Пример #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	IMath *pMath = GetInterface( );
	int sum = 0;
	pMath->Add( 3, 2, &sum );
	int sub = 0;
	pMath->Sub( 3, 2, &sub );
	printf( "sum=%d, sub=%d\n", sum, sub );
	IMath2 *pMath2 = NULL;
	pMath->QueryInterface( IID_IMath2, (LPVOID*)&pMath2 );
	pMath->Release( );
	int mul = 0;
	pMath2->Mul( 3, 2, &mul );
	int div = 0;
	pMath2->Div( 100, 2, &div );
	printf( "mul=%d, div=%d\n", mul, div );
	pMath->Release( );
	return 0;
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) 
  printf( "Initializing COM \n"); 
  if ( FAILED( CoInitialize( NULL ))) 
	  printf( "Unable to initialize COM \n"); return -1; 
  char* szProgID = "Math.Component.1"; 
  WCHAR szWideProgID[128]; 
  CLSID clsid; 
  long lLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, szProgID,strlen( szProgID ), szWideProgID, sizeof( szWideProgID ) ); 
  szWideProgID[ lLen ] = '\0'; 
  HRESULT hr = ::CLSIDFromProgID( szWideProgID, &clsid ); 
  if ( FAILED( hr )) 
	  printf("Unable to get CLSID from ProgID. HR = %X \n",hr); return -1;
  IClassFactory* pCF; 
  // Получить фабрику класса для CMath 
  hr = CoGetClassObject( clsid, CLSCTX_INPROC, NULL,IID_IClassFactory, (void**) &pCF ); 
  if ( FAILED( hr )) 
	  printf("Failed to GetClassObject server instance. HR = %X \n",hr); return -1; 
  // с помощью фабрики класса создать экземпляр 
  // компонента и получить интерфейс IUnknown. 
  IUnknown* pUnk; 
  hr = pCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IUnknown, (void**) &pUnk ); 
  // Release the class factory pCF->Release(); 
  if ( FAILED( hr )) 
	  printf("Failed to create server instance. HR =%X \n",hr); return -1; 
  printf("Instance created \n"); 
  IMath* pMath = NULL; 
  hr = pUnk->QueryInterface( IID_IMath, (LPVOID*)&pMath ); 
  if ( FAILED( hr )) 
	  printf("QueryInterface() for IMath failed \n"); return -1; 
  long result; 

  printf("Func - Add: 255 + 125 is %d \n",result);

  pMath->Multiply( 30, 8, &result ); 
  printf("Func - Mltiply: 30 * 8 is %d \n",result); 

  pMath->Subtract( 200, 123, &result ); 
  printf("Func - Substract: 200 - 123 is %d \n",result);

  printf("Func - Divide: 21 / 3 is %d \n",result);
  printf("Releasing instance \n"); 

  printf("Shuting down COM\n"); 
  return 0; 
Пример #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
   cout << "Initializing COM" << endl;

   if ( FAILED( CoInitialize( NULL )))
      cout << "Unable to initialize COM" << endl;
      return -1;

   char* szProgID = "Math.Component.1";
   WCHAR  szWideProgID[128];
   CLSID  clsid;
   long lLen = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP,
                        strlen( szProgID ),
                        sizeof( szWideProgID ) );

   szWideProgID[ lLen ] = '\0';
   HRESULT hr = ::CLSIDFromProgID( szWideProgID, &clsid );
   if ( FAILED( hr ))
      cout.setf( ios::hex, ios::basefield );
      cout << "Unable to get CLSID from ProgID. HR = " << hr << endl;
      return -1;

   IClassFactory* pCF;
   // Get the class factory for the Math class
   hr = CoGetClassObject( clsid,
                          (void**) &pCF );
   if ( FAILED( hr ))
      cout.setf( ios::hex, ios::basefield );
      cout << "Failed to GetClassObject server instance. HR = " << hr << endl;
      return -1;

   // using the class factory interface create an instance of the
   // component and return the IExpression interface.
   IUnknown* pUnk;
   hr = pCF->CreateInstance( NULL, IID_IUnknown, (void**) &pUnk );

   // Release the class factory

   if ( FAILED( hr ))
      cout.setf( ios::hex, ios::basefield );
      cout << "Failed to create server instance. HR = " << hr << endl;
      return -1;

   cout << "Instance created" << endl;

   IMath* pMath = NULL;
   hr = pUnk->QueryInterface( IID_IMath, (LPVOID*)&pMath );
   if ( FAILED( hr ))
      cout << "QueryInterface() for IMath failed" << endl;
      return -1;

   long result;
   pMath->Multiply( 100, 8, &result );
   cout << "100 * 8 is " << result << endl;

   pMath->Subtract( 1000, 333, &result );
   cout << "1000 - 333 is " << result << endl;

   cout << "Releasing instance" << endl;

   cout << "Shuting down COM" << endl;

   return 0;