Пример #1
// If main trace ends with a conditional jump with no side-effects on exit,
// hook it to the exitTrace and make it a TraceExitType::NormalCc
static void hoistConditionalJumps(Trace* trace, IRFactory* irFactory) {
  IRInstruction::List& instList = trace->getInstructionList();
  IRInstruction::Iterator tail  = instList.end();
  IRInstruction* jccInst        = nullptr;
  IRInstruction* exitInst       = nullptr;
  IRInstruction* exitCcInst     = nullptr;
  Opcode opc = OpAdd;
  // Normally Jcc comes before a Marker
  for (int idx = 3; idx >= 0; idx--) {
    tail--; // go back to the previous instruction
    IRInstruction* inst = *tail;
    opc = inst->getOpcode();
    if (opc == ExitTrace) {
      exitInst = inst;
    if (opc == Marker) {
    if (jccCanBeDirectExit(opc)) {
      jccInst = inst;
  if (jccCanBeDirectExit(opc)) {
    SSATmp* dst = jccInst->getDst();
    Trace* targetTrace = jccInst->getLabel()->getParent();
    IRInstruction::List& targetInstList = targetTrace->getInstructionList();
    IRInstruction::Iterator targetInstIter = targetInstList.begin();
    targetInstIter++; // skip over label

    // Check for a NormalCc exit with no side effects
    for (IRInstruction::Iterator it = targetInstIter;
         it != targetInstList.end();
         ++it) {
      IRInstruction* instr = (*it);
      // Extend to support ExitSlow, ExitSlowNoProgress, ...
      Opcode opc = instr->getOpcode();
      if (opc == ExitTraceCc) {
        exitCcInst = instr;
      } else if (opc == Marker) {
      } else {
        // Do not optimize if there are other instructions

    if (exitInst && exitCcInst) {
      // Found both exits, link them to Jcc for codegen
      exitCcInst->appendSrc(irFactory->arena(), dst);
      exitInst->appendSrc(irFactory->arena(), dst);
      // Set flag so Jcc and exits know this is active
Пример #2
 * If main trace ends with a conditional jump with no side-effects on exit,
 * hook it to the exitTrace and make it a TraceExitType::NormalCc.
 * This function essentially looks for the following code pattern:
 * Main Trace:
 * ----------
 * L1: // jccBlock
 *    ...
 *    Jcc ... -> L3
 * L2: // lastBlock
 *    DefLabel
 *    [Marker]
 *    ExitTrace
 * Exit Trace:
 * ----------
 * L3: // targetBlock
 *   DefLabel
 *   [Marker]
 *   ExitTraceCc
 * If the pattern is found, Jcc's dst operand is linked to the ExitTrace and
 * ExitTraceCc instructions and it's flagged with kIRDirectJccJmpActive.  This
 * then triggers CodeGenerator to emit a REQ_BIND_JMPCC_FIRST service request.
static void hoistConditionalJumps(Trace* trace, IRFactory* irFactory) {
  IRInstruction* exitInst       = nullptr;
  IRInstruction* exitCcInst     = nullptr;
  Opcode opc = OpAdd;
  // Normally Jcc comes before a Marker
  auto& blocks = trace->getBlocks();
  if (blocks.size() < 2) return;
  auto it = blocks.end();
  Block* lastBlock = *(--it);
  Block* jccBlock  = *(--it);

  IRInstruction& jccInst = *(jccBlock->back());
  if (!jccCanBeDirectExit(jccInst.getOpcode())) return;

  for (auto it = lastBlock->skipLabel(), end = lastBlock->end(); it != end;
       it++) {
    IRInstruction& inst = *it;
    opc = inst.getOpcode();
    if (opc == ExitTrace) {
      exitInst = &inst;
    if (opc != Marker) {
      // Found real instruction on the last block
  if (exitInst) {
    SSATmp* dst = jccInst.getDst();
    Block* targetBlock = jccInst.getTaken();
    auto targetInstIter = targetBlock->skipLabel();

    // Check for a NormalCc exit with no side effects
    for (auto it = targetInstIter, end = targetBlock->end(); it != end; ++it) {
      IRInstruction* instr = &*it;
      // Extend to support ExitSlow, ExitSlowNoProgress, ...
      Opcode opc = instr->getOpcode();
      if (opc == ExitTraceCc) {
        exitCcInst = instr;
      } else if (opc != Marker) {
        // Do not optimize if there are other instructions

    if (exitCcInst) {
      // Found both exits, link them to Jcc for codegen
      exitCcInst->appendSrc(irFactory->arena(), dst);
      exitInst->appendSrc(irFactory->arena(), dst);
      // Set flag so Jcc and exits know this is active
Пример #3
void eliminateDeadCode(Trace* trace, IRFactory* irFactory) {
  IRInstruction::List wl; // worklist of live instructions
  Trace::List& exitTraces = trace->getExitTraces();
  // first mark all exit traces as unreachable by setting the id on
  // their labels to 0
  for (Trace::Iterator it = exitTraces.begin();
       it != exitTraces.end();
       it++) {
    Trace* trace = *it;

  // mark the essential instructions and add them to the initial
  // work list; also mark the exit traces that are reachable by
  // any control flow instruction in the main trace.
  initInstructions(trace, wl);
  for (Trace::Iterator it = exitTraces.begin();
       it != exitTraces.end();
       it++) {
    // only process those exit traces that are reachable from
    // the main trace
    Trace* trace = *it;
    if (trace->getLabel()->getId() != DEAD) {
      initInstructions(trace, wl);

  // process the worklist
  while (!wl.empty()) {
    IRInstruction* inst = wl.front();
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < inst->getNumSrcs(); i++) {
      SSATmp* src = inst->getSrc(i);
      if (src->getInstruction()->isDefConst()) {
      IRInstruction* srcInst = src->getInstruction();
      if (srcInst->getId() == DEAD) {
      // <inst> consumes <srcInst> which is an IncRef,
      // so we mark <srcInst> as REFCOUNT_CONSUMED.
      if (inst->consumesReference(i) && srcInst->getOpcode() == IncRef) {
        if (inst->getParent()->isMain() || !srcInst->getParent()->isMain()) {
          // <srcInst> is consumed from its own trace.
        } else {
          // <srcInst> is consumed off trace.
          if (srcInst->getId() != REFCOUNT_CONSUMED) {
            // mark <srcInst> as REFCOUNT_CONSUMED_OFF_TRACE unless it is
            // also consumed from its own trace.

  // Optimize IncRefs and DecRefs.
  for (Trace::Iterator it = exitTraces.begin(); it != exitTraces.end(); ++it) {

  if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIREnableSinking) {
    // Sink IncRefs consumed off trace.
    IRInstruction::List toSink;
    sinkIncRefs(trace, irFactory, toSink);

  // now remove instructions whose id == DEAD
  for (Trace::Iterator it = exitTraces.begin(); it != exitTraces.end(); it++) {

  // If main trace ends with an unconditional jump, copy the target of
  // the jump to the end of the trace
  IRInstruction::List& instList = trace->getInstructionList();
  IRInstruction::Iterator lastInst = instList.end();
  lastInst--; // go back to the last instruction
  IRInstruction* jmpInst = *lastInst;
  if (jmpInst->getOpcode() == Jmp_) {
    Trace* targetTrace = jmpInst->getLabel()->getParent();
    IRInstruction::List& targetInstList = targetTrace->getInstructionList();
    IRInstruction::Iterator instIter = targetInstList.begin();
    instIter++; // skip over label
    // update the parent trace of the moved instructions
    for (IRInstruction::Iterator it = instIter;
         it != targetInstList.end();
         ++it) {
    instList.splice(lastInst, targetInstList, instIter, targetInstList.end());
    // delete the jump instruction

  // If main trace ends with a conditional jump with no side-effects on exit,
  // hook it to the exitTrace and make it a TraceExitType::NormalCc
  if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIRDirectExit) {
    IRInstruction::List& instList = trace->getInstructionList();
    IRInstruction::Iterator tail  = instList.end();
    IRInstruction* jccInst        = NULL;
    IRInstruction* exitInst       = NULL;
    IRInstruction* exitCcInst     = NULL;
    Opcode opc = OpAdd;
    // Normally Jcc comes before a Marker
    for (int idx = 3; idx >= 0; idx--) {
      tail--; // go back to the previous instruction
      IRInstruction* inst = *tail;
      opc = inst->getOpcode();
      if (opc == ExitTrace) {
        exitInst = *tail;
      if (opc == Marker) {
      if (jccCanBeDirectExit(opc)) {
        jccInst = inst;
    if (jccCanBeDirectExit(opc)) {
      SSATmp* dst = jccInst->getDst();
      Trace* targetTrace = jccInst->getLabel()->getParent();
      IRInstruction::List& targetInstList = targetTrace->getInstructionList();
      IRInstruction::Iterator targetInstIter = targetInstList.begin();
      targetInstIter++; // skip over label

      // Check for a NormalCc exit with no side effects
      for (IRInstruction::Iterator it = targetInstIter;
           it != targetInstList.end();
           ++it) {
        IRInstruction* instr = (*it);
        // Extend to support ExitSlow, ExitSlowNoProgress, ...
        Opcode opc = instr->getOpcode();
        if (opc == ExitTraceCc) {
          exitCcInst = instr;
        } else if (opc == Marker) {
        } else {
          // Do not optimize if there are other instructions

      if (exitInst && exitCcInst) {
        // Found both exits, link them to Jcc for codegen
        exitCcInst->appendSrc(*irFactory, dst);
        exitInst->appendSrc(*irFactory, dst);
        // Set flag so Jcc and exits know this is active

  // If main trace starts with guards, have them generate a patchable jump
  // to the anchor trace
  if (RuntimeOption::EvalHHIRDirectExit) {
    LabelInstruction* guardLabel = NULL;
    IRInstruction::List& instList = trace->getInstructionList();
    // Check the beginning of the trace for guards
    for (IRInstruction::Iterator it = instList.begin(); it != instList.end();
         ++it) {
      IRInstruction* inst = *it;
      Opcode opc = inst->getOpcode();
      if (inst->getLabel() &&
          (opc == LdLoc    || opc == LdStack ||
           opc == GuardLoc || opc == GuardStk)) {
        LabelInstruction* exitLabel = inst->getLabel();
        // Find the GuardFailure's label and confirm this branches there
        if (guardLabel == NULL) {
          Trace* exitTrace = exitLabel->getParent();
          IRInstruction::List& xList = exitTrace->getInstructionList();
          IRInstruction::Iterator instIter = xList.begin();
          instIter++; // skip over label
          // Confirm this is a GuardExit
          for (IRInstruction::Iterator it = instIter; it != xList.end(); ++it) {
            IRInstruction* i = *it;
            Opcode op = i->getOpcode();
            if (op == Marker) {
            if (op == ExitGuardFailure) {
              guardLabel = exitLabel;
            // Do not optimize if other instructions are on exit trace
        if (exitLabel == guardLabel) {
      if (opc == Marker || opc == DefLabel || opc == DefSP || opc == DefFP ||
          opc == LdStack) {