Пример #1
tresult PLUGIN_API Processor::process(ProcessData& data) {

	if (data.inputParameterChanges)
		int32 numParamsChanged = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterCount();
		for (int32 index = 0; index < numParamsChanged; index++)
			IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterData(index);
			if (paramQueue)
				ParamValue value;
				int32 sampleOffset;
				int32 numPoints = paramQueue->getPointCount();
				switch (paramQueue->getParameterId())
				case kParamInputGain:
					if (paramQueue->getPoint(numPoints - 1, sampleOffset, value) == kResultTrue)
						paramState.inputgain = value;
				case kParamOutputGain:
					if (paramQueue->getPoint(numPoints - 1, sampleOffset, value) == kResultTrue)
						paramState.outputgain = value;

	SpeakerArrangement arr;
	getBusArrangement(kOutput, 0, arr);
	int32 numChannels = SpeakerArr::getChannelCount(arr);

	for (int32 channel = 0; channel < numChannels; channel++)
		float* inputChannel = data.inputs[0].channelBuffers32[channel];
		float* outputChannel = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32[channel];

		for (int32 sample = 0; sample < data.numSamples; sample++)
			outputChannel[sample] = inputChannel[sample]*1.5;

	return kResultTrue;
Пример #2
tresult PLUGIN_API ADelayProcessor::process (ProcessData& data)
	if (data.inputParameterChanges)
		int32 paramChangeCount = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterCount ();
		for (int32 index = 0; index < paramChangeCount; index++)
			IParamValueQueue* queue = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterData (index);
			if (queue && queue->getParameterId () == kDelayTag)
				int32 valueChangeCount = queue->getPointCount ();
				ParamValue value;
				int32 sampleOffset;
				if (queue->getPoint (valueChangeCount-1, sampleOffset, value) == kResultTrue)
					delay = value;

	if (data.numSamples > 0)
		SpeakerArrangement arr;
		getBusArrangement (kOutput, 0, arr);
		int32 numChannels = SpeakerArr::getChannelCount (arr);

		int32 delayInSamples = std::max<int32> (1, (int32)(delay * processSetup.sampleRate)); // we have a minimum of 1 sample delay here
		for (int32 channel = 0; channel < numChannels; channel++)
			float* inputChannel = data.inputs[0].channelBuffers32[channel];
			float* outputChannel = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32[channel];

			int32 tempBufferPos = bufferPos;
			for (int32 sample = 0; sample < data.numSamples; sample++)
				float tempSample = inputChannel[sample];
				outputChannel[sample] = buffer[channel][tempBufferPos];
				buffer[channel][tempBufferPos] = tempSample;
				if (tempBufferPos >= delayInSamples)
					tempBufferPos = 0;
		bufferPos += data.numSamples;
		while (delayInSamples && bufferPos >= delayInSamples)
			bufferPos -= delayInSamples;
	return kResultTrue;
Пример #3
void ParameterChangeTransfer::transferChangesFrom (ParameterChanges& source)
	ParamValue value;
	int32 sampleOffset;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < source.getParameterCount (); i++)
		IParamValueQueue* queue = source.getParameterData (i);
		if (queue)
			for (int32 j = 0; j < queue->getPointCount (); j++)
				if (queue->getPoint (j, sampleOffset, value) == kResultTrue)
					addChange (queue->getParameterId (), value, sampleOffset);
Пример #4
tresult PLUGIN_API Plug::process (ProcessData& data)
	//---1) Read inputs parameter changes-----------
	IParameterChanges* paramChanges = data.inputParameterChanges;
	if (paramChanges)
		int32 numParamsChanged = paramChanges->getParameterCount ();
		// for each parameter which are some changes in this audio block:
		for (int32 i = 0; i < numParamsChanged; i++)
			IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = paramChanges->getParameterData (i);
			if (paramQueue)
				int32 offsetSamples;
				double value;
				int32 numPoints = paramQueue->getPointCount ();				
				switch (paramQueue->getParameterId ())
					case kBypassId:
						if (paramQueue->getPoint (numPoints - 1,  offsetSamples, value) == kResultTrue)
							bBypass = (value > 0.5f);
	//---2) Read input events-------------
	IEventList* eventList = data.inputEvents;
	if (eventList) 
		int32 numEvent = eventList->getEventCount ();
		for (int32 i = 0; i < numEvent; i++)
			Event event;
			if (eventList->getEvent (i, event) == kResultOk)
				switch (event.type)
					case Event::kNoteOnEvent:
 							mLastNoteOnPitch = event.noteOn.pitch;
							mLastNoteOnId = event.noteOn.noteId;
							/*String str;
							str.printf (STR("noteON %d"), event.noteOff.noteId);
							sendTextMessage (str);*/

					case Event::kNoteOffEvent:
						/*	String str;
							str.printf (STR("noteOff %d"), event.noteOff.noteId);
							sendTextMessage (str);

					case Event::kNoteExpressionTextEvent:
						// noteOff reset the reduction
						if (event.noteExpressionText.typeId == kTextTypeID)
							//if (mLastNoteOnId == event.noteExpressionText.noteId)
								String str (STR("Text: "));
								str += event.noteExpressionText.text;
								String tmp1;
								tmp1.printInt64 (mLastNoteOnId);
								String tmp2;
								tmp2.printInt64 (event.noteExpressionText.noteId);
								str += STR(" - id:");
								str += tmp2;
								str += STR(" - noteOn id:");
								str += tmp1;
								sendTextMessage (str);
						else if (event.noteExpressionText.typeId == kPhonemeTypeID)
							//if (mLastNoteOnId == event.noteExpressionText.noteId)
								String str (STR("Phoneme: "));
								str += event.noteExpressionText.text;
								String tmp1;
								tmp1.printInt64 (mLastNoteOnId);
								String tmp2;
								tmp2.printInt64 (event.noteExpressionText.noteId);
								str += STR(" - id:");
								str += tmp2;
								str += STR(" - noteOn id:");
								str += tmp1;
	//---3) Process Audio---------------------
	if (data.numOutputs == 0)
		// nothing to do
		return kResultOk;

	// no output
	float** out = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32;
	for (int32 i = 0; i < data.outputs[0].numChannels; i++)
		memset (out[i], 0, data.numSamples * sizeof (float));
	data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = 0x7fff;

	return kResultOk;
tresult PLUGIN_API IPlugVST3Plugin::process(ProcessData& data)

  IMutexLock lock(this);

    memcpy(&mProcessContext, data.processContext, sizeof(ProcessContext));

  //process parameters
  IParameterChanges* paramChanges = data.inputParameterChanges;
  if (paramChanges)
    int32 numParamsChanged = paramChanges->getParameterCount();

    //it is possible to get a finer resolution of control here by retrieving more values (points) from the queue
    //for now we just grab the last one

    for (int32 i = 0; i < numParamsChanged; i++)
      IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = paramChanges->getParameterData(i);
      if (paramQueue)
        int32 numPoints = paramQueue->getPointCount();
        int32 offsetSamples;
        double value;

        if (paramQueue->getPoint(numPoints - 1,  offsetSamples, value) == kResultTrue)
          int idx = paramQueue->getParameterId();

          switch (idx)
            case kBypassParam:
              bool bypassed = (value > 0.5);
              if (bypassed != mIsBypassed)
                mIsBypassed = bypassed;

            case kPresetParam:
              RestorePreset(FromNormalizedParam(value, 0, NPresets(), 1.));
              //TODO pitch bend, modwheel etc
              if (idx >= 0 && idx < NParams())
                if (GetGUI()) GetGUI()->SetParameterFromPlug(idx, (double)value, true);


    //process events.. only midi note on and note off?
    IEventList* eventList = data.inputEvents;
    if (eventList)
      int32 numEvent = eventList->getEventCount();
      for (int32 i=0; i<numEvent; i++)
        Event event;
        if (eventList->getEvent(i, event) == kResultOk)
          IMidiMsg msg;
          switch (event.type)
            case Event::kNoteOnEvent:
              msg.MakeNoteOnMsg(event.noteOn.pitch, event.noteOn.velocity * 127, event.sampleOffset, event.noteOn.channel);

            case Event::kNoteOffEvent:
              msg.MakeNoteOffMsg(event.noteOff.pitch, event.sampleOffset, event.noteOff.channel);

#pragma mark process single precision

  if (processSetup.symbolicSampleSize == kSample32)
    if (data.numInputs)
      if (mScChans)
        if (getAudioInput(1)->isActive()) // Sidechain is active
          mSidechainActive = true;
          SetInputChannelConnections(0, NInChannels(), true);
          if (mSidechainActive)
            mSidechainActive = false;

          SetInputChannelConnections(0, NInChannels(), true);
          SetInputChannelConnections(data.inputs[0].numChannels, NInChannels() - mScChans, false);

        AttachInputBuffers(0, NInChannels() - mScChans, data.inputs[0].channelBuffers32, data.numSamples);
        AttachInputBuffers(mScChans, NInChannels() - mScChans, data.inputs[1].channelBuffers32, data.numSamples);
        SetInputChannelConnections(0, data.inputs[0].numChannels, true);
        SetInputChannelConnections(data.inputs[0].numChannels, NInChannels() - data.inputs[0].numChannels, false);
        AttachInputBuffers(0, NInChannels(), data.inputs[0].channelBuffers32, data.numSamples);

    for (int outBus = 0, chanOffset = 0; outBus < data.numOutputs; outBus++)
      int busChannels = data.outputs[outBus].numChannels;
      SetOutputChannelConnections(chanOffset, busChannels, (bool) getAudioOutput(outBus)->isActive());
      SetOutputChannelConnections(chanOffset + busChannels, NOutChannels() - (chanOffset + busChannels), false);
      AttachOutputBuffers(chanOffset, busChannels, data.outputs[outBus].channelBuffers32);
      chanOffset += busChannels;

    if (mIsBypassed)
      PassThroughBuffers(0.0f, data.numSamples);
      ProcessBuffers(0.0f, data.numSamples); // process buffers single precision

#pragma mark process double precision

  else if (processSetup.symbolicSampleSize == kSample64)
    if (data.numInputs)
      if (mScChans)
        if (getAudioInput(1)->isActive()) // Sidechain is active
          mSidechainActive = true;
          SetInputChannelConnections(0, NInChannels(), true);
          if (mSidechainActive)
            mSidechainActive = false;

          SetInputChannelConnections(0, NInChannels(), true);
          SetInputChannelConnections(data.inputs[0].numChannels, NInChannels() - mScChans, false);

        AttachInputBuffers(0, NInChannels() - mScChans, data.inputs[0].channelBuffers64, data.numSamples);
        AttachInputBuffers(mScChans, NInChannels() - mScChans, data.inputs[1].channelBuffers64, data.numSamples);
        SetInputChannelConnections(0, data.inputs[0].numChannels, true);
        SetInputChannelConnections(data.inputs[0].numChannels, NInChannels() - data.inputs[0].numChannels, false);
        AttachInputBuffers(0, NInChannels(), data.inputs[0].channelBuffers64, data.numSamples);

    for (int outBus = 0, chanOffset = 0; outBus < data.numOutputs; outBus++)
      int busChannels = data.outputs[outBus].numChannels;
      SetOutputChannelConnections(chanOffset, busChannels, (bool) getAudioOutput(outBus)->isActive());
      SetOutputChannelConnections(chanOffset + busChannels, NOutChannels() - (chanOffset + busChannels), false);
      AttachOutputBuffers(chanOffset, busChannels, data.outputs[outBus].channelBuffers64);
      chanOffset += busChannels;

    if (mIsBypassed)
      PassThroughBuffers(0.0, data.numSamples);
      ProcessBuffers(0.0, data.numSamples); // process buffers double precision

// Midi Out
//  if (mDoesMidi) {
//    IEventList eventList = data.outputEvents;
//    if (eventList)
//    {
//      Event event;
//      while (!mMidiOutputQueue.Empty()) {
//        //TODO: parse events and add
//        eventList.addEvent(event);
//      }
//    }
//  }

  return kResultOk;
Пример #6
tresult PLUGIN_API AGainSimple::process (ProcessData& data)
	// finally the process function
	// In this example there are 4 steps:
	// 1) Read inputs parameters coming from host (in order to adapt our model values)
	// 2) Read inputs events coming from host (we apply a gain reduction depending of the velocity of pressed key)
	// 3) Process the gain of the input buffer to the output buffer
	// 4) Write the new VUmeter value to the output Parameters queue

	//---1) Read inputs parameter changes-----------
	IParameterChanges* paramChanges = data.inputParameterChanges;
	if (paramChanges)
		int32 numParamsChanged = paramChanges->getParameterCount ();
		// for each parameter which are some changes in this audio block:
		for (int32 i = 0; i < numParamsChanged; i++)
			IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = paramChanges->getParameterData (i);
			if (paramQueue)
				int32 offsetSamples;
				double value;
				int32 numPoints = paramQueue->getPointCount ();				
				switch (paramQueue->getParameterId ())
					case kGainId:
						// we use in this example only the last point of the queue.
						// in some wanted case for specific kind of parameter it makes sense to retrieve all points
						// and process the whole audio block in small blocks.
						if (paramQueue->getPoint (numPoints - 1,  offsetSamples, value) == kResultTrue)
							fGain = (float)value;

					case kBypassId:
						if (paramQueue->getPoint (numPoints - 1,  offsetSamples, value) == kResultTrue)
							bBypass = (value > 0.5f);
	//---2) Read input events-------------
	IEventList* eventList = data.inputEvents;
	if (eventList) 
		int32 numEvent = eventList->getEventCount ();
		for (int32 i = 0; i < numEvent; i++)
			Event event;
			if (eventList->getEvent (i, event) == kResultOk)
				switch (event.type)
					case Event::kNoteOnEvent:
						// use the velocity as gain modifier
						fGainReduction = event.noteOn.velocity;
					case Event::kNoteOffEvent:
						// noteOff reset the reduction
						fGainReduction = 0.f;
	//---3) Process Audio---------------------
	if (data.numInputs == 0 || data.numOutputs == 0)
		// nothing to do
		return kResultOk;

	// (simplification) we suppose in this example that we have the same input channel count than the output
	int32 numChannels = data.inputs[0].numChannels;
	//---get audio buffers----------------
	float** in  = data.inputs[0].channelBuffers32;
	float** out = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32;

	//---check if silence---------------
	// normally we have to check each channel (simplification)
	if (data.inputs[0].silenceFlags != 0)
		// mark output silence too
		data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = data.inputs[0].silenceFlags;
		// the Plug-in has to be sure that if it sets the flags silence that the output buffer are clear
		int32 sampleFrames = data.numSamples;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
			// dont need to be cleared if the buffers are the same (in this case input buffer are already cleared by the host)
			if (in[i] != out[i])
				memset (out[i], 0, sampleFrames * sizeof (float));

		// nothing to do at this point
		return kResultOk;

	// mark our outputs has not silent
	data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = 0;

	//---in bypass mode outputs should be like inputs-----
	if (bBypass)
		int32 sampleFrames = data.numSamples;
		for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
			// dont need to be copied if the buffers are the same
			if (in[i] != out[i])
				memcpy (out[i], in[i], sampleFrames * sizeof (float));
		// in this example we dont update the VuMeter in Bypass
		float fVuPPM = 0.f;

		//---apply gain factor----------
		float gain = (fGain - fGainReduction);
		if (bHalfGain)
			gain = gain * 0.5f;

		if (gain < 0.0000001)
			int32 sampleFrames = data.numSamples;
			for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
				memset (out[i], 0, sampleFrames * sizeof (float));
			data.outputs[0].silenceFlags = (1 << numChannels) - 1;  // this will set to 1 all channels
			fVuPPM = 0.f;
			// in real Plug-in it would be better to do dezippering to avoid jump (click) in gain value
			for (int32 i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
				int32 sampleFrames = data.numSamples;
				float* ptrIn  = in[i];
				float* ptrOut = out[i];
				float tmp;
				while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
					// apply gain
					tmp = (*ptrIn++) * gain;
					(*ptrOut++) = tmp;

					// check only positiv values
					if (tmp > fVuPPM)
						fVuPPM = tmp;

		//---3) Write outputs parameter changes-----------
		IParameterChanges* paramChanges = data.outputParameterChanges;
		// a new value of VuMeter will be send to the host 
		// (the host will send it back in sync to our controller for updating our editor)
		if (paramChanges && fVuPPMOld != fVuPPM)
			int32 index = 0;
			IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = paramChanges->addParameterData (kVuPPMId, index);
			if (paramQueue)
				int32 index2 = 0;
				paramQueue->addPoint (0, fVuPPM, index2); 
		fVuPPMOld = fVuPPM;

	return kResultOk;
Пример #7
tresult PLUGIN_API IPlugVST3::process(ProcessData& data)
  IMutexLock lock(this); // TODO: is this the best place to lock the mutex?
  memcpy(&mProcessContext, data.processContext, sizeof(ProcessContext));
  //process parameters
  IParameterChanges* paramChanges = data.inputParameterChanges;
  if (paramChanges)
    int32 numParamsChanged = paramChanges->getParameterCount();
    //it is possible to get a finer resolution of control here by retrieving more values (points) from the queue
    //for now we just grab the last one
    for (int32 i = 0; i < numParamsChanged; i++)
      IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = paramChanges->getParameterData(i);
      if (paramQueue)
        int32 numPoints = paramQueue->getPointCount();
        int32 offsetSamples;
        double value;
        if (paramQueue->getPoint(numPoints - 1,  offsetSamples, value) == kResultTrue)
          int idx = paramQueue->getParameterId();
          if (idx >= 0 && idx < NParams()) 
            if (GetGUI()) GetGUI()->SetParameterFromPlug(idx, (double)value, true);
  if(mDoesMidi) {
    //process events.. only midi note on and note off?
    IEventList* eventList = data.inputEvents;
    if (eventList) 
      int32 numEvent = eventList->getEventCount();
      for (int32 i=0; i<numEvent; i++)
        Event event;
        if (eventList->getEvent(i, event) == kResultOk)
          IMidiMsg msg;
          switch (event.type)
            case Event::kNoteOnEvent:
              msg.MakeNoteOnMsg(event.noteOn.pitch, event.noteOn.velocity * 127, event.sampleOffset, event.noteOn.channel);
            case Event::kNoteOffEvent:
              msg.MakeNoteOffMsg(event.noteOff.pitch, event.sampleOffset, event.noteOff.channel);
  //process audio
  if (data.numInputs == 0 || data.numOutputs == 0)
    // nothing to do
    return kResultOk;
  if (processSetup.symbolicSampleSize == kSample32)
    float** in  = data.inputs[0].channelBuffers32;
    float** out = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32;
    if (mScChans) 
      float** side = data.inputs[1].channelBuffers32;

      if (getAudioInput(1)->isActive()) 
        int totalNInputs = data.inputs[0].numChannels + data.inputs[1].numChannels;
        float** allInputs = new float*[totalNInputs];

        for (int i = 0; i < data.inputs[0].numChannels; i ++) {
          allInputs[i] = in[i];
        for (int i = 0; i < data.inputs[1].numChannels; i ++) {
          allInputs[i + data.inputs[0].numChannels] = side[i];
        AttachInputBuffers(0, totalNInputs, allInputs, data.numSamples);
        mSideChainIsConnected = true;
        delete [] allInputs;
        AttachInputBuffers(0, data.inputs[0].numChannels, in, data.numSamples);
        mSideChainIsConnected = false;
      AttachInputBuffers(0, data.inputs[0].numChannels, in, data.numSamples);
    AttachOutputBuffers(0, data.outputs[0].numChannels, out);
    ProcessBuffers(0.0f, data.numSamples);
  else if (processSetup.symbolicSampleSize == kSample64) // TODO: parity for double precision
    double** in  = data.inputs[0].channelBuffers64;
    double** out = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers64;
    AttachInputBuffers(0, data.inputs[0].numChannels, in, data.numSamples);
    AttachOutputBuffers(0, data.outputs[0].numChannels, out);
    ProcessBuffers(0.0, data.numSamples);
  // Midi Out
//  if (mDoesMidi) {
//    IEventList eventList = data.outputEvents;
//    if (eventList) 
//    {
//      Event event;
//      while (!mMidiOutputQueue.Empty()) {
//        //TODO: parse events and add
//        eventList.addEvent(event);
//      }
//    }
//  }
  return kResultOk; 
	tresult PLUGIN_API BLITSineHardSync_processor::process(ProcessData& data)
		// update parameters
		if (data.inputParameterChanges)
			int32 numParamsChanged = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterCount();
			for (int32 ii = 0; ii < numParamsChanged; ii++)
				IParamValueQueue* paramQueue = data.inputParameterChanges->getParameterData(ii);
				if (paramQueue)
					int32 offsetSamples;
					double valueNormalized;

					// get parameter
					if (paramQueue->getPoint(paramQueue->getPointCount() - 1, offsetSamples, valueNormalized) == kResultTrue)
						ParamID id = paramQueue->getParameterId();
						if (id == Leak)
							// -> [0.99, 1.0]
							double value = 0.99 + 0.01 * valueNormalized;
						else if (id == Slave)
							// -> [1.0, 2.0]
							double value = 1.0 + valueNormalized;

		// process events
		if (data.inputEvents)
			int nEventCount = data.inputEvents->getEventCount();

			for (int ii = 0; ii < nEventCount; ii++)
				Event e;
				tresult result = data.inputEvents->getEvent(ii, e);
				if (result != kResultOk)continue;

				if (e.type == Event::kNoteOnEvent)
					_blit.trigger(e.noteOn, processSetup.sampleRate);
				else if (e.type == Event::kNoteOffEvent)

		if (_blit.is_silent())
			return kResultOk;

		if (data.numInputs == 0 && data.numOutputs == 1 && data.outputs[0].numChannels == 2)
			Sample32** out = data.outputs[0].channelBuffers32;
			const int32 sampleFrames = data.numSamples;
			for (int ii = 0; ii < sampleFrames; ii++)
				out[0][ii] = out[1][ii] = _blit.render();
		return kResultOk;