HRESULT GetSampleFromMFStreamer(/* out */ const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *& vpkt) { //printf("Get Sample...\n"); IMFSample *videoSample = NULL; // Initial read results in a null pSample?? CHECK_HR(videoReader->ReadSample( MF_SOURCE_READER_ANY_STREAM, // Stream index. 0, // Flags. &streamIndex, // Receives the actual stream index. &flags, // Receives status flags. &llVideoTimeStamp, // Receives the time stamp. &videoSample // Receives the sample or NULL. ), L"Error reading video sample."); if (!videoSample) { printf("Failed to get video sample from MF.\n"); } else { DWORD nCurrBufferCount = 0; CHECK_HR(videoSample->GetBufferCount(&nCurrBufferCount), L"Failed to get the buffer count from the video sample.\n"); IMFMediaBuffer * pMediaBuffer; CHECK_HR(videoSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&pMediaBuffer), L"Failed to extract the video sample into a raw buffer.\n"); DWORD nCurrLen = 0; CHECK_HR(pMediaBuffer->GetCurrentLength(&nCurrLen), L"Failed to get the length of the raw buffer holding the video sample.\n"); byte *imgBuff; DWORD buffCurrLen = 0; DWORD buffMaxLen = 0; pMediaBuffer->Lock(&imgBuff, &buffMaxLen, &buffCurrLen); /*BYTE *i420 = new BYTE[4608000]; YUY2ToI420(WIDTH, HEIGHT, STRIDE, imgBuff, i420); vpx_image_t* img = vpx_img_wrap(&_rawImage, VIDEO_INPUT_FORMAT, _vpxConfig.g_w, _vpxConfig.g_h, 1, i420);*/ vpx_image_t* const img = vpx_img_wrap(&_rawImage, VIDEO_INPUT_FORMAT, _vpxConfig.g_w, _vpxConfig.g_h, 1, imgBuff); const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t * pkt; vpx_enc_frame_flags_t flags = 0; if (vpx_codec_encode(&_vpxCodec, &_rawImage, _sampleCount, 1, flags, VPX_DL_REALTIME)) { printf("VPX codec failed to encode the frame.\n"); return -1; } else { vpx_codec_iter_t iter = NULL; while ((pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(&_vpxCodec, &iter))) { switch (pkt->kind) { case VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT: vpkt = pkt; // const_cast<vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t **>(&pkt); break; default: break; } printf("%s %i\n", pkt->kind == VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT && (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) ? "K" : ".", pkt->; } } _sampleCount++; vpx_img_free(img); pMediaBuffer->Unlock(); pMediaBuffer->Release(); //delete i420; videoSample->Release(); return S_OK; } }
DWORD SampleToStaticObj(IMFSample *pSample, char **buff) { if(*buff!=NULL) throw runtime_error("Buff ptr should be initially null"); IMFMediaBuffer *ppBuffer = NULL; HRESULT hr = pSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&ppBuffer); //cout << "ConvertToContiguousBuffer=" << SUCCEEDED(hr) << "\tstride="<< plStride << "\n"; IMF2DBuffer *m_p2DBuffer = NULL; ppBuffer->QueryInterface(IID_IMF2DBuffer, (void**)&m_p2DBuffer); //cout << "IMF2DBuffer=" << (m_p2DBuffer != NULL) << "\n"; DWORD pcbCurrentLength = 0; BYTE *ppbBuffer = NULL; DWORD pcbMaxLength = 0; if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = ppBuffer->Lock(&ppbBuffer, &pcbMaxLength, &pcbCurrentLength); //cout << "pcbMaxLength="<< pcbMaxLength << "\tpcbCurrentLength=" <<pcbCurrentLength << "\n"; //Return buffer as python format data *buff = new char[pcbCurrentLength]; memcpy(*buff, ppbBuffer, pcbCurrentLength); ppBuffer->Unlock(); } if(ppBuffer) ppBuffer->Release(); return pcbCurrentLength; }
// This is called each time the stream format has changed, and // deletes and then re-creates the output sample (IMFSample*), // according to the required format. // // Thread context: decoder thread bool DecoderMF::CreateOutputSample() { bool ret = false; HRESULT hr; MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO outputStreamInfo; IMFMediaBuffer* mediaBuffer = NULL; if (m_outputSample != NULL) { m_outputSample->Release(); m_outputSample = NULL; } hr = MFCreateSample(&m_outputSample); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = m_h264Decoder->GetOutputStreamInfo(0, &outputStreamInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = MFCreateAlignedMemoryBuffer(outputStreamInfo.cbSize, MF_16_BYTE_ALIGNMENT, &mediaBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = m_outputSample->AddBuffer(mediaBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; ret = true; bail: if (ret == false) { if (m_outputSample != NULL) { m_outputSample->Release(); m_outputSample = NULL; } } if (mediaBuffer) mediaBuffer->Release(); return ret; }
QVideoFrame MFTransform::makeVideoFrame() { QVideoFrame frame; if (!m_format.isValid()) return frame; IMFMediaBuffer *buffer = 0; do { if (FAILED(m_sample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&buffer))) break; QByteArray array = dataFromBuffer(buffer, m_format.frameHeight(), &m_bytesPerLine); if (array.isEmpty()) break; // Wrapping IMFSample or IMFMediaBuffer in a QVideoFrame is not possible because we cannot hold // IMFSample for a "long" time without affecting the rest of the topology. // If IMFSample is held for more than 5 frames decoder starts to reuse it even though it hasn't been released it yet. // That is why we copy data from IMFMediaBuffer here. frame = QVideoFrame(new QMemoryVideoBuffer(array, m_bytesPerLine), m_format.frameSize(), m_format.pixelFormat()); // WMF uses 100-nanosecond units, Qt uses microseconds LONGLONG startTime = -1; if (SUCCEEDED(m_sample->GetSampleTime(&startTime))) { frame.setStartTime(startTime * 0.1); LONGLONG duration = -1; if (SUCCEEDED(m_sample->GetSampleDuration(&duration))) frame.setEndTime((startTime + duration) * 0.1); } } while (false); if (buffer) buffer->Release(); return frame; }
// Process any pending output from the decoder (until all output is // processed). // // Thread context: decoder thread bool DecoderMF::DoProcessOutput() { bool ret = false; HRESULT hr; MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER mftDataBuffer; DWORD mftStatus; bool moreOutput; if (m_outputSample == NULL) { if (! CreateOutputSample()) return false; } do { // Since we could be looping inside this method for a while, // if a whole stack of frames arrive at once, we want to exit // if the thread has been asked to die. So check on each // iteration of the loop. if (! m_decoderThreadRunning) return true; moreOutput = false; mftDataBuffer.dwStreamID = 0; mftDataBuffer.pSample = m_outputSample; mftDataBuffer.dwStatus = 0; mftDataBuffer.pEvents = NULL; mftStatus = 0; // Looks like we have to reset the sample before use: IMFMediaBuffer* mediaBuffer; hr = m_outputSample->GetBufferByIndex(0, &mediaBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = mediaBuffer->SetCurrentLength(0); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; mediaBuffer->Release(); hr = m_h264Decoder->ProcessOutput(0, 1, &mftDataBuffer, &mftStatus); // Check return code if (hr == MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT) break; EnterCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); if (hr == MF_E_TRANSFORM_STREAM_CHANGE || !m_previewConfigured) { // If the output format has changed, we need to handle // the stream change. This will happen after the first // few packets have been delivered. moreOutput = HandleStreamChange(); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); if (!moreOutput) goto bail; continue; } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; if (mftDataBuffer.dwStatus == MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_INCOMPLETE) moreOutput = true; // Process each event: if (mftDataBuffer.pEvents != NULL) { DWORD numElements; hr = mftDataBuffer.pEvents->GetElementCount(&numElements); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { IUnknown* iunk = NULL; hr = mftDataBuffer.pEvents->GetElement(i, &iunk); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IMFMediaEvent* mediaEvent = NULL; hr = iunk->QueryInterface(IID_IMFMediaEvent, (void**)&mediaEvent); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { OutputDebugString(_T("FIXME: process event!\n")); mediaEvent->Release(); } iunk->Release(); } } } mftDataBuffer.pEvents = NULL; } // Process sample: if (mftDataBuffer.pSample != NULL) { IMFMediaBuffer* mediaBuffer; hr = mftDataBuffer.pSample->GetBufferByIndex(0, &mediaBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; EnterCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); if (m_previewWindow != NULL && m_previewConfigured) m_previewWindow->DrawFrame(mediaBuffer); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_criticalSection); mediaBuffer->Release(); } } while(moreOutput); ret = true; bail: if (ret == false) OutputDebugString(_T("ERROR: failed to process output...\n")); return ret; }
// Process the incomming NAL from the queue: wraps it up into a // IMFMediaSample, sends it to the decoder. // // Thread context: decoder thread bool DecoderMF::DoProcessInputNAL(IBMDStreamingH264NALPacket* nalPacket) { bool ret = false; HRESULT hr; IMFMediaBuffer* newBuffer = NULL; BYTE* newBufferPtr; void* nalPacketPtr; // IMFSample* newSample = NULL; ULONGLONG nalPresentationTime; const BYTE nalPrefix[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; // Get a pointer to the NAL data hr = nalPacket->GetBytes(&nalPacketPtr); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Create the MF media buffer (+ 4 bytes for the NAL Prefix (0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01) // which MF requires. hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(nalPacket->GetPayloadSize()+4, &newBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Lock the MF media buffer hr = newBuffer->Lock(&newBufferPtr, NULL, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Copy the prefix and the data memcpy(newBufferPtr, nalPrefix, 4); memcpy(newBufferPtr+4, nalPacketPtr, nalPacket->GetPayloadSize()); // Unlock the MF media buffer hr = newBuffer->Unlock(); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Update the current length of the MF media buffer hr = newBuffer->SetCurrentLength(nalPacket->GetPayloadSize()+4); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // We now have a IMFMediaBuffer with the contents of the NAL // packet. We now construct a IMFSample with the buffer hr = MFCreateSample(&newSample); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; hr = newSample->AddBuffer(newBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Get the presentation (display) time in 100-nanosecond units // TODO: this is pretty meaningless without setting the start time. hr = nalPacket->GetDisplayTime(1000 * 1000 * 10, &nalPresentationTime); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Set presentation time on the sample hr = newSample->SetSampleTime(nalPresentationTime); if (FAILED(hr)) goto bail; // Now parse it to the decoder for (;;) { hr = m_h264Decoder->ProcessInput(0, newSample, 0); if (hr == S_OK) break; if (hr != MF_E_NOTACCEPTING || DoProcessOutput() == false) goto bail; } ret = true; bail: if (newBuffer != NULL) newBuffer->Release(); if (newSample != NULL) newSample->Release(); return ret; }
unsigned char *BBWin8Game::LoadAudioData( String path,int *length,int *channels,int *format,int *hertz ){ String url=PathToFilePath( path ); DXASS( MFStartup( MF_VERSION ) ); IMFAttributes *attrs; DXASS( MFCreateAttributes( &attrs,1 ) ); DXASS( attrs->SetUINT32( MF_LOW_LATENCY,TRUE ) ); IMFSourceReader *reader; DXASS( MFCreateSourceReaderFromURL( url.ToCString<wchar_t>(),attrs,&reader ) ); attrs->Release(); IMFMediaType *mediaType; DXASS( MFCreateMediaType( &mediaType ) ); DXASS( mediaType->SetGUID( MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE,MFMediaType_Audio ) ); DXASS( mediaType->SetGUID( MF_MT_SUBTYPE,MFAudioFormat_PCM ) ); DXASS( reader->SetCurrentMediaType( MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM,0,mediaType ) ); mediaType->Release(); IMFMediaType *outputMediaType; DXASS( reader->GetCurrentMediaType( MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM,&outputMediaType ) ); WAVEFORMATEX *wformat; uint32 formatByteCount=0; DXASS( MFCreateWaveFormatExFromMFMediaType( outputMediaType,&wformat,&formatByteCount ) ); *channels=wformat->nChannels; *format=wformat->wBitsPerSample/8; *hertz=wformat->nSamplesPerSec; CoTaskMemFree( wformat ); outputMediaType->Release(); /* PROPVARIANT var; DXASS( reader->GetPresentationAttribute( MF_SOURCE_READER_MEDIASOURCE,MF_PD_DURATION,&var ) ); LONGLONG duration=var.uhVal.QuadPart; float64 durationInSeconds=(duration / (float64)(10000 * 1000)); m_maxStreamLengthInBytes=(uint32)( durationInSeconds * m_waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec ); */ std::vector<unsigned char*> bufs; std::vector<uint32> lens; uint32 len=0; for( ;; ){ uint32 flags=0; IMFSample *sample; DXASS( reader->ReadSample( MF_SOURCE_READER_FIRST_AUDIO_STREAM,0,0,reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(&flags),0,&sample ) ); if( flags & MF_SOURCE_READERF_ENDOFSTREAM ){ break; } if( sample==0 ){ abort(); } IMFMediaBuffer *mediaBuffer; DXASS( sample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer( &mediaBuffer ) ); uint8 *audioData=0; uint32 sampleBufferLength=0; DXASS( mediaBuffer->Lock( &audioData,0,reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>( &sampleBufferLength ) ) ); unsigned char *buf=(unsigned char*)malloc( sampleBufferLength ); memcpy( buf,audioData,sampleBufferLength ); bufs.push_back( buf ); lens.push_back( sampleBufferLength ); len+=sampleBufferLength; DXASS( mediaBuffer->Unlock() ); mediaBuffer->Release(); sample->Release(); } reader->Release(); *length=len/(*channels * *format); unsigned char *data=(unsigned char*)malloc( len ); unsigned char *p=data; for( int i=0;i<bufs.size();++i ){ memcpy( p,bufs[i],lens[i] ); free( bufs[i] ); p+=lens[i]; } gc_force_sweep=true; return data; }
void VideoCompressor::AudioSample32Bit2Channel(float *Samples, UINT FrameCount, UINT64 CaptureStartTime) { //double TimeInSeconds = _Clock->Elapsed(); const UINT SamplesPerSecond = 44100; const UINT ChannelCount = 2; const UINT SampleCount = FrameCount * ChannelCount; const UINT BitsPerSample = 16; const UINT BufferLength = BitsPerSample / 8 * ChannelCount * FrameCount; const LONGLONG SampleDuration = LONGLONG(FrameCount) * LONGLONG(10000000) / SamplesPerSecond; // in hns // // Write some data // IMFSample *spSample; IMFMediaBuffer *spBuffer; BYTE *pbBuffer = NULL; // // Create a media sample // HRESULT hr = MFCreateSample( &spSample ); hr = spSample->SetSampleDuration( SampleDuration ); //hr = spSample->SetSampleTime( LONGLONG( TimeInSeconds * 10000000.0 ) ); //CaptureStartTime = 10,000,000 * t / f; //t = CaptureStartTime * f / 10,000,000 LONGLONG FileStartCounter = _Clock->StartTime(); LONGLONG CaptureStartCounter = CaptureStartTime * _Clock->TicksPerSecond() / LONGLONG(10000000); hr = spSample->SetSampleTime( ( CaptureStartCounter - FileStartCounter ) * LONGLONG(10000000) / _Clock->TicksPerSecond() ); // // Add a media buffer filled with random data // hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer( BufferLength, &spBuffer ); hr = spBuffer->SetCurrentLength( BufferLength ); hr = spSample->AddBuffer( spBuffer ); hr = spBuffer->Lock( &pbBuffer, NULL, NULL ); __int16 *OutputAudioBuffer = (__int16 *)pbBuffer; for(UINT SampleIndex = 0; SampleIndex < SampleCount; SampleIndex++) { // // Floats are in the range -1 to 1 // OutputAudioBuffer[SampleIndex] = int(Samples[SampleIndex] * 32768.0f); } hr = spBuffer->Unlock(); // // Write the media sample // hr = _Writer->WriteSample( 1, spSample ); PersistentAssert(SUCCEEDED(hr), "WriteSample failed"); spSample->Release(); spBuffer->Release(); }
STDMETHODIMP MFTransform::ProcessOutput(DWORD dwFlags, DWORD cOutputBufferCount, MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER *pOutputSamples, DWORD *pdwStatus) { if (dwFlags != 0) return E_INVALIDARG; if (pOutputSamples == NULL || pdwStatus == NULL) return E_POINTER; if (cOutputBufferCount != 1) return E_INVALIDARG; QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); if (!m_sample) return MF_E_TRANSFORM_NEED_MORE_INPUT; IMFMediaBuffer *input = NULL; IMFMediaBuffer *output = NULL; DWORD sampleLength = 0; m_sample->GetTotalLength(&sampleLength); // If the sample length is null, it means we're getting DXVA buffers. // In that case just pass on the sample we got as input. // Otherwise we need to copy the input buffer into the buffer the sink // is giving us. if (pOutputSamples[0].pSample && sampleLength > 0) { if (FAILED(m_sample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&input))) goto done; if (FAILED(pOutputSamples[0].pSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&output))) goto done; DWORD inputLength = 0; DWORD outputLength = 0; input->GetMaxLength(&inputLength); output->GetMaxLength(&outputLength); if (outputLength < inputLength) { pOutputSamples[0].pSample->RemoveAllBuffers(); output->Release(); output = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(MFCreateMemoryBuffer(inputLength, &output))) pOutputSamples[0].pSample->AddBuffer(output); } if (output) m_sample->CopyToBuffer(output); LONGLONG hnsDuration = 0; LONGLONG hnsTime = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(m_sample->GetSampleDuration(&hnsDuration))) pOutputSamples[0].pSample->SetSampleDuration(hnsDuration); if (SUCCEEDED(m_sample->GetSampleTime(&hnsTime))) pOutputSamples[0].pSample->SetSampleTime(hnsTime); } else { if (pOutputSamples[0].pSample) pOutputSamples[0].pSample->Release(); pOutputSamples[0].pSample = m_sample; pOutputSamples[0].pSample->AddRef(); } done: pOutputSamples[0].dwStatus = 0; *pdwStatus = 0; m_sample->Release(); m_sample = 0; if (input) input->Release(); if (output) output->Release(); return S_OK; }