Пример #1
// GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame(...)
GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame(wxMDIParentFrame *parent, 
                                     const wxString &name,
                                     const wxString &title, 
                                     const GmatTree::ItemType type,
                                     wxWindowID id, 
                                     const wxPoint &pos, 
                                     const wxSize &size, 
                                     long style)
   : wxMDIChildFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name)
      ("GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame() entered, type=%d\n    "
       "name='%s'\n   title='%s'\n", type, name.c_str(), title.c_str());
   relativeZOrder          = maxZOrder++;
   usingSavedConfiguration = false;
   mChildName = name;
   theParent = parent;
   mDirty = false;
   mOverrideDirty = false;
   mCanClose = true;
   mCanSaveLocation = true;
   mIsActiveChild = false;
   mCanBeDeleted = true;
   mItemType = type;
   theScriptTextCtrl = NULL;
   theMenuBar = NULL;
   theAssociatedWin = NULL;
   GmatAppData *gmatAppData = GmatAppData::Instance();
   theGuiInterpreter = gmatAppData->GetGuiInterpreter();

   #ifdef __USE_STC_EDITOR__
   theEditor = NULL;
   #ifdef __WXMAC__
   childTitle = title;
      // create a menu bar, pass Window menu if Windows
      #ifdef __WXMSW__
         theMenuBar = new GmatMenuBar(mItemType, parent->GetWindowMenu());
         theMenuBar = new GmatMenuBar(mItemType, NULL);
      #ifdef DEBUG_MENUBAR
         ("GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame() theMenuBarCreated %p\n", theMenuBar);
      // Commented out so that Window menu works for MdiChildFrame (loj: 2008.02.08)
      // Double Window menu appears when more than one child is open and cannot
      // delete theMenuBar in the destructor.
      theMenuBar = (GmatMenuBar*)(parent->GetMenuBar());      
   // Enable Edit menu and tools if ScriptFile
      ("GmatMdiChildFrame() constructor calling UpdateGuiItem()\n");
   UpdateGuiItem(1, 0);
   // Set GMAT main icon
   GmatAppData::Instance()->SetIcon(this, "GmatMdiChildFrame");
Пример #2
// GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame(...)
GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame(wxMDIParentFrame *parent, 
                                     const wxString &name,
                                     const wxString &title, 
                                     const GmatTree::ItemType type,
                                     wxWindowID id, 
                                     const wxPoint &pos, 
                                     const wxSize &size, 
                                     long style)
   : wxMDIChildFrame(parent, id, title, pos, size, style, name)
      (wxT("GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame() entered, type=%d\n    ")
       wxT("name='%s'\n   title='%s'"), type, name.c_str(), title.c_str());
   relativeZOrder          = maxZOrder++;
   usingSavedConfiguration = false;
   mPlotName = name;
   theParent = parent;
   mDirty = false;
   mOverrideDirty = false;
   mCanClose = true;
   mCanSaveLocation = true;
   mItemType = type;
   theScriptTextCtrl = NULL;
   theMenuBar = NULL;
   theAssociatedWin = NULL;
   GmatAppData *gmatAppData = GmatAppData::Instance();
   theGuiInterpreter = gmatAppData->GetGuiInterpreter();

   #ifdef __USE_STC_EDITOR__
   theEditor = NULL;
   #ifdef __WXMAC__
   childTitle = title;
      // create a menu bar, pass Window menu if Windows
      #ifdef __WXMSW__
         theMenuBar = new GmatMenuBar(mItemType, parent->GetWindowMenu());
         theMenuBar = new GmatMenuBar(mItemType, NULL);
      #ifdef DEBUG_MENUBAR
         (wxT("GmatMdiChildFrame::GmatMdiChildFrame() theMenuBarCreated %p\n"), theMenuBar);
      // Commented out so that Window menu works for MdiChildFrame (loj: 2008.02.08)
      // Double Window menu appears when more than one child is open and cannot
      // delete theMenuBar in the destructor.
      theMenuBar = (GmatMenuBar*)(parent->GetMenuBar());      
   // Enable Edit menu and tools if ScriptFile
      (wxT("GmatMdiChildFrame() constructor calling UpdateGuiItem()\n"));
   UpdateGuiItem(1, 0);
   // Set icon if icon file is in the start up file
   FileManager *fm = FileManager::Instance();
      wxString iconfile = fm->GetFullPathname(wxT("MAIN_ICON_FILE")).c_str();
      #if defined __WXMSW__
         SetIcon(wxIcon(iconfile, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO));
      #elif defined __WXGTK__
         SetIcon(wxIcon(iconfile, wxBITMAP_TYPE_XPM));
      #elif defined __WXMAC__
         SetIcon(wxIcon(iconfile, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PICT_RESOURCE));
   catch (GmatBaseException &e)