/** Return true, if point is on edge line and no stone is within a
    Manhattan distance of 4. */
bool IsEmptyEdge(const GoBoard& bd, SgPoint p)
    SG_ASSERT (bd.IsEmpty(p));
    SG_ASSERT (bd.Line(p) == 1);
    if (bd.Num8EmptyNeighbors(p) < 5)
        return false;
    const SgPoint pUp = p + bd.Up(p);
    SG_ASSERT(bd.Line(pUp) == 2);
    SG_ASSERT(bd.Pos(pUp) >= 2); // (1,1) goes to (2,2)
    if (bd.Num8EmptyNeighbors(pUp) < 8)
        return false;

    switch (bd.Pos(p))
        case 1: // (1,1) point
        case 2: // (1,2) point
        case 3:
            return IsEmptyOrInCorner(bd, p, bd.Left(p))
                && IsEmptyOrInCorner(bd, p, bd.Right(p));
            // assume in empty corner, 1st line is always
            // dominated bymove on 2nd line above
        default: // > 3, can test both sides easily
            return   IsEmpty2x3Box(bd, p + 2*bd.Left(p))
                  && IsEmpty2x3Box(bd, p + 2*bd.Right(p))
Пример #2
bool GoEyeUtil::CanBecomeSinglePointEye (const GoBoard& board, SgPoint p, 
                              const SgPointSet& oppSafe)
    SG_ASSERT(! oppSafe[p]);

    for (SgNb4Iterator it(p); it; ++it)
        if (oppSafe[*it])
            return false;

    int nu = 0;
    for (SgNb4DiagIterator dit(p); dit; ++dit)
        if (oppSafe[*dit])
            if (board.Line(p) == 1)
                return false;
            if (nu > 1)
                return false;
    return true;
Пример #3
bool GoEyeUtil::IsSinglePointEye2(const GoBoard& board, SgPoint p, 
                                  SgBlackWhite color, SgVector<SgPoint>& eyes)
    // Must be an empty point
    if (! board.IsColor(p, SG_EMPTY))
        return false;
    // All adjacent neighbours must be friendly
    SgBoardColor opp = SgOppBW(color);
    for (SgNb4Iterator adj(p); adj; ++adj)
        SgBoardColor adjColor = board.GetColor(*adj);
        if (adjColor == opp || adjColor == SG_EMPTY)
            return false;
    // All diagonals (with up to one exception) must be friendly or an eye
    int baddiags = 0;
    int maxbaddiags = (board.Line(p) == 1 ? 0 : 1);
    for (SgNb4DiagIterator it(p); it; ++it)
        if (board.IsColor(*it, opp))
        if (board.IsColor(*it, SG_EMPTY) && ! eyes.Contains(*it))
            // Assume this point is an eye and recurse
            if (! IsSinglePointEye2(board, *it, color, eyes))
        if (baddiags > maxbaddiags)
            return false;
    return true;
Пример #4
bool GoEyeUtil::NumberOfMoveToEye(const GoBoard& board, SgBlackWhite color,
                                  SgPoint p, int& number)
    SgBlackWhite att = SgOppBW(color);  // attacker

    if ( board.Line(p) == 1) // corner or edge
        if ( board.Num8Neighbors(p, att) > 0 )
            return false;
            number = board.Num8EmptyNeighbors(p);
            return true;
    else // in center
        if ( board.Num8Neighbors(p, att) >= 2 )
            return false;
        else if ( board.NumNeighbors(p, att) > 0 )
            return false;
        else // only 0 or 1 attacker point and not in NB4
            number = board.Num8EmptyNeighbors(p);
            return true;
Пример #5
bool GoEyeUtil::IsSinglePointEye(const GoBoard& bd, SgPoint p,
                                 SgBlackWhite color)
    const SgBlackWhite opp = SgOppBW(color);
    if (bd.HasEmptyNeighbors(p) || bd.HasNeighbors(p, opp))
        return false;
    if (bd.Line(p) == 1)
        return ! (bd.HasDiagonals(p, SG_EMPTY) || bd.HasDiagonals(p, opp));
    return (bd.NumDiagonals(p, SG_EMPTY) + bd.NumDiagonals(p, opp)) <= 1;
Пример #6
bool GoEyeUtil::IsPossibleEye(const GoBoard& board, SgBlackWhite color,
                              SgPoint p)
    bool isPossibleEye = false;
    SG_ASSERT(board.GetColor(p) != color);
    const SgBlackWhite opp = SgOppBW(color);
    if (board.Line(p) == 1) // corner or edge
        const int nuOwn = (board.Pos(p) == 1) ? 2 : 4;
        if ( board.Num8Neighbors(p, color) == nuOwn
             && board.Num8EmptyNeighbors(p) == 1
            isPossibleEye = true;
    else // in center
        // have all neighbors, and 2 diagonals, and can get a third
        if (    board.NumNeighbors(p, color) == 4
             && board.NumDiagonals(p, color) == 2
             && board.NumEmptyDiagonals(p) > 0
            isPossibleEye = true;
        // have 3 of 4 neighbors, can get the 4th, and have enough diagonals
        else if (   board.NumNeighbors(p, color) == 3
                 && board.NumNeighbors(p, opp) == 0
                 && board.NumDiagonals(p, color) >= 3 
            isPossibleEye = true;
    return isPossibleEye;
inline bool IsEmpty2x3Box(const GoBoard& bd, SgPoint p)
    SG_ASSERT (bd.Line(p) == 1);
    SG_ASSERT (bd.Pos(p) > 1);
    return bd.IsEmpty(p) && bd.Num8EmptyNeighbors(p) == 5;
Пример #8
bool GoEyeUtil::NumberOfMoveToEye2(const GoBoard& board, SgBlackWhite color,
                                   SgPoint p, int& nummoves)
    nummoves = 0;
    bool capturing = false;
    SgVector<SgPoint> usedpoints;
    SgPointSet counted;

    // Can never turn own stone into an eye
    if (board.IsColor(p, color))
        return false;
    // If opponent stone then it must be captured to make eye
    if (board.IsColor(p, SgOppBW(color)))
        capturing = true;
        // If it is obviously safe then it can never be an eye
        if (SinglePointSafe2(board, p)) // Quick, naive safety test
            return false;

        for (GoBoard::LibertyIterator libit(board, p); libit; ++libit)

    // Count immediate adjacencies
    for (SgNb4Iterator nb(p); nb; ++nb)
        SgPoint adj = *nb;
        // Empty points must be filled
        if (board.IsColor(adj, SG_EMPTY))
        // If adjacent opponent then can never be an eye
        else if (board.IsColor(adj, SgOppBW(color)))
            if (capturing)
                counted.Include(adj); // must capture and then fill
                return false;

    // Up to one diagonal can be ignored: estimate most costly
    SgPoint toignore = SG_NULLPOINT;
    int maxcost = 0;
    int infcost = 1000;
    if (board.Line(p) > 1)
        for (SgNb4DiagIterator nbd(p); nbd; ++nbd)
            SgPoint diag = *nbd;
            int cost = 0;

            if (  board.IsColor(diag, SG_EMPTY)
               && ! IsSinglePointEye2(board, diag, color, usedpoints))
                cost = 1;
            else if (board.IsColor(diag, SgOppBW(color)))
                // quick safety test
                if (SinglePointSafe2(board, diag))
                    cost = infcost;
                    cost = board.NumLiberties(diag);

            if (cost > maxcost)
                maxcost = cost;
                toignore = diag;

    // Now mark points that must be played to secure diagonals
    for (SgNb4DiagIterator nbd(p); nbd; ++nbd)
        SgPoint diag = *nbd;
        if (diag == toignore)
        // Empty points must be filled (unless they are eyes)
        if (  board.IsColor(diag, SG_EMPTY)
           && ! IsSinglePointEye2(board, diag, color, usedpoints))
        // Opponent stones on diagonals must be captured and filled
        else if (board.IsColor(diag, SgOppBW(color)))
            if (SinglePointSafe2(board, diag))
                return false;
                for (GoBoard::LibertyIterator libit(board, diag); libit;

    nummoves = counted.Size();
    return true;