Пример #1
void MmixLlvm::Private::emitIncl(VerticeContext& vctx, IRBuilder<>& builder,  MXByte xarg, MXWyde yzarg)
	Value *xval0 = vctx.getRegister(xarg);
	Value* result = builder.CreateAdd(xval0, builder.getInt64((MXOcta) yzarg));
	assignRegister(vctx, builder, xarg, result);
Пример #2
Value* AdditionExpression::getValue() {
    assert(leftExpression != NULL);
    assert(rightExpression != NULL);

    IRBuilder<>* builder = codegen::getBuilder();
    return builder->CreateAdd(leftExpression->getValue(), rightExpression->getValue());
Пример #3
Value* Op::codeGen(CodeGenContext &context) {
  cout << "Creating Op " << op <<endl;
  IRBuilder<> *builder = context.currentBuilder();

  Value *tape_1;
  Value *lshValue = lhs.codeGen(context);
  Value *rshValue = rhs.codeGen(context);
  switch(op) {
    case T_PLUS:
      tape_1 = builder->CreateAdd(lshValue,
          rshValue, "addtmp");
    case T_MINUS:
      tape_1 = builder->CreateSub(lshValue,
          rshValue, "subtmp");
    case T_DIV:
      tape_1 = builder->CreateUDiv(lshValue,
          rshValue, "divtmp");
    case T_MUL:
      tape_1 = builder->CreateMul(lshValue,
          rshValue, "multmp");
    case T_LT:
      tape_1 = builder->CreateICmpSLT(lshValue,
          rshValue, "lttmp");
    case T_GT:
      tape_1 = builder->CreateICmpSGT(lshValue,
          rshValue, "gttmp");
  return tape_1;
Пример #4
void ASTCodeGenVisitor::Visit(DecrData* s) {
  IRBuilder<> builder = builders_.top();
  Value* ptr_val = builder.CreateLoad(ptr_);
  Value* result = builder.CreateAdd(ptr_val, neg_one);
  builder.CreateStore(result, ptr_);
Пример #5
void CNodeCodeGenVisitor::Visit(CAdd* s) {
  IRBuilder<> builder = builders_.top();

  Value* offset_ptr = builder.CreateGEP(ptr_, GetPtrOffset(s->GetOffset()));
  Value* offset_val = builder.CreateLoad(offset_ptr);

  Value* add_val = GetDataOffset(s->GetAmt());
  Value* result = builder.CreateAdd(offset_val, add_val);

  builder.CreateStore(result, offset_ptr);
Пример #6
/// compile_plus - Emit code for '+'
void BrainFTraceRecorder::compile_plus(BrainFTraceNode *node,
                                       IRBuilder<>& builder) {
  Value *CellValue = builder.CreateLoad(DataPtr);
  Constant *One =
    ConstantInt::get(IntegerType::getInt8Ty(Header->getContext()), 1);
  Value *UpdatedValue = builder.CreateAdd(CellValue, One);
  builder.CreateStore(UpdatedValue, DataPtr);
  if (node->left != (BrainFTraceNode*)~0ULL)
    compile_opcode(node->left, builder);
  else {
    HeaderPHI->addIncoming(DataPtr, builder.GetInsertBlock());
Пример #7
void CNodeCodeGenVisitor::Visit(CMul* s) {
  IRBuilder<> builder = builders_.top();

  int op_offset = s->GetOpOffset();
  int target_offset = s->GetTargetOffset();
  int amt = s->GetAmt();

  Value* op_offset_ptr = builder.CreateGEP(ptr_, GetPtrOffset(op_offset));
  Value* target_offset_ptr =
      builder.CreateGEP(ptr_, GetPtrOffset(target_offset));
  Value* mul_val = GetDataOffset(amt);

  Value* op_val = builder.CreateLoad(op_offset_ptr);
  Value* target_val = builder.CreateLoad(target_offset_ptr);
  Value* mul_result = builder.CreateMul(op_val, mul_val);
  Value* add_result = builder.CreateAdd(target_val, mul_result);

  builder.CreateStore(add_result, target_offset_ptr);
Пример #8
CompilePipeline(Pipeline *pipeline, Thread *thread) {
    size_t i = 0;
    size_t size = 0;
    std::unique_ptr<Module> owner = make_unique<Module>("PipelineFunction", thread->context);
    Module *module = owner.get();
    std::string fname = std::string("PipelineFunction") + std::to_string(thread->functions++);
    size_t input_count = pipeline->inputData->objects.size();
    size_t output_count = pipeline->outputData->objects.size();
    size_t function_arg_count = 6;
    size_t arg_count = input_count + output_count + (function_arg_count - 2);
    size_t start_addr = input_count + output_count;
    size_t end_addr = start_addr + 1;
    size_t result_sizes_addr = end_addr + 1;
    size_t thread_nr_addr = result_sizes_addr + 1;
    IRBuilder<> *builder = &thread->builder;
    auto passmanager = CreatePassManager(module, thread->jit.get());


    Type *int8_tpe = Type::getInt8Ty(thread->context);
    Type *int8ptr_tpe = PointerType::get(int8_tpe, 0);
    Type *int8ptrptr_tpe = PointerType::get(int8ptr_tpe, 0);
    Type *int64_tpe = Type::getInt64Ty(thread->context);
    Type *int64ptr_tpe = PointerType::get(int64_tpe, 0);

    JITInformation info;

    // arguments of the function
    // the arguments are (void **result, void** inputs, size_t start, size_t end);
    // note that we don't actually use void**, we use int8**, because LLVM does not support void pointers
    std::vector<Type*> arguments(function_arg_count);
    i = 0;
    arguments[i++] = int8ptrptr_tpe;  // void** results
    arguments[i++] = int8ptrptr_tpe;  // void** inputs
    arguments[i++] = int64_tpe;       // size_t start
    arguments[i++] = int64_tpe;       // size_t end
    arguments[i++] = int64ptr_tpe;  // size_t* result_sizes
    arguments[i++] = int64_tpe;  // size_t thread_nr
    assert(i == function_arg_count);

    /*for(auto inputs = pipeline->inputData->objects.begin(); inputs != pipeline->inputData->objects.end(); inputs++, i++) {
        arguments[i] = PointerType::get(getLLVMType(thread->context, inputs->type), 0);
    for(auto outputs = pipeline->outputData->objects.begin(); outputs != pipeline->outputData->objects.end(); outputs++, i++) {
        arguments[i] = PointerType::get(getLLVMType(thread->context, outputs->type), 0);

    // create the LLVM function
    FunctionType *prototype = FunctionType::get(int64_tpe, arguments, false);
    Function *function = Function::Create(prototype, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, fname, module);

    // create the basic blocks
    BasicBlock *loop_entry = BasicBlock::Create(thread->context, "entry", function, 0);
    BasicBlock *loop_cond  = BasicBlock::Create(thread->context, "for.cond", function, 0);
    BasicBlock *loop_body  = BasicBlock::Create(thread->context, "for.body", function, 0);
    BasicBlock *loop_inc   = BasicBlock::Create(thread->context, "for.inc", function, 0);
    BasicBlock *loop_end   = BasicBlock::Create(thread->context, "for.end", function, 0);

    info.builder = &thread->builder;
    info.context = &thread->context;
    info.function = function;
    info.loop_entry = loop_entry;
    info.loop_cond = loop_cond;
    info.loop_body = loop_body;
    info.loop_inc = loop_inc;
    info.loop_end = loop_end;
    info.current = loop_body;

#ifndef _NOTDEBUG
    // argument names (for debug purposes only)
    std::vector<std::string> argument_names(arg_count);
    i = 0;
    for(auto inputs = pipeline->inputData->objects.begin(); inputs != pipeline->inputData->objects.end(); inputs++, i++) {
        argument_names[i] = std::string("inputs") + std::to_string(i);
    for(auto outputs = pipeline->outputData->objects.begin(); outputs != pipeline->outputData->objects.end(); outputs++, i++) {
        argument_names[i] = std::string("outputs") + std::to_string(i - input_count);
    argument_names[i++] = "start";
    argument_names[i++] = "end";
    argument_names[i++] = "result_sizes";
    argument_names[i++] = "thread_nr";

    std::vector<AllocaInst*> argument_addresses(arg_count);
        // allocate space for the arguments
        auto args = function->arg_begin();
        i = 0;
        for(auto outputs = pipeline->outputData->objects.begin(); outputs != pipeline->outputData->objects.end(); outputs++, i++) {
            Type *column_type = PointerType::get(getLLVMType(thread->context, outputs->source->type), 0);
            Value *voidptrptr = builder->CreateGEP(int8ptr_tpe, &*args, ConstantInt::get(int64_tpe, i, true));
            Value *voidptr = builder->CreateLoad(voidptrptr, "voidptr");
            Value *columnptr = builder->CreatePointerCast(voidptr, column_type);
            argument_addresses[i] = builder->CreateAlloca(column_type, nullptr, argument_names[i]);
            builder->CreateStore(columnptr, argument_addresses[i]);
            outputs->alloca_address = (void*) argument_addresses[i];
            if (size == 0 || size == 1) {
                assert(outputs->source->size >= 0);
                size = outputs->source->size;
            assert(size == outputs->source->size || outputs->source->size == 1);
        for(auto inputs = pipeline->inputData->objects.begin(); inputs != pipeline->inputData->objects.end(); inputs++, i++) {
            Type *column_type = PointerType::get(getLLVMType(thread->context, inputs->source->type), 0);
            Value *voidptrptr = builder->CreateGEP(int8ptr_tpe, &*args, ConstantInt::get(int64_tpe, i - output_count, true));
            Value *voidptr = builder->CreateLoad(voidptrptr, "voidptr");
            Value *columnptr = builder->CreatePointerCast(voidptr, column_type);
            argument_addresses[i] = builder->CreateAlloca(column_type, nullptr, argument_names[i]);
            builder->CreateStore(columnptr, argument_addresses[i]);
            inputs->alloca_address = (void*) argument_addresses[i];
            if (size == 0 || size == 1) {
                assert(inputs->source->size >= 0);
                size = inputs->source->size;
            assert(size == inputs->source->size || inputs->source->size == 1);
        argument_addresses[i] = builder->CreateAlloca(arguments[2], nullptr, argument_names[i]);
        builder->CreateStore(&*args, argument_addresses[i]);
        args++; i++;
        argument_addresses[i] = builder->CreateAlloca(arguments[3], nullptr, argument_names[i]);
        builder->CreateStore(&*args, argument_addresses[i]);
        args++; i++;
        argument_addresses[i] = builder->CreateAlloca(arguments[4], nullptr, argument_names[i]);
        builder->CreateStore(&*args, argument_addresses[i]);
        args++; i++;
        argument_addresses[i] = builder->CreateAlloca(arguments[5], nullptr, argument_names[i]);
        builder->CreateStore(&*args, argument_addresses[i]);
        args++; i++;
        assert(args == function->arg_end());
        assert(i == arg_count);
        info.index_addr = argument_addresses[start_addr];
        info.thread_addr = argument_addresses[thread_nr_addr];

        PerformInitialization(info, pipeline->operation);


    // for loop condition: index < end
        LoadInst *index = builder->CreateLoad(argument_addresses[start_addr], "index");
        LoadInst *end = builder->CreateLoad(argument_addresses[end_addr], "end");
        Value *condition = builder->CreateICmpSLT(index, end, "index < end");
        builder->CreateCondBr(condition, loop_body, loop_end);

    // loop body: perform the computation
        LoadInst *index = builder->CreateLoad(argument_addresses[start_addr], "index");
        info.index = index;
        info.index_addr = argument_addresses[start_addr];
        // perform the computation over the given index
        // we don't use the return value because the final assignment has already taken place
        Value *v = PerformOperation(info, thread->builder, thread->context, pipeline->operation, pipeline->inputData, pipeline->outputData);
        if (v == NULL) {
            // failed to perform operation
            printf("Failed to compile pipeline %s\n", pipeline->name);
            return NULL;


    // loop increment: index++
        LoadInst *index = builder->CreateLoad(argument_addresses[start_addr], "index");
        Value *incremented_index = builder->CreateAdd(index, ConstantInt::get(int64_tpe, 1, true), "index++");
        builder->CreateStore(incremented_index, argument_addresses[start_addr]);


    // loop end: return; (nothing happens here because we have no return value)
        // return the output size of each of the columns
        int i = 0;
        Value *result_sizes = builder->CreateLoad(argument_addresses[result_sizes_addr], "result_sizes[]");
        for(auto it = pipeline->outputData->objects.begin(); it != pipeline->outputData->objects.end(); it++) {
            Value* output_count;
            if (it->index_addr) {
                output_count = builder->CreateLoad((Value*) it->index_addr, "count");
            } else {
                output_count = ConstantInt::get(int64_tpe, 1, true);
            Value *output_addr = builder->CreateGEP(int64_tpe, result_sizes, ConstantInt::get(int64_tpe, i, true));
            builder->CreateStore(output_count, output_addr);

        builder->CreateRet(ConstantInt::get(int64_tpe, 0, true));

#ifndef _NOTDEBUG

    //printf("LLVM for pipeline %s\n", pipeline->name);
    // dump generated LLVM code

    auto handle = thread->jit->addModule(std::move(owner));

    jit_function compiled_function = (jit_function) thread->jit->findSymbol(fname).getAddress();
    if (!compiled_function) {
        printf("Error creating function.\n");
        return NULL;

    JITFunction *jf = CreateJITFunction(thread, pipeline);
    jf->size = size;
    jf->function = compiled_function;
    jf->jit = thread->jit.get();
    jf->handle = handle;

    return jf;