Пример #1
Box::next (IntVect& p) const

    if (!(p <= bigend))
#elif BL_SPACEDIM==3
    if (!(p <= bigend))
        if (!(p <= bigend))
Пример #2
Box::next (IntVect&   p,
           const int* shv) const

#if   BL_SPACEDIM==1
#elif BL_SPACEDIM==2
    if (!(p <= bigend))
        // Reset 1 coord is on edge, and 2 coord is incremented.
#elif BL_SPACEDIM==3
    if (!(p <= bigend))
        // Reset 1 coord is on edge, and 2 coord is incremented.
        if(!(p <= bigend))
Пример #3
main(int argc ,char *argv[] )

#ifdef CH_MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  parseTestOptions(argc, argv);

  // establish periodic domain -- first multiply periodic in all directions
  int status = 0;
  int baseDomainSize = 8;
  int numGhost = 2;
  IntVect ghostVect(numGhost*IntVect::Unit);

  Box baseDomBox(IntVect::Zero, (baseDomainSize-1)*IntVect::Unit);
  ProblemDomain baseDomain(baseDomBox);

  // set periodic in all directions
  for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
      baseDomain.setPeriodic(dir, true);

  // quick check
  //  should be (3^SpaceDim) -1 vectors
  int numVect =0;
  if (verbose) pout() << "ShiftIterator shift vectors:" << endl;
  ShiftIterator sit1 = baseDomain.shiftIterator();
  for (sit1.begin(); sit1.ok(); ++sit1)
      if (verbose) pout() << "   " << sit1() << endl;
  Real exact =  pow(3.0,SpaceDim) -1;
  Real eps = 0.0001;
  if ((exact - numVect) > eps)
      if (verbose)
          pout() << "failed ShiftIterator count test " << endl;
      status += 1;

  ShiftIterator sit2 = baseDomain.shiftIterator();

    // first try a single box on this level
    if (verbose) pout() <<  "Single box test -- " << endl;

    Vector<Box> levelBoxes(1, baseDomBox);
    Vector<int> procAssign(1, 0);
    DisjointBoxLayout levelGrids(levelBoxes,procAssign, baseDomain);

    LevelData<FArrayBox> tester(levelGrids, 1, ghostVect);

    Real dx = 1.0/baseDomainSize;

    initData(tester, dx);

    // test exchange in this case -- should fill ghost cells with
    // periodically copied data
    if (verbose) pout() << "    begin exchange..." << endl;

    Interval comps = tester.interval();
    if (verbose) pout() << "    done exchange..." << endl;
    DataIterator dit = tester.dataIterator();

    for (dit.begin(); dit.ok(); ++dit)
        FArrayBox& testFab = tester[dit()];
        // now check to be sure that this passed
        for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
            if (verbose) pout() << "check lo cells in dir " << dir << endl;
            Box loGhostBox = adjCellLo(baseDomBox, dir, numGhost);
            BoxIterator loBit(loGhostBox);
            for (loBit.begin(); loBit.ok(); ++loBit)
                const IntVect iv = loBit();
                IntVect validLoc = iv;
                validLoc.shift(dir, baseDomBox.size(dir));
                for (int comp=0; comp<tester.nComp(); comp++)
                    Real validVal = dataVal(validLoc, comp);
                    if (testFab(iv, comp) != validVal)
                        if (verbose)
                            pout() << "failed single-box exchange test at "
                                   << iv << endl;
                        status += 10;
              } // end loop over lo ghost cells

            if (verbose) pout() << "check hi cells in dir " << dir << endl;
            Box hiGhostBox = adjCellHi(baseDomBox, dir, numGhost);
            BoxIterator hiBit(hiGhostBox);
            for (hiBit.begin(); hiBit.ok(); ++hiBit)
                const IntVect iv = hiBit();
                IntVect validLoc = iv;
                validLoc.shift(dir, -baseDomBox.size(dir));
                for (int comp=0; comp<tester.nComp(); comp++)
                    Real validVal = dataVal(validLoc, comp);
                    if (testFab(iv, comp) != validVal)
                        if (verbose)
                            pout() << "failed single-box exchange test at "
                                   << iv << endl;
                        status += 100;
              } // end loop over hi ghost cells
          } // end loop over directions
      } // end loop over boxes
    if (verbose) pout() << "done single-box test" << endl;
  } // end single-box test

  // now try refining things, this time look at 2 boxes
    if (verbose) pout() << "2-box test..." << endl;

    const Box domainBox = baseDomain.domainBox();
    Vector<Box> levelBoxes1(1, domainBox);
    Vector<int> procAssign1(1,0);
    DisjointBoxLayout levelGrids1(levelBoxes1, procAssign1, baseDomain);

    LevelData<FArrayBox> tester0(levelGrids1, 1, IntVect::Zero);
    LevelData<FArrayBox> tester1(levelGrids1, 1, ghostVect);

    Real dx = 1.0/(2.0*baseDomainSize);
    initData(tester1, dx);
    initData(tester0, dx);

    // first test exchange for single box
    Interval comps = tester1.interval();
    Copier ex;
    ex.exchangeDefine(levelGrids1, ghostVect);
    pout() << "copier = " << ex << endl;
    tester1.exchange(comps, ex);

    // now try multiple boxes
    Vector<Box> levelBoxes2(3);
    Vector<int> procAssign2(3);

    if (SpaceDim == 1)
        // do this a little differently in 1d
        levelBoxes2[0] = Box(IntVect::Zero, 9*IntVect::Unit);
        levelBoxes2[1] = Box(10*IntVect::Unit, 11*IntVect::Unit);
        levelBoxes2[2] = Box(14*IntVect::Unit, 15*IntVect::Unit);
        levelBoxes2[0] = Box(IntVect::Zero, 9*IntVect::Unit);
        levelBoxes2[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(7,10,10,10,10,10)),
        // this box should fail the disjointness test
        //levelBoxes2[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(7,10,10,10,10,10)),17*IntVect::Unit);
        levelBoxes2[2] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(11,0,0,0,0,0)),

    int loadbalancestatus = LoadBalance(procAssign2, levelBoxes2);
    CH_assert (loadbalancestatus == 0);

    DisjointBoxLayout levelGrids2;
    levelGrids2.define(levelBoxes2, procAssign2, baseDomain);
    LevelData<FArrayBox> tester2(levelGrids2, 1, ghostVect);

    if (verbose) pout() << "    begin copyTo test" << endl;
    tester0.copyTo(comps, tester2, comps);
    if (verbose) pout() << "    done copyTo, now test values" << endl;
    // check that periodic copies worked OK:

    DataIterator dit2 = tester2.dataIterator();
    for (dit2.begin(); dit2.ok(); ++dit2)
        const Box& thisBox = tester2[dit2()].box();
        if (!domainBox.contains(thisBox))
            FArrayBox& destFab = tester2[dit2];
            for (int dir=0; dir<SpaceDim; dir++)
                if (verbose)
                    pout() << "      check lo cells in dir "
                           << dir << endl;

                Box loGhost = adjCellLo(domainBox, dir, numGhost);
                loGhost &= thisBox;
                if (!loGhost.isEmpty())
                  BoxIterator loBit(loGhost);
                  for (loBit.begin(); loBit.ok(); ++loBit)
                      IntVect iv = loBit();
                      IntVect srcIV = iv;
                      srcIV.shift(dir, domainBox.size(dir));
                      for (int comp=0; comp<destFab.nComp(); comp++)
                          Real validVal = dataVal(srcIV, comp);
                          if (validVal != destFab(iv, comp))
                              if (verbose)
                                  pout() << "failed multi-box copy test at "
                                         << iv << endl;
                              status += 1000;
                            } // end if we fail test
                        } // end loop over components
                    } // end loop over ghost cells outside domain
                } // end if there are lo-end ghost cells

                if (verbose)
                    pout() << "      check hi cells in dir "
                           << dir << endl;

                Box hiGhost = adjCellHi(domainBox, dir, numGhost);
                hiGhost &= thisBox;
                if (!hiGhost.isEmpty())
                    BoxIterator hiBit(hiGhost);
                    for (hiBit.begin(); hiBit.ok(); ++hiBit)
                        IntVect iv = hiBit();
                        IntVect srcIV = iv;
                        srcIV.shift(dir, -domainBox.size(dir));
                        for (int comp=0; comp<destFab.nComp(); comp++)
                            Real validVal = dataVal(srcIV, comp);
                            if (validVal != destFab(iv, comp))
                                if (verbose)
                                    pout() << "failed multi-box copy test at "
                                           << iv << endl;
                                status += 10000;
                              } // end if we fail test
                          } // end loop over components
                      } // end loop over high-end ghost cells
                  } // end if there are hi-end ghost cells

              } // end loop over directions
          } // end if there are ghost cells
      } // end loop over grids in destination
    if (verbose) pout() << "done 2-box test" << endl;

  // this last test makes no sense in 1D
  if (SpaceDim > 1)
      if (verbose) pout() << "partially-periodic case" << endl;
      // now test partially periodic case (also coarsen back to original domain)

      // try similar tests to the second case, only coarsened
      const Box domainBox = baseDomain.domainBox();
      Vector<Box> levelBoxes1(1, domainBox);
      Vector<int> procAssign1(1,0);
      DisjointBoxLayout levelGrids1(levelBoxes1, procAssign1, baseDomain);

      LevelData<FArrayBox> tester0(levelGrids1, 1, IntVect::Zero);
      LevelData<FArrayBox> tester1(levelGrids1, 1, ghostVect);

      Real dx = 1.0/(baseDomainSize);
      initData(tester1, dx);
      initData(tester0, dx);

      if (verbose) pout() << "    partially-periodic exchange..." << endl;
      // first test exchange for single box
      Interval comps = tester1.interval();

      if (verbose) pout() << "    ....  done" << endl;

      if (verbose) pout() << "   multi-box partially periodic case" << endl;
      // now try multiple boxes
      Vector<Box> levelBoxes2(3);
      Vector<int> procAssign2(3);

      levelBoxes2[0] = Box(IntVect::Zero, 4*IntVect::Unit);
      levelBoxes2[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(3,5,5,5,5,5)), 7*IntVect::Unit);
      // this box should fail the disjointness test
      //levelBoxes2[1] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(3,5,5)), 10*IntVect::Unit);
      levelBoxes2[2] = Box(IntVect(D_DECL6(6,0,0,0,0,0)),

      int loadbalancestatus = LoadBalance(procAssign2, levelBoxes2);
      CH_assert (loadbalancestatus == 0);

      DisjointBoxLayout levelGrids2(levelBoxes2, procAssign2, baseDomain);
      LevelData<FArrayBox> tester2(levelGrids2, 1, ghostVect);

      tester0.copyTo(comps, tester2, comps);

      if (verbose) pout() << "done partially-periodic case" << endl;

      // We don't care about the results of these -- just want to see if they compile:
      if ( argc == 12345 )
        tester0.apply( leveldataApplyFunc );
        tester0.apply( LevelDataApplyFunctor(3.14159) );

  // I'm thinking all pout()'s should be before MPI_Finalize... (ndk)
  pout() << indent << pgmname << ": "
         << ( (status == 0) ? "passed all tests" : "failed at least one test,")
         << endl;

#ifdef CH_MPI

  return status ;
Пример #4
// clean out BC from stencil of cell a_iv
PetscCompGridVTO::applyBCs( IntVect a_iv, int a_ilev, const DataIndex &di_dummy, Box a_dombox, 
                            StencilTensor &a_sten )
  Vector<Vector<StencilNode> > new_vals; // StencilTensorValue
  RefCountedPtr<BCFunction> bc = m_bc.getBCFunction();
  CompGridVTOBC *mybc = dynamic_cast<CompGridVTOBC*>(&(*bc));
  // count degrees, add to 'corners'
  Vector<IntVectSet> corners(CH_SPACEDIM);
  StencilTensor::const_iterator end2 = a_sten.end(); 
  for (StencilTensor::const_iterator it = a_sten.begin(); it != end2; ++it) 
      const IntVect &jiv = it->first.iv();
      if (!a_dombox.contains(jiv) && it->first.level()==a_ilev) // a BC
          int degree = CH_SPACEDIM-1;
          for (int dir=0;dir<CH_SPACEDIM;++dir)
              if (jiv[dir] >= a_dombox.smallEnd(dir) && jiv[dir] <= a_dombox.bigEnd(dir)) degree--;
          corners[degree] |= jiv;
  // move ghosts starting at with high degree corners and cascade to lower degree
  for (int ideg=CH_SPACEDIM-1;ideg>=0;ideg--)
      // iterate through list
      for (IVSIterator ivit(corners[ideg]); ivit.ok(); ++ivit)
          const IntVect &jiv = ivit(); // get rid of this bc ghost
          // get layer of ghost
          Box gbox(IntVect::Zero,IntVect::Zero); gbox.shift(jiv);
          Box inter = a_dombox & gbox;    CH_assert(inter.numPts()==0);
          int igid = -1; // find which layer of ghost I am
            inter = a_dombox & gbox;
          }while (inter.numPts()==0);
	  if (igid!=0) MayDay::Error("PetscCompGridVTO::applyBCs layer???");
          for (int dir=0;dir<CH_SPACEDIM;++dir)
              if (jiv[dir] < a_dombox.smallEnd(dir) || jiv[dir] > a_dombox.bigEnd(dir))
		{ // have a BC, get coefs on demand
		  int iside = 1; // hi
		  int isign = 1;
                  if (jiv[dir] < a_dombox.smallEnd(dir)) isign = -1;
		  if (jiv[dir] < a_dombox.smallEnd(dir)) iside = 0; // lo
		  if (!mybc) MayDay::Error("PetscCompGridVTO::applyBCs: wrong BC!!!!");
                  for (int comp=0; comp<SpaceDim; comp++)
                      if (mybc->m_bcDiri[dir][iside][comp]) new_vals[0][0].second.setValue(comp,comp,-1.); // simple diagonal 
                      else new_vals[0][0].second.setValue(comp,comp,1.);
                    } // end loop over components
		  IndexML kill(jiv,a_ilev);
		  IntVect biv = jiv;
		  if (ideg>0 && !a_dombox.contains(biv)) // this could be a new stencil value for high order BCs
		      corners[ideg-1] |= biv; // send down to lower list for later removal
		  else CH_assert(a_dombox.contains(biv));
		  int nrm = a_sten.erase(kill); CH_assert(nrm==1);
		} // BC
	    } // spacedim
	} // ghosts
    } // degree