Пример #1
 * Creates a new cut command that represents the cut the node located with \a index from the \a model.
 * The node is stored at the \a clipborad.
 * If \a parent is not null, this command is appended to parent's child list and then owns this command.
CmdCut::CmdCut( const QModelIndex& selectedIndex, SoNode*& clipboard, SceneModel* model, QUndoCommand* parent )
: QUndoCommand("Cut", parent), m_pClipboard ( clipboard ), m_previousNode ( 0 ), m_coinNode( 0 ), m_coinParent( 0 ), m_pModel( model ), m_row ( -1 )
	InstanceNode* instanceNode = m_pModel->NodeFromIndex( selectedIndex );
	m_coinNode = instanceNode->GetNode();
	m_coinParent = static_cast< SoBaseKit* > (instanceNode->GetParent()->GetNode() );

	m_previousNode = clipboard ;

	m_row = instanceNode->GetParent()->children.indexOf( instanceNode );