// Purpose: 
void mxStatusWindow::DrawActiveTool()
	RECT rcTool;
	rcTool.left = 0;
	rcTool.top = GetCaptionHeight() + 2;
	rcTool.bottom = h2();
	rcTool.right = w2() - 16;

	rcTool.bottom = rcTool.top + 10;
	rcTool.left = rcTool.right - 500;

	char sz[ 256 ];

	IFacePoserToolWindow *activeTool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetActiveTool();

	static float lastrealtime = 0.0f;

	float dt = (float)realtime - lastrealtime;
	dt = clamp( dt, 0.0f, 1.0f );

	float fps = 0.0f;
	if ( dt > 0.0001f )
		fps = 1.0f / dt;

	sprintf( sz, "%s (%i) at %.3f (%.2f fps) (soundcount %i)", 
		activeTool ? activeTool->GetToolName() : "None", 
		models->CountActiveSources() );

	lastrealtime = realtime;

	int len = CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper::CalcTextWidth( "Courier New", 10, FW_NORMAL, sz );

	CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper helper( this, rcTool, RGB( 32, 0, 0 ) );

	rcTool.left = rcTool.right - len - 15;

	helper.DrawColoredText( "Courier New", 10, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 255, 255, 200 ), rcTool, sz );
Пример #2
MDLViewer::MDLViewer ()
: mxWindow (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g_appTitle, mxWindow::Normal)
	int i;

	g_MDLViewer = this;

	FacePoser_MakeToolWindow( this, false );

	workspace = new CMDLViewerWorkspace( this, 0, 0, 500, 500, "" );
	windowtab = new CMDLViewerWindowTab( this, 0, 500, 500, 20, IDC_WINDOW_TAB );
	modeltab = new CMDLViewerModelTab( this, 500, 500, 100, 20, IDC_MODEL_TAB );
	gridsettings = new CMDLViewerGridSettings( this, 0, 500, 500, 20 );
	modeltab->SetRightJustify( true );

	g_pStatusWindow = new mxStatusWindow( workspace, 0, 0, 1024, 150, "" );
	g_pStatusWindow->setVisible( true );

	InitViewerSettings( "faceposer" );
	g_viewerSettings.speechapiindex = SPEECH_API_LIPSINC;
	g_viewerSettings.flHeadTurn = 0.0f;
	g_viewerSettings.m_iEditAttachment = -1;

	// ShowWindow( (HWND)getHandle(), SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED );

	g_pStatusWindow->setBounds(  0, h2() - 150, w2(), 150 );

	Con_Printf( "MDLViewer started\n" );

	Con_Printf( "CSoundEmitterSystemBase::Init()\n" );

	Con_Printf( "Creating menu bar\n" );

	// create menu stuff
	mb = new mxMenuBar (this);
	menuFile = new mxMenu ();
	menuOptions = new mxMenu ();
	menuWindow = new mxMenu ();
	menuHelp = new mxMenu ();
	menuEdit = new mxMenu ();
	menuExpressions = new mxMenu();
	menuChoreography = new mxMenu();

	mb->addMenu ("File", menuFile);
	mb->addMenu( "Edit", menuEdit );
	mb->addMenu ("Options", menuOptions);
	mb->addMenu ( "Expression", menuExpressions );
	mb->addMenu ( "Choreography", menuChoreography );
	mb->addMenu ("Window", menuWindow);
	mb->addMenu ("Help", menuHelp);

	mxMenu *menuRecentModels = new mxMenu ();
	menuRecentModels->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTMODELS1);
	menuRecentModels->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTMODELS2);
	menuRecentModels->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTMODELS3);
	menuRecentModels->add ("(empty)", IDC_FILE_RECENTMODELS4);

	menuFile->add ("Load Model...", IDC_FILE_LOADMODEL);
	menuFile->add( "Refresh\tF5", IDC_FILE_REFRESH );


	menuFile->add ("Load Background Texture...", IDC_FILE_LOADBACKGROUNDTEX);
	menuFile->add ("Load Ground Texture...", IDC_FILE_LOADGROUNDTEX);
	menuFile->addSeparator ();
	menuFile->add ("Unload Ground Texture", IDC_FILE_UNLOADGROUNDTEX);
	menuFile->addSeparator ();
	menuFile->addMenu ("Recent Models", menuRecentModels);
	menuFile->addSeparator ();
	menuFile->add ("Exit", IDC_FILE_EXIT);

	menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_LOADBACKGROUNDTEX, false);
	menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_LOADGROUNDTEX, false);
	menuFile->setEnabled(IDC_FILE_UNLOADGROUNDTEX, false);

	menuEdit->add( "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", IDC_EDIT_UNDO );
	//menuFile->setEnabled( IDC_EDIT_UNDO, false );
	menuEdit->add( "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", IDC_EDIT_REDO );
	//menuFile->setEnabled( IDC_EDIT_REDO, false );


	menuEdit->add( "&Copy\tCtrl+C", IDC_EDIT_COPY );
	menuEdit->add( "&Paste\tCtrl+V", IDC_EDIT_PASTE );

	menuOptions->add ("Background Color...", IDC_OPTIONS_COLORBACKGROUND);
	menuOptions->add ("Ground Color...", IDC_OPTIONS_COLORGROUND);
	menuOptions->add ("Light Color...", IDC_OPTIONS_COLORLIGHT);
	menuOptions->addSeparator ();
	menuOptions->add ("Center View", IDC_OPTIONS_CENTERVIEW);
	menuOptions->add ("Center on Face", IDC_OPTIONS_CENTERONFACE );
#ifdef WIN32
	menuOptions->addSeparator ();
	menuOptions->add ("Make Screenshot...", IDC_OPTIONS_MAKESCREENSHOT);
	//menuOptions->add ("Dump Model Info", IDC_OPTIONS_DUMP);

	menuExpressions->add( "New...", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_NEW );
	menuExpressions->addSeparator ();
	menuExpressions->add( "Load...", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_LOAD );
	menuExpressions->add( "Save", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_SAVE );
	menuExpressions->addSeparator ();
	menuExpressions->add( "Export to VFE", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_EXPORT );
	menuExpressions->addSeparator ();
	menuExpressions->add( "Close class", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_CLOSE );
	menuExpressions->add( "Close all classes", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_CLOSEALL );
	menuExpressions->add( "Recreate all bitmaps", IDC_EXPRESSIONS_REDOBITMAPS );

	menuChoreography->add( "New...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_NEW );
	menuChoreography->add( "Load...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_LOAD );
	menuChoreography->add( "Save", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SAVE );
	menuChoreography->add( "Save As...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_SAVEAS );
	menuChoreography->add( "Close", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_CLOSE );
	menuChoreography->add( "Add Actor...", IDC_CHOREOSCENE_ADDACTOR );

#ifdef WIN32
	menuHelp->add ("Goto Homepage...", IDC_HELP_GOTOHOMEPAGE);
	menuHelp->addSeparator ();
	menuHelp->add ("About...", IDC_HELP_ABOUT);

	// create the Material System window
	Con_Printf( "Creating 3D View\n" );
	g_pMatSysWindow = new MatSysWindow (workspace, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", mxWindow::Normal);

	Con_Printf( "Creating control panel\n" );
	g_pControlPanel = new ControlPanel (workspace);

	Con_Printf( "Creating phoneme editor\n" );
	g_pPhonemeEditor = new PhonemeEditor( workspace );

	Con_Printf( "Creating expression tool\n" );
	g_pExpressionTool = new ExpressionTool( workspace );

	Con_Printf( "Creating gesture tool\n" );
	g_pGestureTool = new GestureTool( workspace );

	Con_Printf( "Creating ramp tool\n" );
	g_pRampTool = new RampTool( workspace );

	Con_Printf( "Creating scene ramp tool\n" );
	g_pSceneRampTool = new SceneRampTool( workspace );

	Con_Printf( "Creating expression tray\n" );
	g_pExpressionTrayTool = new mxExpressionTray( workspace, IDC_EXPRESSIONTRAY );

	Con_Printf( "Creating flex slider window\n" );
	g_pFlexPanel = new FlexPanel( workspace );

	Con_Printf( "Creating choreography view\n" );
	g_pChoreoView = new CChoreoView( workspace, 200, 200, 400, 300, 0 );
	// Choreo scene file drives main window title name
	g_pChoreoView->SetUseForMainWindowTitle( true );

	Con_Printf( "IFacePoserToolWindow::Init\n" );


	Con_Printf( "windowtab->Init\n" );

	Con_Printf( "loadRecentFiles\n" );

	loadRecentFiles ();
	initRecentFiles ();

	Con_Printf( "LoadWindowPositions\n" );


	Con_Printf( "RestoreThumbnailSize\n" );


	Con_Printf( "Add Tool Windows\n" );

	int c = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetToolCount();
	for ( i = 0; i < c ; i++ )
		IFacePoserToolWindow *tool = IFacePoserToolWindow::GetTool( i );
		menuWindow->add( tool->GetToolName(), IDC_WINDOW_FIRSTTOOL + i );

	menuWindow->add( "Cascade", IDC_WINDOW_CASCADE );
	menuWindow->add( "Tile", IDC_WINDOW_TILE );
	menuWindow->add( "Tile Horizontally", IDC_WINDOW_TILE_HORIZ );
	menuWindow->add( "Tile Vertically", IDC_WINDOW_TILE_VERT );
	menuWindow->add( "Hide All", IDC_WINDOW_HIDEALL );
	menuWindow->add( "Show All", IDC_WINDOW_SHOWALL );

	Con_Printf( "UpdateWindowMenu\n" );


	m_nCurrentFrame = 0;

	Con_Printf( "gridsettings->Init()\n" );


	Con_Printf( "Model viewer created\n" );