Пример #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    TestTreeBuilder treeBuilder;

    setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* Use system locale instead of default "C" */
    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s regex string\n", argv[0]);
        return 1;

    FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
    size_t length = ftell(f);
    fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);

    char *buffer = new char[length + 1];
    buffer[length] = 0;
    fread(buffer, length, 1, f);

    length = remove_carriage_returns(buffer, length);

        HTMLParser treeParser;
        treeParser.Parse(treeBuilder, buffer,length);

    HTMLOutputterString outputter(cout);

    cout << endl;
    return 0;
Пример #2
void InfoView::UpdateAwayDisplay( BMessage* message ) {

	// away message
	if( message->HasString("away_message" ) ) {

		HTMLParser parse;
		styleList styles;	
		BString origMsg = BString((char*)message->FindString("away_message"));

		// translate it into UTF-8
		origMsg = ConvertToUTF8( origMsg, encoding );

		// handle the away message variables
		client->ReplaceTagVars( origMsg );

		// automatically link the web and mail addresses that weren't linked
		Linkify( origMsg );

		// Now parse the bad boy and display the results
		parse.Parse( const_cast<char*>(origMsg.String()) );
		styles = parse.Styles();
		awaymessage->SetViewColor( styles.bgColor.R(), styles.bgColor.G(), styles.bgColor.B() );
		awaymessage->AddStyledText( parse.ParsedString(), styles );
Пример #3
void HTMLFormControlElement::removedFromTree(bool deep)
    // If the form and element are both in the same tree, preserve the connection to the form.
    // Otherwise, null out our form and remove ourselves from the form's list of elements.
    HTMLParser* parser = 0;
    if (Tokenizer* tokenizer = document()->tokenizer())
        if (tokenizer->isHTMLTokenizer())
            parser = static_cast<HTMLTokenizer*>(tokenizer)->htmlParser();
    if (m_form && !(parser && parser->isHandlingResidualStyleAcrossBlocks()) && findRoot(this) != findRoot(m_form)) {
        m_form = 0;

Пример #4
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )	{
	ifstream file;

	if ( argc < 2 )	{
		cout << "Please supply a document to load\n";
		return 1;
	else	{
		file.open( argv[ 1 ] );

	cout << "Loading document...\n";
	string content;
	char ch;
	while ( file.get( ch ) )	{
		content += ch;
	cout << "Document loaded. " << content.size() << " characters\n";
	cout << "Parsing file...\n";
	// Create a DOM document
	TDocumentShared document( new TDocument() );
	document->setSmartPointer( document );
	// Create a HTMLParser object
	HTMLParser htmlParser;
	htmlParser.setContent( content );

	htmlParser.startParsing( document );
	return 0;
void VHTMLSyntax::SetLine( ICodeEditorDocument *inDocument, sLONG inLineNumber, bool inLoading )
#if 0
	VString source;
	inDocument->GetLine( inLineNumber, source );
	HTMLParser parser;
	HTMLParser::State *state = NULL;
	HTMLParser::State *prevLineState = NULL;
	if (inLineNumber > 0)	prevLineState = GetStateForLine( inDocument, inLineNumber - 1 );
	ParsingCookie *cookie = new ParsingCookie( inDocument, inLineNumber );
	parser.Parse( source, prevLineState, &state, this, (const void *)cookie );
	SetStateForLine( inDocument, inLineNumber, state );
	// Get the params for the current line so that we can set them up properly
	VLineSyntaxParams *currentLineParams = static_cast< VLineSyntaxParams * >( inDocument->GetLineSyntaxParams( inLineNumber ) );
	if (!currentLineParams) {
		currentLineParams = new VLineSyntaxParams();
		inDocument->AssignLineSyntaxParams( inLineNumber, currentLineParams );
	bool previousOpenCommentState = currentLineParams->IsOpenComment();

	// We also want the params for the preceeding line, in case we're the continuation of
	// a comment.
	VLineSyntaxParams *previousLineParams = NULL;
	if (inLineNumber > 0) {
		previousLineParams = static_cast< VLineSyntaxParams * >( inDocument->GetLineSyntaxParams( inLineNumber - 1 ) );

	VString xstr;
	inDocument->SetLineStyle(inLineNumber,0,xstr.GetLength(),0);		//initiate the line

	char *lexinput = CreateUTF8String( xstr );
	struct htmlLexeme *list = parseHTML( lexinput );

	// If we used to be in comment continuation mode, the assumption is that we're still in 
	// comment continuation mode.  We'll switch this off if the comment ends though
	currentLineParams->CopyState( previousLineParams );

	// We are going to keep track of which open and close tags we've seen on the line.  This allows
	// us to determine which unmatched open and close tags exist so we can associate that data with
	// the line.  As we find open tags, we'll push them onto the open tag list.  As we find close tags,
	// we will scan the open tag list and *remove* any that match.  If there's no match, then we'll add
	// the tag to the close list.
	std::vector< VString > openList, closeList;

	// Given the list of HTML tokens, let's walk over the list and try to make some sense
	// of them.  Walk over the list one token at a time, and see if we can make sense of 
	// what we've got.
	struct htmlLexeme *cur = list;
	while (cur) {
		// There are only three types of comments we need to worry about.  Full comments, 
		// open comments and close comments.  We'll get a token representing any one of the
		// three.  However, we need to pay special attention to multi-line comments, since
		// they won't lex out entirely correct.  If the previous line was part of an open
		// comment, then we want to keep walking over the tokens, marking them as part of
		// the comment, until we run out of tokens, or we find a kCommentClose token.
		if (currentLineParams->IsOpenComment()) {
			if (kCommentClose == cur->fStyle) {
				// We found the end of the comment, so we can highlight it appropriately, 
				// and go back to our regularly scheduled lexing
				inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ comment_col ] );

				// We're also done being a part of the comment continuation train
				currentLineParams->SetIsOpenComment( false );
			} else {
				// This is just another part of the comment
				inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ comment_col ] );
			// Advance
			cur = cur->fNext;
		if (kCompleteComment == cur->fStyle) {
			// A complete comment is the easiest of the three cases.  Just highlight it
			inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ comment_col ] );
		} else if (kCommentOpen == cur->fStyle) {
			// An open comment must be the last token in the list
			xbox_assert( !cur->fNext );

			// We want to highlight from here to the end of the line
			inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ comment_col ] );
			// We also want to flag that this line ends with an open comment
			currentLineParams->SetIsOpenComment( true );
		} else if (kCommentClose == cur->fStyle) {
			// If we got a close comment token, then something's off.  That means the user put in a close comment
			// token, but they never opened it.  We're going to ignore that state, and flag this as being normal
			inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ scommentend_col ] );
		} else if (kString == cur->fStyle) {
			inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ string_col ] );
		} else if (kKeyword == cur->fStyle) {
			// Keywords a bit trickier than you might think because we need to be sure they're actually part of a
			// tag.  If the user types something like: <b>This table rocks</b>, we only want to highlight the b in the
			// begin and end tag, and not the "table" in the user's text.  To deal with this, we have an "in tag" flag
			// that basically turns keyword highlighting on and off.
			if (currentLineParams->IsProcessingTag()) {
				inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ keyword_col ] );

				// If we're processing an opening tag, then we want to push the keyword onto the tag stack.  But if we're
				// processing a closing tag, then we want to pop the last keyword off the tag stack and try to match it up
				// to what we just processed.  If they match, we're golden.  If not, we just assume the user's mismatching
				// their tags because they're an idiot.
				VString tagName;
				xstr.GetSubString( cur->fOffset + 1, cur->fLength, tagName );

				if (currentLineParams->IsProcessingStartTag()) {
					if (!IsTagWithoutClose( tagName )) {
						openList.push_back( tagName );
					currentLineParams->PushTag( tagName );

					// Note that we are no longer processing the start of a tag.  This allows us to handle attributes
					// separately from the tag itself.
					currentLineParams->SetIsProcessingStartTag( false );
				} else {
					// Check to see if this closed tag is on the open list.  If it is, we want to remove it from the
					// list.  Otherwise, we want to add it to the close list.
					bool bAddToClose = true;
					for (std::vector< VString >::iterator iter = openList.begin(); bAddToClose && iter != openList.end();) {
						if (tagName.EqualTo( *iter, false )) {
							iter = openList.erase( iter );
							bAddToClose = false;
						} else {
					if (bAddToClose)	closeList.push_back( tagName );

					VString lastTag;
					currentLineParams->PopTag( lastTag );

					if (!lastTag.EqualTo( tagName, false )) {
						// The tags don't match, so we're just going to ignore the issue
						// TODO: do something more sensible here
		} else if (kNumber == cur->fStyle) {
			inDocument->SetLineStyle( inLineNumber, cur->fOffset, cur->fOffset + cur->fLength, htmlcolorShadow[ allnum_col ] );
		} else if (kTagOpen == cur->fStyle || kEndTagOpen == cur->fStyle) {
			currentLineParams->SetIsProcessingTag( true );
			currentLineParams->SetIsProcessingStartTag( kTagOpen == cur->fStyle );
		} else if (kTagClose == cur->fStyle || kTagSelfClose == cur->fStyle) {
			currentLineParams->SetIsProcessingTag( false );

			// If we just handled a self-closing tag (like <br />), then we want to pop it from the stack
			VString lastTag;
			currentLineParams->LastTag( lastTag );
			if (kTagSelfClose == cur->fStyle || IsTagWithoutClose( lastTag )) {
				VString toss;
				currentLineParams->PopTag( toss );

				// We also do not want to add it to our list of open tags for the line, since it's self-closed
				for (std::vector< VString >::iterator iter = openList.begin(); iter != openList.end(); ++iter) {
					if (lastTag.EqualTo( *iter, false )) {
						iter = openList.erase( iter );

		cur = cur->fNext;
	FreeLexemeList( list );

	// Now that we have an open and a close list, we want to associate them with the line.
	for (std::vector< VString >::iterator iter = openList.begin(); iter != openList.end(); ++iter) {
		currentLineParams->AddUnmatchedOpenTag( *iter );
	for (std::vector< VString >::iterator iter = closeList.begin(); iter != closeList.end(); ++iter) {
		currentLineParams->AddUnmatchedCloseTag( *iter );

	// There are two cases we really need to care about.  If the line now ends in
	// an open comment (and didn't used to), we want to colorize down the document.
	// Also, if the line no longer ends in an open comment (but used to), we want to
	// colorize down the document.  In either case, we want to keep colorizing subsequent
	// lines until the comment is ended or the end of the document is reached.
	if ((!previousOpenCommentState && currentLineParams->IsOpenComment() ||		// Now ends with open comment, didn't used to
		previousOpenCommentState && !currentLineParams->IsOpenComment()) &&		// Used to end with an open comment, but no longer does
		inLineNumber + 1 < inDocument->GetNbLines()) {
		SetLine( inDocument, inLineNumber + 1, inLoading );
#endif // old code
Пример #6
void InfoView::UpdateDisplay( BMessage* message ) {
	time_t *membersince;
	char theTime[100], stemp[100];
	BString origProfile;
	unsigned idletime;
	ssize_t size;
	bool away = false;
	// away?
	if( message->HasBool("away") && message->FindBool("away") )
		away = true;
	// username
	if( message->HasString("userid") ) {
		BMessage* msg = new BMessage(BEAIM_UPDATE_NAME_FORMAT);
		msg->AddString("userid", message->FindString("userid"));
		Window()->PostMessage( msg );
		char windowTitle[DISPLAY_NAME_MAX+35];
		sprintf( windowTitle, "%s: %s", Language.get("IW_USER_INFO"), message->FindString("userid") );
		if( away ) {
			strcat( windowTitle, "  (" );
			strcat( windowTitle, Language.get("STAT_AWAY") );
			strcat( windowTitle, ")" );
		Window()->SetTitle( windowTitle );

	// user class
	if( message->HasString("userclass") ) {
		label2->SetText( message->FindString( "userclass" ) );
		printf( "IW: userclass done.\n" );

	// member since
	if( message->HasData("membersince", B_TIME_TYPE) ) {
		message->FindData( "membersince", B_TIME_TYPE, (const void**)(&membersince), &size );
		strftime( theTime, 100, "%B %e, %Y", localtime(membersince) );
		label4->SetText( theTime );
	// onsince	
	/*if( message->HasData("onsince", B_TIME_TYPE) ) {
		message->FindData( "onsince", B_TIME_TYPE, (const void**)(&onsince), &size );
		MakeElapsedTimeString( *onsince, theTime );
		label6->SetText( theTime );
	// session length
	if( message->HasInt32("sessionlen") ) { 
		MakeElapsedTimeString( message->FindInt32("sessionlen"), theTime );
		label6->SetText( theTime );
	// warning level
	if( message->HasInt32("warninglevel") ) {
		sprintf( stemp, "%u%%", (unsigned)(message->FindInt32("warninglevel")) );
		label8->SetText( stemp );
	// idle time
	if( message->HasInt32( "idletime" ) ) {
		idletime = (unsigned)message->FindInt32("idletime");
		if( idletime ) {
			label9->SetText( (char*)LangWithSuffix("STAT_IDLE_TIME", ":") );
			MakeElapsedTimeString( (idletime*60), stemp );
			label10->SetText( stemp );
			statNotIdle = false;
		} else {
			label10->SetText( Language.get("STAT_ACTIVE") );
	// profile
	if( message->HasString("profile" ) )
		origProfile = BString((char*)message->FindString("profile"));

	if( origProfile.Length() ) {
		HTMLParser parse;
		styleList styles;

		// first, convert it to UTF-8
		origProfile = ConvertToUTF8( origProfile, encoding );

		// handle the away message variables
		client->ReplaceTagVars( origProfile );
		// automatically link the web and mail addresses that weren't linked
		Linkify( origProfile );

		parse.Parse( const_cast<char*>(origProfile.String()) );
		styles = parse.Styles();
		profile->SetViewColor( styles.bgColor.R(), styles.bgColor.G(), styles.bgColor.B() );
		profile->AddStyledText( parse.ParsedString(), styles );
	// put up a generic "no profile" message
		profile->SetText( Language.get("IW_NO_PROFILE") );