Пример #1
void Master::schedule_tasks() {
    log_debug("Scheduling %d tasks on %d slots...", 
        ready_queue.size(), free_slots.size());

    int scheduled = 0;
    TaskList deferred_tasks;

    while (ready_queue.size() > 0 && free_slots.size() > 0) {
        Task *task = ready_queue.top();

        log_trace("Scheduling task %s", task->name.c_str());

        bool match = false;

        for (SlotList::iterator s = free_slots.begin(); s != free_slots.end(); s++) {
            Slot *slot = *s;
            Host *host = slot->host;

            // If the task fits, schedule it
            if (host->can_run(task)) {

                log_trace("Matched task %s to slot %d on host %s", 
                    task->name.c_str(), slot->rank, host->name());

                // Reserve the resources
                vector<cpu_t> bindings = host->allocate_resources(task);

                submit_task(task, slot->rank, bindings);

                s = free_slots.erase(s);

                // so that the s++ in the loop doesn't skip one

                match = true;
                scheduled += 1;

                // This is to break out of the slot loop so that we can 
                // consider the next task

        if (!match) {
            // If the task could not be scheduled, then we save it 
            // and move on to the next one. It will be requeued later.
            log_trace("No slot found for task %s", task->name.c_str());

    log_debug("Scheduled %d tasks and deferred %d tasks", scheduled, deferred_tasks.size());

    // Requeue all the deferred tasks
    for (TaskList::iterator t = deferred_tasks.begin(); t != deferred_tasks.end(); t++) {
Пример #2
 * Register all workers, create hosts, create slots. Assign a host-centric 
 * rank to each of the workers. The worker with the lowest global rank on 
 * each host is given host rank 0, the next lowest is given host rank 1, 
 * and so on. The master is not given a host rank.
void Master::register_workers() {
    typedef map<string, Host *> HostMap;
    HostMap hostmap;
    typedef map<int, string> HostnameMap;
    HostnameMap hostnames;
    // Collect host names from all workers, create host objects
    for (int i=0; i<numworkers; i++) {
        RegistrationMessage *msg = dynamic_cast<RegistrationMessage *>(comm->recv_message());
        if (msg == NULL) {
            myfailure("Expected registration message");
        int rank = msg->source;
        string hostname = msg->hostname;
        unsigned int memory = msg->memory;
        unsigned int threads = msg->threads;
        unsigned int cores = msg->cores;
        unsigned int sockets = msg->sockets;
        delete msg;

        hostnames[rank] = hostname;

        if (hostmap.find(hostname) == hostmap.end()) {
            // If the host is not found, create a new one
            log_debug("Got new host: name=%s, mem=%u, threads/cpus=%u, cores=%u, sockets=%u",
                    hostname.c_str(), memory, threads, cores, sockets);
            Host *newhost = new Host(hostname, memory, threads, cores, sockets);
            hostmap[hostname] = newhost;
        } else {
            // Otherwise, increment the number of slots available
            Host *host = hostmap[hostname];
        log_debug("Slot %d on host %s", rank, hostname.c_str());
    typedef map<string, int> RankMap;
    RankMap ranks;
    // Create slots, assign a host rank to each worker
    for (int rank=1; rank<=numworkers; rank++) {
        string hostname = hostnames.find(rank)->second;
        // Find host
        Host *host = hostmap.find(hostname)->second;
        // Create new slot
        Slot *slot = new Slot(rank, host);
        // Compute hostrank for this slot
        RankMap::iterator nextrank = ranks.find(hostname);
        int hostrank = 0;
        if (nextrank != ranks.end()) {
            hostrank = nextrank->second;
        ranks[hostname] = hostrank + 1;
        HostrankMessage hrmsg(hostrank);
        comm->send_message(&hrmsg, rank);
        log_debug("Host rank of worker %d is %d", rank, hostrank);
    // Log the initial resource freeability
    for (vector<Host *>::iterator i = hosts.begin(); i!=hosts.end(); i++) {
        Host *host = *i;