Пример #1
// Purpose: 
// Input  : playerIndex - 
//          ping - 
//          packetloss - 
void UTIL_GetPlayerConnectionInfo( int playerIndex, int& ping, int &packetloss )
    edict_t *pEntity = pAdminOP.GetEntityList()+playerIndex;
    CBasePlayer *player =  (CBasePlayer *)VFuncs::Instance(pEntity);

    INetChannelInfo *nci = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(playerIndex);

    if ( nci && player && pAdminOP.pAOPPlayers[playerIndex-1].NotBot() )
        float latency = nci->GetAvgLatency( FLOW_OUTGOING ); // in seconds
        // that should be the correct latency, we assume that cmdrate is higher 
        // then updaterate, what is the case for default settings
        const char * szCmdRate = engine->GetClientConVarValue( playerIndex, "cl_cmdrate" );
        int nCmdRate = max( 1, Q_atoi( szCmdRate ) );
        latency -= (0.5f/nCmdRate) + TICKS_TO_TIME( 1.0f ); // correct latency

        // in GoldSrc we had a different, not fixed tickrate. so we have to adjust
        // Source pings by half a tick to match the old GoldSrc pings.
        latency -= TICKS_TO_TIME( 0.5f );

        ping = latency * 1000.0f; // as msecs
        ping = clamp( ping, 5, 1000 ); // set bounds, dont show pings under 5 msecs
        packetloss = 100.0f * nci->GetAvgLoss( FLOW_INCOMING ); // loss in percentage
        packetloss = clamp( packetloss, 0, 100 );
        ping = 0;
        packetloss = 0;
Пример #2
static cell_t GetAvgLatency(IPluginContext *pContext, const cell_t *params)
	int client = params[1];
	float value;

	CPlayer *pPlayer = g_Players.GetPlayerByIndex(client);
	if (!pPlayer)
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client index %d is invalid", client);
	else if (!pPlayer->IsInGame())
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is not in game", client);
	else if (pPlayer->IsFakeClient())
		return pContext->ThrowNativeError("Client %d is a bot", client);

	INetChannelInfo *pInfo = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(client);
	if (pInfo == NULL)
		return sp_ftoc(-1);

	if (params[2] == MAX_FLOWS)
		value = pInfo->GetAvgLatency(FLOW_INCOMING) + pInfo->GetAvgLatency(FLOW_OUTGOING);
		value = pInfo->GetAvgLatency(params[2]);

	return sp_ftoc(value);
Пример #3
// Purpose: Do timed afk if needed
void ManiPing::GameFrame(void)
	if (war_mode) return;
	if (mani_high_ping_kick.GetInt() == 0) return;

	// High ping kicker enabled
	if (next_check > gpGlobals->curtime)

	next_check = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.5;
	bool all_pings_high = true;

	// Use 80% of limit as global ping spikes may not bring all players over the 
	// spike ping limit although all players will have their pings increase
	int global_ping_limit = (int) (mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit.GetFloat() * 0.8);
	for (int i = 0; i < max_players; i++)
		ping_player_t *ptr = &(ping_player_list[i]);
		ptr->in_use = true;
		ptr->player.index = i + 1;
		if (!FindPlayerByIndex(&ptr->player))
			ptr->in_use = false;

		if (ptr->player.is_bot)
			ptr->in_use = false;

		// Valid player
		INetChannelInfo *nci = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(i + 1);

		float ping = nci->GetAvgLatency(0);
		const char * szCmdRate = engine->GetClientConVarValue( i + 1, "cl_cmdrate" );

		int nCmdRate = (20 > Q_atoi( szCmdRate )) ? 20 : Q_atoi(szCmdRate);
		ping -= (0.5f/nCmdRate) + TICKS_TO_TIME( 1.0f ); // correct latency

		// in GoldSrc we had a different, not fixed tickrate. so we have to adjust
		// Source pings by half a tick to match the old GoldSrc pings.
		ping -= TICKS_TO_TIME( 0.5f );
		ping = ping * 1000.0f; // as msecs
		ptr->current_ping = clamp( ping, 5, 1000 ); // set bounds, dont show pings under 5 msecs

		// Crude attempt to protect against all pings from being high and kicking everyone
		if (ptr->current_ping < global_ping_limit)
			all_pings_high = false;

	for (int i = 0; i < max_players; i++)
		if (!ping_list[i].check_ping ||

		if (all_pings_high)
			ping_player_list[i].current_ping = mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit.GetInt() / 2;

		if (ping_list[i].count == 0)
			// Init ping
			ping_list[i].average_ping = ping_player_list[i].current_ping;
			ping_list[i].average_ping += ping_player_list[i].current_ping;

		// Bump up average ping
		ping_list[i].count += 1;

		if (ping_list[i].count > mani_high_ping_kick_samples_required.GetInt())
			if ((ping_list[i].average_ping / ping_list[i].count) > mani_high_ping_kick_ping_limit.GetInt())
				player_t *ptr = &(ping_player_list[i].player);
				SayToAll (ORANGE_CHAT, false, "Player %s was autokicked for breaking the %ims ping limit on this server\n", 

				char	log_reason[256];
				snprintf(log_reason, sizeof(log_reason), 
					"[MANI_ADMIN_PLUGIN] Kicked player [%s] steam id [%s] for exceeding ping limit\n", 
					ptr->name, ptr->steam_id);

					(char *) mani_high_ping_kick_message.GetString(),
					(char *) mani_high_ping_kick_message.GetString(),

				ping_list[i].check_ping = false;
				ping_list[i].count = 0;
// Purpose: Builds up a list of players that are 'kickable'
void ManiReservedSlot::BuildPlayerKickList( player_t *player_ptr, int *players_on_server )
	player_t	temp_player;
	active_player_t active_player;

	FreeList((void **) &active_player_list, &active_player_list_size);

	for (int i = 1; i <= max_players; i ++)
#if defined ( GAME_CSGO )
		edict_t *pEntity = PEntityOfEntIndex(i);
		edict_t *pEntity = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(i);
		if( pEntity && !pEntity->IsFree())
			if ( player_ptr && ( pEntity == player_ptr->entity ) )

			IPlayerInfo *playerinfo = playerinfomanager->GetPlayerInfo( pEntity );
			if (playerinfo && playerinfo->IsConnected())
				Q_strcpy(active_player.steam_id, playerinfo->GetNetworkIDString());
				if (FStrEq("BOT", active_player.steam_id))

				INetChannelInfo *nci = engine->GetPlayerNetInfo(i);
				if (!nci)

				active_player.entity = pEntity;

				active_player.ping = nci->GetAvgLatency(0);
				const char * szCmdRate = engine->GetClientConVarValue( i, "cl_cmdrate" );
				int nCmdRate = (20 > Q_atoi( szCmdRate )) ? 20 : Q_atoi(szCmdRate);
				active_player.ping -= (0.5f/nCmdRate) + TICKS_TO_TIME( 1.0f ); // correct latency

				// in GoldSrc we had a different, not fixed tickrate. so we have to adjust
				// Source pings by half a tick to match the old GoldSrc pings.
				active_player.ping -= TICKS_TO_TIME( 0.5f );
				active_player.ping = active_player.ping * 1000.0f; // as msecs
				active_player.ping = ((5 > active_player.ping) ? 5:active_player.ping); // set bounds, dont show pings under 5 msecs

				active_player.time_connected = nci->GetTimeConnected();
				Q_strcpy(active_player.ip_address, nci->GetAddress());
				if (gpManiGameType->IsSpectatorAllowed() &&
					playerinfo->GetTeamIndex () == gpManiGameType->GetSpectatorIndex())
					active_player.is_spectator = true;
					active_player.is_spectator = false;
				active_player.user_id = playerinfo->GetUserID();
				Q_strcpy(active_player.name, playerinfo->GetName());

				if ( players_on_server )
					*players_on_server = *players_on_server + 1;

				active_player.kills = playerinfo->GetFragCount();
				active_player.deaths = playerinfo->GetDeathCount();
				Q_strcpy(temp_player.steam_id, active_player.steam_id);
				Q_strcpy(temp_player.ip_address, active_player.ip_address);
				Q_strcpy(temp_player.name, active_player.name);
				temp_player.is_bot = false;

				if (IsPlayerInReserveList(&temp_player))

				active_player.index = i;

				if (mani_reserve_slots_include_admin.GetInt() == 1 &&
					gpManiClient->HasAccess(active_player.index, ADMIN, ADMIN_BASIC_ADMIN))

				if (gpManiClient->HasAccess(active_player.index, IMMUNITY, IMMUNITY_RESERVE))

				AddToList((void **) &active_player_list, sizeof(active_player_t), &active_player_list_size);
				active_player_list[active_player_list_size - 1] = active_player;