Пример #1
CreateThis(JSContext *cx, HandleObject callee, MutableHandleValue rval)

    if (callee->isFunction()) {
        JSFunction *fun = callee->toFunction();
        if (fun->isInterpreted())
            rval.set(ObjectValue(*js_CreateThisForFunction(cx, callee, false)));

    return true;
Пример #2
CreateThis(JSContext *cx, HandleObject callee, MutableHandleValue rval)

    if (callee->isFunction()) {
        JSFunction *fun = callee->toFunction();
        if (fun->isInterpreted()) {
            JSScript *script = fun->getOrCreateScript(cx);
            if (!script || !script->ensureHasTypes(cx))
                return false;
            rval.set(ObjectValue(*CreateThisForFunction(cx, callee, false)));

    return true;
Пример #3
static RawObject
CloneObject(JSContext *cx, HandleObject srcObj, CloneMemory &clonedObjects)
    CloneMemory::AddPtr p = clonedObjects.lookupForAdd(srcObj.get());
    if (p)
        return p->value;
    RootedObject clone(cx);
    if (srcObj->isFunction()) {
        RootedFunction fun(cx, srcObj->toFunction());
        clone = CloneFunctionObject(cx, fun, cx->global(), fun->getAllocKind());
    } else if (srcObj->isRegExp()) {
        RegExpObject &reobj = srcObj->asRegExp();
        RootedAtom source(cx, reobj.getSource());
        clone = RegExpObject::createNoStatics(cx, source, reobj.getFlags(), NULL);
    } else if (srcObj->isDate()) {
        clone = JS_NewDateObjectMsec(cx, srcObj->getDateUTCTime().toNumber());
    } else if (srcObj->isBoolean()) {
        clone = BooleanObject::create(cx, srcObj->asBoolean().unbox());
    } else if (srcObj->isNumber()) {
        clone = NumberObject::create(cx, srcObj->asNumber().unbox());
    } else if (srcObj->isString()) {
        Rooted<JSStableString*> str(cx, srcObj->asString().unbox()->ensureStable(cx));
        if (!str)
            return NULL;
        str = js_NewStringCopyN(cx, str->chars().get(), str->length())->ensureStable(cx);
        if (!str)
            return NULL;
        clone = StringObject::create(cx, str);
    } else if (srcObj->isDenseArray()) {
        return CloneDenseArray(cx, srcObj, clonedObjects);
    } else {
        if (srcObj->isArray()) {
            clone = NewDenseEmptyArray(cx);
        } else {
            clone = NewObjectWithClassProto(cx, srcObj->getClass(), NULL, cx->global(),
    if (!clone || !clonedObjects.relookupOrAdd(p, srcObj.get(), clone.get()) ||
        !CloneProperties(cx, srcObj, clone, clonedObjects))
        return NULL;
    return clone;
Пример #4
static JSBool
fun_resolve(JSContext *cx, HandleObject obj, HandleId id, unsigned flags,
            JSObject **objp)
    if (!JSID_IS_ATOM(id))
        return true;

    RootedFunction fun(cx);
    fun = obj->toFunction();

    if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id, cx->runtime->atomState.classPrototypeAtom)) {
         * Native or "built-in" functions do not have a .prototype property per
         * ECMA-262, or (Object.prototype, Function.prototype, etc.) have that
         * property created eagerly.
         * ES5 15.3.4: the non-native function object named Function.prototype
         * does not have a .prototype property.
         * ES5 bound functions don't have a prototype property. The
         * isNative() test covers this case because bound functions are native
         * functions by definition/construction.
        if (fun->isNative() || fun->isFunctionPrototype())
            return true;

        if (!ResolveInterpretedFunctionPrototype(cx, fun))
            return false;
        *objp = fun;
        return true;

    if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id, cx->runtime->atomState.lengthAtom) ||
        JSID_IS_ATOM(id, cx->runtime->atomState.nameAtom)) {

        Value v;
        if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id, cx->runtime->atomState.lengthAtom))
            v.setInt32(fun->nargs - fun->hasRest());
            v.setString(fun->atom ? fun->atom : cx->runtime->emptyString);

        if (!DefineNativeProperty(cx, fun, id, v, JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub,
                                  JSPROP_PERMANENT | JSPROP_READONLY, 0, 0)) {
            return false;
        *objp = fun;
        return true;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < ArrayLength(poisonPillProps); i++) {
        const uint16_t offset = poisonPillProps[i];

        if (JSID_IS_ATOM(id, OFFSET_TO_NAME(cx->runtime, offset))) {

            PropertyOp getter;
            StrictPropertyOp setter;
            unsigned attrs = JSPROP_PERMANENT;
            if (fun->isInterpreted() ? fun->inStrictMode() : fun->isBoundFunction()) {
                JSObject *throwTypeError = fun->global().getThrowTypeError();

                getter = CastAsPropertyOp(throwTypeError);
                setter = CastAsStrictPropertyOp(throwTypeError);
                attrs |= JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SETTER;
            } else {
                getter = fun_getProperty;
                setter = JS_StrictPropertyStub;

            if (!DefineNativeProperty(cx, fun, id, UndefinedValue(), getter, setter,
                                      attrs, 0, 0)) {
                return false;
            *objp = fun;
            return true;

    return true;