bool FeatureConnector::loadBinaryPolygons30(FeatureCoverage *fcoverage, ITable& tbl) {
    BinaryIlwis3Table polTable;
    if ( !polTable.load(_odf)) {
        return ERROR1(ERR_COULD_NOT_OPEN_READING_1,_odf->fileinfo().fileName())    ;

    BinaryIlwis3Table topTable;
    if ( !topTable.load(_odf,"top")) {
        return ERROR1(ERR_COULD_NOT_OPEN_READING_1,_odf->fileinfo().fileName())    ;

    qint32 colValue = polTable.index("PolygonValue");
    qint32 colTopStart = polTable.index("TopStart");
    qint32 colArea = polTable.index("Area");
    int nrPolygons = polTable.rows();
    bool isNumeric = _odf->value("BaseMap","Range") != sUNDEF;

    double v;
    for(int i = 0; i < nrPolygons; ++i) {
        polTable.get(i,colArea, v);
        if ( v < 0)
        qint32 index = v;
        std::vector<std::vector<Coordinate2d>> rings;
        if (getRings(index, topTable, polTable, rings)) {
            if ( rings.size() == 0)
            Polygon polygon;
            std::copy(rings[0].begin(), rings[0].end(), polygon.outer().begin());
            for(int j = 1; j < rings.size(); ++j) {
                std::copy(rings[j].begin(), rings[j].end(), polygon.inners()[j-1].begin());
            polTable.get(i, colValue, v);
            if ( isNumeric) {
                tbl->cell(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN, i, QVariant(i));
                tbl->cell(FEATUREVALUECOLUMN, i, QVariant(v));
            } else {
                quint32 itemId = v;
                tbl->cell(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN, i, QVariant(itemId));
                SPFeatureI feature = fcoverage->newFeature({polygon});
                tbl->cell(FEATUREIDCOLUMN, i, QVariant(feature->featureid()));
    return true;
bool FeatureConnector::loadBinaryData(Ilwis::IlwisObject *obj) {
    if ( obj == nullptr)
        return false;

    FeatureCoverage *fcoverage = static_cast<FeatureCoverage *>(obj);

    QString file = _odf->value("BaseMap", "AttributeTable");
    ITable extTable;
    if ( file != sUNDEF) {
            return false;
    bool ok = false;
     if (fcoverage->featureTypes() == itPOINT)
        ok = loadBinaryPoints(fcoverage);
    else if (fcoverage->featureTypes() == itLINE)
        ok = loadBinarySegments(fcoverage);
    else if (fcoverage->featureTypes() == itPOLYGON)
        ok = loadBinaryPolygons(fcoverage);
    if ( ok && extTable.isValid()) {
        ITable attTbl = fcoverage->attributeTable();
        quint32 keyIndex = attTbl->columnIndex(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN);
        for(quint32 rowExt=0; rowExt < extTable->records(); ++rowExt) {
            vector<QVariant> rec = extTable->record(rowExt);
            for(quint32 rowAtt = 0; rowAtt < attTbl->records(); ++rowAtt ) {
                if ( attTbl->cell(keyIndex, rowAtt) == rowExt + 1) {
    return ok;
bool FeatureConnector::loadBinaryPolygons37(FeatureCoverage *fcoverage, ITable& tbl) {
    QString datafile = _odf->value("PolygonMapStore","DataPol");
    datafile = context()->workingCatalog()->filesystemLocation().toLocalFile() + "/" + datafile;
    QFile file(datafile);

    if (!file.exists()){
        return false;
    if(! )){
        return false;
    QDataStream stream(&file);
    int nrPolygons = fcoverage->featureCount(itPOLYGON);
    SPAttributeRecord record( new AttributeRecord(tbl,FEATUREIDCOLUMN));
    bool isNumeric = _odf->value("BaseMap","Range") != sUNDEF;

    for(int j=0; j < nrPolygons; ++j) {
        Polygon pol;
        readRing(stream, pol.outer());
        double value;
        quint32 numberOfHoles;
        stream.readRawData((char *)&value, 8);
        stream.readRawData((char *)&numberOfHoles, 4);
        for(quint32 i=0; i< numberOfHoles;++i)
            readRing(stream, pol.inners()[i]);
        if ( isNumeric) {
            tbl->cell(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN, j, QVariant(j));
            tbl->cell(FEATUREVALUECOLUMN, j, QVariant(value));
            SPFeatureI feature = fcoverage->newFeature({pol});
            tbl->cell(FEATUREIDCOLUMN, j, QVariant(feature->featureid()));
        } else {
            quint32 itemId = value;
            tbl->cell(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN, j, QVariant(itemId));
            SPFeatureI feature = fcoverage->newFeature({pol});
            tbl->cell(FEATUREIDCOLUMN, j, QVariant(feature->featureid()));


    return true;
bool FeatureConnector::loadBinarySegments(FeatureCoverage *fcoverage) {
    BinaryIlwis3Table mpsTable;
    if ( !mpsTable.load(_odf)) {
        return ERROR1(ERR_COULD_NOT_OPEN_READING_1,_odf->fileinfo().fileName())    ;
    int colCoords = mpsTable.index("Coords");
    int colItemId = mpsTable.index("SegmentValue");
    bool isNumeric = _odf->value("BaseMap","Range") != sUNDEF;
    ITable tbl = fcoverage->attributeTable();
//    if ( isNumeric) // in other case nr of record already has been set as it is based on a real table
//        tbl->setRows(mpsTable.rows());

    double value;
    for(quint32 i= 0; i < mpsTable.rows(); ++i) {
        std::vector<Coordinate > coords;
        Line2D<Coordinate2d > line;
        std::copy(coords.begin(), coords.end(), line.begin());
        mpsTable.get(i, colItemId,value);
        if ( isNumeric) {
            tbl->cell(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN, i, QVariant(i));
            tbl->cell(FEATUREVALUECOLUMN, i, QVariant(value));
            SPFeatureI feature = fcoverage->newFeature({line});
            tbl->cell(FEATUREIDCOLUMN, i, QVariant(feature->featureid()));

        } else {
            quint32 itemId = value;
            tbl->cell(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN, i, QVariant(itemId));
            SPFeatureI feature = fcoverage->newFeature({line});
            tbl->cell(FEATUREIDCOLUMN, i, QVariant(feature->featureid()));

    return true;

bool FeatureConnector::loadBinaryPoints(FeatureCoverage *fcoverage) {
    BinaryIlwis3Table mppTable;
    if ( !mppTable.load(_odf)) {
        return ERROR1(ERR_COULD_NOT_OPEN_READING_1,_odf->fileinfo().fileName())    ;
    // two cases; the old case; 2 columns for x and y. and the new case one column for coord
    int coordColumnX = mppTable.index("x");
    int coordColumnY = mppTable.index("y");
    int coordColumn = mppTable.index("Coordinate");
    int colItemId = mppTable.index("Name");

    ITable tbl = fcoverage->attributeTable();
    bool newCase =  coordColumnX == iUNDEF;

    for(quint32 i= 0; i < mppTable.rows(); ++i) {
        Coordinate c;
        double itemIdT;
        if ( newCase) {
            mppTable.get(i, coordColumn, c);
        } else {
            double x,y;
            mppTable.get(i, coordColumnX, x);
            mppTable.get(i, coordColumnY, y);
            c = Coordinate(x,y);
        mppTable.get(i, colItemId,itemIdT);
        quint32 itemId = itemIdT;
        tbl->cell(COVERAGEKEYCOLUMN, i, QVariant(itemId));

        SPFeatureI feature = fcoverage->newFeature({c});

        tbl->cell(FEATUREIDCOLUMN, i, QVariant(feature->featureid()));

    return true;
Пример #6
bool PercentileFilterStretch::execute(ExecutionContext *ctx, SymbolTable& symTable)
    if (_prepState == sNOTPREPARED)
        if((_prepState = prepare(ctx,symTable)) != sPREPARED)
            return false;

    IRasterCoverage outputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();
    IRasterCoverage inputRaster =<RasterCoverage>();
    IRasterCoverage zoneRaster =<RasterCoverage>();

    ITable low =<Table>();
    ITable high =<Table>();

    PixelIterator iterIn(inputRaster, BoundingBox(), PixelIterator::fZXY);
    PixelIterator iterZone(zoneRaster, BoundingBox(), PixelIterator::fXYZ); // only one layer so Z is irrelevant
    PixelIterator iterOut(outputRaster, BoundingBox(), PixelIterator::fZXY);
    PixelIterator inEnd = iterIn.end();

    _nb = inputRaster->size().zsize();
    int rows = inputRaster->size().xsize();
    int cols = inputRaster->size().ysize();
    std::vector<double> slice(_nb);
    std::vector<int> percentage(_nb);
    int totalRows = low->recordCount(); // same as high->recordCount()
    int totalCols = low->columnCount(); // same as high->columnCount()
    std::vector<double> lowtab(low->columnCount() * low->recordCount());
    std::vector<double> hightab(high->columnCount() * high->recordCount());
    for (int row = 0; row < totalRows; ++row)
        for (int col = 0; col < totalCols; ++col) {
            // Let the first column in the percentile table match the start of time series
            int actCol = (col + totalCols - _startDekad) % totalCols;
            lowtab[actCol + row * totalCols] = low->cell(col, row).toDouble();
            hightab[actCol + row * totalCols] = high->cell(col, row).toDouble();

    // timeseries are assumed to be 10 day periods.
    int pixCount = 0;
    while (iterIn != inEnd) {

        // get the time slice at the current location
        std::copy(iterIn, iterIn + _nb, slice.begin());
        // get the zone at the current location
        double dzone = *iterZone;     // row index into low and high percentile tables
        if (dzone == rUNDEF) {
            // for out of area locations set to zero percent
            std::fill(percentage.begin(), percentage.end(), 0);
        else {
            int zone = (long) dzone;

            std::vector<double>::const_iterator liter = lowtab.begin() + zone * totalCols;
            std::vector<double>::const_iterator hiter = hightab.begin() + zone * totalCols;
            std::vector<int>::iterator piter = percentage.begin();
            for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator siter = slice.begin(); siter != slice.end(); siter++) {
                *piter = std::max(0, std::min(100, int(100.0 * (*hiter - *siter) / (*hiter - *liter))));
                if (*piter <= 5) *piter = 0;
                else if (*piter <= 10) *piter = 10;
        std::copy(percentage.begin(), percentage.end(), iterOut);
        iterIn += _nb;
        iterOut += _nb;
        iterZone += 1;

    trq()->update(rows * cols);

    bool resource = true;
    if ( resource && ctx != 0) {
        QVariant value;
        ctx->setOutput(symTable, value, outputRaster->name(), itRASTER, outputRaster->resource() );
    return resource;