Пример #1
GlyphData *BMFontRasterizer::getGlyphData(uint32 glyph) const
	auto it = characters.find(glyph);

	// Return an empty GlyphData if we don't have the glyph character.
	if (it == characters.end())
		return new GlyphData(glyph, GlyphMetrics(), GlyphData::FORMAT_RGBA);

	const BMFontCharacter &c = it->second;
	GlyphData *g = new GlyphData(glyph, c.metrics, GlyphData::FORMAT_RGBA);

	const auto &imagepair = images.find(c.page);

	if (imagepair == images.end())
		return new GlyphData(glyph, GlyphMetrics(), GlyphData::FORMAT_RGBA);

	image::ImageData *imagedata = imagepair->second.get();
	image::pixel *pixels = (image::pixel *) g->getData();
	const image::pixel *ipixels = (const image::pixel *) imagedata->getData();

	love::thread::Lock lock(imagedata->getMutex());

	// Copy the subsection of the texture from the ImageData to the GlyphData.
	for (int y = 0; y < c.metrics.height; y++)
		size_t idindex = (c.y + y) * imagedata->getWidth() + c.x;
		memcpy(&pixels[y * c.metrics.width], &ipixels[idindex], sizeof(image::pixel) * c.metrics.width);

	return g;
Пример #2
	GlyphData * ImageRasterizer::getGlyphData(unsigned short glyph) const
		GlyphMetrics gm;
		gm.height = metrics.height;
		gm.width = widths[glyph];
		gm.advance = spacing[glyph] + widths[glyph];
		gm.bearingX = 0;
		gm.bearingY = 0;
		GlyphData * g = new GlyphData(glyph, gm, GlyphData::FORMAT_RGBA);
		if (gm.width == 0) return g;
		unsigned char * gd = (unsigned char*)g->getData();
		love::image::pixel * pixels = (love::image::pixel *)(imageData->getData());
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widths[glyph]*getHeight(); i++) {
			love::image::pixel p = pixels[ positions[glyph] + (i % widths[glyph]) + (imageData->getWidth() * (i / widths[glyph])) ];
			gd[i*4] = p.r;
			gd[i*4+1] = p.g;
			gd[i*4+2] = p.b;
			gd[i*4+3] = p.a;
		return g;
Пример #3
GlyphData *ImageRasterizer::getGlyphData(uint32 glyph) const
	GlyphMetrics gm = {};

	// Set relevant glyph metrics if the glyph is in this ImageFont
	std::map<uint32, ImageGlyphData>::const_iterator it = imageGlyphs.find(glyph);
	if (it != imageGlyphs.end())
		gm.width = it->second.width;
		gm.advance = it->second.width + extraSpacing;

	gm.height = metrics.height;

	GlyphData *g = new GlyphData(glyph, gm, GlyphData::FORMAT_RGBA);

	if (gm.width == 0)
		return g;

	// We don't want another thread modifying our ImageData mid-copy.
	love::thread::Lock lock(imageData->getMutex());

	love::image::pixel *gdpixels = (love::image::pixel *) g->getData();
	love::image::pixel *imagepixels = (love::image::pixel *) imageData->getData();

	// copy glyph pixels from imagedata to glyphdata
	for (int i = 0; i < g->getWidth() * g->getHeight(); i++)
		love::image::pixel p = imagepixels[it->second.x + (i % gm.width) + (imageData->getWidth() * (i / gm.width))];

		// Use transparency instead of the spacer color
		if (equal(p, spacer))
			gdpixels[i].r = gdpixels[i].g = gdpixels[i].b = gdpixels[i].a = 0;
			gdpixels[i] = p;

	return g;