bool Helpers::findById(Database* database, const char *ns, BSONObj query, BSONObj& result , bool* nsFound , bool* indexFound ) { Lock::assertAtLeastReadLocked(ns); invariant( database ); Collection* collection = database->getCollection( ns ); if ( !collection ) { return false; } if ( nsFound ) *nsFound = true; IndexCatalog* catalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); const IndexDescriptor* desc = catalog->findIdIndex(); if ( !desc ) return false; if ( indexFound ) *indexFound = 1; // See SERVER-12397. This may not always be true. BtreeBasedAccessMethod* accessMethod = static_cast<BtreeBasedAccessMethod*>(catalog->getIndex( desc )); DiskLoc loc = accessMethod->findSingle( query["_id"].wrap() ); if ( loc.isNull() ) return false; result = collection->docFor( loc ); return true; }
bool Helpers::findById(OperationContext* opCtx, Database* database, StringData ns, BSONObj query, BSONObj& result, bool* nsFound, bool* indexFound) { invariant(database); Collection* collection = database->getCollection(opCtx, ns); if (!collection) { return false; } if (nsFound) *nsFound = true; IndexCatalog* catalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); const IndexDescriptor* desc = catalog->findIdIndex(opCtx); if (!desc) return false; if (indexFound) *indexFound = 1; RecordId loc = catalog->getIndex(desc)->findSingle(opCtx, query["_id"].wrap()); if (loc.isNull()) return false; result = collection->docFor(opCtx, loc).value(); return true; }
RecordId Helpers::findById(OperationContext* txn, Collection* collection, const BSONObj& idquery) { verify(collection); IndexCatalog* catalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); const IndexDescriptor* desc = catalog->findIdIndex(txn); uassert(13430, "no _id index", desc); return catalog->getIndex(desc)->findSingle(txn, idquery["_id"].wrap()); }
DiskLoc Helpers::findById(Collection* collection, const BSONObj& idquery) { verify(collection); IndexCatalog* catalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); const IndexDescriptor* desc = catalog->findIdIndex(); uassert(13430, "no _id index", desc); // See SERVER-12397. This may not always be true. BtreeBasedAccessMethod* accessMethod = static_cast<BtreeBasedAccessMethod*>(catalog->getIndex( desc )); return accessMethod->findSingle( idquery["_id"].wrap() ); }
uint64_t Collection::getIndexSize(OperationContext* opCtx, BSONObjBuilder* details, int scale) { IndexCatalog* idxCatalog = getIndexCatalog(); IndexCatalog::IndexIterator ii = idxCatalog->getIndexIterator(opCtx, true); uint64_t totalSize = 0; while (ii.more()) { IndexDescriptor* d =; IndexAccessMethod* iam = idxCatalog->getIndex(d); long long ds = iam->getSpaceUsedBytes(opCtx); totalSize += ds; if (details) { details->appendNumber(d->indexName(), ds / scale); } } return totalSize; }
bool Helpers::findById(OperationContext* txn, Database* database, const char *ns, BSONObj query, BSONObj& result, bool* nsFound, bool* indexFound) { invariant(database); Collection* collection = database->getCollection( ns ); if ( !collection ) { return false; } if ( nsFound ) *nsFound = true; IndexCatalog* catalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); const IndexDescriptor* desc = catalog->findIdIndex( txn ); if ( !desc ) return false; if ( indexFound ) *indexFound = 1; // See SERVER-12397. This may not always be true. BtreeBasedAccessMethod* accessMethod = static_cast<BtreeBasedAccessMethod*>(catalog->getIndex( desc )); RecordId loc = accessMethod->findSingle( txn, query["_id"].wrap() ); if ( loc.isNull() ) return false; result = collection->docFor(txn, loc).value(); return true; }
PlanStage::StageState TwoDNear::work(WorkingSetID* out) {; // Adds the amount of time taken by work() to executionTimeMillis. ScopedTimer timer(&_commonStats.executionTimeMillis); if (!_initted) { _initted = true; if ( !_params.collection ) return PlanStage::IS_EOF; IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = _params.collection->getIndexCatalog(); IndexDescriptor* desc = indexCatalog->findIndexByKeyPattern(_params.indexKeyPattern); if ( desc == NULL ) return PlanStage::IS_EOF; TwoDAccessMethod* am = static_cast<TwoDAccessMethod*>( indexCatalog->getIndex( desc ) ); auto_ptr<twod_exec::GeoSearch> search; search.reset(new twod_exec::GeoSearch(_params.collection, am, _params.nearQuery.centroid.oldPoint, _params.numWanted, _params.filter, _params.nearQuery.maxDistance, _params.nearQuery.isNearSphere ? twod_exec::GEO_SPHERE : twod_exec::GEO_PLANE)); // This is where all the work is done. :( search->exec(); _specificStats.objectsLoaded = search->_objectsLoaded; _specificStats.nscanned = search->_lookedAt; for (twod_exec::GeoHopper::Holder::iterator it = search->_points.begin(); it != search->_points.end(); it++) { WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate(); WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id); member->loc = it->_loc; member->obj = _params.collection->docFor(member->loc); member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ; if (_params.addDistMeta) { member->addComputed(new GeoDistanceComputedData(it->_distance)); } if (_params.addPointMeta) { member->addComputed(new GeoNearPointComputedData(it->_pt)); } _results.push(Result(id, it->_distance)); _invalidationMap.insert(pair<DiskLoc, WorkingSetID>(it->_loc, id)); } } if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; } Result result =; _results.pop(); *out =; // Remove from invalidation map. WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(*out); // The WSM may have been mutated or deleted so it may not have a loc. if (member->hasLoc()) { typedef multimap<DiskLoc, WorkingSetID>::iterator MMIT; pair<MMIT, MMIT> range = _invalidationMap.equal_range(member->loc); for (MMIT it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) { if (it->second == *out) { _invalidationMap.erase(it); break; } } } ++_commonStats.advanced; return PlanStage::ADVANCED; }
Status appendCollectionStorageStats(OperationContext* opCtx, const NamespaceString& nss, const BSONObj& param, BSONObjBuilder* result) { int scale = 1; if (param["scale"].isNumber()) { scale = param["scale"].numberInt(); if (scale < 1) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "scale has to be >= 1"}; } } else if (param["scale"].trueValue()) { return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "scale has to be a number >= 1"}; } bool verbose = param["verbose"].trueValue(); AutoGetCollectionForReadCommand ctx(opCtx, nss); Collection* collection = ctx.getCollection(); // Will be set if present if (!ctx.getDb() || !collection) { result->appendNumber("size", 0); result->appendNumber("count", 0); result->appendNumber("storageSize", 0); result->append("nindexes", 0); result->appendNumber("totalIndexSize", 0); result->append("indexDetails", BSONObj()); result->append("indexSizes", BSONObj()); std::string errmsg = !(ctx.getDb()) ? "Database [" + nss.db().toString() + "] not found." : "Collection [" + nss.toString() + "] not found."; return {ErrorCodes::NamespaceNotFound, errmsg}; } long long size = collection->dataSize(opCtx) / scale; result->appendNumber("size", size); long long numRecords = collection->numRecords(opCtx); result->appendNumber("count", numRecords); if (numRecords) result->append("avgObjSize", collection->averageObjectSize(opCtx)); RecordStore* recordStore = collection->getRecordStore(); result->appendNumber( "storageSize", static_cast<long long>(recordStore->storageSize(opCtx, result, verbose ? 1 : 0)) / scale); recordStore->appendCustomStats(opCtx, result, scale); IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); result->append("nindexes", indexCatalog->numIndexesReady(opCtx)); BSONObjBuilder indexDetails; IndexCatalog::IndexIterator i = indexCatalog->getIndexIterator(opCtx, false); while (i.more()) { const IndexDescriptor* descriptor =; IndexAccessMethod* iam = indexCatalog->getIndex(descriptor); invariant(iam); BSONObjBuilder bob; if (iam->appendCustomStats(opCtx, &bob, scale)) { indexDetails.append(descriptor->indexName(), bob.obj()); } } result->append("indexDetails", indexDetails.obj()); BSONObjBuilder indexSizes; long long indexSize = collection->getIndexSize(opCtx, &indexSizes, scale); result->appendNumber("totalIndexSize", indexSize / scale); result->append("indexSizes", indexSizes.obj()); return Status::OK(); }
void validateNS(const string& ns, Collection* collection, const BSONObj& cmdObj, BSONObjBuilder& result) { const bool full = cmdObj["full"].trueValue(); const bool scanData = full || cmdObj["scandata"].trueValue(); NamespaceDetails* nsd = collection->details(); bool valid = true; BSONArrayBuilder errors; // explanation(s) for why valid = false if ( collection->isCapped() ){ result.append("capped", nsd->isCapped()); result.appendNumber("max", nsd->maxCappedDocs()); } if ( nsd->firstExtent().isNull() ) result.append( "firstExtent", "null" ); else result.append( "firstExtent", str::stream() << nsd->firstExtent().toString() << " ns:" << nsd->firstExtent().ext()->nsDiagnostic.toString()); if ( nsd->lastExtent().isNull() ) result.append( "lastExtent", "null" ); else result.append( "lastExtent", str::stream() << nsd->lastExtent().toString() << " ns:" << nsd->lastExtent().ext()->nsDiagnostic.toString()); BSONArrayBuilder extentData; int extentCount = 0; try { if ( !nsd->firstExtent().isNull() ) { nsd->firstExtent().ext()->assertOk(); nsd->lastExtent().ext()->assertOk(); } DiskLoc extentDiskLoc = nsd->firstExtent(); while (!extentDiskLoc.isNull()) { Extent* thisExtent = extentDiskLoc.ext(); if (full) { extentData << thisExtent->dump(); } if (!thisExtent->validates(extentDiskLoc, &errors)) { valid = false; } DiskLoc nextDiskLoc = thisExtent->xnext; if (extentCount > 0 && !nextDiskLoc.isNull() && nextDiskLoc.ext()->xprev != extentDiskLoc) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "'xprev' pointer " << nextDiskLoc.ext()->xprev.toString() << " in extent " << nextDiskLoc.toString() << " does not point to extent " << extentDiskLoc.toString(); errors << sb.str(); valid = false; } if (nextDiskLoc.isNull() && extentDiskLoc != nsd->lastExtent()) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "'lastExtent' pointer " << nsd->lastExtent().toString() << " does not point to last extent in list " << extentDiskLoc.toString(); errors << sb.str(); valid = false; } extentDiskLoc = nextDiskLoc; extentCount++; killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); } } catch (const DBException& e) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "exception validating extent " << extentCount << ": " << e.what(); errors << sb.str(); valid = false; } result.append("extentCount", extentCount); if ( full ) result.appendArray( "extents" , extentData.arr() ); result.appendNumber("datasize", nsd->dataSize()); result.appendNumber("nrecords", nsd->numRecords()); result.appendNumber("lastExtentSize", nsd->lastExtentSize()); result.appendNumber("padding", nsd->paddingFactor()); try { bool testingLastExtent = false; try { if (nsd->firstExtent().isNull()) { // this is ok } else { result.append("firstExtentDetails", nsd->firstExtent().ext()->dump()); if (!nsd->firstExtent().ext()->xprev.isNull()) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "'xprev' pointer in 'firstExtent' " << nsd->firstExtent().toString() << " is " << nsd->firstExtent().ext()->xprev.toString() << ", should be null"; errors << sb.str(); valid=false; } } testingLastExtent = true; if (nsd->lastExtent().isNull()) { // this is ok } else { if (nsd->firstExtent() != nsd->lastExtent()) { result.append("lastExtentDetails", nsd->lastExtent().ext()->dump()); if (!nsd->lastExtent().ext()->xnext.isNull()) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "'xnext' pointer in 'lastExtent' " << nsd->lastExtent().toString() << " is " << nsd->lastExtent().ext()->xnext.toString() << ", should be null"; errors << sb.str(); valid = false; } } } } catch (const DBException& e) { StringBuilder sb; sb << "exception processing '" << (testingLastExtent ? "lastExtent" : "firstExtent") << "': " << e.what(); errors << sb.str(); valid = false; } set<DiskLoc> recs; if( scanData ) { int n = 0; int nInvalid = 0; long long nQuantizedSize = 0; long long nPowerOf2QuantizedSize = 0; long long len = 0; long long nlen = 0; long long bsonLen = 0; int outOfOrder = 0; DiskLoc cl_last; DiskLoc cl; Runner::RunnerState state; auto_ptr<Runner> runner(InternalPlanner::collectionScan(ns)); while (Runner::RUNNER_ADVANCED == (state = runner->getNext(NULL, &cl))) { n++; if ( n < 1000000 ) recs.insert(cl); if ( nsd->isCapped() ) { if ( cl < cl_last ) outOfOrder++; cl_last = cl; } Record *r = cl.rec(); len += r->lengthWithHeaders(); nlen += r->netLength(); if ( r->lengthWithHeaders() == NamespaceDetails::quantizeAllocationSpace ( r->lengthWithHeaders() ) ) { // Count the number of records having a size consistent with // the quantizeAllocationSpace quantization implementation. ++nQuantizedSize; } if ( r->lengthWithHeaders() == NamespaceDetails::quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace ( r->lengthWithHeaders() - 1 ) ) { // Count the number of records having a size consistent with the // quantizePowerOf2AllocationSpace quantization implementation. // Because of SERVER-8311, power of 2 quantization is not idempotent and // r->lengthWithHeaders() - 1 must be checked instead of the record // length itself. ++nPowerOf2QuantizedSize; } if (full){ BSONObj obj = BSONObj::make(r); if (!obj.isValid() || !obj.valid()){ // both fast and deep checks valid = false; if (nInvalid == 0) // only log once; errors << "invalid bson object detected (see logs for more info)"; nInvalid++; if (strcmp("_id", obj.firstElementFieldName()) == 0){ try { obj.firstElement().validate(); // throws on error log() << "Invalid bson detected in " << ns << " with _id: " << obj.firstElement().toString(false) << endl; } catch(...){ log() << "Invalid bson detected in " << ns << " with corrupt _id" << endl; } } else { log() << "Invalid bson detected in " << ns << " and couldn't find _id" << endl; } } else { bsonLen += obj.objsize(); } } } if (Runner::RUNNER_EOF != state) { // TODO: more descriptive logging. warning() << "Internal error while reading collection " << ns << endl; } if ( nsd->isCapped() && !nsd->capLooped() ) { result.append("cappedOutOfOrder", outOfOrder); if ( outOfOrder > 1 ) { valid = false; errors << "too many out of order records"; } } result.append("objectsFound", n); if (full) { result.append("invalidObjects", nInvalid); } result.appendNumber("nQuantizedSize", nQuantizedSize); result.appendNumber("nPowerOf2QuantizedSize", nPowerOf2QuantizedSize); result.appendNumber("bytesWithHeaders", len); result.appendNumber("bytesWithoutHeaders", nlen); if (full) { result.appendNumber("bytesBson", bsonLen); } } BSONArrayBuilder deletedListArray; for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) { deletedListArray << nsd->deletedListEntry(i).isNull(); } int ndel = 0; long long delSize = 0; BSONArrayBuilder delBucketSizes; int incorrect = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < Buckets; i++ ) { DiskLoc loc = nsd->deletedListEntry(i); try { int k = 0; while ( !loc.isNull() ) { if ( recs.count(loc) ) incorrect++; ndel++; if ( loc.questionable() ) { if( nsd->isCapped() && !loc.isValid() && i == 1 ) { /* the constructor for NamespaceDetails intentionally sets deletedList[1] to invalid see comments in namespace.h */ break; } string err( str::stream() << "bad pointer in deleted record list: " << loc.toString() << " bucket: " << i << " k: " << k ); errors << err; valid = false; break; } DeletedRecord *d = loc.drec(); delSize += d->lengthWithHeaders(); loc = d->nextDeleted(); k++; killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt(); } delBucketSizes << k; } catch (...) { errors << ("exception in deleted chain for bucket " + BSONObjBuilder::numStr(i)); valid = false; } } result.appendNumber("deletedCount", ndel); result.appendNumber("deletedSize", delSize); if ( full ) { result << "delBucketSizes" << delBucketSizes.arr(); } if ( incorrect ) { errors << (BSONObjBuilder::numStr(incorrect) + " records from datafile are in deleted list"); valid = false; } int idxn = 0; try { IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = collection->getIndexCatalog(); result.append("nIndexes", nsd->getCompletedIndexCount()); BSONObjBuilder indexes; // not using subObjStart to be exception safe NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = nsd->ii(); while( i.more() ) { IndexDetails& id =; log() << "validating index " << idxn << ": " << id.indexNamespace() << endl; IndexDescriptor* descriptor = indexCatalog->getDescriptor( idxn ); verify( descriptor ); IndexAccessMethod* iam = indexCatalog->getIndex( descriptor ); verify( iam ); int64_t keys; iam->validate(&keys); indexes.appendNumber(id.indexNamespace(), static_cast<long long>(keys)); idxn++; } result.append("keysPerIndex", indexes.done()); } catch (...) { errors << ("exception during index validate idxn " + BSONObjBuilder::numStr(idxn)); valid=false; } } catch (AssertionException) { errors << "exception during validate"; valid = false; } result.appendBool("valid", valid); result.append("errors", errors.arr()); if ( !full ){ result.append("warning", "Some checks omitted for speed. use {full:true} option to do more thorough scan."); } if ( !valid ) { result.append("advice", "ns corrupt, requires repair"); } }
PlanStage::StageState TwoD::work(WorkingSetID* out) { if (isEOF()) { return PlanStage::IS_EOF; } if (!_initted) { _initted = true; if ( !_params.collection ) return PlanStage::IS_EOF; IndexCatalog* indexCatalog = _params.collection->getIndexCatalog(); _descriptor = indexCatalog->findIndexByKeyPattern(_params.indexKeyPattern); if ( _descriptor == NULL ) return PlanStage::IS_EOF; _am = static_cast<TwoDAccessMethod*>( indexCatalog->getIndex( _descriptor ) ); verify( _am ); if (NULL != { _browse.reset(new twod_exec::GeoCircleBrowse(_params, _am)); } else if (NULL != { _browse.reset(new twod_exec::GeoPolygonBrowse(_params, _am)); } else { verify(NULL !=; _browse.reset(new twod_exec::GeoBoxBrowse(_params, _am)); } // Fill out static portion of plan stats. // We will retrieve the geo hashes used by the geo browser // when the search is complete. _specificStats.type = _browse->_type; _specificStats.field =; _specificStats.converterParams = _browse->_converter->getParams(); return PlanStage::NEED_TIME; } verify(NULL != _browse.get()); if (!_browse->ok()) { // Grab geo hashes before disposing geo browser. _specificStats.expPrefixes.swap(_browse->_expPrefixes); _browse.reset(); return PlanStage::IS_EOF; } WorkingSetID id = _workingSet->allocate(); WorkingSetMember* member = _workingSet->get(id); member->loc = _browse->currLoc(); member->obj = _params.collection->docFor(member->loc); member->state = WorkingSetMember::LOC_AND_UNOWNED_OBJ; _browse->advance(); *out = id; _commonStats.advanced++;; return PlanStage::ADVANCED; }