ComponentDialog::ComponentDialog(SimpleData * nd) : TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), data(nd) { nd->get_browser_node()->edit_start(); if (nd->get_browser_node()->is_writable()) { setOkButton(tr("OK")); setCancelButton(tr("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(tr("Close")); } setWindowTitle(tr("component dialog")); BrowserComponent * bn = (BrowserComponent *) nd->get_browser_node(); init_uml_tab(); rqs = bn->get_required_classes(); init_l_tab(rq_page, rq_stereotypefilter, &ComponentDialog::rq_stereotypeFilterActivated, SLOT(rq_stereotypeFilterActivated(const QString &)), SLOT(require_cls()), SLOT(unrequire_cls()), lb_rq_available, lb_rq, rqs, tr("Required classes")); prs = bn->get_provided_classes(); init_l_tab(pr_page, pr_stereotypefilter, &ComponentDialog::pr_stereotypeFilterActivated, SLOT(pr_stereotypeFilterActivated(const QString &)), SLOT(provide_cls()), SLOT(unprovide_cls()), lb_pr_available, lb_pr, prs, tr("Provided classes")); rzs = bn->get_realizing_classes(); init_l_tab(rz_page, rz_stereotypefilter, &ComponentDialog::rz_stereotypeFilterActivated, SLOT(rz_stereotypeFilterActivated(const QString &)), SLOT(realize_cls()), SLOT(unrealize_cls()), lb_rz_available, lb_rz, rzs, tr("Realizing classes")); // USER : list key - value GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(kvtable = new KeyValuesTable((BrowserComponent *) data->get_browser_node(), grid, !hasOkButton())); addTab(grid, tr("Properties")); // connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(change_tabs(QWidget *))); open_dialog(this); }
void ComponentDialog::init_uml_tab() { bool visit = !hasOkButton(); BrowserComponent * bn = (BrowserComponent *) data->get_browser_node(); VVBox * vbox; GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); umltab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("name : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid)); edname->setReadOnly(visit); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("stereotype : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox(grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(true); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(data->get_stereotype())); if (! visit) { edstereotype->addItems(BrowserComponent::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlComponent)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentIndex(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); grid->addWidget(vbox = new VVBox(grid)); vbox->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("description :"), vbox)); if (! visit) { SmallPushButton* sButton; connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vbox), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); vbox->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(bn->get_comment()); QFont font = comment->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); }
void ActivityDialog::init_tab(CondDialog & d, InfoData & cd, const char * lbl, bool enabled) { GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Pre\ncondition : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(d.edpre = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); d.edpre->setText(cd.first); if (visit) d.edpre->setReadOnly(TRUE); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Post\ncondition : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(d.edpost = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); d.edpost->setText(cd.second); if (visit) d.edpost->setReadOnly(TRUE); addTab(grid, lbl); if (! enabled) removePage(grid); }
void ParameterDialog::init_tab(QWidget *& tab, MultiLineEdit *& ed, const char * v, const char * lbl, const char * sl, bool enabled) { bool visit = !hasOkButton(); GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); tab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); VVBox * vtab; grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("selection : "), vtab)); SmallPushButton* sButton; if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, sl); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(ed = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); QFont font = ed->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); ed->setFont(font); ed->setText(v); if (visit) ed->setReadOnly(TRUE); addTab(grid, lbl); if (! enabled) removePage(grid); }
/** * @brief This function recalculates the routing in and around the box bounded by min and max. * @sa CMod_LoadRouting * @sa Grid_RecalcRouting * @param[in] mapTiles List of tiles the current (RMA-)map is composed of * @param[in] routing The routing map (either server or client map) * @param[in] box The box to recalc routing for * @param[in] list The local models list (a local model has a name starting with * followed by the model number) */ void Grid_RecalcBoxRouting (mapTiles_t* mapTiles, Routing& routing, const GridBox& box, const char** list) { int x, y, z, actorSize, dir; /* check unit heights */ for (actorSize = 1; actorSize <= ACTOR_MAX_SIZE; actorSize++) { GridBox rBox(box); /* the box we will actually reroute */ /* Offset the initial X and Y to compensate for larger actors when needed. */ rBox.expandXY(actorSize - 1); /* also start one level above the box to measure high floors correctly */ rBox.addOneZ(); for (y = rBox.getMinY(); y <= rBox.getMaxY(); y++) { for (x = rBox.getMinX(); x <= rBox.getMaxX(); x++) { /** @note RT_CheckCell goes from top (7) to bottom (0) */ for (z = rBox.getMaxZ(); z >= 0; z--) { const int newZ = RT_CheckCell(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, z, list); assert(newZ <= z); z = newZ; } } } } /* check connections */ for (actorSize = 1; actorSize <= ACTOR_MAX_SIZE; actorSize++) { GridBox rBox(box); /* the box we will actually reroute */ rBox.expandXY(actorSize); /* for connections, expand by the full size of the actor */ rBox.addOneZ(); for (y = rBox.getMinY(); y <= rBox.getMaxY(); y++) { for (x = rBox.getMinX(); x <= rBox.getMaxX(); x++) { for (dir = 0; dir < CORE_DIRECTIONS; dir++) { /* for places outside the model box, skip dirs that can not be affected by the model */ if (x > box.getMaxX() && dir != 1 && dir != 5 && dir != 6) continue; if (y > box.getMaxY() && dir != 3 && dir != 5 && dir != 7) continue; if (actorSize == ACTOR_SIZE_NORMAL) { if (x < box.getMinX() && dir != 0 && dir != 4 && dir != 7) continue; if (y < box.getMinY() && dir != 2 && dir != 4 && dir != 6) continue; } else { /* the position of 2x2 actors is their lower left cell */ if (x < box.getMinX() - 1 && dir != 0 && dir != 4 && dir != 7) continue; if (y < box.getMinY() - 1 && dir != 2 && dir != 4 && dir != 6) continue; } // RT_UpdateConnectionColumn(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, dir, list); RT_UpdateConnectionColumn(mapTiles, routing, actorSize, x, y, dir, list, rBox.getMinZ(), rBox.getMaxZ()); } } } } }
TransitionDialog::TransitionDialog(TransitionData * r) : TabDialog(0, 0, true, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), rel(r) { r->browser_node->edit_start(); if (r->browser_node->is_writable()) { setOkButton(tr("OK")); setCancelButton(tr("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(tr("Close")); } setWindowTitle(tr("Transition dialog")); visit = !hasOkButton(); BrowserNode * bn = rel->browser_node; GridBox * grid; // // general tab // grid = new GridBox(2, this); umltab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("name : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid)); edname->setReadOnly(visit); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("stereotype : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox(grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(!visit); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(rel->get_stereotype())); if (!visit) { //edstereotype->addItems(rel->get_start()->default_stereotypes(type)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlTransition)); } edstereotype->setCurrentIndex(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); if (r->get_start_node() != r->get_end_node()) internal_cb = 0; else { grid->addWidget(new QLabel(grid)); grid->addWidget(internal_cb = new QCheckBox(tr("internal"), grid)); internal_cb->setChecked(r->internal()); } VVBox * vtab; grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("description :"), vtab)); if (! visit) { SmallPushButton* sButton; connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(bn->get_comment()); //comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); // UML / OCL init_tab(ocltab, uml, rel->uml, "Ocl", SLOT(edit_uml_trigger()), SLOT(edit_uml_guard()), SLOT(edit_uml_expr()), TRUE); // CPP init_tab(cppTab, cpp, rel->cpp, "C++", SLOT(edit_cpp_trigger()), SLOT(edit_cpp_guard()), SLOT(edit_cpp_expr()), GenerationSettings::cpp_get_default_defs()); // Java init_tab(javatab, java, rel->java, "Java", SLOT(edit_java_trigger()), SLOT(edit_java_guard()), SLOT(edit_java_expr()), GenerationSettings::java_get_default_defs()); // USER : list key - value grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(bn, grid, visit)); addTab(grid, tr("Properties")); // connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(change_tabs(QWidget *))); open_dialog(this); }
void TransitionDialog::init_tab(QWidget *& tab, TransDialog & d, TransDef & td, const char * lbl, const char * sl_trigger, const char * sl_guard, const char * sl_expr, bool enabled) { GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); VVBox * vtab; SmallPushButton* sButton; tab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("trigger : "), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, sl_trigger); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(d.edtrigger = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); QFont font = d.edtrigger->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); d.edtrigger->setFont(font); d.edtrigger->setText(td.trigger); if (visit) d.edtrigger->setReadOnly(TRUE); grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("guard\nconstraint : "), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, sl_guard); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(d.edguard = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); d.edguard->setFont(font); d.edguard->setText(td.guard); if (visit) d.edguard->setReadOnly(TRUE); grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("activity\nexpression : "), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, sl_expr); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(d.edexpr = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); d.edexpr->setFont(font); d.edexpr->setText(td.expr); if (visit) d.edexpr->setReadOnly(TRUE); addTab(grid, lbl); if (! enabled) removePage(grid); }
ClassInstanceDialog::ClassInstanceDialog(ClassInstanceData * i) : TabDialog(0, "class instance dialog", FALSE, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), inst(i), atbl(0), rtbl(0) { setWindowTitle(tr("Class instance dialog")); BrowserNode * bn = inst->get_browser_node(); bn->edit_start(); if (bn->is_writable()) { setOkButton(tr("OK")); setCancelButton(tr("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(tr("Close")); } visit = !hasOkButton(); GridBox * grid; // general tab grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("name : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid)); if (visit) edname->setReadOnly(TRUE); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("stereotype :"), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox( grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(!visit); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(bn->get_stereotype())); if (! visit) { edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlClassInstance)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } SmallPushButton * b; grid->addWidget(b = new SmallPushButton(tr("class :"), grid)); connect(b, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_class())); grid->addWidget(edtype = new QComboBox(grid)); if (visit) { edtype->addItem(inst->get_class()->full_name()); nodes.append(inst->get_class()); } else { BrowserClass::instances(nodes); nodes.full_names(list); edtype->addItems(list); edtype->setCurrentIndex(nodes.indexOf(inst->get_class())); connect(edtype, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(type_changed(int))); } if (visit) cl_container = 0; else { cl_container = (BrowserNode *) bn->parent(); if ((cl_container != 0) && !cl_container->is_writable()) cl_container = 0; } VVBox * vtab; grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("description :"), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(b =new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); vtab->addWidget(b); } grid->addWidget(comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(bn->get_comment()); QFont font = comment->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); // attributes tab atbl = new MyTable(this); atbl->setColumnCount(3); //atbl->setSortingEnabled(true); atbl->setSelectionMode(QTableWidget::NoSelection); // single does not work atbl->verticalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(true); atbl->verticalHeader()->setSectionsMovable(true); atbl->setHorizontalHeaderLabel(0, tr(" Attribute ")); atbl->setHorizontalHeaderLabel(1, tr(" Class ")); atbl->setHorizontalHeaderLabel(2, tr(" Value ")); addTab(atbl, tr("Attributes")); // relation tab if (! inst->relations.isEmpty()) { rtbl = new RelTable(this, inst, visit); addTab(rtbl, tr("Relations")); } // USER : list key - value grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(bn, grid, visit)); addTab(grid, tr("Properties")); type_changed(edtype->currentIndex()); connect(m_tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(update_all_tabs(int))); open_dialog(this); }
ConstrDestrCopyDialog::ConstrDestrCopyDialog(UmlClass * cl, bool have_constructor, bool have_destructor, bool have_copy, bool have_const_copy, bool have_assignment, bool have_const_assignment) : QDialog(0), target(cl) { setModal(true); QVBoxLayout * vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this); GridBox * g; QList<QLabel*> labels; QLabel * lbl; vbox->setSpacing(5); vbox->setMargin(5); lbl = new QLabel(QString("<big><b>C++ utilities for the class <i><tt>") + (const char *) cl->name() + "</tt></i></b></big>", this); lbl->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); vbox->addWidget(lbl); // constructor g = new GridBox(2, this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel((have_constructor) ? "the class already have contructor " : "the class doesn't have contructor ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); HHBox * h; g->addWidget(h = new HHBox(g)); h->addWidget(add_constr = new QCheckBox("add constructor", h)); h->addWidget(constr_explicit = new QCheckBox("explicit", h)); // destructor if (! have_destructor) { g = new GridBox(2,this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel("the class doesn't have destructor ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); h = new HHBox(g); g->addWidget(h); h->addWidget(add_destr = new QCheckBox("add destructor", h)); h->addWidget(virtual_destr = new QCheckBox("virtual", h)); } else add_destr = 0; // copy contructor if (have_copy) { add_copy = 0; if (!have_const_copy) { g = new GridBox(2, this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel("the class doesn't have copy contructor \nwith const argument ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); g->addWidget(add_const_copy = new QCheckBox("add copy constructor\nwith const argument", g)); } else add_const_copy = 0; } else if (!have_const_copy) { g = new GridBox(2, this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel("the class doesn't have copy contructor ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); VVBox * v = new VVBox(g); g->addWidget(v); v->addWidget(add_const_copy = new QCheckBox("add copy constructor\nwith const argument", v)); v->addWidget(add_copy = new QCheckBox("add copy constructor\nwith non const argument", v)); } else { g = new GridBox(2,this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel("the class doesn't have copy contructor \nwith non const argument ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); g->addWidget(add_copy = new QCheckBox("add copy constructor\nwith non const argument", g)); add_const_copy = 0; } // assignment if (have_assignment) { add_assign = 0; if (!have_const_assignment) { g = new GridBox(2, this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel("the class doesn't have assignment\noperator with const argument ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); g->addWidget(add_const_assign = new QCheckBox("add assignment\nwith const argument", g)); } else add_const_assign = 0; } else if (!have_const_assignment) { g = new GridBox(2, this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel("the class doesn't have assignment operator ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); VVBox * v = new VVBox(g); g->addWidget(v); v->addWidget(add_const_assign = new QCheckBox("add assignment\nwith const argument", v)); v->addWidget(add_assign = new QCheckBox("add assignment\nwith non const argument", v)); } else { g = new GridBox(2,this); vbox->addWidget(g); labels.append(lbl = new QLabel("the class doesn't have assignment operator \nwith non const argument ", g)); g->addWidget(lbl); g->addWidget(add_assign = new QCheckBox("add assignment\nwith non const argument", g)); add_const_assign = 0; } // use the same width for all the labels on the first column QSize sz(labels.first()->sizeHint()); foreach (lbl,labels) { if (lbl->sizeHint().width() > sz.width()) sz.setWidth(lbl->sizeHint().width()); } foreach (lbl,labels) { sz.setHeight(lbl->sizeHint().height()); lbl->setFixedSize(sz); }
StateDialog::StateDialog(StateData * d) : TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), state(d) { d->browser_node->edit_start(); if (d->browser_node->is_writable()) { setOkButton(tr("OK")); setCancelButton(tr("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(tr("Close")); } setWindowTitle(tr("State dialog")); visit = !hasOkButton(); BrowserNode * bn = state->browser_node; GridBox * grid; // // general tab // grid = new GridBox(2, this); umltab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("name : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid)); edname->setReadOnly(visit); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("stereotype : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox( grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(!visit); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(state->get_stereotype())); if (!visit) { edstereotype->addItems(BrowserState::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlState)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentIndex(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); SmallPushButton* sButton; connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("specification :"), grid), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_specification())); grid->addWidget(sButton); grid->addWidget(edspecification = new QComboBox(grid)); edspecification->setSizePolicy(sp); if (visit) { if (state->get_specification() == 0) edspecification->addItem(""); else edspecification->addItem(state->get_specification()->full_name(TRUE)); } else { edspecification->addItem(""); edspecification->setAutoCompletion(completion()); BrowserOperation::instances(opers); opers.full_names(speclist); edspecification->addItems(speclist); edspecification->setCurrentIndex((state->get_specification() == 0) ? 0 : opers.indexOf(state->get_specification()) + 1); } switch (((BrowserNode *) bn->parent())->get_type()) { case UmlState: case UmlRegion: if ((state->get_reference() != 0) || (bn->firstChild() == 0)) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("reference :"), grid), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_reference())); grid->addWidget(sButton); grid->addWidget(edreference = new QComboBox(grid)); edreference->setSizePolicy(sp); if (visit) { if (state->get_reference() == 0) edreference->addItem(""); else edreference->addItem(state->get_reference()->full_name(TRUE)); } else { edreference->addItem(""); edreference->setAutoCompletion(completion()); if (((BrowserState *) bn)->can_reference()) { BrowserState::instances(states, TRUE); QMutableListIterator<BrowserNode *> it(states); while (it.hasNext()) { BrowserState *state = (BrowserState *); if (!((BrowserState *) bn)->can_reference(state) || state->is_ref()) { it.remove(); } } } else states.append(state->get_reference()); states.full_names(reflist); edreference->addItems(reflist); edreference->setCurrentIndex((state->get_reference() == 0) ? 0 : states.indexOf(state->get_reference()) + 1); connect(edreference, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(ed_ref_activated(int))); } break; } // no break default: edreference = 0; }
/** * @brief This function recalculates the routing surrounding the entity name. * @sa CM_InlineModel * @sa CM_CheckUnit * @sa CM_UpdateConnection * @sa CMod_LoadSubmodels * @sa Grid_RecalcBoxRouting * @param[in] mapTiles List of tiles the current (RMA-)map is composed of * @param[in] routing The routing map (either server or client map) * @param[in] name Name of the inline model to compute the mins/maxs for * @param[in] box The box around the inline model (alternative to name) * @param[in] list The local models list (a local model has a name starting with * followed by the model number) */ void Grid_RecalcRouting (mapTiles_t* mapTiles, Routing& routing, const char* name, const GridBox& box, const char** list) { if (box.isZero()) { /* get inline model, if it is one */ if (*name != '*') { Com_Printf("Called Grid_RecalcRouting with no inline model\n"); return; } const cBspModel_t* model = CM_InlineModel(mapTiles, name); if (!model) { Com_Printf("Called Grid_RecalcRouting with invalid inline model name '%s'\n", name); return; } AABB absbox; #if 1 /* An attempt to fix the 'doors starting opened' bug (# 3456). * The main difference is the (missing) rotation of the halfVec. * The results are better, but do not fix the problem. */ CalculateMinsMaxs(model->angles, model->cbmBox, model->origin, absbox); #else /* get the target model's dimensions */ if (VectorNotEmpty(model->angles)) { vec3_t minVec, maxVec; vec3_t centerVec, halfVec, newCenterVec; vec3_t m[3]; /* Find the center of the extents. */ model->cbmBox.getCenter(centerVec); /* Find the half height and half width of the extents. */ VectorSubtract(model->cbmBox.maxs, centerVec, halfVec); /* Rotate the center about the origin. */ VectorCreateRotationMatrix(model->angles, m); VectorRotate(m, centerVec, newCenterVec); /* Set minVec and maxVec to bound around newCenterVec at halfVec size. */ VectorSubtract(newCenterVec, halfVec, minVec); VectorAdd(newCenterVec, halfVec, maxVec); /* Now offset by origin then convert to position (Doors do not have 0 origins) */ absbox.set(minVec, maxVec); absbox.shift(model->origin); } else { /* normal */ /* Now offset by origin then convert to position (Doors do not have 0 origins) */ absbox.set(model->cbmBox); absbox.shift(model->origin); } #endif GridBox rerouteBox(absbox); /* fit min/max into the world size */ rerouteBox.clipToMaxBoundaries(); /* We now have the dimensions, call the generic rerouting function. */ Grid_RecalcBoxRouting(mapTiles, routing, rerouteBox, list); } else { /* use the passed box */ Grid_RecalcBoxRouting(mapTiles, routing, box, list); } }
Dialog::Dialog() : QDialog(0) { setModal(true); QVBoxLayout * vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this); VGridBox * gbox; BButtonGroup * bg; HHBox * htab; vbox->setMargin(5); gbox = new VGridBox(10,this,"Filters"); vbox->addWidget(gbox); gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("filter 1 : ", htab)); htab->addWidget(filter1_le = new LineEdit(htab)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(htab)); //bg->setRadioButtonExclusive(TRUE); bg->addWidget(with1_rb = new QRadioButton("with", bg)); bg->addWidget(new QRadioButton("without", bg)); with1_rb->setChecked(TRUE); // gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("", htab)); htab->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(htab)); //bg->setRadioButtonExclusive(TRUE); bg->addWidget(and12_rb = new QRadioButton("and", bg)); bg->addWidget(new QRadioButton("or", bg)); and12_rb->setChecked(TRUE); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("", htab)); // gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("filter 2 : ", htab)); htab->addWidget(filter2_le = new LineEdit(htab)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(htab)); //bg->setRadioButtonExclusive(TRUE); bg->addWidget(with2_rb = new QRadioButton("with", bg)); bg->addWidget(new QRadioButton("without", bg)); with2_rb->setChecked(TRUE); // gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("", htab)); htab->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(htab)); //bg->setRadioButtonExclusive(TRUE); bg->addWidget(and23_rb = new QRadioButton("and", bg)); bg->addWidget(new QRadioButton("or", bg)); and23_rb->setChecked(TRUE); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("", htab)); // gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("filter 3 : ", htab)); htab->addWidget(filter3_le = new LineEdit(htab)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(htab)); //bg->setRadioButtonExclusive(TRUE); bg->addWidget(with3_rb = new QRadioButton("with", bg)); bg->addWidget(new QRadioButton("without", bg)); with3_rb->setChecked(TRUE); // // gbox = new VGridBox(2,this,"Stereotype" ); vbox->addWidget(gbox); gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(htab)); //bg->setRadioButtonExclusive(TRUE); bg->addWidget(any_rb = new QRadioButton("any", bg)); bg->addWidget(is_rb = new QRadioButton("is", bg)); bg->addWidget(isnot_rb = new QRadioButton("is not", bg)); any_rb->setChecked(TRUE); htab->addWidget(stereotype_le = new QLineEdit(htab)); // // gbox = new VGridBox(2,this,"Targets" ); vbox->addWidget(gbox); gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(artifact_cb = new QCheckBox("artifact", htab)); htab->addWidget(class_cb = new QCheckBox("class", htab)); htab->addWidget(operation_cb = new QCheckBox("operation", htab)); htab->addWidget(attribute_cb = new QCheckBox("attribute", htab)); htab->addWidget(relation_cb = new QCheckBox("relation", htab)); // // gbox = new VGridBox(2,this,"Languages"); vbox->addWidget(gbox); gbox->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(gbox)); //htab->setMargin(5); htab->addWidget(cpp_cb = new QCheckBox("C++", htab)); htab->addWidget(java_cb = new QCheckBox("Java", htab)); htab->addWidget(php_cb = new QCheckBox("Php", htab)); htab->addWidget(python_cb = new QCheckBox("Python", htab)); htab->addWidget(idl_cb = new QCheckBox("Idl", htab)); // // GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); vbox->addWidget(grid); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("current : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(current_le = new LineEdit(grid)); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("new : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(new_le = new LineEdit(grid)); // // htab = new HHBox(this); htab->setMargin(5); vbox->addWidget(htab); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(htab)); QPushButton * replace; htab->addWidget(replace = new QPushButton("Replace", htab)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(htab)); QPushButton * quit; htab->addWidget(quit = new QPushButton("Quit", htab)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(htab)); QSize bs(replace->sizeHint()); quit->setFixedSize(bs); connect(replace, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(do_replace())); connect(quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); }
Dialog::Dialog(UmlArtifact * art, const QByteArray & path_exe, QByteArray & pro, QByteArray & target, QByteArray & tmplt, QByteArray & config, QByteArray & defines, QByteArray & includepath, QByteArray & dependpath, QByteArray & objectsdir, QByteArray & footer) : QDialog(0), _art(art), _pro(pro), _target(target), _tmplt(tmplt), _config(config), _defines(defines), _includepath(includepath), _dependpath(dependpath), _objectsdir(objectsdir), _footer(footer) { setModal(true); QDir d(path_exe); QVBoxLayout * vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this); GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); HHBox * htab; int index; vbox->addWidget(grid); vbox->setMargin(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(".pro file : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(edpro = new QLineEdit(htab)); edpro->setText(d.absoluteFilePath(pro)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(browsepro = new SmallPushButton("browse", htab)); connect(browsepro, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browse_pro())); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("target : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(edtarget = new QLineEdit(htab)); edtarget->setText(d.absoluteFilePath(target)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(browsetarget = new SmallPushButton("browse", htab)); connect(browsetarget, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browse_target())); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("template : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(cbtemplate = new QComboBox(grid)); cbtemplate->setEditable(true); static const char * templates[] = { "app", "lib", "subdirs" }; bool find = FALSE; for (index = 0; index != sizeof(templates) / sizeof(*templates); index += 1) { cbtemplate->addItem(templates[index]); if (tmplt == templates[index]) { cbtemplate->setCurrentIndex(index); find = TRUE; } } if (! find) { cbtemplate->addItem((QString) tmplt); cbtemplate->setCurrentIndex(index); } grid->addWidget(new QLabel("config : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(cbconf[0] = new QComboBox( htab)); cbconf[0]->addItem("debug"); cbconf[0]->addItem("release"); QStringList lcnf = QString(config).split(" "); //QStringList::split(" ", (const char *) config); QStringList::Iterator it = lcnf.begin(); cbconf[0]->setCurrentIndex((*it++ == "debug") ? 0 : 1); htab->addWidget(cbconf[1] = new QComboBox( htab)); cbconf[1]->addItem("warn_on"); cbconf[1]->addItem("warn_off"); cbconf[1]->setCurrentIndex((*it++ == "warn_on") ? 0 : 1); QSizePolicy sp = cbconf[0]->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed); cbconf[0]->setSizePolicy(sp); cbconf[1]->setSizePolicy(sp); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" qt ", htab)); it++; // qt /*const char * configs[] = { "", "opengl", "thread", "x11", "windows", "console", "dll", "staticlib", 0 };*/ QStringList configs; configs<<""<<"opengl"<<"thread"<<"x11"<<"windows"<< "console"<<"dll"<<"staticlib"; for (index = 2; index != sizeof(cbconf) / sizeof(*cbconf) - 1; index += 1) { htab->addWidget(cbconf[index] = new QComboBox( htab)); cbconf[index]->setEditable(true); if (it != lcnf.end()) cbconf[index]->addItem(*it++); cbconf[index]->addItems(configs); cbconf[index]->setCurrentIndex(0); } htab->addWidget(cbconf[index] = new QComboBox( htab)); cbconf[index]->setEditable(true); if (it != lcnf.end()) { QString s = *it++; while (it != lcnf.end()) s += " " + *it++; cbconf[index]->addItem(s); } cbconf[index]->addItems(configs); cbconf[index]->setCurrentIndex(0); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("defines : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(eddefines = new QLineEdit(grid)); eddefines->setText(defines); ///may be computed grid->addWidget(new QLabel("include paths : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(edincludepath = new QLineEdit(htab)); edincludepath->setText(includepath); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(computeincludepath = new SmallPushButton("compute", htab)); connect(computeincludepath, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(compute_includepath())); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("depend paths : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(eddependpath = new QLineEdit(grid)); eddependpath->setText(dependpath); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("objects dir : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(edobjectsdir = new QLineEdit(htab)); edobjectsdir->setText(objectsdir); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(browseobjectsdir = new SmallPushButton("browse", htab)); connect(browseobjectsdir, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(browse_objectsdir())); grid->addWidget(new QLabel("footer : ", grid)); grid->addWidget(edfooter = new QTextEdit(grid)); edfooter->setText(footer); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(grid)); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(grid)); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(htab)); QPushButton * ok ; htab->addWidget(ok = new QPushButton("&OK", htab)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(htab)); QPushButton * cancel; htab->addWidget( cancel = new QPushButton("&Cancel", htab)); htab->addWidget(new QLabel(htab)); QSize bs(cancel->sizeHint()); ok->setDefault(TRUE); if (ok->sizeHint().width() > bs.width()) bs.setWidth(ok->sizeHint().width()); ok->setFixedSize(bs); cancel->setFixedSize(bs); connect(ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept())); connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); }
PseudoStateDialog::PseudoStateDialog(PseudoStateData * ps) : TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), pst(ps) { BrowserPseudoState * bn = (BrowserPseudoState *) pst->browser_node; BrowserState * refst; SmallPushButton* sButton; switch (bn->get_type()) { case EntryPointPS: case ExitPointPS: if (((BrowserNode *) bn->parent())->get_type() == UmlState) { refst = ((StateData *)((BrowserNode *) bn->parent())->get_data())->get_reference(); break; } // no break default: refst = 0; } bn->edit_start(); if (bn->is_writable()) { setOkButton(TR("OK")); setCancelButton(TR("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(TR("Close")); } QString s = stringify(bn->get_type()); int index = s.indexOf("_"); if (index != -1) s.replace(index, 1, " "); setCaption((s + " dialog")); visit = !hasOkButton(); // general tab GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("name : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid)); edname->setReadOnly(visit); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("stereotype : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox(grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(!visit); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(pst->get_stereotype())); if (! visit) { edstereotype->addItems(BrowserPseudoState::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(bn->get_type())); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentIndex(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); if (refst != 0) { connect(new SmallPushButton(TR("reference :"), grid), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_reference())); grid->addWidget(edreference = new QComboBox(grid)); edreference->setSizePolicy(sp); BrowserNode * ref = ((pst->get_reference() == 0) || !bn->can_reference(pst->get_reference())) ? 0 : pst->get_reference(); if (visit) { if (ref == 0) edreference->addItem(""); else edreference->addItem(ref->full_name(TRUE)); } else { edreference->addItem(""); edreference->setAutoCompletion(completion()); BrowserNode * child; UmlCode k = bn->get_type(); for (child = refst->firstChild(); child != 0; child = child->nextSibling()) { if (!((BrowserNode *) child)->deletedp()) { UmlCode kk = ((BrowserNode *) child)->get_type(); if (kk == k) pseudostates.append((BrowserNode *) child); else if (kk == UmlRegion) { for (BrowserNode * schild = child->firstChild(); schild != 0; schild = schild->nextSibling()) { if (!((BrowserNode *) schild)->deletedp() && (((BrowserNode *) schild)->get_type() == k)) pseudostates.append((BrowserNode *) schild); } } } } pseudostates.sort(); pseudostates.full_names(reflist); edreference->addItems(reflist); edreference->setCurrentIndex((ref == 0) ? 0 : pseudostates.indexOf(ref) + 1); } } else edreference = 0; VVBox * vtab; grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("description :"), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(TR("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(bn->get_comment()); QFont font = comment->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); // USER : list key - value grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(bn, grid, visit)); addTab(grid, TR("Properties")); open_dialog(this); }
ActivityDialog::ActivityDialog(ActivityData * d) : TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), activity(d) { d->browser_node->edit_start(); if (d->browser_node->is_writable()) { setOkButton(tr("OK")); setCancelButton(tr("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(tr("Close")); } setWindowTitle(tr("Activity dialog")); visit = !hasOkButton(); BrowserNode * bn = activity->browser_node; GridBox * grid; // // general tab // grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("name : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid)); edname->setReadOnly(visit); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("stereotype : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox(grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(!visit); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(activity->get_stereotype())); if (!visit) { edstereotype->addItems(BrowserActivity::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlActivity)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentIndex(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); SmallPushButton* sButton; connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("specification :"), grid), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_specification())); grid->addWidget(sButton); grid->addWidget(edspecification = new QComboBox(grid)); edspecification->setSizePolicy(sp); if (visit) { if (activity->get_specification() == 0) edspecification->addItem(""); else edspecification->addItem(activity->get_specification()->full_name(TRUE)); } else { edspecification->addItem(""); edspecification->setAutoCompletion(completion()); BrowserOperation::instances(opers); opers.full_names(list); edspecification->addItems(list); edspecification->setCurrentIndex((activity->get_specification() == 0) ? 0 : opers.indexOf(activity->get_specification()) + 1); } grid->addWidget(new QLabel(grid)); BButtonGroup * bg; grid->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(3, Qt::Horizontal, QString(), grid)); bg->addWidget(readonly_cb = new QCheckBox(tr("read only"), bg)); if (activity->read_only) readonly_cb->setChecked(TRUE); readonly_cb->setDisabled(visit); bg->addWidget(singlexec_cb = new QCheckBox(tr("single execution"), bg)); if (activity->single_execution) singlexec_cb->setChecked(TRUE); singlexec_cb->setDisabled(visit); bg->addWidget(active_cb = new QCheckBox(tr("active"), bg)); if (activity->is_active) active_cb->setChecked(TRUE); active_cb->setDisabled(visit); VVBox * vtab; grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("description :"), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(bn->get_comment()); //comment->setFont(font); grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("constraint :"), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_constraint())); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(constraint = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); constraint->setReadOnly(visit); constraint->setText(activity->constraint); //constraint->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); // UML / OCL init_tab(uml, activity->uml_condition, "Ocl", TRUE); // CPP init_tab(cpp, activity->cpp_condition, "C++", GenerationSettings::cpp_get_default_defs()); // Java init_tab(java, activity->java_condition, "Java", GenerationSettings::java_get_default_defs()); // USER : list key - value grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(bn, grid, visit)); addTab(grid, tr("Properties")); // connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(change_tabs(QWidget *))); open_dialog(this); }
ParameterDialog::ParameterDialog(ParameterData * pa) : TabDialog(0, 0, true, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), param(pa) { pa->browser_node->edit_start(); if (pa->browser_node->is_writable()) { setOkButton(tr("OK")); setCancelButton(tr("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(tr("Close")); } visit = !hasOkButton(); setWindowTitle(tr("Parameter dialog")); GridBox * grid; HHBox * htab; QString s; // general tab grid = new GridBox(2, this); umltab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("name :"), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(pa->name(), grid)); edname->setReadOnly(visit); QFont font = edname->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("stereotype : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox(grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(!visit); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(pa->stereotype)); if (! visit) { edstereotype->addItems(BrowserParameter::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlParameter)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentIndex(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); SmallPushButton* sButton; connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("type :"), grid), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(menu_type())); grid->addWidget(sButton); grid->addWidget(edtype = new QComboBox( grid)); edtype->setEditable(!visit); edtype->addItem(pa->get_type().get_full_type()); if (!visit) { BrowserClass::instances(nodes); nodes.full_names(list); edtype->addItems(GenerationSettings::basic_types()); offset = edtype->count(); edtype->addItems(list); edtype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); view = pa->browser_node->container(UmlClass); } edtype->setCurrentIndex(0); edtype->setSizePolicy(sp); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("direction :"), grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(eddir = new QComboBox(htab)); UmlParamDirection dir = pa->get_dir(); eddir->addItem(stringify(dir)); if (! visit) { if (dir != UmlInOut) eddir->addItem(stringify(UmlInOut)); if (dir != UmlIn) eddir->addItem(stringify(UmlIn)); if (dir != UmlOut) eddir->addItem(stringify(UmlOut)); if (dir != UmlReturn) eddir->addItem(stringify(UmlReturn)); } htab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr(" multiplicity : "), htab)); htab->addWidget( edmultiplicity = new QComboBox(htab)); edmultiplicity->setEditable(!visit); edmultiplicity->setSizePolicy(sp); edmultiplicity->addItem(pa->get_multiplicity()); if (!visit) { edmultiplicity->addItem("1"); edmultiplicity->addItem("0..1"); edmultiplicity->addItem("*"); edmultiplicity->addItem("1..*"); } htab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr(" ordering : "), htab)); htab->addWidget(edordering = new QComboBox(htab)); UmlOrderingKind o = pa->get_ordering(); edordering->addItem(stringify(o)); if (!visit) { if (o != UmlUnordered) edordering->addItem(stringify(UmlUnordered)); if (o != UmlOrdered) edordering->addItem(stringify(UmlOrdered)); if (o != UmlLifo) edordering->addItem(stringify(UmlLifo)); if (o != UmlFifo) edordering->addItem(stringify(UmlFifo)); } htab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr(" effect : "), htab)); htab->addWidget(edeffect = new QComboBox(htab)); UmlParamEffect e = pa->get_effect(); edeffect->addItem(stringify(e)); if (!visit) { if (e != UmlNoEffect) edeffect->addItem(stringify(UmlNoEffect)); if (e != UmlCreate) edeffect->addItem(stringify(UmlCreate)); if (e != UmlRead) edeffect->addItem(stringify(UmlRead)); if (e != UmlUpdate) edeffect->addItem(stringify(UmlUpdate)); if (e != UmlDelete) edeffect->addItem(stringify(UmlDelete)); } grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("in state : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edin_state = new LineEdit(pa->in_state, grid)); edin_state->setReadOnly(visit); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("default value :"), grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(edinit = new LineEdit(pa->get_default_value(), htab)); if (visit) { edinit->setReadOnly(TRUE); } else { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), htab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_init())); htab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(new QLabel(grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); BButtonGroup * bg ; htab->addWidget( bg = new BButtonGroup(2, Qt::Horizontal, QString(), htab)); bg->addWidget(is_control_cb = new QCheckBox(tr("is_control"), bg)); if (pa->is_control) is_control_cb->setChecked(TRUE); is_control_cb->setDisabled(visit); bg->addWidget(unique_cb = new QCheckBox(tr("unique"), bg)); if (pa->unique) unique_cb->setChecked(TRUE); unique_cb->setDisabled(visit); htab->addWidget(bg = new BButtonGroup(3, Qt::Horizontal, QString(), htab)); bg->setExclusive(TRUE); bg->addWidget(standard_rb = new QRadioButton(tr("standard"), bg)); bg->addWidget(exception_rb = new QRadioButton(tr("exception"), bg)); bg->addWidget(stream_rb = new QRadioButton(tr("stream"), bg)); if (pa->exception) exception_rb->setChecked(TRUE); else if (pa->stream) stream_rb->setChecked(TRUE); else standard_rb->setChecked(TRUE); VVBox * vtab; grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("description :"), vtab)); if (! visit) { connect(sButton = new SmallPushButton(tr("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); vtab->addWidget(sButton); } grid->addWidget(comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(pa->browser_node->get_comment()); comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); init_tab(ocltab, eduml_selection, pa->uml_selection, "Ocl", SLOT(edit_uml_selection()), TRUE); // C++ init_tab(cppTab, edcpp_selection, pa->cpp_selection, "C++", SLOT(edit_cpp_selection()), GenerationSettings::cpp_get_default_defs()); // Java init_tab(javatab, edjava_selection, pa->java_selection, "Java", SLOT(edit_java_selection()), GenerationSettings::java_get_default_defs()); // USER : list key - value grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(pa->browser_node, grid, visit)); addTab(grid, tr("Properties")); // connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(change_tabs(QWidget *))); open_dialog(this); }
ExpansionRegionDialog::ExpansionRegionDialog(ExpansionRegionData * nd) : TabDialog(0, 0, FALSE, Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose), data(nd) { nd->browser_node->edit_start(); if (nd->browser_node->is_writable()) { setOkButton(TR("OK")); setCancelButton(TR("Cancel")); } else { setOkButton(QString()); setCancelButton(TR("Close")); } setWindowTitle(TR("Expansion Region dialog")); bool visit = !hasOkButton(); // general tab BrowserNode * bn = data->get_browser_node(); GridBox * grid = new GridBox(2, this); umltab = grid; grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("name : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edname = new LineEdit(bn->get_name(), grid)); edname->setReadOnly(visit); grid->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("stereotype : "), grid)); grid->addWidget(edstereotype = new QComboBox(grid)); edstereotype->setEditable(!visit); edstereotype->addItem(toUnicode(data->get_stereotype())); if (! visit) { edstereotype->addItems(BrowserExpansionRegion::default_stereotypes()); edstereotype->addItems(ProfiledStereotypes::defaults(UmlExpansionRegion)); edstereotype->setAutoCompletion(completion()); } edstereotype->setCurrentIndex(0); QSizePolicy sp = edstereotype->sizePolicy(); sp.setHorizontalPolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding); edstereotype->setSizePolicy(sp); HHBox * htab; grid->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("mode :"), grid)); grid->addWidget(htab = new HHBox(grid)); htab->addWidget(edmode = new QComboBox(htab)); UmlExpansionKind m = data->get_mode(); edmode->addItem(stringify(m)); if (! visit) { if (m != UmlParallel) edmode->addItem(stringify(UmlParallel)); if (m != UmlIterative) edmode->addItem(stringify(UmlIterative)); if (m != UmlStream) edmode->addItem(stringify(UmlStream)); } htab->addWidget(new QLabel(" ", htab)); htab->addWidget(must_isolate_cb = new QCheckBox(TR("must isolate"), htab)); if (data->must_isolate) must_isolate_cb->setChecked(TRUE); must_isolate_cb->setDisabled(visit); htab->addWidget(new QLabel("", htab)); VVBox * vtab; grid->addWidget(vtab = new VVBox(grid)); vtab->addWidget(new QLabel(TR("description :"), vtab)); SmallPushButton* b; if (! visit) { connect(b = new SmallPushButton(TR("Editor"), vtab), SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(edit_description())); vtab->addWidget(b); } grid->addWidget(comment = new MultiLineEdit(grid)); comment->setReadOnly(visit); comment->setText(bn->get_comment()); QFont font = comment->font(); if (! hasCodec()) font.setFamily("Courier"); font.setFixedPitch(TRUE); comment->setFont(font); addTab(grid, "Uml"); // USER : list key - value grid = new GridBox(2, this); grid->setMargin(5); grid->setSpacing(5); grid->addWidget(kvtable = new KeyValuesTable(bn, grid, visit)); addTab(grid, TR("Properties")); // connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(change_tabs(QWidget *))); open_dialog(this); }
/** * @brief This function recalculates the routing surrounding the entity name. * @sa CM_InlineModel * @sa CM_CheckUnit * @sa CM_UpdateConnection * @sa CMod_LoadSubmodels * @sa Grid_RecalcBoxRouting * @param[in] mapTiles List of tiles the current (RMA-)map is composed of * @param[in] routing The routing map (either server or client map) * @param[in] name Name of the inline model to compute the mins/maxs for * @param[in] box The box around the inline model (alternative to name) * @param[in] list The local models list (a local model has a name starting with * followed by the model number) */ void Grid_RecalcRouting (mapTiles_t *mapTiles, Routing &routing, const char *name, const GridBox &box, const char **list) { if (box.isZero()) { pos3_t min, max; vec3_t absmin, absmax; const cBspModel_t *model; unsigned int i; /* get inline model, if it is one */ if (*name != '*') { Com_Printf("Called Grid_RecalcRouting with no inline model\n"); return; } model = CM_InlineModel(mapTiles, name); if (!model) { Com_Printf("Called Grid_RecalcRouting with invalid inline model name '%s'\n", name); return; } #if 1 /* An attempt to fix the 'doors starting opened' bug (# 3456). * The main difference is the (missing) rotation of the halfVec. * The results are better, but do not fix the problem. */ CalculateMinsMaxs(model->angles, model->mins, model->maxs, model->origin, absmin, absmax); #else /* get the target model's dimensions */ if (VectorNotEmpty(model->angles)) { vec3_t minVec, maxVec; vec3_t centerVec, halfVec, newCenterVec; vec3_t m[3]; /* Find the center of the extents. */ VectorCenterFromMinsMaxs(model->mins, model->maxs, centerVec); /* Find the half height and half width of the extents. */ VectorSubtract(model->maxs, centerVec, halfVec); /* Rotate the center about the origin. */ VectorCreateRotationMatrix(model->angles, m); VectorRotate(m, centerVec, newCenterVec); /* Set minVec and maxVec to bound around newCenterVec at halfVec size. */ VectorSubtract(newCenterVec, halfVec, minVec); VectorAdd(newCenterVec, halfVec, maxVec); /* Now offset by origin then convert to position (Doors do not have 0 origins) */ VectorAdd(minVec, model->origin, absmin); VectorAdd(maxVec, model->origin, absmax); } else { /* normal */ /* Now offset by origin then convert to position (Doors do not have 0 origins) */ VectorAdd(model->mins, model->origin, absmin); VectorAdd(model->maxs, model->origin, absmax); } #endif VecToPos(absmin, min); VecToPos(absmax, max); /* fit min/max into the world size */ max[0] = std::min(max[0], (pos_t)(PATHFINDING_WIDTH - 1)); max[1] = std::min(max[1], (pos_t)(PATHFINDING_WIDTH - 1)); max[2] = std::min(max[2], (pos_t)(PATHFINDING_HEIGHT - 1)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) min[i] = std::max(min[i], (pos_t)0); /* We now have the dimensions, call the generic rerouting function. */ GridBox rerouteBox(min, max); Grid_RecalcBoxRouting(mapTiles, routing, rerouteBox, list); } else { /* use the passed box */ Grid_RecalcBoxRouting(mapTiles, routing, box, list); } }
SettingsDialog::SettingsDialog(StateSpecVector * st, ColorSpecVector * co, bool nodefault, bool unchanged, QString title) : TabDialog(0, title.toLatin1().constData(), TRUE), states(st), colors(co), first_visible_page(0), several(unchanged), did_apply(FALSE) { setWindowTitle((title.isEmpty()) ? QObject::tr("Diagram Drawing Settings dialog") : title); QString s_diagram = QObject::tr("diagram"); QWidget * grid = 0; QString tabname; unsigned i; unsigned n; if (states != 0) { n = states->size(); cbstates = new QHash<int,ComboStates*>; for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { StateSpec & st = states->at(i); QString s =; int index = s.indexOf('#'); QString tbn; if (index != -1) { tbn = s.left(index); s = s.mid(index + 1); } else tbn = s_diagram; if ((grid == 0) || (tabname != tbn)) { if (grid != 0) { addTab(grid, tabname); grid->setObjectName(tabname); if (tabname == previous_active_tab) first_visible_page = grid; } grid = WidgetWithLayout::gridBox(5, this); grid->layout()->setMargin(0); grid->layout()->setSpacing(0); tabname = tbn; } QGridLayout *gridLayout = (QGridLayout *)grid->layout(); int currentRow = gridLayout->rowCount(); //gridLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("", grid), currentRow, 0); gridLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(s + " : ", grid), currentRow, 1); QWidget * hb = WidgetWithLayout::hBox( grid); QHBoxLayout* hLayout; hLayout = (QHBoxLayout*)hb->layout(); hLayout->setMargin(0); gridLayout->addWidget(hb, currentRow, 2); ComboStates* widget; switch (st.who) { case StateSpec::is3states: cbstates->insert(i, widget = new ComboStates(hb, *((Uml3States *) st.state), nodefault, unchanged)); break; case StateSpec::isClassDrawingMode: cbstates->insert(i, widget = new ComboStates(hb, *((ClassDrawingMode *) st.state), nodefault, unchanged)); break; case StateSpec::isDrawingLanguage: cbstates->insert(i, widget = new ComboStates(hb, *((DrawingLanguage *) st.state), nodefault, unchanged)); break; case StateSpec::isShowContextMode: cbstates->insert(i, widget = new ComboStates(hb, *((ShowContextMode *) st.state), nodefault, unchanged)); break; default: cbstates->insert(i, widget = new ComboStates(hb, *((char *) st.state), nodefault, unchanged)); } hLayout->addWidget(widget); hLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("", hb)); gridLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("", grid),currentRow, 3); gridLayout->addWidget(new QLabel("", grid),currentRow, 4); } addTab(grid, tabname); grid->setObjectName(tabname); if (tabname == previous_active_tab) first_visible_page = grid; } if (colors != 0) { QString lbl = QObject::tr("color"); QString s_default = QObject::tr("default "); n = colors->size(); cbcolors = new QHash<int, ComboColor*>; GridBox *gridBox = new GridBox( 5, this); gridBox->setMargin(2); gridBox->setSpacing(2); for (i = 0; i != n; i += 1) { if (i == 11) { lbl = QObject::tr("color [1]"); addTab(gridBox, lbl); gridBox->setObjectName(lbl); if (previous_active_tab == lbl) first_visible_page = gridBox; lbl = QObject::tr("color [2]"); gridBox = new GridBox(5, this); gridBox->setMargin(2); gridBox->setSpacing(2); } gridBox->addWidget(new QLabel("", grid)); QString s = colors->at(i).name; s += " : "; gridBox->addWidget(new QLabel(s, grid)); ComboColor *ccolor = new ComboColor(grid, *(colors->at(i).color),nodefault, unchanged); gridBox->addWidget(ccolor); cbcolors->insert(i, ccolor); gridBox->addWidget(new QLabel("", grid)); gridBox->addWidget(new QLabel("", grid)); } addTab(gridBox, lbl); gridBox->setObjectName(lbl); if (previous_active_tab == lbl) first_visible_page = gridBox; } setHelpButton(tr("Apply")); // use help rather than apply because when the OK button is clicked, // the applyButtonPressed() signal is emitted setOkButton(tr("OK")); setCancelButton(tr("Cancel")); connect(this, SIGNAL(helpButtonPressed()), this, SLOT(apply())); polish(); }