CHull * ConvexBuilder::canMerge(CHull *a,CHull *b) { if ( !a->overlap(*b) ) return 0; // if their AABB's (with a little slop) don't overlap, then return. CHull *ret = 0; // ok..we are going to combine both meshes into a single mesh // and then we are going to compute the concavity... VertexLookup vc = Vl_createVertexLookup(); UintVector indices; getMesh( *a->mResult, vc, indices ); getMesh( *b->mResult, vc, indices ); unsigned int vcount = Vl_getVcount(vc); const float *vertices = Vl_getVertices(vc); unsigned int tcount = indices.size()/3; //don't do anything if hull is empty if (!tcount) { Vl_releaseVertexLookup (vc); return 0; } HullResult hresult; HullLibrary hl; HullDesc desc; desc.SetHullFlag(QF_TRIANGLES); desc.mVcount = vcount; desc.mVertices = vertices; desc.mVertexStride = sizeof(float)*3; HullError hret = hl.CreateConvexHull(desc,hresult); if ( hret == QE_OK ) { float combineVolume = computeMeshVolume( hresult.mOutputVertices, hresult.mNumFaces, hresult.mIndices ); float sumVolume = a->mVolume + b->mVolume; float percent = (sumVolume*100) / combineVolume; if ( percent >= (100.0f-MERGE_PERCENT) ) { ConvexResult cr(hresult.mNumOutputVertices, hresult.mOutputVertices, hresult.mNumFaces, hresult.mIndices); ret = new CHull(cr); } } Vl_releaseVertexLookup(vc); return ret; }
void ChConvexHullLibraryWrapper::ComputeHull(const std::vector<ChVector<> >& points, geometry::ChTriangleMeshConnected& vshape) { HullLibrary hl; HullResult hresult; HullDesc desc; desc.SetHullFlag(QF_TRIANGLES); btVector3* btpoints = new btVector3[points.size()]; for (unsigned int ip = 0; ip < points.size(); ++ip) { btpoints[ip].setX((btScalar)points[ip].x()); btpoints[ip].setY((btScalar)points[ip].y()); btpoints[ip].setZ((btScalar)points[ip].z()); } desc.mVcount = (unsigned int)points.size(); desc.mVertices = btpoints; desc.mVertexStride = sizeof(btVector3); HullError hret = hl.CreateConvexHull(desc, hresult); if (hret == QE_OK) { vshape.Clear(); vshape.getIndicesVertexes().resize(hresult.mNumFaces); for (unsigned int it = 0; it < hresult.mNumFaces; ++it) { vshape.getIndicesVertexes()[it] = ChVector<int>( hresult.m_Indices[it * 3 + 0], hresult.m_Indices[it * 3 + 1], hresult.m_Indices[it * 3 + 2]); } vshape.getCoordsVertices().resize(hresult.mNumOutputVertices); for (unsigned int iv = 0; iv < hresult.mNumOutputVertices; ++iv) { vshape.getCoordsVertices()[iv] = ChVector<>( hresult.m_OutputVertices[iv].x(), hresult.m_OutputVertices[iv].y(), hresult.m_OutputVertices[iv].z()); } } delete[] btpoints; hl.ReleaseResult(hresult); }
HullError HullLibrary::CreateConvexHull(const HullDesc &desc, // describes the input request HullResult &result) // contains the resulst { HullError ret = QE_FAIL; PHullResult hr; unsigned int vcount = desc.mVcount; if ( vcount < 8 ) vcount = 8; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> vertexSource; vertexSource.resize(static_cast<int>(vcount)); btVector3 scale; unsigned int ovcount; bool ok = CleanupVertices(desc.mVcount,desc.mVertices, desc.mVertexStride, ovcount, &vertexSource[0], desc.mNormalEpsilon, scale ); // normalize point cloud, remove duplicates! if ( ok ) { // if ( 1 ) // scale vertices back to their original size. { for (unsigned int i=0; i<ovcount; i++) { btVector3& v = vertexSource[static_cast<int>(i)]; v[0]*=scale[0]; v[1]*=scale[1]; v[2]*=scale[2]; } } ok = ComputeHull(ovcount,&vertexSource[0],hr,desc.mMaxVertices); if ( ok ) { // re-index triangle mesh so it refers to only used vertices, rebuild a new vertex table. btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> vertexScratch; vertexScratch.resize(static_cast<int>(hr.mVcount)); BringOutYourDead(hr.mVertices,hr.mVcount, &vertexScratch[0], ovcount, &hr.m_Indices[0], hr.mIndexCount ); ret = QE_OK; if ( desc.HasHullFlag(QF_TRIANGLES) ) // if he wants the results as triangle! { result.mPolygons = false; result.mNumOutputVertices = ovcount; result.m_OutputVertices.resize(static_cast<int>(ovcount)); result.mNumFaces = hr.mFaceCount; result.mNumIndices = hr.mIndexCount; result.m_Indices.resize(static_cast<int>(hr.mIndexCount)); memcpy(&result.m_OutputVertices[0], &vertexScratch[0], sizeof(btVector3)*ovcount ); if ( desc.HasHullFlag(QF_REVERSE_ORDER) ) { const unsigned int *source = &hr.m_Indices[0]; unsigned int *dest = &result.m_Indices[0]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<hr.mFaceCount; i++) { dest[0] = source[2]; dest[1] = source[1]; dest[2] = source[0]; dest+=3; source+=3; } } else { memcpy(&result.m_Indices[0], &hr.m_Indices[0], sizeof(unsigned int)*hr.mIndexCount); } } else { result.mPolygons = true; result.mNumOutputVertices = ovcount; result.m_OutputVertices.resize(static_cast<int>(ovcount)); result.mNumFaces = hr.mFaceCount; result.mNumIndices = hr.mIndexCount+hr.mFaceCount; result.m_Indices.resize(static_cast<int>(result.mNumIndices)); memcpy(&result.m_OutputVertices[0], &vertexScratch[0], sizeof(btVector3)*ovcount ); // if ( 1 ) { const unsigned int *source = &hr.m_Indices[0]; unsigned int *dest = &result.m_Indices[0]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<hr.mFaceCount; i++) { dest[0] = 3; if ( desc.HasHullFlag(QF_REVERSE_ORDER) ) { dest[1] = source[2]; dest[2] = source[1]; dest[3] = source[0]; } else { dest[1] = source[0]; dest[2] = source[1]; dest[3] = source[2]; } dest+=4; source+=3; } } } ReleaseHull(hr); } } return ret; }
void calcConvexDecomposition(unsigned int vcount, const float *vertices, unsigned int tcount, const unsigned int *indices, ConvexDecompInterface *callback, float masterVolume, unsigned int depth) { float plane[4]; bool split = false; if ( depth < MAXDEPTH ) { float volume; float c = computeConcavity( vcount, vertices, tcount, indices, callback, plane, volume ); if ( depth == 0 ) { masterVolume = volume; } float percent = (c*100.0f)/masterVolume; if ( percent > CONCAVE_PERCENT ) // if great than 5% of the total volume is concave, go ahead and keep splitting. { split = true; } } if ( depth >= MAXDEPTH || !split ) { #if 1 HullResult result; HullLibrary hl; HullDesc desc; desc.SetHullFlag(QF_TRIANGLES); desc.mVcount = vcount; desc.mVertices = vertices; desc.mVertexStride = sizeof(float)*3; HullError ret = hl.CreateConvexHull(desc,result); if ( ret == QE_OK ) { ConvexResult r(result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, result.mNumFaces, result.mIndices); callback->ConvexDecompResult(r); } #else static unsigned int colors[8] = { 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF, 0xFFFF00, 0x00FFFF, 0xFF00FF, 0xFFFFFF, 0xFF8040 }; static int count = 0; count++; if ( count == 8 ) count = 0; assert( count >= 0 && count < 8 ); unsigned int color = colors[count]; const unsigned int *source = indices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<tcount; i++) { unsigned int i1 = *source++; unsigned int i2 = *source++; unsigned int i3 = *source++; FaceTri t(vertices, i1, i2, i3 ); callback->ConvexDebugTri( t.mP1.Ptr(), t.mP2.Ptr(), t.mP3.Ptr(), color ); } #endif return; } UintVector ifront; UintVector iback; VertexLookup vfront = Vl_createVertexLookup(); VertexLookup vback = Vl_createVertexLookup(); bool showmesh = false; #if SHOW_MESH showmesh = true; #endif if ( 0 ) { showmesh = true; for (float x=-1; x<1; x+=0.10f) { for (float y=0; y<1; y+=0.10f) { for (float z=-1; z<1; z+=0.04f) { float d = x*plane[0] + y*plane[1] + z*plane[2] + plane[3]; Vector3d p(x,y,z); if ( d >= 0 ) callback->ConvexDebugPoint(p.Ptr(), 0.02f, 0x00FF00); else callback->ConvexDebugPoint(p.Ptr(), 0.02f, 0xFF0000); } } } } if ( 1 ) { // we are going to 'split' all of the input triangles against this plane! const unsigned int *source = indices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<tcount; i++) { unsigned int i1 = *source++; unsigned int i2 = *source++; unsigned int i3 = *source++; FaceTri t(vertices, i1, i2, i3 ); Vector3d front[4]; Vector3d back[4]; unsigned int fcount=0; unsigned int bcount=0; PlaneTriResult result; result = planeTriIntersection(plane,t.mP1.Ptr(),sizeof(Vector3d),0.00001f,front[0].Ptr(),fcount,back[0].Ptr(),bcount ); if( fcount > 4 || bcount > 4 ) { result = planeTriIntersection(plane,t.mP1.Ptr(),sizeof(Vector3d),0.00001f,front[0].Ptr(),fcount,back[0].Ptr(),bcount ); } switch ( result ) { case PTR_FRONT: assert( fcount == 3 ); if ( showmesh ) callback->ConvexDebugTri( front[0].Ptr(), front[1].Ptr(), front[2].Ptr(), 0x00FF00 ); #if MAKE_MESH addTri( vfront, ifront, front[0], front[1], front[2] ); #endif break; case PTR_BACK: assert( bcount == 3 ); if ( showmesh ) callback->ConvexDebugTri( back[0].Ptr(), back[1].Ptr(), back[2].Ptr(), 0xFFFF00 ); #if MAKE_MESH addTri( vback, iback, back[0], back[1], back[2] ); #endif break; case PTR_SPLIT: assert( fcount >= 3 && fcount <= 4); assert( bcount >= 3 && bcount <= 4); #if MAKE_MESH addTri( vfront, ifront, front[0], front[1], front[2] ); addTri( vback, iback, back[0], back[1], back[2] ); if ( fcount == 4 ) { addTri( vfront, ifront, front[0], front[2], front[3] ); } if ( bcount == 4 ) { addTri( vback, iback, back[0], back[2], back[3] ); } #endif if ( showmesh ) { callback->ConvexDebugTri( front[0].Ptr(), front[1].Ptr(), front[2].Ptr(), 0x00D000 ); callback->ConvexDebugTri( back[0].Ptr(), back[1].Ptr(), back[2].Ptr(), 0xD0D000 ); if ( fcount == 4 ) { callback->ConvexDebugTri( front[0].Ptr(), front[2].Ptr(), front[3].Ptr(), 0x00D000 ); } if ( bcount == 4 ) { callback->ConvexDebugTri( back[0].Ptr(), back[2].Ptr(), back[3].Ptr(), 0xD0D000 ); } } break; } } unsigned int fsize = ifront.size()/3; unsigned int bsize = iback.size()/3; // ok... here we recursively call if ( ifront.size() ) { unsigned int vcount = Vl_getVcount(vfront); const float *vertices = Vl_getVertices(vfront); unsigned int tcount = ifront.size()/3; calcConvexDecomposition(vcount, vertices, tcount, &ifront[0], callback, masterVolume, depth+1); } ifront.clear(); Vl_releaseVertexLookup(vfront); if ( iback.size() ) { unsigned int vcount = Vl_getVcount(vback); const float *vertices = Vl_getVertices(vback); unsigned int tcount = iback.size()/3; calcConvexDecomposition(vcount, vertices, tcount, &iback[0], callback, masterVolume, depth+1); } iback.clear(); Vl_releaseVertexLookup(vback); } }
unsigned int ConvexBuilder::process(const DecompDesc &desc) { unsigned int ret = 0; MAXDEPTH = desc.mDepth; CONCAVE_PERCENT = desc.mCpercent; MERGE_PERCENT = desc.mPpercent; calcConvexDecomposition(desc.mVcount, desc.mVertices, desc.mTcount, desc.mIndices,this,0,0); while ( combineHulls() ); // keep combinging hulls until I can't combine any more... int i; for (i=0;i<mChulls.size();i++) { CHull *cr = mChulls[i]; // before we hand it back to the application, we need to regenerate the hull based on the // limits given by the user. const ConvexResult &c = *cr->mResult; // the high resolution hull... HullResult result; HullLibrary hl; HullDesc hdesc; hdesc.SetHullFlag(QF_TRIANGLES); hdesc.mVcount = c.mHullVcount; hdesc.mVertices = c.mHullVertices; hdesc.mVertexStride = sizeof(float)*3; hdesc.mMaxVertices = desc.mMaxVertices; // maximum number of vertices allowed in the output if ( desc.mSkinWidth ) { hdesc.mSkinWidth = desc.mSkinWidth; hdesc.SetHullFlag(QF_SKIN_WIDTH); // do skin width computation. } HullError ret = hl.CreateConvexHull(hdesc,result); if ( ret == QE_OK ) { ConvexResult r(result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, result.mNumFaces, result.mIndices); r.mHullVolume = computeMeshVolume( result.mOutputVertices, result.mNumFaces, result.mIndices ); // the volume of the hull. // compute the best fit OBB computeBestFitOBB( result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, sizeof(float)*3, r.mOBBSides, r.mOBBTransform ); r.mOBBVolume = r.mOBBSides[0] * r.mOBBSides[1] *r.mOBBSides[2]; // compute the OBB volume. fm_getTranslation( r.mOBBTransform, r.mOBBCenter ); // get the translation component of the 4x4 matrix. fm_matrixToQuat( r.mOBBTransform, r.mOBBOrientation ); // extract the orientation as a quaternion. r.mSphereRadius = computeBoundingSphere( result.mNumOutputVertices, result.mOutputVertices, r.mSphereCenter ); r.mSphereVolume = fm_sphereVolume( r.mSphereRadius ); mCallback->ConvexDecompResult(r); } hl.ReleaseResult (result); delete cr; } ret = mChulls.size(); mChulls.clear(); return ret; }
float computeConcavity(unsigned int vcount, const float *vertices, unsigned int tcount, const unsigned int *indices, ConvexDecompInterface *callback, float *plane, // plane equation to split on float &volume) { float cret = 0; volume = 1; HullResult result; HullLibrary hl; HullDesc desc; desc.mMaxFaces = 256; desc.mMaxVertices = 256; desc.SetHullFlag(QF_TRIANGLES); desc.mVcount = vcount; desc.mVertices = vertices; desc.mVertexStride = sizeof(float)*3; HullError ret = hl.CreateConvexHull(desc,result); if ( ret == QE_OK ) { #if 0 float bmin[3]; float bmax[3]; float dx = bmax[0] - bmin[0]; float dy = bmax[1] - bmin[1]; float dz = bmax[2] - bmin[2]; Vector3d center; center.x = bmin[0] + dx*0.5f; center.y = bmin[1] + dy*0.5f; center.z = bmin[2] + dz*0.5f; #endif volume = computeMeshVolume2( result.mOutputVertices, result.mNumFaces, result.mIndices ); #if 1 // each triangle on the original mesh.. // we extrude the points to the nearest point on the hull. const unsigned int *source = result.mIndices; CTriVector tris; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mNumFaces; i++) { unsigned int i1 = *source++; unsigned int i2 = *source++; unsigned int i3 = *source++; const float *p1 = &result.mOutputVertices[i1*3]; const float *p2 = &result.mOutputVertices[i2*3]; const float *p3 = &result.mOutputVertices[i3*3]; // callback->ConvexDebugTri(p1,p2,p3,0xFFFFFF); CTri t(p1,p2,p3,i1,i2,i3); // tris.push_back(t); } // we have not pre-computed the plane equation for each triangle in the convex hull.. float totalVolume = 0; CTriVector ftris; // 'feature' triangles. const unsigned int *src = indices; float maxc=0; if ( 1 ) { CTriVector input_mesh; if ( 1 ) { const unsigned int *src = indices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<tcount; i++) { unsigned int i1 = *src++; unsigned int i2 = *src++; unsigned int i3 = *src++; const float *p1 = &vertices[i1*3]; const float *p2 = &vertices[i2*3]; const float *p3 = &vertices[i3*3]; CTri t(p1,p2,p3,i1,i2,i3); input_mesh.push_back(t); } } CTri maxctri; for (unsigned int i=0; i<tcount; i++) { unsigned int i1 = *src++; unsigned int i2 = *src++; unsigned int i3 = *src++; const float *p1 = &vertices[i1*3]; const float *p2 = &vertices[i2*3]; const float *p3 = &vertices[i3*3]; CTri t(p1,p2,p3,i1,i2,i3); featureMatch(t, tris, callback, input_mesh ); if ( t.mConcavity > CONCAVE_THRESH ) { if ( t.mConcavity > maxc ) { maxc = t.mConcavity; maxctri = t; } float v = t.getVolume(0); totalVolume+=v; ftris.push_back(t); } } } if ( ftris.size() ) { // we extract the triangles which form the maximum concavity. CTriVector major_feature; float maxarea = 0; while ( maxc > CONCAVE_THRESH ) { unsigned int color = getDebugColor(); // CTriVector flist; bool found; float totalarea = 0; do { found = false; CTriVector::iterator i; for (i=ftris.begin(); i!=ftris.end(); ++i) { CTri &t = (*i); if ( isFeatureTri(t,flist,maxc,callback,color) ) { found = true; totalarea+=t.area(); } } } while ( found ); if ( totalarea > maxarea ) { major_feature = flist; maxarea = totalarea; } maxc = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<ftris.size(); i++) { CTri &t = ftris[i]; if ( t.mProcessed != 2 ) { t.mProcessed = 0; if ( t.mConcavity > maxc ) { maxc = t.mConcavity; } } } } unsigned int color = getDebugColor(); WpointVector list; for (unsigned int i=0; i<major_feature.size(); ++i) { major_feature[i].addWeighted(list,callback); major_feature[i].debug(color,callback); } getBestFitPlane( list.size(), &list[0].mPoint.x, sizeof(Wpoint), &list[0].mWeight, sizeof(Wpoint), plane ); computeSplitPlane( vcount, vertices, tcount, indices, callback, plane ); } else { computeSplitPlane( vcount, vertices, tcount, indices, callback, plane ); } #endif cret = totalVolume; hl.ReleaseResult(result); } return cret; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------- // T M e s h S h a p e //----------------------------------------------------------------------- TMeshShape::TMeshShape(IMesh* mesh, const matrix4& transform, bool isConvex) : TCollisionShape(), m_baseCount(0), m_hullCount(0) { TApplication* app = getApplication(); app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, "TMeshShape isConvex: %d", isConvex); u32 vcount=0, tcount=0; for(u32 i=0; i<mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); i++) { tcount += mesh->getMeshBuffer(i)->getIndexCount() / 3; vcount += mesh->getMeshBuffer(i)->getVertexCount(); } app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, " org vert count: %d", vcount); app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, " org tri count: %d", tcount); btQuaternion q(TMath::HALF_PI,0.f,0.f); m_localTransform = transform; m_localScale = transform.getScale(); m_triMesh = extractTriangles(mesh, true); app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, " ext tri count: %d", m_triMesh->getNumTriangles()); if(isConvex) { if(1) { // using Bullet's btShapeHull class - faster, typically produces less verts/tris btConvexShape* tmpConvexShape = new btConvexTriangleMeshShape(m_triMesh); m_shape = tmpConvexShape; btShapeHull* hull = new btShapeHull(tmpConvexShape); btScalar margin = tmpConvexShape->getMargin(); hull->buildHull(margin); tmpConvexShape->setUserPointer(hull); app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, " hull vert count: %d", hull->numVertices()); app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, " hull tri count: %d", hull->numTriangles()); //btConvexHullShape* chShape = new btConvexHullShape((const btScalar *)hull->getVertexPointer(),hull->numVertices()); btConvexHullShape* chShape = new btConvexHullShape(); const btVector3* vp = hull->getVertexPointer(); const unsigned int* ip = hull->getIndexPointer(); for (int i=0;i<hull->numTriangles();i++) { chShape->addPoint(vp[ip[i*3]]); chShape->addPoint(vp[ip[i*3+1]]); chShape->addPoint(vp[ip[i*3+2]]); } m_shape = chShape; delete hull; delete tmpConvexShape; } else { // using Bullet's hull library directly HullResult result; HullLibrary hl; HullDesc desc; desc.mMaxFaces = 256; desc.mMaxVertices = 256; desc.SetHullFlag(QF_TRIANGLES); PHY_ScalarType type, indicestype; const unsigned char* indexbase; int istride,numfaces; m_triMesh->getLockedReadOnlyVertexIndexBase((const unsigned char**)&desc.mVertices, (int&)desc.mVcount, type, (int&)desc.mVertexStride, &indexbase, istride, numfaces, indicestype); HullError ret = hl.CreateConvexHull(desc,result); if(ret == QE_OK) { app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, " hull vert count: %d", result.mNumOutputVertices); app->logMessage(LOG_INFO, " hull tri count: %d", result.mNumFaces); btConvexHullShape* chShape = new btConvexHullShape(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<result.mNumFaces;i++) { chShape->addPoint(result.m_OutputVertices[result.m_Indices[i*3]]); chShape->addPoint(result.m_OutputVertices[result.m_Indices[i*3+1]]); chShape->addPoint(result.m_OutputVertices[result.m_Indices[i*3+2]]); } m_shape = chShape; } else { m_shape = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(m_triMesh,true,true); } hl.ReleaseResult(result); } } else { //m_shape = _decomposeTriMesh(); m_shape = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(m_triMesh,true,true); } btVector3 scale(m_localScale.X, m_localScale.Y, m_localScale.Z); m_shape->setLocalScaling(scale); }