Пример #1
 * Create primary setting based on a network
std::vector<int> * primarySetting(const Network * pNetwork, int ego)
	std::vector<int> *setting = new std::vector<int>;
	std::set<int> neighbors;
	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(ego);
	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->inTies(ego);
	// when finished (not all done here) copy to the vector
	for (std::set<int>::const_iterator iter1 = neighbors.begin();
		 iter1 != neighbors.end(); iter1++)
	return setting;
Пример #2
 * This method indicated that there are no two-paths from <i>i</i> to <i>j</i>
 * via an intermediate actor below the given bound.
bool OneModeNetwork::noTwoPaths(int i, int j,
		int intermediateActorUpperBound) const {

	// Iterate the outgoing ties of i and incoming ties of j simultaneously
	// and check if there are no matching neighbors below the given bound.
	// We can terminate the loop as soon as one of the iterators reaches
	// the bound.

	IncidentTieIterator outIter = this->outTies(i);
	IncidentTieIterator inIter = this->inTies(j);
	bool found = false;

	while (outIter.valid() && inIter.valid() && !found
			&& outIter.actor() < intermediateActorUpperBound
			&& inIter.actor() < intermediateActorUpperBound) {
		if (outIter.actor() < inIter.actor()) {
		} else if (outIter.actor() > inIter.actor()) {
		} else {
			found = true;

	return !found;
Пример #3
 * This method tests if there are at most <i>k</i> two-paths from <i>i</i>
 * to <i>j</i>.
 * If the test is positive, the number of such paths is stored
 * in the variable <i>twoPathCount</i>.
bool OneModeNetwork::atMostKTwoPaths(int i, int j, int k,
		int & twoPathCount) const {

	// Iterate the outgoing ties of i and incoming ties of j simultaneously
	// and count the number of matching neighbors. Stop as soon as their number
	// exceeds k.

	IncidentTieIterator outIter = this->outTies(i);
	IncidentTieIterator inIter = this->inTies(j);
	twoPathCount = 0;

	while (outIter.valid() && inIter.valid() && twoPathCount <= k) {
		if (outIter.actor() < inIter.actor()) {
		} else if (outIter.actor() > inIter.actor()) {
		} else {

	return twoPathCount <= k;
Пример #4
 * Returns the number of two-paths from <i>i</i> to <i>j</i> truncated at the
 * given threshold value.
int OneModeNetwork::truncatedTwoPathCount(int i, int j, int threshold) const {

	// Iterate the outgoing ties of i and incoming ties of j simultaneously
	// and count the number of matching neighbors. Stop as soon as the
	// threshold value is reached.

	IncidentTieIterator outIter = this->outTies(i);
	IncidentTieIterator inIter = this->inTies(j);
	int count = 0;

	while (outIter.valid() && inIter.valid() && count < threshold) {
		if (outIter.actor() < inIter.actor()) {
		} else if (outIter.actor() > inIter.actor()) {
		} else {

	return count;
Пример #5
 * Calculates the double degree, for use in both calculateChangeContribution
 * and egoStatistic
	int DoubleDegreeBehaviorEffect::calculateDoubleDegree(int actor) const
	int statistic = 0;
	IncidentTieIterator iter;

	const Network * pFirstNetwork = this->pFirstNetwork();
	const Network * pSecondNetwork = this->pSecondNetwork();

	if (this->lfirstDirection) // "F"
		iter = pFirstNetwork->outTies(actor);
	else // "B"
		iter = pFirstNetwork->inTies(actor);

	if (this->lsecondDirection <= 0) // "F"
		for (  ; iter.valid(); iter.next())
			if (pSecondNetwork->tieValue(actor, iter.actor()) >= 1)
	else if (this->lsecondDirection <= 1) // "B"
		for (  ; iter.valid(); iter.next())
			if (pSecondNetwork->tieValue(iter.actor(), actor) >= 1)
	else // (lsecondDirection == 2) // "R"
		for (  ; iter.valid(); iter.next())
			if ((pSecondNetwork->tieValue(iter.actor(), actor) >= 1)
				&& (pSecondNetwork->tieValue(actor, iter.actor()) >= 1))
	return statistic;
Пример #6
 * Calculates the contribution of a tie flip to the given actor.
double SameCovariateActivityEffect::calculateContribution(int alter) const
	double myvalue = this->value(this->ego());
	double contribution = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if ((lsame) && (fabs(this->value(alter) - myvalue) < EPSILON))
		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(this->ego());
			// Get the receiver of the outgoing tie.
			int h = iter.actor();
			if (fabs(this->value(h) - myvalue) < EPSILON)
		if (this->outTieExists(alter))
		contribution *= 2;

	if ((!lsame) && (fabs(this->value(alter) - myvalue) >= EPSILON))
		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(this->ego());
			// Get the receiver of the outgoing tie.
			int h = iter.actor();
			if (fabs(this->value(h) - myvalue) >= EPSILON)
		if (this->outTieExists(alter))
		contribution *= 2;

	return contribution;
Пример #7
 * The contribution of the tie from the implicit ego to the given alter
 * to the statistic. It is assumed that preprocessEgo(ego) has been
 * called before.
double SameCovariateActivityEffect::tieStatistic(int alter)
	double contribution = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (!((this->missing(alter)) || (this->missing(this->ego()))))
		double myvalue = this->value(this->ego());

		if (lsame)
			if (fabs(this->value(alter) - myvalue) < EPSILON)
				for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(this->ego());
					// Get the receiver of the outgoing tie.
					int h = iter.actor();
					if ((!this->missing(h)) &&
							(fabs(this->value(h) - myvalue) < EPSILON))
			if (fabs(this->value(alter) - myvalue) >= EPSILON)
				for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(this->ego());
					// Get the receiver of the outgoing tie.
					int h = iter.actor();
					if ((!this->missing(h)) &&
							(fabs(this->value(h) - myvalue) >= EPSILON))

	return contribution;
 * Does the necessary preprocessing work for calculating the tie flip
 * contributions for a specific ego. This method must be invoked before
 * calling NetworkEffect::calculateTieFlipContribution(...).
void TwoNetworkDependentBehaviorEffect::preprocessEgo(int ego)
	// set up the covariate based on current values of the network and behavior
	const Network * pFirstNetwork = this->pFirstNetwork();

	for (int i = 0; i < pFirstNetwork->n(); i++)
		this->lfirstTotalAlterValues[i] = 0;
		if (pFirstNetwork->outDegree(i) > 0)
			for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pFirstNetwork->outTies(i);
				int j = iter.actor();
				this->lfirstTotalAlterValues[i] += this->centeredValue(j);
// 				Rprintf("%d %f %d %d %d %d\n",
// 					j,
// 					this->centeredValue(j),
// 					this->period(),
			this->lfirstTotalAlterValues[i] = 0;
//		Rprintf("%d %f\n", i,this->ltotalAlterValues[i]);

	for (int i = 0; i < pFirstNetwork->m(); i++)
		this->lfirstTotalInAlterValues[i] = 0;
		if (pFirstNetwork->inDegree(i) > 0)
			for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pFirstNetwork->inTies(i);
				int j = iter.actor();
				this->lfirstTotalInAlterValues[i] += this->centeredValue(j);
			this->lfirstTotalInAlterValues[i] = 0;
Пример #9
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego with respect to the
 * given values of the behavior variable.
double AltersCovariateAvAltEffect::egoStatistic(int ego, double * currentValues)
	double statistic = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();
	int neighborCount = 0;

	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(ego);
		int j = iter.actor();

		if (!this->missing(this->period(), j) &&
			!this->missing(this->period() + 1, j) &&
			statistic += currentValues[j] * this->covariateValue(j);

	if ((neighborCount > 0) && (this->ldivide))
		statistic *= currentValues[ego] / neighborCount;

	return statistic;
Пример #10
 * Calculates the change in the statistic corresponding to this effect if
 * the given actor would change his behavior by the given amount.
double AltersCovariateAvAltEffect::calculateChangeContribution(int actor,
	int difference)
	double contribution = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (pNetwork->outDegree(actor) > 0)

		double totalAlterValue = 0;

		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(actor);
			int j = iter.actor();                // identifies alter
			double alterValue = this->centeredValue(j) * this->covariateValue(j);
			totalAlterValue += alterValue;

		if (this->ldivide)
			contribution = difference * totalAlterValue /
			contribution = difference * totalAlterValue;

	return contribution;
Пример #11
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego as part of
 * the endowment function with respect to the initial values of a
 * behavior variable and the current values.
double AltersCovariateAvAltEffect::egoEndowmentStatistic(int ego,
	const int * difference,
	double * currentValues)
	double statistic = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (difference[ego] > 0 && !this->missingDummy(ego) && (pNetwork->outDegree(ego) > 0)) // otherwise, nothing to calculate...
		double totalAlterValue = 0;

		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(ego);
			int j = iter.actor();                // identifies alter
			double alterValue = this->centeredValue(j) * this->covariateValue(j);
			totalAlterValue += alterValue;

		if (this->ldivide)
			statistic -= difference[ego] * totalAlterValue /
			statistic -= difference[ego] * totalAlterValue;
	return statistic;
Пример #12
 * Calculates the change in the statistic corresponding to this effect if
 * the given actor would change his behavior by the given amount.
double SimilarityEffect::calculateChangeContribution(int actor,
	int difference)
	double contribution = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (pNetwork->outDegree(actor) > 0)
		// The formula for the average similarity effect:
		// s_i(x) = avg(sim(v_i, v_j) - centeringConstant) over all neighbors
		// j of i.
		// sim(v_i, v_j) = 1.0 - |v_i - v_j| / observedRange
		// We need to calculate the change delta in s_i(x), if we changed
		// v_i to v_i + d (d being the given amount of change in v_i).
		// To this end, we can disregard the centering constant and
		// compute the average change in similarity, namely,
		// avg(sim(v_i + d, v_j) - sim(v_i, v_j)) =
		// avg(1 - |v_i+d-v_j|/range - 1 + |v_i-v_j|/range) =
		// avg(|v_i-v_j| - |v_i+d-v_j|) / range,
		// the average being taken over all neighbors of i.
		// The reasoning for avg. similarity x popularity alter effect is
		// similar.
		// This is what is calculated below.

		int oldValue = this->value(actor);
		int newValue = oldValue + difference;
		int totalChange = 0;

		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(actor);
			int j = iter.actor();
			int alterValue = this->value(j);
			int change =
				std::abs(oldValue - alterValue) - std::abs(newValue - alterValue);

			if (this->lalterPopularity)
				change *= pNetwork->inDegree(j);

			totalChange += change;

		contribution = ((double) totalChange) / this->range();

		if (this->laverage)
			contribution /= pNetwork->outDegree(actor);

		if (this->legoPopularity)
			contribution *= pNetwork->inDegree(actor);

	return contribution;
Пример #13
 * Returns the value of this function for the given alter. It is assumed
 * that the function has been initialized before and pre-processed with
 * respect to a certain ego.
double SameCovariateMixedTwoPathFunction::value(int alter)
	int statistic = 0;
	if (!(this->lexcludeMissing && this->missing(alter)))
		const Network * pFirstNetwork = this->pFirstNetwork();
		const Network * pSecondNetwork = this->pSecondNetwork();
		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pSecondNetwork->outTies(this->ego());
				// Get the receiver of the outgoing tie.
				int h = iter.actor();
				// 2-paths:
				if (!(this->lexcludeMissing && this->missing(h)))
				if ((fabs(this->CovariateMixedNetworkAlterFunction::value(h) -
									< EPSILON) &&
								(pFirstNetwork->tieValue(h, alter) >= 1))
							statistic++ ;
	return statistic;
Пример #14
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego with respect to the
 * given values of the behavior variable.
double AverageSimmelianAlterEffect::egoStatistic(int i, double * currentValues)
	double statistic = 0;
	updateSimmelian((const OneModeNetwork*) this->pNetwork()); // simulated state
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();
	int simmelianOutdegree = 0;

	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(i);
		if (pSimmelian->tieValue(i, iter.actor()) > 0)
				statistic += currentValues[iter.actor()];
				simmelianOutdegree ++;

	if (simmelianOutdegree > 0)
		statistic *= currentValues[i];
		if (this->ldivide)
			statistic /= simmelianOutdegree;

	return statistic;
 * Returns the value of this function for the given alter. It is assumed
 * that the function has been initialized before and pre-processed with
 * respect to a certain ego.
double DifferentCovariateOutStarFunction::value(int alter)
	int statistic = 0;
	if  (!(this->lexcludeMissing && this->missing(alter)))
		const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();
		// Iterate over incoming ties in network W
		for (IncidentTieIterator iter =
				// Get the sender of the incoming tie.
				int h = iter.actor();
				// in-2-stars:
				if (!(this->lexcludeMissing && this->missing(h)))
					if ((fabs(this->CovariateNetworkAlterFunction::value(h)
				- this->CovariateNetworkAlterFunction::value(this->ego()))
									> EPSILON) &&
						((lnotBothDifferent) || (fabs(this->CovariateNetworkAlterFunction::value(h)
				- this->CovariateNetworkAlterFunction::value(alter))
									> EPSILON)) &&
					(pNetwork->tieValue(alter, h) >= 1))
							statistic++ ;
	return statistic;
Пример #16
 * Calculates the contribution of a tie flip to the given actor.
double SameCovariateTransitiveTripletsEffect::calculateContribution(
                                              int alter) const
	// If we are introducing a tie from the ego i to the alter j, then each
	// two-path from i to j with v_i = v_j contributes one unit;
   // in addition, each in-star i -> h <- j with v_i = v_h
   // also contributes one unit.
   // This number is not stored in a table and is calculated from scratch.

	int contribution1 = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (this->inequalityCondition(this->value(alter) - this->value(this->ego())))
		contribution1 = this->pTwoPathTable()->get(alter);

	// The following probably can be done more efficiently
	// using CommonNeighborIterator.
	// Iterate over ego's outgoing ties
	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(this->ego());
		// Get the receiver of the outgoing tie.
		int h = iter.actor();
		if (this->inequalityCondition(this->value(h) - this->value(this->ego())) &&
            pNetwork->tieValue(alter, h) >= 1)
		 contribution1++ ;
	return contribution1;
Пример #17
 * For each j and the given i, this method calculates the sum
 * sum_h w_{ih} x_{hj}.
void WXXClosureEffect::calculateSums(int i,
	const Network * pNetwork,
	double * sums) const
	int n = pNetwork->n();

	// Initialize

	for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
		sums[j] = 0;

	// Iterate over all h with non-zero non-missing w_{ih}

	for (DyadicCovariateValueIterator iterH = this->rowValues(i);
		int h = iterH.actor();

		// Iterate over all j with a tie from h

		for (IncidentTieIterator iterJ = pNetwork->outTies(h);
			int j = iterJ.actor();

			// Add the term w_{ih} x_{hj} (= w_{ih})
			sums[j] += iterH.value();
Пример #18
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego with respect to the
 * given values of the behavior variable.
double AltersCovariateAvSimEffect::egoStatistic(int ego,
		double * currentValues) {
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	double statistic = 0;
	int neighborCount = 0;

	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(ego); iter.valid();
			iter.next()) {
		int j = iter.actor();

		if (!this->missing(this->period(), j)
				&& !this->missing(this->period() + 1, j)
				&& !this->missingCovariate(j, this->period())) {
			double tieStatistic = this->similarity(currentValues[ego],

			statistic += tieStatistic * this->covariateValue(j);

	if (neighborCount > 0) {
		statistic /= neighborCount;

	return statistic;
Пример #19
 * Calculates the change in the statistic corresponding to this effect if
 * the given actor would change his behavior by the given amount.
double AltersCovariateAvSimEffect::calculateChangeContribution(int actor,
		int difference) {
	double contribution = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (pNetwork->outDegree(actor) > 0) // otherwise, nothing to calculate...

		int oldValue = this->value(actor); // ego's behavior value before moving on behavior scale
		int newValue = oldValue + difference; // ego's behavior value after moving on behavior scale
		double totalChange = 0;                   // will keep track of changes

		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(actor); // loops over outgoing ties of ego
		iter.valid(); iter.next()) {
			int j = iter.actor();                // identifies alter
			int alterValue = this->value(j); // identifies behavior value of alter
			int change = std::abs(oldValue - alterValue)
					- std::abs(newValue - alterValue);
			// calculates impact of ego's movement on absolute difference to alter

			totalChange += change * this->covariateValue(j); // weighting change statistic acc. to covariate value of alter

		contribution = totalChange / this->range(); // standardize by behavior range for SIMILARITY function

		contribution /= pNetwork->outDegree(actor); // divide by outdegree to get AVERAGE similarity change statistic


	return contribution;

Пример #20
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego as part of
 * the endowment function with respect to the initial values of a
 * behavior variable and the current values.
double AltersCovariateAvSimEffect::egoEndowmentStatistic(int ego,
		const int * difference, double * currentValues) {
	double statistic = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (difference[ego] > 0 && !this->missingDummy(ego)
			&& (pNetwork->outDegree(ego) > 0)) // otherwise, nothing to calculate...

		int oldValue = this->value(ego); // ego's behavior value before moving on behavior scale
		int newValue = oldValue + difference[ego]; // ego's behavior value after moving on behavior scale
		double totalChange = 0;                   // will keep track of changes

		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(ego); // loops over outgoing ties of ego
		iter.valid(); iter.next()) {
			int j = iter.actor();                // identifies alter
			int alterValue = this->value(j); // identifies behavior value of alter
			int change = std::abs(oldValue - alterValue)
					- std::abs(newValue - alterValue);
			// calculates impact of ego's movement on absolute difference to alter

			totalChange += change * this->covariateValue(j); // weighting change statistic acc. to covariate value of alter

		statistic -= totalChange / this->range(); // standardize by behavior range for SIMILARITY function

		statistic /= pNetwork->outDegree(ego); // divide by outdegree to get AVERAGE similarity change statistic


	return statistic;
Пример #21
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego with respect to the
 * currentValues given for the behavior variable.
double AverageAlterDist2Effect::egoStatistic(int i, double * currentValues)
	double statistic = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();
	int neighborCount = 0;

	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(i);
		int j = iter.actor();
		double alterValue = 0;
		int tieToi = 0;
		for (IncidentTieIterator iteri = pNetwork->outTies(j);
			if (i != iteri.actor())
				alterValue += currentValues[iteri.actor()];
				tieToi = 1;
// tieToi =  this->pNetwork()->tieValue(iter.actor(), i);
		if ((pNetwork->outDegree(j) > tieToi) & (this->ldivide2))
			alterValue /= (pNetwork->outDegree(j) - tieToi);
		statistic += alterValue;

	if (neighborCount > 0)
		statistic *= currentValues[i];
		if (this->ldivide1)
			statistic /= neighborCount;

	return statistic;
Пример #22
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego with respect to the
 * currentValues given for the behavior variable.
double AverageAlterInDist2Effect::egoStatistic(int i, double * currentValues)
	double statistic = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();
	int neighborCount = 0;

	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(i);
		int j = iter.actor();
		double alterValue = 0;
		for (IncidentTieIterator iteri = pNetwork->inTies(j);
			if (i != iteri.actor())
				alterValue += currentValues[iteri.actor()];
// tieFromi =  this->pNetwork()->tieValue(i, iter.actor());
		if ((pNetwork->inDegree(j) > 1) & (this->ldivide2))
			alterValue /= (pNetwork->inDegree(j) - 1);
				// there always is a tie i -> iteri.actor()
		statistic += alterValue;

	if (neighborCount > 0)
		statistic *= currentValues[i];
		if (this->ldivide1)
			statistic /= neighborCount;

	return statistic;
Пример #23
 * Modifies the two-path count given the case the observed network is a
 * two mode network.
 * @param[in] rNetwork The observed network
 * @param[in] ego The ego of the modified tie
 * @param[in] alter The alter of the modified tie
 * @param[in[ val The magnitude of modification
void DistanceTwoLayer::modify2PathCountTwoMode(const Network& rNetwork, int ego,
		int alter, int val) {
	// in a two mode network the exist no triangles, therefore it is
	// sufficient to iterate over all incoming ties of alter
	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = rNetwork.inTies(alter); iter.valid();
			iter.next()) {
		if (iter.actor() != ego) {
			modifyTieValue(ego, iter.actor(), val);
Пример #24
 * Calculates the statistic corresponding to the given ego. The variable
 * pSummationTieNetwork is the current network in the case of an evaluation
 * effect and the network of lost ties in the case of an endowment effect.
double NetworkEffect::egoStatistic(int ego,
	const Network * pSummationTieNetwork)
	double statistic = 0;

	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pSummationTieNetwork->outTies(ego);
		statistic += this->tieStatistic(iter.actor());
	return statistic;
Пример #25
 * Indicates if all ties are reciprocated with the same value.
bool OneModeNetwork::symmetric() const {
	// The current implementation is linear in the total number of ties.
	// The time complexity can be reduced to a constant by maintaining
	// the number of non-symmetric ties.

	// Assume the network is symmetric until we can disprove it.
	bool rc = true;

	// Test the incoming and outgoing ties of each actor in turn.

	for (int i = 0; i < this->n() && rc; i++) {
		if (this->outDegree(i) == this->inDegree(i)) {
			IncidentTieIterator outIter = this->outTies(i);
			IncidentTieIterator inIter = this->inTies(i);

			// No need to test both iterators for validity, as the numbers
			// of incoming and outgoing ties are the same.

			while (outIter.valid() && rc) {
				if (outIter.actor() != inIter.actor()
						|| outIter.value() != inIter.value()) {
					// Found a mismatch.
					rc = false;

		} else {
			// The numbers of incoming and outgoing ties differ, which
			// destroys the symmetry immediately.

			rc = false;

	return rc;
Пример #26
 * This method marks as invalid all actors that are iterated over by the given
 * iterator. The fact that an actor i is invalid is represented by setting
 * lflag[i] = lround. It is assumed that lflag[i] <= lround for all actors,
 * meaning that lflag[i] < lround holds for valid actors. The variable
 * validActorCount keeps track of the still valid actors.
void InStructuralEquivalenceEffect::markInvalidActors(IncidentTieIterator iter,
	int & validActorCount)
	while (iter.valid())
		if (this->lflag[iter.actor()] < this->lround)
			this->lflag[iter.actor()] = this->lround;

Пример #27
 * Returns the statistic corresponding to the given ego as part of
 * the endowment function with respect to the initial values of a
 * behavior variable and the current values.
double AverageSimmelianAlterEffect::egoEndowmentStatistic(int ego,
	const int * difference,
	double * currentValues)
	double statistic = 0;
	int simmelianOutdegree = 0;

	updateSimmelian((const OneModeNetwork*) this->pNetwork()); // simulated state
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (difference[ego] > 0)
		if (pNetwork->outDegree(ego) > 0)
			double thisStatistic = 0;
			double previousStatistic = 0;

			for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(ego);
				double alterValue = currentValues[iter.actor()];
				double alterPreviousValue = currentValues[iter.actor()]
													+ difference[iter.actor()]; 
				if (pSimmelian->tieValue(ego, iter.actor()) > 0)
					simmelianOutdegree ++;
					thisStatistic += alterValue;
					previousStatistic += alterPreviousValue;
			if (simmelianOutdegree >= 1)
				thisStatistic *= currentValues[ego];
				previousStatistic *= (currentValues[ego] + difference[ego]);
				statistic = thisStatistic - previousStatistic;
				if (this->ldivide)
					statistic /= simmelianOutdegree;

	return statistic;
Пример #28
 * Calculates the contribution of a tie flip to the given actor.
double CovariateIndirectTiesEffect::calculateContribution(int alter)
	double change = 0;

	// If there are enough two-paths from the ego i to the alter j, then
	// we loose the distance 2 pair (i,j) by introducing the tie between
	// them.

	if (this->pTwoPathTable()->get(alter) != 0)
		change -= this->value(alter);

	// This variable is to simplify the later tests if a two-path through
	// the given alter makes a difference.

	int criticalTwoPathCount = 0;

	if (this->outTieExists(alter))
		criticalTwoPathCount = 1;

	// Consider each outgoing tie of the alter j.

	for (IncidentTieIterator iter = this->pNetwork()->outTies(alter);
		int h = iter.actor();

		// If h is not the ego i, there's no tie from i to h, and the
		// introduction or withdrawal of the tie (i,j) makes a difference
		// for the pair <i,h> to be a valid distance two pair,
		// then increment the contribution.

		if (h != this->ego() &&
			!this->outTieExists(h) &&
			this->pTwoPathTable()->get(h) == criticalTwoPathCount)
			change += this->value(h);

	return change;
Пример #29
 * Initializes the layer given the reference network is a two mode
 * network.
void DistanceTwoLayer::initializeTwoMode(const Network& rNetwork) {
	// this is a two mode network so we do not need to check for loops
	// nor do we have to store the reciever two paths.
	for (int i = 0; i < rNetwork.m(); ++i) {
		// construct all pairs
		for (IncidentTieIterator outerIter = rNetwork.inTies(i);
				outerIter.valid(); outerIter.next()) {
			int outerActor = outerIter.actor();
			// copy the iterator
			IncidentTieIterator innerIter(outerIter);
			// move to the next position
			for (; innerIter.valid(); innerIter.next()) {
				modifyTieValue(outerActor, innerIter.actor(), 1);
Пример #30
 * Calculates the change in the statistic corresponding to this effect if
 * the given actor would change his behavior by the given amount.
 * It is assumed that preprocessEgo(ego) has been called before.
double AverageAlterDist2Effect::calculateChangeContribution(int actor,
	int difference)
	double contribution = 0;
	const Network * pNetwork = this->pNetwork();

	if (pNetwork->outDegree(actor) > 0)
		// The formula for the effect:
		// s_i(x) = v_i * avg(v_j) over all neighbors j of i,
		// where v_j is the average behavior of j's neighbors,
		// excluding i.
		// We need to calculate the change delta in s_i(x), if we changed
		// v_i to v_i + d (d being the given amount of change in v_i).
		// This is d * avg(v_j) and is calculated below.
		// if (not divide1) or (not divide2),
		// instead of "avg" or "average" the total is used.

		double sumAlterValue = 0;

		for (IncidentTieIterator iter = pNetwork->outTies(actor);
			double alterValue = this->totalAlterValue(iter.actor());
			int tieValue =  this->pNetwork()->tieValue(iter.actor(), actor);
			if (tieValue == 1)
				alterValue -= this->centeredValue(actor);
			if (((pNetwork->outDegree(iter.actor()) - tieValue)> 0) & (this->ldivide2))
				alterValue /= (pNetwork->outDegree(iter.actor()) - tieValue);
			sumAlterValue += alterValue;
		contribution = difference * sumAlterValue;
		if (this->ldivide1)
			contribution /= pNetwork->outDegree(actor);
	return contribution;