Пример #1
    HRESULT CreateStandaloneGame (void)
        HRESULT                 hr;

        // Create the AdminSession class object
        IAdminSessionClassPtr   spClass;
        if (!Error (hr = CoGetClassObject (__uuidof(AdminSession), CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, NULL, __uuidof(spClass), (void**)&spClass)))
            // Create an instance of the host object for an IAdminSessionHost interface
            AdminSessionSecureHost    xHost;

            // Create an AdminSession object
            IAdminSessionPtr spSession;
            hr = spClass->CreateSession (&xHost, &spSession);
            ::CoDisconnectObject(&xHost, 0);
            if (!Error (hr))
                // Get the Server property from the session object
                IAdminServerPtr spServer;
                if (!Error (hr = spSession->get_Server (&spServer)))
                    // Get the Games property from the server object
                    if (!Error (hr = spServer->get_Games (&m_spAdminGamesPtr)))
                        // check to see if there are existing games
                        // and proceed only if there aren't
                        CheckForExistingGames ();
        return hr;
Пример #2
 * ~CAdminSession()
	XLockStatic lock(&s_cs);
	if (this == s_pWhoStartedServer)
		s_pWhoStartedServer = NULL;

	// Remove ourself from the static collection
	XSessionsIt it = std::find(s_vecSessions.begin(), s_vecSessions.end(), this);
	if (it != s_vecSessions.end())

	// Possibly shutdown the standalone server if no more sessions
	if (0 == GetSessionCount())
		// Get the Server property
		IAdminServerPtr spServer;
		if (SUCCEEDED(get_Server(&spServer)))
			IAdminGamesPtr spGames;
			if (SUCCEEDED(spServer->get_Games(&spGames)))
				// Shutdown the server if no games exist
				long cGames = 0;
				// KGJV #114 - if lobbied then dont shutdown if create game allowed on this server
				bool bSupposedToConnectToLobby = !(FEDSRV_GUID != g.fm.GetHostApplicationGuid());
				if ((0 == cGames) && (bSupposedToConnectToLobby ? (g.cStaticCoreInfo == 0) : true))
					PostThreadMessage(g.idReceiveThread, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
#endif // defined(ALLSRV_STANDALONE)