void UpdateLevelInfo() { ILevel *pLevel = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetILevelSystem()->GetCurrentLevel(); if(pLevel != NULL && pLevel->GetLevelInfo() != NULL) m_minimapInfo = pLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetMinimapInfo(); }
void CFlowGraphModuleManager::RescanModuleNames(bool bGlobal) { CryFixedStringT<512> path = ""; if(bGlobal) { path = PathUtil::GetGameFolder().c_str(); path += "\\Libs\\"; } else { if(gEnv->IsEditor()) { char *levelName; char *levelPath; gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetEditorLevel(&levelName, &levelPath); path = levelPath; } else { ILevel *pLevel = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetILevelSystem()->GetCurrentLevel(); if (pLevel) { path = pLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetPath(); } } } if(false == path.empty()) { path += MODULE_FOLDER_NAME; ScanFolder(path, bGlobal); } }
void CUIManager::OnSystemEvent( ESystemEvent event, UINT_PTR wparam, UINT_PTR lparam ) { switch (event) { case ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_POST_UNLOAD: InitSound(); break; case ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_LOAD_PREPARE: ShutdownSound(); break; case ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_GAMEPLAY_START: case ESYSTEM_EVENT_EDITOR_GAME_MODE_CHANGED: { if (event == ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_GAMEPLAY_START || wparam == 1) { ILevel *pLevel = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetILevelSystem()->GetCurrentLevel(); if(pLevel) { m_pMOSystem->LoadLevelObjectives(pLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetPath(), true); } } } break; } }
virtual void ProcessEvent(EFlowEvent event, SActivationInfo *pActInfo) { switch (event) { case eFE_Activate: { if(IsPortActive(pActInfo, EIP_LevelComplete)) { // Send the level name to the persistant stats system. ILevelSystem* pLS = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetILevelSystem(); ILevel* pLevel = pLS ? pLS->GetCurrentLevel() : NULL; ILevelInfo* pLevelInfo = pLevel ? pLevel->GetLevelInfo() : NULL; if(pLevelInfo) { // level name case differs (lowercase on ps3, initial caps on xbox) so force lower here stack_string levelName = pLevelInfo->GetName(); levelName.MakeLower(); if(AccountLevelForStats( levelName.c_str() )) { g_pGame->GetPersistantStats()->OnSPLevelComplete( levelName.c_str() ); } } } if(IsPortActive(pActInfo, EIP_Trigger)) { int achievementId = -1; int input = GetPortInt(pActInfo, EIP_Achievement); /* COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 0 == eC3A_Tutorial ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 7 == eC3A_Cave ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 23 == eC3A_SPLevel_CanYouHearMe ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 24 == eC3A_SPLevel_Jailbreak_Rockets ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 25 == eC3A_SPLevel_Donut_Surf ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 26 == eC3A_SPLevel_Roadkill ); COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( 30 == eC3A_SPSkill_Improviser );*/ if((input >= 0 && input <= 7) || (input >= 24 && input <= 28) || (input == eC3A_SPSkill_Improviser) ) { achievementId = input; } else { assert(false); } if(achievementId != -1) { g_pGame->GetGameAchievements()->GiveAchievement((ECrysis3Achievement)achievementId); } } break; } } }
void CEditorGame::OnSaveLevel() { ILevel* pCurrentLevel = m_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetILevelSystem()->GetCurrentLevel(); if (pCurrentLevel) { ILevelInfo* pLevelInfo = pCurrentLevel->GetLevelInfo(); string levelPath = PathUtil::GetGameFolder() + "/" + pLevelInfo->GetPath(); InitEntityArchetypeEnums(m_pGTE, levelPath, PathUtil::GetFile(pLevelInfo->GetName())); } }
string CDevMode::TagFileName() { ILevelSystem * pLevelSystem = CCryAction::GetCryAction()->GetILevelSystem(); ILevel * pLevel = pLevelSystem->GetCurrentLevel(); if (!pLevel) return ""; string path = pLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetPath(); path = PathUtil::GetGameFolder()+ string("/") + path + "/tags.txt"; return path; }
void CUIGameEvents::OnLoadGame( bool shouldResume ) { if (gEnv->IsEditor()) return; ILevel* pLevel = m_pLevelSystem->GetCurrentLevel(); if (pLevel) { m_pGameFramework->LoadGame(pLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetPath(), true); if ( shouldResume && m_pGameFramework->IsGamePaused() ) m_pGameFramework->PauseGame(false, true); } }
void CUIGameEvents::OnReloadLevel() { if (gEnv->IsEditor()) return; ILevel* pLevel = m_pLevelSystem->GetCurrentLevel(); if (pLevel) { m_pGameFramework->ExecuteCommandNextFrame(string().Format("map %s", pLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetName())); if ( m_pGameFramework->IsGamePaused() ) m_pGameFramework->PauseGame(false, true); } }
void CAntiCheatManager::InitSession() { OpenLogFile(); const char * pSessionName = NULL; char sessionID[CRYSESSIONID_STRINGLEN]; sessionID[0] = 0; if(CGameLobby * pGameLobby = g_pGame->GetGameLobby()) { pSessionName = pGameLobby->GetSessionName(); if (pSessionName && pSessionName[0]==0) pSessionName=NULL; pGameLobby->GetSessionIDAsString(sessionID, CRYSESSIONID_STRINGLEN); } //This can't be logged via the cleaner XML method as we need to open the tag now, and close it later on, without leaving everything in memory the whole time CryStackStringT<char, 512> sessionStartTag; const char * pTelemetrySessionName = NULL; if(ITelemetryCollector * pTelemetryCollector = g_pGame->GetITelemetryCollector()) { pTelemetrySessionName = pTelemetryCollector->GetSessionId().c_str(); } sessionStartTag.Format("<Session name=\"%s\" telemetry_name=\"%s\" id=\"%s\">\n", pSessionName ? pSessionName : "UNKNOWN", pTelemetrySessionName ? pTelemetrySessionName : "UNKNOWN", sessionID[0] ? sessionID : "UNKNOWN"); if (m_pLogFile) { gEnv->pCryPak->FWrite(sessionStartTag.c_str(), 1, sessionStartTag.length(), m_pLogFile); } if(CGameRules * pGameRules = g_pGame->GetGameRules()) { XmlNodeRef sessionGameInfo = GetISystem()->CreateXmlNode("GameInfo"); ILevel * pLevel = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetILevelSystem()->GetCurrentLevel(); sessionGameInfo->setAttr("map", pLevel->GetLevelInfo()->GetName()); sessionGameInfo->setAttr("gamemode", CGameRules::S_GetGameModeNamesArray()[pGameRules->GetGameMode()]); CheatLogInternalXml(sessionGameInfo); } }