void Device::update() { if ( mSensor != 0 ) { mSensor->get_Status( &mStatus ); } if ( mFrameReader == 0 ) { return; } IAudioBeamFrame* audioFrame = 0; IBodyFrame* bodyFrame = 0; IBodyIndexFrame* bodyIndexFrame = 0; IColorFrame* colorFrame = 0; IDepthFrame* depthFrame = 0; IMultiSourceFrame* frame = 0; IInfraredFrame* infraredFrame = 0; ILongExposureInfraredFrame* infraredLongExposureFrame = 0; HRESULT hr = mFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &frame ); // TODO audio if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { console() << "SUCCEEDED " << getElapsedFrames() << endl; } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) { IBodyFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_BodyFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) { IBodyIndexFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyIndexFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) { IColorFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_ColorFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &colorFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) { IDepthFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_DepthFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &depthFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) { IInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_InfraredFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) { ILongExposureInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_LongExposureInfraredFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredLongExposureFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { long long time = 0L; // TODO audio IFrameDescription* bodyFrameDescription = 0; int32_t bodyWidth = 0; int32_t bodyHeight = 0; uint32_t bodyBufferSize = 0; uint8_t* bodyBuffer = 0; IFrameDescription* bodyIndexFrameDescription = 0; int32_t bodyIndexWidth = 0; int32_t bodyIndexHeight = 0; uint32_t bodyIndexBufferSize = 0; uint8_t* bodyIndexBuffer = 0; IFrameDescription* colorFrameDescription = 0; int32_t colorWidth = 0; int32_t colorHeight = 0; ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None; uint32_t colorBufferSize = 0; uint8_t* colorBuffer = 0; IFrameDescription* depthFrameDescription = 0; int32_t depthWidth = 0; int32_t depthHeight = 0; uint16_t depthMinReliableDistance = 0; uint16_t depthMaxReliableDistance = 0; uint32_t depthBufferSize = 0; uint16_t* depthBuffer = 0; IFrameDescription* infraredFrameDescription = 0; int32_t infraredWidth = 0; int32_t infraredHeight = 0; uint32_t infraredBufferSize = 0; uint16_t* infraredBuffer = 0; IFrameDescription* infraredLongExposureFrameDescription = 0; int32_t infraredLongExposureWidth = 0; int32_t infraredLongExposureHeight = 0; uint32_t infraredLongExposureBufferSize = 0; uint16_t* infraredLongExposureBuffer = 0; hr = depthFrame->get_RelativeTime( &time ); // TODO audio if ( mDeviceOptions.isAudioEnabled() ) { } // TODO body if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) { } if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrame->get_FrameDescription( &bodyIndexFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Width( &bodyIndexWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Height( &bodyIndexHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { //hr = bodyIndexFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &bodyIndexBufferSize, &bodyIndexBuffer ); } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrame->get_FrameDescription( &colorFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Width( &colorWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Height( &colorHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat( &imageFormat ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { bool isAllocated = false; SurfaceChannelOrder channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::BGRA; if ( imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra ) { hr = colorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer( &colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>( &colorBuffer ) ); channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::BGRA; } else if ( imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Rgba ) { hr = colorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer( &colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t**>( &colorBuffer ) ); channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::RGBA; } else { isAllocated = true; colorBufferSize = colorWidth * colorHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4; colorBuffer = new uint8_t[ colorBufferSize ]; hr = colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>( colorBuffer ), ColorImageFormat_Rgba ); channelOrder = SurfaceChannelOrder::RGBA; } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { colorFrame->get_RelativeTime( &time ); Surface8u colorSurface = Surface8u( colorBuffer, colorWidth, colorHeight, colorWidth * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4, channelOrder ); mFrame.mSurfaceColor = Surface8u( colorWidth, colorHeight, false, channelOrder ); mFrame.mSurfaceColor.copyFrom( colorSurface, colorSurface.getBounds() ); console() << "Color\n\twidth: " << colorWidth << "\n\theight: " << colorHeight << "\n\tbuffer size: " << colorBufferSize << "\n\ttime: " << time << endl; } if ( isAllocated && colorBuffer != 0 ) { delete[] colorBuffer; colorBuffer = 0; } } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->get_FrameDescription( &depthFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Width( &depthWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Height( &depthHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance( &depthMinReliableDistance ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance( &depthMaxReliableDistance ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &depthBufferSize, &depthBuffer ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { Channel16u depthChannel = Channel16u( depthWidth, depthHeight, depthWidth * sizeof( uint16_t ), 1, depthBuffer ); mFrame.mChannelDepth = Channel16u( depthWidth, depthHeight ); mFrame.mChannelDepth.copyFrom( depthChannel, depthChannel.getBounds() ); console( ) << "Depth\n\twidth: " << depthWidth << "\n\theight: " << depthHeight << endl; } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredBufferSize, &infraredBuffer ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { Channel16u infraredChannel = Channel16u( infraredWidth, infraredHeight, infraredWidth * sizeof( uint16_t ), 1, infraredBuffer ); mFrame.mChannelInfrared = Channel16u( infraredWidth, infraredHeight ); mFrame.mChannelInfrared.copyFrom( infraredChannel, infraredChannel.getBounds() ); console( ) << "Infrared\n\twidth: " << infraredWidth << "\n\theight: " << infraredHeight << endl; } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredLongExposureFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredLongExposureWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredLongExposureHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredLongExposureBufferSize, &infraredLongExposureBuffer ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { Channel16u infraredLongExposureChannel = Channel16u( infraredLongExposureWidth, infraredLongExposureHeight, infraredLongExposureWidth * sizeof( uint16_t ), 1, infraredLongExposureBuffer ); mFrame.mChannelInfraredLongExposure = Channel16u( infraredLongExposureWidth, infraredLongExposureHeight ); mFrame.mChannelInfraredLongExposure.copyFrom( infraredLongExposureChannel, infraredLongExposureChannel.getBounds() ); int64_t irLongExpTime = 0; hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->get_RelativeTime( &irLongExpTime ); console( ) << "Infrared Long Exposure\n\twidth: " << infraredLongExposureWidth << "\n\theight: " << infraredLongExposureHeight; if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { console() << "\n\ttimestamp: " << irLongExpTime; } console() << endl; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // TODO build Kinect2::Frame from buffers, data mFrame.mTimeStamp = time; } if ( bodyFrameDescription != 0 ) { bodyFrameDescription->Release(); bodyFrameDescription = 0; } if ( bodyIndexFrameDescription != 0 ) { bodyIndexFrameDescription->Release(); bodyIndexFrameDescription = 0; } if ( colorFrameDescription != 0 ) { colorFrameDescription->Release(); colorFrameDescription = 0; } if ( depthFrameDescription != 0 ) { depthFrameDescription->Release(); depthFrameDescription = 0; } if ( infraredFrameDescription != 0 ) { infraredFrameDescription->Release(); infraredFrameDescription = 0; } if ( infraredLongExposureFrameDescription != 0 ) { infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->Release(); infraredLongExposureFrameDescription = 0; } } if ( audioFrame != 0 ) { audioFrame->Release(); audioFrame = 0; } if ( bodyFrame != 0 ) { bodyFrame->Release(); bodyFrame = 0; } if ( bodyIndexFrame != 0 ) { bodyIndexFrame->Release(); bodyIndexFrame = 0; } if ( colorFrame != 0 ) { colorFrame->Release(); colorFrame = 0; } if ( depthFrame != 0 ) { depthFrame->Release(); depthFrame = 0; } if ( frame != 0 ) { frame->Release(); frame = 0; } if ( infraredFrame != 0 ) { infraredFrame->Release(); infraredFrame = 0; } if ( infraredLongExposureFrame != 0 ) { infraredLongExposureFrame->Release(); infraredLongExposureFrame = 0; } }
bool KinectV2Controller::UpdateCamera() { if(InitializeMultiFrameReader()) { IMultiSourceFrame* pMultiSourceFrame = NULL; IDepthFrame* pDepthFrame = NULL; IColorFrame* pColorFrame = NULL; IInfraredFrame* pInfraRedFrame = NULL; HRESULT hr = -1; static DWORD lastTime = 0; DWORD currentTime = GetTickCount(); //Check if we do not request data faster than 30 FPS. Kinect V2 can only deliver 30 FPS. if( unsigned int(currentTime - lastTime) > 33 ) { hr = d->m_pMultiSourceFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pMultiSourceFrame); lastTime = currentTime; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IDepthFrameReference* pDepthFrameReference = NULL; hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&pDepthFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pDepthFrame); } SafeRelease(pDepthFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IColorFrameReference* pColorFrameReference = NULL; hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_ColorFrameReference(&pColorFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pColorFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pColorFrame); } SafeRelease(pColorFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IInfraredFrameReference* pInfraredFrameReference = NULL; hr = pMultiSourceFrame->get_InfraredFrameReference(&pInfraredFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pInfraredFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&pInfraRedFrame); } SafeRelease(pInfraredFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { UINT nDepthBufferSize = 0; UINT16 *pDepthBuffer = NULL; UINT16 *pIntraRedBuffer = NULL; ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None; UINT nColorBufferSize = 0; RGBQUAD *pColorBuffer = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pDepthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &pDepthBuffer); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pInfraRedFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&nDepthBufferSize, &pIntraRedBuffer); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for(int i = 0; i < d->m_DepthCaptureHeight*d->m_DepthCaptureWidth; ++i) { d->m_Distances[i] = static_cast<float>(*pDepthBuffer); d->m_Amplitudes[i] = static_cast<float>(*pIntraRedBuffer); ++pDepthBuffer; ++pIntraRedBuffer; } } else { MITK_ERROR << "AccessUnderlyingBuffer"; } // get color frame data if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pColorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra) { hr = pColorFrame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&pColorBuffer)); } else if (d->m_pColorRGBX) { pColorBuffer = d->m_pColorRGBX; nColorBufferSize = d->m_RGBCaptureWidth * d->m_RGBCaptureHeight * sizeof(RGBQUAD); hr = pColorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(nColorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pColorBuffer), ColorImageFormat_Bgra); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for(int i = 0; i < d->m_RGBBufferSize; i+=3) { //convert from BGR to RGB d->m_Colors[i+0] = pColorBuffer->rgbRed; d->m_Colors[i+1] = pColorBuffer->rgbGreen; d->m_Colors[i+2] = pColorBuffer->rgbBlue; ++pColorBuffer; } } } } SafeRelease(pDepthFrame); SafeRelease(pColorFrame); SafeRelease(pInfraRedFrame); SafeRelease(pMultiSourceFrame); if( hr != -1 && !SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { //The thread gets here, if the data is requested faster than the device can deliver it. //This may happen from time to time. return false; } return true; } MITK_ERROR << "Unable to initialize MultiFrameReader"; return false; }
void* Kinect2StreamImpl::populateFrameBuffer(int& buffWidth, int& buffHeight) { buffWidth = 0; buffHeight = 0; if (m_sensorType == ONI_SENSOR_COLOR) { if (m_pFrameReader.color && m_pFrameBuffer.color) { buffWidth = 1920; buffHeight = 1080; IColorFrame* frame = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pFrameReader.color->AcquireLatestFrame(&frame); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ColorImageFormat imageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None; hr = frame->get_RawColorImageFormat(&imageFormat); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (imageFormat == ColorImageFormat_Bgra) { RGBQUAD* data; UINT bufferSize; frame->AccessRawUnderlyingBuffer(&bufferSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE**>(&data)); memcpy(m_pFrameBuffer.color, data, 1920*1080*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); } else { frame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray(1920*1080*sizeof(RGBQUAD), reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(m_pFrameBuffer.color), ColorImageFormat_Bgra); } } } if (frame) { frame->Release(); } return reinterpret_cast<void*>(m_pFrameBuffer.color); } } else if (m_sensorType == ONI_SENSOR_DEPTH) { if (m_pFrameReader.depth && m_pFrameBuffer.depth) { buffWidth = 512; buffHeight = 424; IDepthFrame* frame = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pFrameReader.depth->AcquireLatestFrame(&frame); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { UINT16* data; UINT bufferSize; frame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&bufferSize, &data); memcpy(m_pFrameBuffer.depth, data, 512*424*sizeof(UINT16)); } if (frame) { frame->Release(); } return reinterpret_cast<void*>(m_pFrameBuffer.depth); } } else { // ONI_SENSOR_IR if (m_pFrameReader.infrared && m_pFrameBuffer.infrared) { buffWidth = 512; buffHeight = 424; IInfraredFrame* frame = NULL; HRESULT hr = m_pFrameReader.infrared->AcquireLatestFrame(&frame); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { UINT16* data; UINT bufferSize; frame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&bufferSize, &data); memcpy(m_pFrameBuffer.infrared, data, 512*424*sizeof(UINT16)); } if (frame) { frame->Release(); } return reinterpret_cast<void*>(m_pFrameBuffer.infrared); } } return NULL; }
bool IrStream::readFrame(IMultiSourceFrame *multiFrame) { bool readed = false; if (!m_StreamHandle.infraredFrameReader) { ofLogWarning("ofxKinect2::IrStream") << "Stream is not open."; return readed; } Stream::readFrame(); IInfraredFrame *irFrame = nullptr; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; if (!multiFrame) { hr = m_StreamHandle.infraredFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&irFrame); } else { IInfraredFrameReference *irFrameReference = nullptr; hr = multiFrame->get_InfraredFrameReference(&irFrameReference); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrameReference->AcquireFrame(&irFrame); } safeRelease(irFrameReference); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IFrameDescription *irFrameDescription = nullptr; hr = irFrame->get_RelativeTime((INT64 *)&m_Frame.timestamp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrame->get_FrameDescription(&irFrameDescription); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrameDescription->get_Width(&m_Frame.width); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrameDescription->get_Height(&m_Frame.height); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrameDescription->get_HorizontalFieldOfView(&m_Frame.horizontalFieldOfView); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrameDescription->get_VerticalFieldOfView(&m_Frame.verticalFieldOfView); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrameDescription->get_DiagonalFieldOfView(&m_Frame.diagonalFieldOfView); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = irFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer((UINT *)&m_Frame.dataSize, reinterpret_cast<UINT16 **>(&m_Frame.data)); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { readed = true; setPixels(m_Frame); } safeRelease(irFrameDescription); } safeRelease(irFrame); return readed; }
void KinectDevice::listen() { if (_listening) throw std::exception("Already listening for new frames"); _listening = true; while (_listening) { int idx = WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE) _frameEvent, 100); switch (idx) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: std::cout << "."; continue; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: IMultiSourceFrameArrivedEventArgs *frameArgs = nullptr; IMultiSourceFrameReference *frameRef = nullptr; HRESULT hr = _reader->GetMultiSourceFrameArrivedEventData(_frameEvent, &frameArgs); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = frameArgs->get_FrameReference(&frameRef); frameArgs->Release(); } if (hr == S_OK) { //if (_lastFrame) _lastFrame->Release(); hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame(&_lastFrame); frameRef->Release(); } if (hr == S_OK) { // Store frame data //std::cout << "Got a frame YEAH" << std::endl; IDepthFrameReference *depthRef = nullptr; IColorFrameReference *colorRef = nullptr; IInfraredFrameReference *irRef = nullptr; ILongExposureInfraredFrameReference *hdirRef = nullptr; IBodyIndexFrameReference *indexRef = nullptr; IDepthFrame *depth = nullptr; IColorFrame *color = nullptr; IInfraredFrame *ir = nullptr; ILongExposureInfraredFrame *hdir = nullptr; IBodyIndexFrame *index = nullptr; size_t size; uint16_t *buff; BYTE *cbuff; frameLock.lock(); if (_streams & Streams::DEPTH_STREAM) { _lastFrame->get_DepthFrameReference(&depthRef); depthRef->AcquireFrame(&depth); if (depth) { depthSwap(); depth->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&size, &buff); memcpy(depthData.get(), buff, size * sizeof(uint16_t)); depth->Release(); } depthRef->Release(); } if (_streams & Streams::COLOR_STREAM) { _lastFrame->get_ColorFrameReference(&colorRef); colorRef->AcquireFrame(&color); //color->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&size, &buff); //memcpy(_colorData.get(), buff, size); color->Release(); colorRef->Release(); } if (_streams & Streams::IR_STREAM) { _lastFrame->get_InfraredFrameReference(&irRef); irRef->AcquireFrame(&ir); ir->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&size, &buff); memcpy(irData.get(), buff, size); ir->Release(); irRef->Release(); } if (_streams & Streams::HDIR_STREAM) { _lastFrame->get_LongExposureInfraredFrameReference(&hdirRef); hdirRef->AcquireFrame(&hdir); hdir->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&size, &buff); memcpy(hdirData.get(), buff, size); hdir->Release(); hdirRef->Release(); } if (_streams & Streams::INDEX_STREAM) { _lastFrame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference(&indexRef); indexRef->AcquireFrame(&index); index->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&size, &cbuff); memcpy(indexData.get(), cbuff, size); index->Release(); indexRef->Release(); } frameLock.unlock(); _lastFrame->Release(); } } } }
void Device::update() { if ( mFrameReader == 0 ) { return; } IAudioBeamFrame* audioFrame = 0; IBodyFrame* bodyFrame = 0; IBodyIndexFrame* bodyIndexFrame = 0; IColorFrame* colorFrame = 0; IDepthFrame* depthFrame = 0; IMultiSourceFrame* frame = 0; IInfraredFrame* infraredFrame = 0; ILongExposureInfraredFrame* infraredLongExposureFrame = 0; HRESULT hr = mFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame( &frame ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isAudioEnabled() ) { // TODO audio } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) { IBodyFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_BodyFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) { IBodyIndexFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_BodyIndexFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &bodyIndexFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) { IColorFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_ColorFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &colorFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) { IDepthFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_DepthFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &depthFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) { IInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_InfraredFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) { ILongExposureInfraredFrameReference* frameRef = 0; hr = frame->get_LongExposureInfraredFrameReference( &frameRef ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = frameRef->AcquireFrame( &infraredLongExposureFrame ); } if ( frameRef != 0 ) { frameRef->Release(); frameRef = 0; } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { long long timeStamp = 0L; // TODO audio std::vector<Body> bodies; int64_t bodyTime = 0L; IBody* kinectBodies[ BODY_COUNT ] = { 0 }; Vec4f floorClipPlane = Vec4f::zero(); Channel8u bodyIndexChannel; IFrameDescription* bodyIndexFrameDescription = 0; int32_t bodyIndexWidth = 0; int32_t bodyIndexHeight = 0; uint32_t bodyIndexBufferSize = 0; uint8_t* bodyIndexBuffer = 0; int64_t bodyIndexTime = 0L; Surface8u colorSurface; IFrameDescription* colorFrameDescription = 0; int32_t colorWidth = 0; int32_t colorHeight = 0; ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat = ColorImageFormat_None; uint32_t colorBufferSize = 0; uint8_t* colorBuffer = 0; Channel16u depthChannel; IFrameDescription* depthFrameDescription = 0; int32_t depthWidth = 0; int32_t depthHeight = 0; uint16_t depthMinReliableDistance = 0; uint16_t depthMaxReliableDistance = 0; uint32_t depthBufferSize = 0; uint16_t* depthBuffer = 0; Channel16u infraredChannel; IFrameDescription* infraredFrameDescription = 0; int32_t infraredWidth = 0; int32_t infraredHeight = 0; uint32_t infraredBufferSize = 0; uint16_t* infraredBuffer = 0; Channel16u infraredLongExposureChannel; IFrameDescription* infraredLongExposureFrameDescription = 0; int32_t infraredLongExposureWidth = 0; int32_t infraredLongExposureHeight = 0; uint32_t infraredLongExposureBufferSize = 0; uint16_t* infraredLongExposureBuffer = 0; hr = depthFrame->get_RelativeTime( &timeStamp ); // TODO audio if ( mDeviceOptions.isAudioEnabled() ) { } if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyFrame->get_RelativeTime( &bodyTime ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyFrame->GetAndRefreshBodyData( BODY_COUNT, kinectBodies ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { Vector4 v; hr = bodyFrame->get_FloorClipPlane( &v ); floorClipPlane = toVec4f( v ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { for ( uint8_t i = 0; i < BODY_COUNT; ++i ) { IBody* kinectBody = kinectBodies[ i ]; if ( kinectBody != 0 ) { uint8_t isTracked = false; hr = kinectBody->get_IsTracked( &isTracked ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && isTracked ) { Joint joints[ JointType_Count ]; kinectBody->GetJoints( JointType_Count, joints ); JointOrientation jointOrientations[ JointType_Count ]; kinectBody->GetJointOrientations( JointType_Count, jointOrientations ); uint64_t id = 0; kinectBody->get_TrackingId( &id ); std::map<JointType, Body::Joint> jointMap; for ( int32_t j = 0; j < JointType_Count; ++j ) { Body::Joint joint( toVec3f( joints[ j ].Position ), toQuatf( jointOrientations[ j ].Orientation ), joints[ j ].TrackingState ); jointMap.insert( pair<JointType, Body::Joint>( static_cast<JointType>( j ), joint ) ); } Body body( id, i, jointMap ); bodies.push_back( body ); } } } } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isBodyIndexEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrame->get_RelativeTime( &bodyIndexTime ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrame->get_FrameDescription( &bodyIndexFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Width( &bodyIndexWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrameDescription->get_Height( &bodyIndexHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = bodyIndexFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &bodyIndexBufferSize, &bodyIndexBuffer ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { bodyIndexChannel = Channel8u( bodyIndexWidth, bodyIndexHeight ); memcpy( bodyIndexChannel.getData(), bodyIndexBuffer, bodyIndexWidth * bodyIndexHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) ); } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isColorEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrame->get_FrameDescription( &colorFrameDescription ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { float vFov = 0.0f; float hFov = 0.0f; float dFov = 0.0f; colorFrameDescription->get_VerticalFieldOfView( &vFov ); colorFrameDescription->get_HorizontalFieldOfView( &hFov ); colorFrameDescription->get_DiagonalFieldOfView( &dFov ); } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Width( &colorWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrameDescription->get_Height( &colorHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = colorFrame->get_RawColorImageFormat( &colorImageFormat ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { colorBufferSize = colorWidth * colorHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4; colorBuffer = new uint8_t[ colorBufferSize ]; hr = colorFrame->CopyConvertedFrameDataToArray( colorBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>( colorBuffer ), ColorImageFormat_Rgba ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { colorSurface = Surface8u( colorWidth, colorHeight, false, SurfaceChannelOrder::RGBA ); memcpy( colorSurface.getData(), colorBuffer, colorWidth * colorHeight * sizeof( uint8_t ) * 4 ); } delete [] colorBuffer; colorBuffer = 0; } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isDepthEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->get_FrameDescription( &depthFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Width( &depthWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrameDescription->get_Height( &depthHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMinReliableDistance( &depthMinReliableDistance ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->get_DepthMaxReliableDistance( &depthMaxReliableDistance ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = depthFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &depthBufferSize, &depthBuffer ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { depthChannel = Channel16u( depthWidth, depthHeight ); memcpy( depthChannel.getData(), depthBuffer, depthWidth * depthHeight * sizeof( uint16_t ) ); } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredBufferSize, &infraredBuffer ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { infraredChannel = Channel16u( infraredWidth, infraredHeight ); memcpy( infraredChannel.getData(), infraredBuffer, infraredWidth * infraredHeight * sizeof( uint16_t ) ); } } if ( mDeviceOptions.isInfraredLongExposureEnabled() ) { if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->get_FrameDescription( &infraredLongExposureFrameDescription ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Width( &infraredLongExposureWidth ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->get_Height( &infraredLongExposureHeight ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = infraredLongExposureFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer( &infraredLongExposureBufferSize, &infraredLongExposureBuffer ); } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { infraredLongExposureChannel = Channel16u( infraredLongExposureWidth, infraredLongExposureHeight ); memcpy( infraredLongExposureChannel.getData(), infraredLongExposureBuffer, infraredLongExposureWidth * infraredLongExposureHeight * sizeof( uint16_t ) ); } } if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { mFrame.mBodies = bodies; mFrame.mChannelBodyIndex = bodyIndexChannel; mFrame.mChannelDepth = depthChannel; mFrame.mChannelInfrared = infraredChannel; mFrame.mChannelInfraredLongExposure = infraredLongExposureChannel; mFrame.mDeviceId = mDeviceOptions.getDeviceId(); mFrame.mSurfaceColor = colorSurface; mFrame.mTimeStamp = timeStamp; mFrame.mFloorClipPlane = floorClipPlane; } if ( bodyIndexFrameDescription != 0 ) { bodyIndexFrameDescription->Release(); bodyIndexFrameDescription = 0; } if ( colorFrameDescription != 0 ) { colorFrameDescription->Release(); colorFrameDescription = 0; } if ( depthFrameDescription != 0 ) { depthFrameDescription->Release(); depthFrameDescription = 0; } if ( infraredFrameDescription != 0 ) { infraredFrameDescription->Release(); infraredFrameDescription = 0; } if ( infraredLongExposureFrameDescription != 0 ) { infraredLongExposureFrameDescription->Release(); infraredLongExposureFrameDescription = 0; } } if ( audioFrame != 0 ) { audioFrame->Release(); audioFrame = 0; } if ( bodyFrame != 0 ) { bodyFrame->Release(); bodyFrame = 0; } if ( bodyIndexFrame != 0 ) { bodyIndexFrame->Release(); bodyIndexFrame = 0; } if ( colorFrame != 0 ) { colorFrame->Release(); colorFrame = 0; } if ( depthFrame != 0 ) { depthFrame->Release(); depthFrame = 0; } if ( frame != 0 ) { frame->Release(); frame = 0; } if ( infraredFrame != 0 ) { infraredFrame->Release(); infraredFrame = 0; } if ( infraredLongExposureFrame != 0 ) { infraredLongExposureFrame->Release(); infraredLongExposureFrame = 0; } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { // 1a. Get default Sensor cout << "Try to get default sensor" << endl; IKinectSensor* pSensor = nullptr; if (GetDefaultKinectSensor(&pSensor) != S_OK) { cerr << "Get Sensor failed" << endl; return -1; } // 1b. Open sensor cout << "Try to open sensor" << endl; if (pSensor->Open() != S_OK) { cerr << "Can't open sensor" << endl; return -1; } // 2a. Get frame source cout << "Try to get Infrared source" << endl; IInfraredFrameSource* pFrameSource = nullptr; if (pSensor->get_InfraredFrameSource(&pFrameSource) != S_OK) { cerr << "Can't get Infrared frame source" << endl; return -1; } // 2b. Get frame description cout << "get Infrared frame description" << endl; int iWidth = 0; int iHeight = 0; IFrameDescription* pFrameDescription = nullptr; if (pFrameSource->get_FrameDescription(&pFrameDescription) == S_OK) { pFrameDescription->get_Width(&iWidth); pFrameDescription->get_Height(&iHeight); } pFrameDescription->Release(); pFrameDescription = nullptr; // 3a. get frame reader cout << "Try to get Infrared frame reader" << endl; IInfraredFrameReader* pFrameReader = nullptr; if (pFrameSource->OpenReader(&pFrameReader) != S_OK) { cerr << "Can't get Infrared frame reader" << endl; return -1; } // 2c. release Frame source cout << "Release frame source" << endl; pFrameSource->Release(); pFrameSource = nullptr; // create OpenCV window cv::namedWindow( "Infrared Image" ); // Enter main loop while (true) { // 4a. Get last frame IInfraredFrame* pFrame = nullptr; if (pFrameReader->AcquireLatestFrame(&pFrame) == S_OK) { // 4c. Copy to OpenCV image UINT uSize = 0; UINT16* pBuffer = nullptr; if (pFrame->AccessUnderlyingBuffer(&uSize, &pBuffer) == S_OK) { cv::Mat mIRImg(iHeight, iWidth, CV_16UC1, pBuffer); cv::imshow("Infrared Image", mIRImg); } else { cerr << "Data access error" << endl; } // 4e. release frame pFrame->Release(); } // 4f. check keyboard input if (cv::waitKey(30) == VK_ESCAPE){ break; } } // 3b. release frame reader cout << "Release frame reader" << endl; pFrameReader->Release(); pFrameReader = nullptr; // 1c. Close Sensor cout << "close sensor" << endl; pSensor->Close(); // 1d. Release Sensor cout << "Release sensor" << endl; pSensor->Release(); pSensor = nullptr; return 0; }