CPlayer *CScriptBind_HitDeathReactions::GetAssociatedActor(IFunctionHandler *pH) const
	SmartScriptTable selfTable;
	ScriptHandle actorEntityId;
	selfTable->GetValue("__actor", actorEntityId);
	IActor *pActor = m_pGameFW->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(static_cast<EntityId>(actorEntityId.n));
	// [*DavidR | 13/Nov/2009] WARNING: This downcast could be dangerous if CHitDeathReactions is moved to
	// CActor classes
	CRY_ASSERT(pActor && (pActor->GetActorClass() == CPlayer::GetActorClassType()));
	return static_cast<CPlayer *>(pActor);
Пример #2
void CGameRules::ProcessLocalHit( const HitInfo& hitInfo, float fCausedDamage /*= 0.0f*/ )
		//Place the code that should be invoked in both server and client sides here
		IActor* pActor = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(hitInfo.targetId);
		if (pActor != NULL && (pActor->GetActorClass() == CPlayer::GetActorClassType()))

				// Clients sometimes want to force a hit death reaction to play (when the victim isnt actually dead.. but will be when the server responds to a hit req)
				CHitDeathReactionsPtr pHitDeathReactions = static_cast<CPlayer*>(pActor)->GetHitDeathReactions();
				if (pHitDeathReactions)
						// If the user has requested the player be force killed, then we need to *react* like this was a kill
								// Force the hit death reaction to react as if was a kill 
								CActor::KillParams params;
								params.shooterId					= hitInfo.shooterId;
								params.targetId						= hitInfo.targetId;
								params.weaponId						= hitInfo.weaponId;
								params.projectileId				= hitInfo.projectileId;
								params.itemIdToDrop				= -1;
								params.weaponClassId			= hitInfo.weaponClassId;
								params.damage							= hitInfo.damage;
								params.material						= -1;
								params.hit_type						= hitInfo.type;
								params.hit_joint					= hitInfo.partId;
								params.projectileClassId	= hitInfo.projectileClassId;
								params.penetration				= hitInfo.penetrationCount;
								params.firstKill					= false;
								params.killViaProxy				= hitInfo.hitViaProxy;
								params.impulseScale				= hitInfo.impulseScale; 
								params.forceLocalKill			= hitInfo.forceLocalKill; 

								// Proceed as normal
								pHitDeathReactions->OnHit(hitInfo, fCausedDamage);