click in the window.
void WERD_CHOICE::DisplaySegmentation(TWERD* word) {
  // Number of different colors to draw with.
  const int kNumColors = 6;
  static ScrollView *segm_window = NULL;
  // Check the state against the static prev_drawn_state.
  static GenericVector<int> prev_drawn_state;
  bool already_done = prev_drawn_state.size() == length_;
  if (!already_done) prev_drawn_state.init_to_size(length_, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < length_; ++i) {
    if (prev_drawn_state[i] != state_[i]) {
      already_done = false;
    prev_drawn_state[i] = state_[i];
  if (already_done || word->blobs.empty()) return;

  // Create the window if needed.
  if (segm_window == NULL) {
    segm_window = new ScrollView("Segmentation", 5, 10, 500, 256,
                                 2000.0, 256.0, true);
  } else {

  TBOX bbox;
  int blob_index = 0;
  for (int c = 0; c < length_; ++c) {
    ScrollView::Color color =
        static_cast<ScrollView::Color>(c % kNumColors + 3);
    for (int i = 0; i < state_[c]; ++i, ++blob_index) {
      TBLOB* blob = word->blobs[blob_index];
      bbox += blob->bounding_box();
      blob->plot(segm_window, color, color);
  segm_window->ZoomToRectangle(bbox.left(), bbox.top(),
                               bbox.right(), bbox.bottom());