Пример #1
virtual int render()
		// ----- Input update ----

		mI->Input->Update ();

		// ----- Input ----

		mDelta = mI->Render->GetFrameTime() / 1000.0f;

		if (mI->Input->IsKeyPressed (KEY_RIGHT))	mScale += mSpeedScaling * mDelta;
		if (mI->Input->IsKeyPressed (KEY_LEFT))	mScale -= mSpeedScaling * mDelta;
		mAngle += mSpeedRotation * mDelta;
		if (mScale < 0) mScale = 0;

		// ----- Updating entities attributes  -----

		mBack.SetAngleXYZ (0, 0, -mAngle);
		mRocket.SetAngleXYZ (0, 0, mAngle);
		mRocket.SetScale (mScale, mScale);
		mBeetle.SetPosition ((float) mI->Input->GetMouseX(), (float) mI->Input->GetMouseY(), 5);

		// ----- Check collisions -----

		mTextSmallWhite.SetText	("No collision between the groups we are checking");

		if (mI->Entity2dManager->IsCollision (&mRocket, "engines", &mBeetle, "beetle_boy_head"))
			mTextSmallWhite.SetText	("Collision between rocket boy head and engines");

		if (mI->Entity2dManager->IsCollision (&mRocket, "rocket_head", &mBeetle, "beetle_head"))
			mTextSmallWhite.SetText	("Collision between rokect head and beetle head");

		if (mI->Entity2dManager->IsCollision (&mRocket, "rocket_boy_head", &mBeetle, "beetle_boy_head"))
			mTextSmallWhite.SetText	("Collision between rocket boy head and beetle boy head");

		if (mI->Entity2dManager->IsCollision (&mBeetle, "beetle_boy_head", &mSwordMaster, "sword"))
			mTextSmallWhite.SetText	("Collision between beetle boy head and the sword");

		// ----- Render  -----

		mI->Render->BeginScene ();
		mI->Entity2dManager->RenderEntities2d ();
		mI->Entity2dManager->RenderCollisionAreas (255, 0, 0, 255);
		//mI->Entity2dManager->RenderGridAreas (255, 255, 0, 255);
		mI->Render->EndScene ();
		return 0;
Пример #2
virtual int render()
		mI->Input->Update ();

		// ----- Delta Time -----
		fElapsedTime = mI->Render->GetFrameTime() / 1000.0f;

			// ----- Text -----
		stx_strlcpy (szText, "Move the mouse left and right and watch the tank try to follow!\n", 2048);
		stx_strlcat (szText, "Press Left Mouse button to fire!\n", 2048);
		stx_strlcat (szText, "Press 'f' to toggle freezing the tank movement (debug)\n", 2048);
		stx_snprintf(szBuf, 2048, "%d, %d\n", mI->Input->GetMouseX(), mI->Input->GetMouseY() );
		stx_strlcat (szText, szBuf, 2048);
		stx_snprintf(szBuf, 2048, "%.3f, %.3f\n", g_vecPlayer_Pos.x, g_vecPlayer_Pos.y);
		stx_strlcat (szText, szBuf, 2048);
		stx_snprintf(szBuf, 2048, "Muzzle angle %.3f\n", g_fGunAngle);
		stx_strlcat (szText, szBuf, 2048);
		stx_snprintf(szBuf, 2048, "Tank velocity %.3f\n", g_vecPlayer_Velocity.x);
		stx_strlcat (szText, szBuf, 2048);
		mTextSmallWhite.SetText	 (szText);

		// Position the mouse cursor
		cursor.SetPosition((float)mI->Input->GetMouseX(), (float)mI->Input->GetMouseY(), 1);

		// "Freeze" tank except allow gun to rotate
		if (mI->Input->OnKeyPress(KEY_f))
			g_bToggleFreezeTank = !g_bToggleFreezeTank;

		ULONG        Direction = 0;

		float deltaX = g_vecPlayer_Pos.x - mI->Input->GetMouseX();

		if (!g_bToggleFreezeTank && fabs(deltaX) > g_Epsilon)
			if (deltaX < 0)
				Direction |= DIR_RIGHT;
			if (deltaX > 0)
				Direction |= DIR_LEFT;
			// Stop the animation if not moving

		// Any movement?
		if ( Direction && !g_bToggleFreezeTank )
			Player_Move( Direction, g_fSpeed * fElapsedTime, true );

		// Update the player
		Player_Update( fElapsedTime );

		// Move and rotate the barrel
		// Note: there would normally be a class representing the whole tank
		float fMouse2TankX = tank.GetPosX() - mI->Input->GetMouseX();
		float fMouse2TankY = tank.GetPosY() - mI->Input->GetMouseY();	// y position going down

		// Clamp. Mouse is below tank
		if (fMouse2TankY < 0.0f)
			fMouse2TankY = 0.0f;
		g_fGunAngle = atan2(fMouse2TankY, fMouse2TankX) * 180.0f / fPI;			// in degrees
		g_fGunAngle -= 90.0f;	// barrel is initially pointing up (in image).  atan2() w.r.t x-axis (pointing right)
		barrel.SetAngleXYZ(0.0f, 0.0f, g_fGunAngle);

		// Set position of barrel (child) on the tank (parent)
		g_vecBarrel.x = tank.GetPosX();
		g_vecBarrel.y = tank.GetPosY();
		barrel.SetPosition(g_vecBarrel.x, g_vecBarrel.y, 0);

		// Move the tank (player)
		tank.SetPosition(g_vecPlayer_Pos.x, g_vecPlayer_Pos.y, 1);
		tankShadow.SetPosition(tank.GetPosX(), tank.GetPosY() + 50, 0);	// location is tank HotSpot plus an offset of 50

		// Fire weapon!!
		if (5 && mI->Input->OnMouseButtonPress(MBUTTON_LEFT))
			// Initial bullet position (following code is rather verbose and could be combined into less lines
			// but did it that way to explain the math.
			float angleDegrees = barrel.GetAngleZ() + 90.0f;
			float angleRadians = angleDegrees * fPI / 180.0f;
			float fX = barrel.GetPosX() - cosf(angleRadians) * BARREL_LENGTH;
			float fY = barrel.GetPosY() - sinf(angleRadians) * BARREL_LENGTH;
			bullet.SetAngleXYZ(0, 0, angleDegrees - 90.0f);
			g_vecBullet_Pos = D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(fX, fY, 0.0f);
			bullet.SetPosition(g_vecBullet_Pos.x, g_vecBullet_Pos.y, 0);

			// Initial bullet velocity
			D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3 vecVelDir = D3DXFROMWINEVECTOR3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
			D3DXFROMWINEMatrixRotationZ( &mtxRotate, angleRadians);
			D3DXFROMWINEVec3TransformNormal( &vecVelDir, &vecVelDir, &mtxRotate );
			g_vecBullet_Velocity = vecVelDir * BULLET_SPEED;

			// Show blast!
			g_fMuzzleFlashTimer = 0.05f;
			muzzleFlash.SetPosition(g_vecBullet_Pos.x, g_vecBullet_Pos.y, 0);
			g_bBulletDead = false;

			// Make sound! (no sound lib hooked up but this is where you would do it.

		// Update the single bullet
		if (!g_bBulletDead)
			Bullet_Update( fElapsedTime, &bullet );
			bullet.SetPosition(g_vecBullet_Pos.x, g_vecBullet_Pos.y, 0);

		// Render muzzle flash effect
		g_fMuzzleFlashTimer -= fElapsedTime;
		if (g_fMuzzleFlashTimer > 0.0f)
			g_fMuzzleFlashTimer = 0.0f;

		// Render the scene
		mI->Render->BeginScene ();

		mI->Render->ClearViewPort (160, 160, 160);

		mI->Render->SetViewPort2d (0, 0, mI->Window->GetWidth(), mI->Window->GetHeight());

		mI->Entity2dManager->RenderEntities2d ( );

		// Render GUI layer
		mI->Entity2dManager->RenderEntities2d (1);

		// MUST call this to update FMOD

		mI->Render->EndScene ();
		return 0;
