void	WindowAdapterTest::testWindowAdapter() {
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "window adapter test");
	// create an image
	Image<unsigned char>	image(16, 16);
	for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
		for (unsigned int y = 0; y < 16; y++) {
			image.pixel(x, y) = x * y;

	// create the subframe
	ImageRectangle	frame(ImagePoint(4, 4), ImageSize(8, 8));
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "frame: %s", frame.toString().c_str());

	// create an adapter for a subframe
	WindowAdapter<unsigned char>	adapter(image, frame);

	// access the subframe
	ImageSize	size = adapter.getSize();
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "adapter size: %s",
	for (int x = 0; x < size.width(); x++) {
		for (int y = 0; y < size.height(); y++) {
			unsigned char	value = adapter.pixel(x, y);
			unsigned char	v
				= (frame.origin().x() + x) * (frame.origin().y() + y);
			if (v != value) {
				debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "expected %d != %d found",
					(int)v, (int)value);
			CPPUNIT_ASSERT(value == v);
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "window adapter test complete");
Пример #2
std::string ImageSize::
String(ImageSize imageSize)
    std::ostringstream out;
    out << imageSize.width();
    out << "x";
    out << imageSize.height();
    return out.str();
 * \brief Compute size of the complex fourier transform image
 * We are using the real data DFTs from the fftw3 library, which uses a layout
 * different from what you would expect from our image types. When going 
 * through a pixel array In our image types, the quickly increasing
 * coordinate is the horizontal coordinate, which we usually call the
 * x coordinate, and which is also the first coordinate. In FFTW3, the slowly
 * increasing coordinate when going through the FFT array is the second
 * coordinate. So if an image has width w and height h, then we have
 * treat it as a data array with n0 = h and n1 = w. The corresponding
 * fourier transform array for the real data transforms then has dimensions
 * n0 and (n1/2 + 1). But since again the second coordinate is the one that
 * increases quickly, we have to create an image of width (n1/2 + 1) and
 * height n0.
 * All this is unimportant as long as we don't look at the fourier transform
 * as an image in its own right. Only then does it become important how we
 * interpret the coordinates.
 * \param size	size of the image to be fourier transformed
ImageSize	FourierImage::fsize(const ImageSize& size) {
	int	w = size.width();
	int	h = size.height();
	int	n0 = h;
	int	n1 = w;
	ImageSize	result(2 * (1 + n1 / 2), n0);
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "fourier image size %s -> %s",
		size.toString().c_str(), result.toString().c_str());
	return result;
std::vector<Residual>	Analyzer::operator()(const ConstImageAdapter<double>& image) const {
	// first find out whether the patch size fits inside the image
	if ((patchsize > image.getSize().width())
		|| (patchsize > image.getSize().height())) {
		throw std::runtime_error("patch size does not fit into image");

	// build a set of patches
	ImageSize	size = image.getSize();
	int	hsteps = (size.width() - patchsize) / spacing;
	int	xoffset = (size.width() - hsteps * spacing) / 2;
	int	vsteps = (size.height() - patchsize) / spacing;
	int	yoffset = (size.height() - vsteps * spacing) / 2;
	std::vector<ImagePoint>	points;
	for (int h = 0; h <= hsteps; h++) {
		for (int v = 0; v <= vsteps; v++) {
			ImagePoint	point(xoffset + h * spacing,
						yoffset + v * spacing);

	// now compute the shift for each point
	std::vector<Residual>	result;
	for (auto pt = points.begin(); pt != points.end(); pt++) {
		Residual	residual = translation(image, *pt, patchsize);
		if (residual.valid()) {

	// display resulting residuals if in debug mode
	if (debuglevel >= LOG_DEBUG) {
		for (std::vector<Residual>::size_type i = 0; i < result.size();
			i++) {
			debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "residual[%d] %s", i,

	return result;
Пример #5
void	QsiCcd::startExposure(const Exposure& exposure) {
	std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex>	lock(_camera.mutex);

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "start QSI exposure");
	try {
		// set the binning mode

		// compute the frame size in binned pixels, as this is what
		// the QSI camera expects
		ImagePoint origin = exposure.frame().origin() / exposure.mode();
		ImageSize  size = exposure.frame().size() / exposure.mode();
		ImageRectangle	frame(origin, size);
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "requesting %s image",

		// set the subframe

		// turn off the led
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "turn LED off");

		// get shutter info
		bool	light = (exposure.shutter() == Shutter::OPEN);
		_camera.camera().StartExposure(exposure.exposuretime(), light);
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "%fsec %s exposure started",
			exposure.exposuretime(), (light) ? "light" : "dark");
	} catch (const std::exception& x) {
		debug(LOG_ERR, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "bad exposure parameters: %s",
		throw BadParameter(x.what());

	// check the current state of the camera
Пример #6
 * \brief Write a processed image to a file
void	Viewer::writeimage(const std::string& filename) {
    ImageSize	size = image->size();
    Image<RGB<unsigned char> >	*outimage
        = new Image<RGB<unsigned char> >(size);
    unsigned int	width = size.width();
    unsigned int	height = size.height();
    uint32_t	*i = imagedata();
    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        for (unsigned int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            uint32_t	v = i[size.offset(x, y)];
            unsigned char	R = (v & 0xff0000) >> 16;
            unsigned char	G = (v & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
            unsigned char	B = (v & 0x0000ff);
            //debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "%d,%d,%d", R, G, B);
            outimage->pixel(x, y) = RGB<unsigned char>(R, G, B);
    FITSout	out(filename);
size_t	subdark(const ImageSequence&, ImageMean<T>& im,
	const Subgrid grid, unsigned int k = 3) {
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "processing subgrid %s",
	// we also need the mean of the image to decide which pixels are
	// too far off to consider them "sane" pixels
	T	mean = im.mean(grid);
	T	var = im.variance(grid);

	// now find out which pixels are bad, and mark them using NaNs.
	// we consider pixels bad if the deviate from the mean by more
	// than three standard deviations
	T	stddevk = k * sqrt(var);
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "found mean: %f, variance: %f, "
		"stddev%u = %f", mean, var, k, stddevk);
	size_t	badpixelcount = 0;
	SubgridAdapter<T>	sga(*im.image, grid);
	ImageSize	size = sga.getSize();
	for (int x = 0; x < size.width(); x++) {
		for (int y = 0; y < size.height(); y++) {
			T	v = sga.pixel(x, y);
			// skip NaNs
			if (v != v) {
			if (fabs(v - mean) > stddevk) {
				sga.writablepixel(x, y)
					= std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "found %u bad pixels", badpixelcount);
	return badpixelcount;
 * \brief Compare two size objects: inequality
 * Two size objects are unequal if width or height are unequal
bool	ImageSize::operator!=(const ImageSize& other) const {
	return (_width != other.width()) || (_height != other.height());
 * \brief Compare two size objects: equality
 * Two size objects are equal if width and height are identical
bool	ImageSize::operator==(const ImageSize& other) const {
	return (_width == other.width()) && (_height == other.height());
Пример #10
 * \brief Create a new Viewer
 * This constructor converts the image to an RGB<float> image, and
 * then sets up the image processing pipeline on this image.
 * For the pipeline, some objects have to computed, like the white
 * balance, the background gradients.
Viewer::Viewer(const std::string& filename) {
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "create viewer for file %s",
    // read the FITS image
    FITSin	in(filename);
    ImagePtr	rawimage = in.read();

    // image size
    ImageSize	size = rawimage->size();
    _displaysize = size;

    // allocate an image with float pixels
    Image<RGB<float> >	*imagep = new Image<RGB<float> >(size);
    image = ImagePtr(imagep);

    // create an array
    uint32_t	*p = new uint32_t[size.getPixels()];
    _imagedata = imagedataptr(p);

    // copy the data from the image to the imagep
    convert_mono<unsigned char>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_mono<unsigned short>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_mono<unsigned int>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_mono<unsigned long>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_mono<float>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_mono<double>(*imagep, rawimage);

    // copy the data from the image to the luminanceimagep, *imagep
    convert_rgb<unsigned char>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_rgb<unsigned short>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_rgb<unsigned int>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_rgb<unsigned long>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_rgb<float>(*imagep, rawimage);
    convert_rgb<double>(*imagep, rawimage);

    // create the viewer pipeline
    pipeline = new ViewerPipeline(imagep);
    pipelineptr = std::shared_ptr<ViewerPipeline>(pipeline);

    // compute the white balance vector
    filter::WhiteBalance<float>	wb;
    RGB<double>	rgb = wb.filter(*imagep);
    ImagePoint	center = rawimage->center();

    // background stuff
    BackgroundExtractor	be(100);
    Background<float>	bg = be(center, false,
                                BackgroundExtractor::LINEAR, *imagep);

    // set parameters
    pipeline->colorcorrection(RGB<float>(rgb.R, rgb.G, rgb.B));
    pipeline->setRange(0, 10000);

    // Histogram
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "computing histogram");
    _histograms = HistogramSet(image, 350);

    // set up the preview size

    // set up the background preview
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "computing background size");
    unsigned int	width = 100;
    unsigned int	height = (size.height() * width) / size.width();
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "background %u x %u", width, height);
    backgroundsize(ImageSize(width, height));

    // copy the data to the
Пример #11
void	Viewer::previewwidth(unsigned int width) {
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "set width to %u", width);
    ImageSize	size = image->size();
    unsigned int	height = (size.height() * width) / size.width();
    previewsize(ImageSize(width, height));
Пример #12
ImageSize       operator/(const ImageSize& size, const Binning& binning) {
    return ImageSize(size.width() / binning.x(),
                     size.height() / binning.y());
 * \brief Main function of the Focusing process
void	VCurveFocusWork::main(astro::thread::Thread<FocusWork>& /* thread */) {
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "start focusing work");
	if (!complete()) {
		throw std::runtime_error("focuser not completely specified");

	FocusCompute	fc;

	// determine how many intermediate steps we want to access

	if (min() < focuser()->min()) {
		throw std::runtime_error("minimum too small");

	// based on the exposure specification, build an evaluator
	ImageSize	size = exposure().size();
	int	radius = std::min(size.width(), size.height()) / 2;
	FWHM2Evaluator	evaluator(size.center(), radius);

	unsigned long	delta = max() - min();
	for (int i = 0; i < steps(); i++) {
		// compute new position
		unsigned short	position = min() + (i * delta) / (steps() - 1);
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "measuring position %hu",

		// move to new position
		// get an image from the Ccd
		usleep(1000000 * exposure().exposuretime());
		ImagePtr	image = ccd()->getImage();
		// turn the image into a value
		FWHMInfo	fwhminfo = focusFWHM2_extended(image,
					size.center(), radius);
		double	value = fwhminfo.radius;

		// add the new value 
		fc.insert(std::pair<unsigned short, double>(position, value));

		// send the callback data
		callback(combine(image, fwhminfo), position, value);

	// compute the best focus position
	double	focusposition = 0;
	try {
		focusposition = fc.focus();
	} catch (std::exception& x) {
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "no optimal focus position: %s",
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "optimal focus position: %f",

	// plausibility check for the position
	if (!((focusposition >= min()) && (focusposition <= max()))) {
		debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "focusing failed");

	// move to the focus position
	unsigned short	targetposition = focusposition;
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, DEBUG_LOG, 0, "target position reached");