Пример #1
/** Retrieves the properties and checks that they have valid values.
 *  @throw std::invalid_argument If either workspace has no instrument or the instruments have different base instruments.
void CopyInstrumentParameters::checkProperties()

  // Check that both workspaces have an instrument
  Instrument_const_sptr inst = m_givingWorkspace->getInstrument();
  if( !inst )
      throw std::invalid_argument("Input workspace has no instrument");
  Instrument_const_sptr inst2 = m_receivingWorkspace->getInstrument();
  if( !inst2 )
      throw std::invalid_argument("Output workspace has no instrument");

  Instrument_const_sptr baseInstGiv = inst->baseInstrument();
  Instrument_const_sptr baseInstRec = inst2->baseInstrument();

  // Check that both workspaces have the same instrument name
  if( baseInstRec != baseInstGiv )
    g_log.warning() << "The base instrument in the output workspace is not the same as the base instrument in the input workspace."<< std::endl;
