Пример #1
  /** Execute the algorithm.
  void SetGoniometer::exec()
    MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws = getProperty("Workspace");
    std::string gonioDefined = getPropertyValue("Goniometers");
    // Create the goniometer
    Goniometer gon;

    if(gonioDefined.compare("Universal") == 0) gon.makeUniversalGoniometer();
    else for (size_t i=0; i< NUM_AXES; i++)
      std::ostringstream propName;
      propName << "Axis" << i;
      std::string axisDesc = getPropertyValue(propName.str());

      if (!axisDesc.empty())
        std::vector<std::string> tokens;
        boost::split( tokens, axisDesc, boost::algorithm::detail::is_any_ofF<char>(","));
        if (tokens.size() != 5)
          throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong number of arguments to parameter " + propName.str() + ". Expected 5 comma-separated arguments.");

        std::string axisName = tokens[0];
        axisName = Strings::strip(axisName);
        if (axisName.empty())
          throw std::invalid_argument("The name must not be empty");

        double x=0,y=0,z=0;
        if (!Strings::convert(tokens[1], x)) throw std::invalid_argument("Error converting string '" + tokens[1] + "' to a number.");
        if (!Strings::convert(tokens[2], y)) throw std::invalid_argument("Error converting string '" + tokens[2] + "' to a number.");
        if (!Strings::convert(tokens[3], z)) throw std::invalid_argument("Error converting string '" + tokens[3] + "' to a number.");
        V3D vec(x,y,z);
        if (vec.norm() < 1e-4)
          throw std::invalid_argument("Rotation axis vector should be non-zero!");

        int ccw = 0;
        Strings::convert(tokens[4], ccw);
        if (ccw != 1 && ccw != -1)
          throw std::invalid_argument("The ccw parameter must be 1 (ccw) or -1 (cw) but no other value.");
        // Default to degrees
        gon.pushAxis( axisName, x, y, z, 0.0, ccw);

    if (gon.getNumberAxes() == 0)
      g_log.warning() << "Empty goniometer created; will always return an identity rotation matrix." << std::endl;

    // All went well, copy the goniometer into it. It will throw if the log values cannot be found
    	ws->mutableRun().setGoniometer(gon, true);
    catch (std::runtime_error &)
    	g_log.error("No log values for goniometers");

Пример #2
 * Read single SPE header from the file. It assumes the file stream
 * points at the start of a header section. It is left pointing at the end of
 * this section
 * @return A new ExperimentInfo object storing the data
boost::shared_ptr<API::ExperimentInfo> LoadSQW2::readSingleSPEHeader() {
  auto experiment = boost::make_shared<ExperimentInfo>();
  auto &sample = experiment->mutableSample();
  auto &run = experiment->mutableRun();

  std::string chars;
  // skip filename, filepath
  *m_reader >> chars >> chars;
  float efix(1.0f);
  int32_t emode(0);
  // add ei as log but skip emode
  *m_reader >> efix >> emode;
  run.addProperty("Ei", static_cast<double>(efix), true);

  // lattice - alatt, angdeg, cu, cv = 12 values
  std::vector<float> floats;
  m_reader->read(floats, 12);
  auto lattice = Kernel::make_unique<OrientedLattice>(
      floats[0], floats[1], floats[2], floats[3], floats[4], floats[5]);
  V3D uVec(floats[6], floats[7], floats[8]),
      vVec(floats[9], floats[10], floats[11]);
  lattice->setUFromVectors(uVec, vVec);
  // Lattice is copied into the Sample object
  if (g_log.is(Logger::Priority::PRIO_DEBUG)) {
    std::stringstream os;
    os << "Lattice:"
       << "    alatt: " << lattice->a1() << " " << lattice->a2() << " "
       << lattice->a3() << "\n"
       << "    angdeg: " << lattice->alpha() << " " << lattice->beta() << " "
       << lattice->gamma() << "\n"
       << "    cu: " << floats[6] << " " << floats[7] << " " << floats[8]
       << "\n"
       << "    cv: " << floats[9] << " " << floats[10] << " " << floats[11]
       << "\n"
       << "B matrix (calculated): " << lattice->getB() << "\n"
       << "Inverse B matrix (calculated): " << lattice->getBinv() << "\n";

  // goniometer angles
  float psi(0.0f), omega(0.0f), dpsi(0.0f), gl(0.0f), gs(0.0f);
  *m_reader >> psi >> omega >> dpsi >> gl >> gs;
  V3D uvCross = uVec.cross_prod(vVec);
  Goniometer goniometer;
  goniometer.pushAxis("psi", uvCross[0], uvCross[1], uvCross[2], psi);
  goniometer.pushAxis("omega", uvCross[0], uvCross[1], uvCross[2], omega);
  goniometer.pushAxis("gl", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, gl);
  goniometer.pushAxis("gs", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, gs);
  goniometer.pushAxis("dpsi", 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, dpsi);
  run.setGoniometer(goniometer, false);
  if (g_log.is(Logger::Priority::PRIO_DEBUG)) {
    std::stringstream os;
    os << "Goniometer angles:\n"
       << "    psi: " << psi << "\n"
       << "    omega: " << omega << "\n"
       << "    gl: " << gl << "\n"
       << "    gs: " << gs << "\n"
       << "    dpsi: " << dpsi << "\n"
       << "    goniometer matrix: " << goniometer.getR() << "\n";
  // energy bins
  int32_t nbounds(0);
  *m_reader >> nbounds;
  std::vector<float> enBins(nbounds);
  m_reader->read(enBins, nbounds);
      std::vector<double>(enBins.begin(), enBins.end()));

  // Skip the per-spe file projection information. We only use the
  // information from the data section
  m_file->seekg(96, std::ios_base::cur);
  std::vector<int32_t> ulabel_shape(2);
  m_reader->read(ulabel_shape, 2);
  // shape[0]*shape[1]*sizeof(char)
  m_file->seekg(ulabel_shape[0] * ulabel_shape[1], std::ios_base::cur);

  return experiment;