Пример #1
int rtree_insert_test() {
    ISpatialIndex *rtree;
	try {
        // Create a new storage manager with the provided base name and a 4K page size.
        //std::string baseName = "rtree";
        //IStorageManager* diskfile = StorageManager::createNewDiskStorageManager(baseName, 4096);
        memfile = StorageManager::createNewMemoryStorageManager();

        //StorageManager::IBuffer* file = StorageManager::createNewRandomEvictionsBuffer(*memfile, 100, false);
        // applies a main memory random buffer on top of the persistent storage manager
        // (LRU buffer, etc can be created the same way).

        // Create a new, empty, RTree with dimensionality 2, minimum load 70%, using "file" as
        // the StorageManager and the RSTAR splitting policy.
        id_type indexIdentifier;
        rtree = RTree::createNewRTree(*memfile, 0.7, 100, 100, MAX_DIM_NUM, SpatialIndex::RTree::RV_RSTAR, indexIdentifier);

        id_type id;
		uint32_t op;
		double x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2;
		double plow[3], phigh[3];

        std::ifstream fin("/root/mbj/data/data");
		while (fin)
			fin >> op >> id >> x1 >> y1 >> z1 >> x2 >> y2 >> z2;
			if (! fin.good()) continue; // skip newlines, etc.

			if (op == RTREE_INSERT)
				plow[0] = x1; plow[1] = y1; plow[2] = z1;
				phigh[0] = x2; phigh[1] = y2; phigh[2] = z2;

				Region r = Region(plow, phigh, 3);

				std::ostringstream os;
				os << r;
				std::string data = os.str();

				rtree->insertData(data.size() + 1, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data.c_str()), r, id);


    } catch (Tools::Exception& e) {
		std::cerr << "******ERROR******" << std::endl;
		std::string s = e.what();
		std::cerr << s << std::endl;
		return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
Пример #2
void process_input(struct partition_op &partop) {
	// build in memory Tree
	VecStreamReader vecstream(&vec);
	IStorageManager* memoryFile = StorageManager::createNewMemoryStorageManager();
	id_type indexIdentifier = 0;

	ISpatialIndex* tree = RTree::createAndBulkLoadNewRTree(RTree::BLM_STR, 
		vecstream, *memoryFile, fillFactor, indexCapacity, partop.bucket_size, 
		2, SpatialIndex::RTree::RV_RSTAR, indexIdentifier);

	// Traverse through each leaf node which is a partition
	MyQueryStrategy qs(&partop);

	Rectangle *tmp;
	double span[2];
	double area_total;

	for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
		span[k] = partop.high[k] - partop.low[k];

	// Normalize the data
	for (vector<Rectangle*>::iterator it = list_rec.begin() ; it != list_rec.end(); ++it) {
		tmp = *it;
		tmp->low[0] = (tmp->low[0] - partop.low[0]) / span[0];
        	tmp->low[1] = (tmp->low[1] - partop.low[1]) / span[1];
        	tmp->high[0] = (tmp->high[0] - partop.low[0]) / span[0];
        	tmp->high[1] = (tmp->high[1] - partop.low[1]) / span[1];
        	area_total += (tmp->high[0] - tmp->low[0]) * (tmp->high[1] - tmp->low[1]);

	cerr << "Area total: " << area_total << endl;
        if (list_rec.size() > 0) {
                cerr << "Area covered: " << findarea(list_rec) << endl;

	for (vector<Rectangle*>::iterator it = list_rec.begin() ; it != list_rec.end(); ++it) {
		delete *it;
	/* This will fail the code the Data is already removed by VecStreamReader
	for (vector<RTree::Data*>::iterator it = vec.begin() ; it != vec.end(); ++it) {
		delete *it;
	delete tree;
	delete memoryFile;
Пример #3
void TestSpatialIndexSpeed(string& wayDBFilePath)
	IStorageManager* diskfile = new CachedDiskStorageManager(wayDBFilePath);
	ISpatialIndex* tree = loadRTree(*diskfile, 1);

	high_resolution_clock::time_point t1 = high_resolution_clock::now();

	GetAllWaysWithKey getAllWays("highway");

	double min[3]{ 4.0, 52.0, 0.004 };
	double max[3]{ 5.0, 53.0, 500.0 };
	//double min[3]{ -180.0, -90.0, 0.0 };
	//double max[3]{ 180.0, 90.0, 500.0 };
	Region queryAABB(min, max, 3);
	tree->intersectsWithQuery(queryAABB, getAllWays);

	cout << "Num Ways returned: " << getAllWays.ways.size() << "                               " << endl;
	high_resolution_clock::time_point t2 = high_resolution_clock::now();
	duration<double> time_span = duration_cast<duration<double>>(t2 - t1);

	cout << "Num Query took seconds: " << time_span.count() << "                               " << endl;
Пример #4
// performs spatial join on the current tile (bucket)
int join_bucket_spjoin(struct query_op &stop, struct query_temp &sttemp) {
    IStorageManager *storage = NULL;
    ISpatialIndex *spidx = NULL;
    bool selfjoin = stop.join_cardinality == 1  ? true : false;

    /* Indicates where original data is mapped to */
    int idx1 = SID_1;
    int idx2 = selfjoin ? SID_1 : SID_2;

    int pairs = 0; // number of satisfied results

    double low[2], high[2];  // Temporary value placeholders for MBB

    try {

        vector<Geometry*>  & poly_set_one = sttemp.polydata[idx1];
        vector<Geometry*>  & poly_set_two = sttemp.polydata[idx2];

        int len1 = poly_set_one.size();
        int len2 = poly_set_two.size();

#ifdef DEBUG
        cerr << "Bucket size: " << len1 << " joining with " << len2 << endl;
        cerr << "Bucket size: " << len1 << " joining with " << len2 << endl;

        if (len1 <= 0 || len2 <= 0) {
            return 0;

        /* Build index on the "second data set */
        map<int, Geometry*> geom_polygons2;

        // Make a copy of the vector to map to build index (API restriction)
        for (int j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
            geom_polygons2[j] = poly_set_two[j];

        /* Handling for special nearest neighbor query */
        // build the actual spatial index for input polygons from idx2
        if (! build_index_geoms(geom_polygons2, spidx, storage)) {
#ifdef DEBUG
            cerr << "Building index on geometries from set 2 has failed" << endl;
            return -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
            /* Extract minimum bounding box */
            const Geometry* geom1 = poly_set_one[i];
            const Envelope * env1 = geom1->getEnvelopeInternal();

            low[0] = env1->getMinX();
            low[1] = env1->getMinY();
            high[0] = env1->getMaxX();
            high[1] = env1->getMaxY();
            if (stop.join_predicate == ST_DWITHIN) {
                low[0] -= stop.expansion_distance;
                low[1] -= stop.expansion_distance;
                high[0] += stop.expansion_distance;
                high[1] += stop.expansion_distance;

            /* Regular handling */
            Region r(low, high, 2);
            MyVisitor vis;
            /* R-tree intersection check */
            spidx->intersectsWithQuery(r, vis);

            for (uint32_t j = 0; j < vis.matches.size(); j++)
                /* Skip results that have been seen before (self-join case) */
                if (selfjoin && ((vis.matches[j] == i) ||  // same objects in self-join
                                 (!stop.result_pair_duplicate && vis.matches[j] <= i))) { // duplicate pairs
#ifdef DEBUG
                    cerr << "skipping (selfjoin): " << j << " " << vis.matches[j] << endl;
                const Geometry* geom2 = poly_set_two[vis.matches[j]];
                const Envelope * env2 = geom2->getEnvelopeInternal();
                if (join_with_predicate(stop, sttemp, geom1, geom2, env1, env2,
                                        stop.join_predicate))  {
                    report_result(stop, sttemp, i, vis.matches[j]);

    } // end of try
    catch (Tools::Exception& e) {
        //catch (...) {
        std::cerr << "******ERROR******" << std::endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
        cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
        return -1;
    } // end of catch

    cerr << "Done with tile" << endl;

    delete spidx;
    delete storage;
    return pairs ;
Пример #5
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
	 *  Build 48 Index with Links

	// Load Circuit
    Experiment experiment;
    Microcircuit & microcircuit = experiment.microcircuit();
    const Targets & targets = experiment.targets();
    const Cell_Target target = targets.cell_target("Column");
    microcircuit.load(target, NEURONS | MORPHOLOGIES);

    //Make Neuron Rtrees
    ISpatialIndex *neuronTrees[MORPHOLOGIES_COUNT];
    string *morphologyLabels[MORPHOLOGIES_COUNT];

    int cm=0;
    Morphologies & myMorphologies = microcircuit.morphologies();
    Morphologies::iterator myMorphologiesEnd = myMorphologies.end();
      for (Morphologies::iterator i = myMorphologies.begin(); i != myMorphologiesEnd; ++i)
    	  morphologyLabels[cm] = i->label();
    	  neuronTrees[cm] = RTree::createNewRTree (createNewMemoryStorageManager(), 0.7, 127, 127, 3,RTree::RV_RSTAR,indexIdentifier);

    Neurons & myNeurons = microcircuit.neurons();
    Neurons::iterator myNeuronsEnd = myNeurons.end();
    for (Neurons::iterator i = myNeurons.begin(); i != myNeuronsEnd; ++i)
    	for (cm=0;cm<MORPHOLOGIES_COUNT;cm++)
    		if (strcmp(i->morphology().label(),morphologyLabels[cm])==0) break;

    	Transform_3D<Micron> trafo = i->global_transform();
    	Sections mySections = i->morphology().all_sections();
    	Sections::iterator mySectionsEnd = mySections.end();
    	for (Sections::iterator s = mySections.begin(); s != mySectionsEnd; ++s)
    		 Segments segments = s->segments();
    		 Segments::const_iterator segments_end = segments.end();
    		 for (Segments::const_iterator j = segments.begin(); j != segments_end ; ++j)
     			 vect plow, phigh;
     			 get_segment_mbr (*j, trafo, &plow, &phigh);
     			 SpatialIndex::Region mbr = SpatialIndex::Region(plow.data(),phigh.data(),3);

     			 std::stringstream strStream;
     			 strStream << i->gid() <<"-"<< s->id()<< "-" << j->id();
     			 neuronTrees[cm]->insertData (strStream.str().length(), (byte*)(strStream.str().c_str()), mbr, segmentid);

    // Make Morphology Rtrees
    Morphologies & myMorphologies = microcircuit.morphologies();
    Morphologies::iterator myMorphologiesEnd = myMorphologies.end();
      for (Morphologies::iterator i = myMorphologies.begin(); i != myMorphologiesEnd; ++i)
      	cout << "Indexing Morphology: " << i->label();
      	string baseName = i->label();
        IStorageManager* diskfile = StorageManager::createNewDiskStorageManager(baseName, 4096);
        ISpatialIndex *tree = RTree::createNewRTree (*diskfile, 0.7, 127, 127, 3,RTree::RV_RSTAR,indexIdentifier);
        indexIdentifier++; segmentid=0;

      	Sections mySections = i->all_sections();
      	Sections::iterator mySectionsEnd = mySections.end();
      	for (Sections::iterator s = mySections.begin(); s != mySectionsEnd; ++s)
            Segments segments = s->segments();
      		Segments::const_iterator segments_end = segments.end();
      		for (Segments::const_iterator j = segments.begin(); j != segments_end ; ++j)

      			Box<bbp::Micron> Mbr = AABBCylinder::calculateAABBForCylinder(j->begin().center(),

      			vect plow, phigh;

      			plow[0] = Mbr.center().x() - Mbr.dimensions().x() / 2;
      			phigh[0] = Mbr.center().x() + Mbr.dimensions().x() / 2;
      			plow[1] = Mbr.center().y() - Mbr.dimensions().y() / 2;
      			phigh[1] = Mbr.center().y() + Mbr.dimensions().y() / 2;
      			plow[2] = Mbr.center().z() - Mbr.dimensions().z() / 2;
      			phigh[2] = Mbr.center().z() + Mbr.dimensions().z() / 2;

				SpatialIndex::Region mbr = SpatialIndex::Region(plow.data(),phigh.data(),3);

      			std::stringstream strStream;
      			strStream << s->id()<< "-" << j->id();

      			tree->insertData (strStream.str().length(), (byte*)(strStream.str().c_str()), mbr, segmentid);
      	cout << ".. Total Segments: " << segmentid << "\n";

    // PRELOAD the Trees amd Neuron Morphology Mapping

    ISpatialIndex *neurons[NEURONS_COUNT];
    global_transformer *transforms[NEURONS_COUNT];

    int cm=0;
    int cn=0;
    string baseName = "";
    Morphologies & myMorphologies = microcircuit.morphologies();
    Neurons & myNeurons = microcircuit.neurons();

    cout << "PreLoading Mappings \n";
    Morphologies::iterator myMorphologiesEnd = myMorphologies.end();
      for (Morphologies::iterator m = myMorphologies.begin(); m != myMorphologiesEnd; ++m)
    	  baseName = m->label();
          IStorageManager* diskfile = StorageManager::loadDiskStorageManager(baseName);
          trees[cm] = RTree::loadRTree(*diskfile, 1);

          std::cout << "Checking R-tree structure... ";
          if (!trees[cm]->isIndexValid()) std::cerr << "R-tree internal checks failed!\n"; else std::cout << "OK\n";
          IStatistics * tree_stats;
          trees[cm]->getStatistics (&tree_stats);
          cout << *tree_stats;

          Neurons::iterator myNeuronsEnd = myNeurons.end();
          for (Neurons::iterator n = myNeurons.begin(); n != myNeuronsEnd; ++n)
        	  if (strcmp(n->morphology().label().c_str(),m->label().c_str())==0)
        		  transforms[cn] = n->global_transform().inverse();
        		  neurons[cn] = trees[cm];
        	  if (cn>=NEURONS_COUNT) break;

	 *  Query the Index

Пример #6
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	if (argc != 4)
		cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " dim n area." << endl;
		return -1;

	int dim = atol(argv[1]);
	int n = atol(argv[2]);
	double area = atof(argv[3]);
	if(dim <= 0)
		cerr << "Dimension should be larger than 0." << endl;
		return -1;
	if(n <= 0)
		cerr << "The number of query points should be larger than 0." << endl;
		return -1;
	if(area <= 0 || area > 1)
		cerr << "the area of query points should be in (0, 1]." << endl;
		return -1;

	/*read static data set*/
	vector <Point> P;
	ifstream in("../data.ini");
		cerr << "Cannot open file data.ini.\n";
		return -1;
 	P = readPoints(in, dim);
	uint32_t N = P.size();

	try {
		IStorageManager* memfile = StorageManager::createNewMemoryStorageManager();
		StorageManager::IBuffer* file = StorageManager::createNewRandomEvictionsBuffer(*memfile, 10, false);
		id_type indexIdentifier;
		ISpatialIndex* tree = RTree::createNewRTree(*file, 0.7, CAPACITY, CAPACITY, dim, SpatialIndex::RTree::RV_RSTAR, indexIdentifier);
		id_type id = 0;
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
			std::ostringstream os;
			os << P[i];
			std::string data = os.str();
			tree->insertData(data.size() + 1, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data.c_str()), P[i], id);

	//for(uint32_t loop = 1; loop <= LOOPNUM; ++loop)
	for(uint32_t loop = 55; loop <= LOOPNUM; ++loop)
		cout << "/**************** BEGIN " << loop << " ***************/" << endl;

		/*generate query set*/
		vector <Point> Q;
		//Q = genPoints(dim, n, area, loop);
		stringstream ss;
		ss << "../query/n" << n << "M" << area << "/loop" << loop;
		cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;
		ifstream qin(ss.str().c_str());
			cerr << "Cannot open query file";
			return -1;
		Q = readPoints(qin, dim);
		/*************** BEGIN MQM method ******************/
		//double err_arr[] = {0, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1};
		double err_arr[] = {0, 0.01, 0.1};
		for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(err_arr) / sizeof(double); ++i)
			MQM(tree, Q, n, FUN, err_arr[i]); // MQM method for finding ANN of Q
		/*************** END MQM method *******************/

		/*************** BEGIN BF MBM method ******************/
		/* MBM method for finding ANN of Q */
		/*CATCH mbmcost;

		Region M = getMBR(Q, dim, n);
		MyQueryStrategy qs(M, Q, FUN);

		cout << "MBM: cpu cost is " << mbmcost.get_cost(2) << " millisecond(s)" << endl;
		cout << "MBM: best_dist is " << qs.best_dist << endl;
		cout << "MBM: best_NN is ";
		cout << "MBM: leafIO = " << qs.mbm_leafIO << "; indexIO = " << qs.mbm_indexIO << endl << endl; */
		/*************** END BF MBM method *******************/

		/*************** BEGIN brute method ******************/
		/* brute method for finding ANN of Q*/
		/*CATCH brute_cost;

		uint32_t ANNid = brute_ANN(Q, n, P, N, FUN);

		cout << "brute method: cpu cost is " << brute_cost.get_cost(2) << " millisecond(s)" << endl;
		double adist = getAdist(P[ANNid], Q, n, FUN);
		cout << "brute method: best_dist is " << adist << endl;
		cout << "brute method: best_NN is ";
		displayCoordinates(P[ANNid]); */
		/*************** END brute method *******************/
		cout << "/**************** END " << loop << " ****************/" << endl << endl;

	} // end loop
		delete tree;
		delete file;
		delete memfile;
	catch(Tools::Exception& e)
		cerr << "*********ERROR**********" << endl;
		std::string s = e.what();
		cerr << s << endl;
		return -1;
		cerr << "**********ERROR********" << endl;
		return -1;

	return 1;
Пример #7
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	uint32_t dim = 2;
	uint32_t n = 8;
	uint32_t N = 100;

	/*read static data set*/
	vector <Point> P;
	P = genPoints(dim, N, 1, 0);
//	displayPset(P);

	try {
		IStorageManager* memfile = StorageManager::createNewMemoryStorageManager();
		StorageManager::IBuffer* file = StorageManager::createNewRandomEvictionsBuffer(*memfile, 10, false);
		id_type indexIdentifier;
		ISpatialIndex* tree = RTree::createNewRTree(*file, 0.7, CAPACITY, CAPACITY, dim, SpatialIndex::RTree::RV_RSTAR, indexIdentifier);
		id_type id = 0;
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
			std::ostringstream os;
			os << P[i];
			std::string data = os.str();
			tree->insertData(data.size() + 1, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data.c_str()), P[i], id);

	for(uint32_t loop = 1; loop <= LOOPNUM; ++loop)
		cout << "/**************** BEGIN " << loop << " ***************/" << endl;

		/*generate query set*/
		vector <Point> Q;
		Q = genPoints(dim, n, 1, loop);
		/*double pdata1[] = {0, 0};
		double pdata2[] = {0, 1};
		double pdata3[] = {1, 1};
		Point q1(pdata1, dim), q2(pdata2, dim), q3(pdata3, dim);
		displayPset(Q);  */
		/*************** BEGIN BF MBM method ******************/
		/* MBM method for finding ANN of Q */
		CATCH mbmcost;

		Region M = getMBR(Q, dim, n);
		MyQueryStrategy qs(M, Q, FUN);

		cout << "MBM: cpu cost is " << mbmcost.get_cost(2) << " millisecond(s)" << endl;
		cout << "MBM: best_dist is " << qs.best_dist << endl;
		cout << "MBM: best_NN is ";
		cout << "MBM: leafIO = " << qs.mbm_leafIO << "; indexIO = " << qs.mbm_indexIO << endl << endl;
		/*************** END BF MBM method *******************/
		cout << "/**************** END " << loop << " ****************/" << endl << endl;

	} // end loop
		delete tree;
		delete file;
		delete memfile;
	catch(Tools::Exception& e)
		cerr << "*********ERROR**********" << endl;
		std::string s = e.what();
		cerr << s << endl;
		return -1;
		cerr << "**********ERROR********" << endl;
		return -1;

	return 1;
Пример #8
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	if (argc != 4)
		cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " dim n area." << endl;
		return -1;

	int dim = atol(argv[1]);
	int n = atol(argv[2]);
	double area = atof(argv[3]);
	if(dim <= 0)
		cerr << "Dimension should be larger than 0." << endl;
		return -1;
	if(n <= 0)
		cerr << "The number of query points should be larger than 0." << endl;
		return -1;
	if(area <= 0 || area > 1)
		cerr << "the area of query points should be in (0, 1]." << endl;
		return -1;

	/*read static data set*/
	vector <Point> P;
	ifstream in("../data.ini");
		cerr << "Cannot open file data.ini.\n";
		return -1;
 	P = readPoints(in, dim);
	uint32_t N = P.size();

	try {
		IStorageManager* memfile = StorageManager::createNewMemoryStorageManager();
		StorageManager::IBuffer* file = StorageManager::createNewRandomEvictionsBuffer(*memfile, 10, false);
		id_type indexIdentifier;
		ISpatialIndex* tree = RTree::createNewRTree(*file, 0.7, CAPACITY, CAPACITY, dim, SpatialIndex::RTree::RV_RSTAR, indexIdentifier);
		id_type id = 0;
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
			std::ostringstream os;
			os << P[i];
			std::string data = os.str();
			tree->insertData(data.size() + 1, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(data.c_str()), P[i], id);
		/*std::cerr << "Operations: " << N << std::endl;
		std::cerr << *tree;
		std::cerr << "Buffer hits: " << file->getHits() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Index ID: " << indexIdentifier << std::endl; 
		bool ret = tree->isIndexValid();
		if (ret == false) std::cerr << "ERROR: Structure is invalid!" << std::endl;
		else std::cerr << "The stucture seems O.K." << std::endl; */

	for(uint32_t loop = 1; loop <= LOOPNUM; ++loop)
		cout << "/**************** BEGIN " << loop << " ***************/" << endl;

		/*generate query set*/
		vector <Point> Q;
		//Q = genPoints(dim, n, area, loop);
		stringstream ss;
		ss << "../query/n" << n << "M" << area << "/loop" << loop;
		cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl;
		ifstream qin(ss.str().c_str());
			cerr << "Cannot open query file";
			return -1;
		Q = readPoints(qin, dim);
		/*************** BEGIN MQM method ******************/
		MQM(tree, Q, n, FUN); // MQM method for finding ANN of Q
		/*************** END MQM method *******************/

		/*************** BEGIN ADM method ******************/
		CATCH cost1;

		vector <uint32_t> nnIDs = nearestNeighborSet(tree, Q, n); // find the NN for every qi in Q as qi'
		vector <Point> newQ;
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		cout << "proposal method: cpu cost for finding NNs of Q as Q' is " << cost1.get_cost(2) << " millisecond(s)" << endl;

		/***** read dist-matrix index for Q' ********/
		uint32_t maxK = P.size() / RATIO; // the length of dist-matrix index
		uint32_t * dmindex[n];
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	 	{ // read the dist-matrix index of qi'
			dmindex[i] = readDMIndex(nnIDs[i], maxK);
			if (dmindex[i] == NULL)
				cerr << "error for loading Dist-Matrix Index." << endl;
				return -1;

		double minadist  = 0;
		/* ADM method for finding approxiamte ANN  */
		Point adm_ANN = ADM(newQ, n, P, N, dmindex, maxK, FUN, minadist, ERROR_RATE);
		cout << "ADM: best_dist is " << getAdist(adm_ANN, Q, n, FUN) << endl << endl; 
		/*************** END ADM method *******************/

		/*************** BEGIN approxiamte vp-ANN method ******************/
		/* approximate vp-ANN method for finding ANN of Q'*/
		CATCH cost2;

		Point centroid = findCentroid(Q, dim, n);
		minadist = getAdist(centroid, Q, n, FUN);
		uint32_t vpID = nearestNeighbor(tree, centroid);
		uint32_t best_id_Q = epsilonANN(Q, n, P, N, vpID, dmindex, maxK, FUN); 

		cout << "approxiamte vp-ANN method: cpu cost is " << cost2.get_cost(2) << " millisecond(s)" << endl;
		cout << "approximate vp-ANN method: best_dist is " << getAdist(P[best_id_Q], Q, n, FUN) << endl;
		cout << "approxiamte vp-ANN method: best_NN is ";
		cout << endl;
		/*************** END approxiamte vp-ANN method *******************/

		/*************** BEGIN BF MBM method ******************/
		/* MBM method for finding ANN of Q */
		CATCH mbmcost;

		Region M = getMBR(Q, dim, n);
		MyQueryStrategy qs = MyQueryStrategy(M, Q, FUN);

		cout << "MBM: cpu cost is " << mbmcost.get_cost(2) << " millisecond(s)" << endl;
		cout << "MBM: best_dist is " << qs.best_dist << endl;
		cout << "MBM: best_NN is ";
		cout << "MBM: leafIO = " << qs.mbm_leafIO << "; indexIO = " << qs.mbm_indexIO << endl << endl;
		/*************** END BF MBM method *******************/

		/*************** BEGIN brute method ******************/
		/* brute method for finding ANN of Q*/
		CATCH brute_cost;

		uint32_t ANNid = brute_ANN(Q, n, P, N, FUN);

		cout << "brute method: cpu cost is " << brute_cost.get_cost(2) << " millisecond(s)" << endl;
		double adist = getAdist(P[ANNid], Q, n, FUN);
		cout << "brute method: best_dist is " << adist << endl;
		cout << "brute method: best_NN is ";
		/*************** END brute method *******************/
		cout << "/**************** END " << loop << " ****************/" << endl << endl;

	} // end loop
		delete tree;
		delete file;
		delete memfile;
	catch(Tools::Exception& e)
		cerr << "*********ERROR**********" << endl;
		std::string s = e.what();
		cerr << s << endl;
		return -1;
		cerr << "**********ERROR********" << endl;
		return -1;

	return 1;
Пример #9
// Returns the number of satisfied pairs
int join_bucket_knn(struct query_op &stop, struct query_temp &sttemp)
	IStorageManager *storage = NULL;
	ISpatialIndex *spidx = NULL;
	bool selfjoin = stop.join_cardinality == 1  ? true : false;

	/* Indicates where original data is mapped to */
	int idx1 = SID_1; 
	int idx2 = selfjoin ? SID_1 : SID_2;
	int pairs = 0; // number of satisfied results

	double low[2], high[2];  // Temporary value placeholders for MBB
	double tmp_distance; // Temporary distance for nearest neighbor query
	double def_search_radius = -1; // Default search radius 
					//for nearest neighbor (NN) with unknown bounds
	double max_search_radius; // max_radius to search for NN

	try { 

		vector<Geometry*>  & poly_set_one = sttemp.polydata[idx1];
		vector<Geometry*>  & poly_set_two = sttemp.polydata[idx2];
		int len1 = poly_set_one.size();
		int len2 = poly_set_two.size();

		#ifdef DEBUG
		cerr << "Bucket size: " << len1 << " joining with " << len2 << endl;
		cerr << "Bucket size: " << len1 << " joining with " << len2 << endl;

		if (len1 <= 0 || len2 <= 0) {
			return 0;

		/* Build index on the "second data set */
		map<int, Geometry*> geom_polygons2;

		// Make a copy of the vector to map to build index (API restriction)
		for (int j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
			geom_polygons2[j] = poly_set_two[j];

		/* Handling for special nearest neighbor query */	
		if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2) {
			// Updating bucket information	
			if (len2 > 0) {
				const Envelope * envtmp = poly_set_two[0]->getEnvelopeInternal();
				sttemp.bucket_min_x = envtmp->getMinX();
				sttemp.bucket_min_y = envtmp->getMinY();
				sttemp.bucket_max_x = envtmp->getMaxX();
				sttemp.bucket_max_y = envtmp->getMaxY();
			for (int j = 0; j < len1; j++) {
				update_bucket_dimension(stop, sttemp, poly_set_one[j]->getEnvelopeInternal());
			if (!selfjoin) {
				for (int j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
					update_bucket_dimension(stop, sttemp, poly_set_two[j]->getEnvelopeInternal());
			max_search_radius = max(sttemp.bucket_max_x - sttemp.bucket_min_x, 
						sttemp.bucket_max_y - sttemp.bucket_min_y);
			def_search_radius = min(sqrt((sttemp.bucket_max_x - sttemp.bucket_min_x)
						* (sttemp.bucket_max_y - sttemp.bucket_min_y) 
						* stop.k_neighbors / len2), max_search_radius);
			if (def_search_radius == 0) {
				def_search_radius = DistanceOp::distance(poly_set_one[0], poly_set_two[0]);
			#ifdef DEBUG
			cerr << "Bucket dimension min-max: " << sttemp.bucket_min_x << TAB 
				<< sttemp.bucket_min_y << TAB << sttemp.bucket_max_x
				<< TAB << sttemp.bucket_max_y << endl;
			cerr << "Width and height (x-y span) " 
			<< sttemp.bucket_max_x - sttemp.bucket_min_x
			<< TAB << sttemp.bucket_max_y - sttemp.bucket_min_y  << endl;

		// build the actual spatial index for input polygons from idx2
		if (! build_index_geoms(geom_polygons2, spidx, storage)) {
			#ifdef DEBUG
			cerr << "Building index on geometries from set 2 has failed" << endl;
			return -1;
		cerr << "done building indices" << endl;

		for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {		
			/* Extract minimum bounding box */
			const Geometry* geom1 = poly_set_one[i];
			const Envelope * env1 = geom1->getEnvelopeInternal();

			low[0] = env1->getMinX();
			low[1] = env1->getMinY();
			high[0] = env1->getMaxX();
			high[1] = env1->getMaxY();
			/* Handle the buffer expansion for R-tree in 
			the case of Dwithin and nearest neighbor predicate */
			if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2) {
				/* Nearest neighbor when max search radius 
					is not determined */
				stop.expansion_distance = def_search_radius;
				// Initial value
			if (stop.join_predicate == ST_DWITHIN ||
				stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST) {
				low[0] -= stop.expansion_distance;
				low[1] -= stop.expansion_distance;
				high[0] += stop.expansion_distance;
				high[1] += stop.expansion_distance;

			/* Regular handling */
			Region r(low, high, 2);
			MyVisitor vis;
			/* R-tree intersection check */
			spidx->intersectsWithQuery(r, vis);

			/* Retrieve enough candidate neighbors */
			if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2) {
				double search_radius = def_search_radius;

				while (vis.matches.size() <= stop.k_neighbors + 1
					&& vis.matches.size() <= len2 // there can't be more neighbors than number of objects in the bucket
					&& search_radius <= sqrt(2) * max_search_radius) {
					// Increase the radius to find more neighbors
					// Stopping criteria when there are not enough neighbors in a tile
					low[0] = env1->getMinX() - search_radius;
					low[1] = env1->getMinY() - search_radius;
					high[0] = env1->getMaxX() + search_radius;
					high[1] = env1->getMaxY() + search_radius;
					Region r2(low, high, 2);
					spidx->intersectsWithQuery(r2, vis);

					#ifdef DEBUG
					cerr << "Search radius:" << search_radius << " hits: " << vis.matches.size() << endl;
					search_radius *= sqrt(2);


				/* Handle the special case of rectangular/circle expansion -sqrt(2) expansion */
				low[0] = env1->getMinX() - search_radius;
				low[1] = env1->getMinY() - search_radius;
				high[0] = env1->getMaxX() + search_radius;
				high[1] = env1->getMaxY() + search_radius;
				Region r3(low, high, 2);
				spidx->intersectsWithQuery(r3, vis);
			for (uint32_t j = 0; j < vis.matches.size(); j++) 
				const Geometry* geom2 = poly_set_two[vis.matches[j]];
				const Envelope * env2 = geom2->getEnvelopeInternal();

				if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST 
					&& (!selfjoin || vis.matches[j] != i)) { // remove selfjoin candidates
					/* Handle nearest neighbor candidate */	
					tmp_distance = DistanceOp::distance(geom1, geom2);
					if (tmp_distance < stop.expansion_distance) {
						update_nn(stop, sttemp, vis.matches[j], tmp_distance);
				else if (stop.join_predicate == ST_NEAREST_2 
					&& (!selfjoin || vis.matches[j] != i)) {
					tmp_distance = DistanceOp::distance(geom1, geom2);
					update_nn(stop, sttemp, vis.matches[j], tmp_distance);
	//				cerr << "updating: " << vis.matches[j] << " " << tmp_distance << endl;

			/* Nearest neighbor outputting */
			for (std::list<struct query_nn_dist *>::iterator 
					it = sttemp.nearest_distances.begin(); 
					it != sttemp.nearest_distances.end(); it++) 
					sttemp.distance = (*it)->distance;
					report_result(stop, sttemp, i, (*it)->object_id);	
					/* Cleaning up memory */
					delete *it;
	} // end of try
	catch (Tools::Exception& e) {
	//catch (...) {
		std::cerr << "******ERROR******" << std::endl;
		#ifdef DEBUG
		cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
		return -1;
	} // end of catch

	cerr << "Done with tile" << endl;

	delete spidx;
	delete storage;
	return pairs ;
Пример #10
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

        string basename("RTREE.DATA");
        IStorageManager *diskfile = StorageManager::loadDiskStorageManager(basename);
        StorageManager::IBuffer* file = StorageManager::createNewRandomEvictionsBuffer(*diskfile, 10, false);
        ISpatialIndex* tree = RTree::loadRTree(*file, 1);

        if (!tree->isIndexValid()) {
            cout << "Bad Tree" <<endl;
            return -1;

        IStatistics *sts;

        int MAX_LEVEL = dynamic_cast<RTree::Statistics*>(sts)->getTreeHeight();
        //Operation on MBR in RTree level by level
        for (int m_level = 0; m_level < MAX_LEVEL; ++m_level) {
            LevelStrategy ls(m_level);

        delete sts;

        CheckStrategy cs;

        ////========== Start Multi-Treads =========================================
        ////if the number of trajectories(points) is small, thread may be suspended
        boost::thread_group threads;
        for (int i=0; i<QUERY_SIZE; ++i) {
            threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&NN_RST::Put, rst_vector[i],  dynamic_cast<RTree::RTree*>(tree)));

        Taxi_Point p;
        double time;

        for (int i=0; i< QUERY_SIZE; ++i) {
            p = point_set[rst_vector[i]->Get()];
            time = p.getMinimumDistance(*rst_vector[i]->query) /  p.m_speed;
            Q.push(QEntry(i, p.traj_id, time));

        // No need to invoke AllCoverTest in every loop, so check_flag is set
        int check_flag=0;
            QEntry entry = Q.top();

            p = point_set[rst_vector[entry.q_id]->Get()];
            time = ComputePTime(p, *dynamic_cast<Point*>(rst_vector[entry.q_id]->query));
            Q.push(QEntry(entry.q_id, p.traj_id, time));

            if (!CTestHelper[entry.t_id].test(entry.q_id)) {
                if (Candidates.count(entry.t_id) == 0)
                    Candidates[entry.t_id] = time;
                    Candidates[entry.t_id] += time;

            //        C.push_back(entry.t_id);
            if (CTestHelper.count(entry.t_id) == 0)
                bitset<QUERY_SIZE> bt;
                CTestHelper[entry.t_id] = bt;


            if (check_flag > QUERY_K*100) {
                if (AllCoverTest())
                    check_flag = 0;


        //  set continued to false to stop all the other threads
            boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(bool_mutex);
            continued = false;


        for (int i=0; i<QUERY_SIZE; ++i)


        //======= Multi-Threads are stopped ==================================

        //    cout << Q.size() <<endl;
        //    while (!Q.empty()) {
        //        cout << Q.top().time<<endl;
        //        Q.pop();
        //    }

        //=====   Refine && Verification =====================================

        double LargestK = -1.0;
        int LargestPos = -1;

        ComputeLargestK(LargestK, LargestPos);

        for (int traj_id : partial_covering)
            double time = LowBound(traj_id);
            if (time < LargestK) {
                Candidates[LargestPos] = traj_id;
                ComputeLargestK(LargestK, LargestPos);

        // now all_covering is the final correct answer
        for(int traj_id : all_covering)
            cout << traj_id << endl;

        delete tree;
        delete file;
        delete diskfile;
        return 0;
    catch (Tools::Exception& e)
        cerr << "******ERROR******" << endl;
        std::string s = e.what();
        cerr << s << endl;
        return -1;
    catch (...)
        cerr << "******ERROR******" << endl;
        cerr << "other exception" << endl;
        return -1;