Пример #1
bool FindPartnerIP(const IPAddress& ip, IPAddress& partner)
  Interfaces interfaces;
  Interfaces::const_iterator it;
  for (it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it)
    Interface::const_iterator it2 = 
      std::find(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), ip);
    if (it2 != it->second.end()) break;
  if (it != interfaces.end())
    for (Interface::const_iterator it2 = it->second.begin();
         it2 != it->second.end(); ++it2)
      if (it2->Family() == IPFamily::IPv4)
        partner = *it2;
        return true;
  return false;
Пример #2
InterfaceMap::getInterfacesInVlanIf(VlanID vlan) const {
  Interfaces interfaces;
  for (auto itr = begin(); itr != end(); ++itr) {
    if ((*itr)->getVlanID() == vlan) {
  return interfaces;
Пример #3
int main()
  using namespace util::net;
  Interfaces interfaces;
  for (Interfaces::const_iterator it1 = interfaces.begin();
       it1 != interfaces.end(); ++it1)
    std::cout << it1->first << std::endl;
    for (Interface::const_iterator it2 = it1->second.begin();
         it2 != it1->second.end(); ++it2)
      std::cout << "\t" << *it2 << std::endl;
Пример #4
 bool add_interface(Interface interface)
     if (interface.validate()) {
         _sub.notify(dynamic_cast<Module*>(&interface), Subscriber::Interface, Event::ADD);
         return true;
     return false;

    \class QDBusIntrospection
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \brief Information about introspected objects and interfaces on D-Bus.

    This class provides structures and methods for parsing the XML introspection data for D-Bus.
    Normally, you don't have to use the methods provided here: QDBusInterface and QDBusObject will
    do that for you.

    But they may prove useful if the XML data was obtained through other means (like parsing a file).

    \class QDBusIntrospection::Argument
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \brief One argument to a D-Bus method or signal.

    This struct represents one argument passed to a method or received from a method or signal in
    D-Bus. The struct does not contain information on the direction (input or output).

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Argument::type
    The argument type.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Argument::name
    The argument name. The argument name is optional, so this may be a null QString.

    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Argument::operator==(const Argument &other) const
    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.

    \class QDBusIntrospection::Method
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \brief Information about one method.

    This struct represents one method discovered through introspection. A method is composed of
    its \a name, its input arguments, its output arguments, and, optionally, annotations. There are no
    "in-out" arguments.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Method::name
    The method's name.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Method::inputArgs
    A list of the method's input arguments.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Method::outputArgs
    A list of the method's output arguments (i.e., return values).

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Method::annotations
    The annotations associated with the method. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.

    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Method::operator==(const Method &other) const
    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.

    \class QDBusIntrospection::Signal
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \brief Information about one signal.

    This struct represents one signal discovered through introspection. A signal is composed of
    its \a name, its output arguments, and, optionally, annotations.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Signal::name
    The signal's name.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Signal::outputArgs
    A list of the signal's arguments.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Signal::annotations
    The annotations associated with the signal. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.

    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Signal::operator==(const Signal& other) const
    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.

    \class QDBusIntrospection::Property
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \brief Information about one property.

    This struct represents one property discovered through introspection. A property is composed of
    its \a name, its \a type, its \a access rights, and, optionally, annotations.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Property::name
    The property's name.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Property::type
    The property's type.

    \enum QDBusIntrospection::Property::Access
    The possible access rights for a property:
    \value Read
    \value Write
    \value ReadWrite

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Property::access
    The property's access rights.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Property::annotations
    The annotations associated with the property. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.

    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Property::operator==(const Property &other) const
    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.

    \class QDBusIntrospection::Interface
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \brief Information about one interface on the bus.

    Each interface on D-Bus has an unique \a name, identifying where that interface was defined.
    Interfaces may have annotations, methods, signals and properties, but none are mandatory.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Interface::name
    The interface's name.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Interface::introspection
    The XML document fragment describing this interface.

    If parsed again through parseInterface, the object returned should have the same contents as
    this object.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Interface::annotations
    The annotations associated with the interface. Each annotation is a pair of strings, where the key
    is of the same format as a D-Bus interface name. The value is arbitrary.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Interface::methods
    The methods available in this interface. Note that method names are not unique (i.e., methods
    can be overloaded with multiple arguments types).

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Interface::signals_
    The signals available in this interface. Note that signal names are not unique (i.e., signals
    can be overloaded with multiple argument types).

    This member is called "signals_" because "signals" is a reserved keyword in Qt.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Interface::properties
    The properties available in this interface. Property names are unique.

    \fn QDBusIntrospection::Interface::operator==(const Interface &other) const
    Compares this object against \a other and return true if they are the same.

    Note that two interfaces are considered to be the same if they have the same name. The internal
    structures in the objects are not compared.

    \class QDBusIntrospection::Object
    \inmodule QtDBus
    \brief Information about one object on the bus.

    An object on the D-Bus bus is represented by its service and path on the service but, unlike
    interfaces, objects are mutable. That is, their contents can change with time. Therefore,
    while the (service, path) pair uniquely identifies an object, the information contained in
    this struct may no longer represent the object.

    An object can contain interfaces and child (sub) objects.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Object::service
    The object's service name.

    \sa parseObject()

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Object::path
    The object's path on the service. This is an absolute path.

    \sa parseObject()

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Object::introspection
    The XML document fragment describing this object, its interfaces and sub-objects at the time
    of the parsing.

    The result of parseObject with this XML data should be the same as the Object struct.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Object::interfaces
    The list of interface names in this object.

    \variable QDBusIntrospection::Object::childObjects
    The list of child object names in this object. Note that this is a relative name, not an
    absolute path. To obtain the absolute path, concatenate with \l

    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Annotations
    Contains a QMap of an annotation pair. The annotation's name is stored in the QMap key and
    must be unique. The annotation's value is stored in the QMap's value and is arbitrary.

    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Arguments
    Contains a list of arguments to either a Method or a Signal. The arguments' order is important.

    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Methods
    Contains a QMap of methods and their names. The method's name is stored in the map's key and
    is not necessarily unique. The order in which multiple methods with the same name are stored
    in this map is undefined.

    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Signals
    Contains a QMap of signals and their names. The signal's name is stored in the map's key and
    is not necessarily unique. The order in which multiple signals with the same name are stored
    in this map is undefined.

    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Properties
    Contains a QMap of properties and their names. Each property must have a unique name.

    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Interfaces
    Contains a QMap of interfaces and their names. Each interface has a unique name.

    \typedef QDBusIntrospection::Objects
    Contains a QMap of objects and their paths relative to their immediate parent.

    Parses the XML document fragment (given by \a xml) containing one interface.

    The first element tag in this XML data must be either \<node\> or \<interface\>. If it is
    \<node\>, then the \<interface\> tag must be a child tag of the \<node\> one.

    If there are multiple interfaces in this XML data, it is undefined which one will be
QDBusIntrospection::parseInterface(const QString &xml)
    // be lazy
    Interfaces ifs = parseInterfaces(xml);
    if (ifs.isEmpty())
        return Interface();

    // return the first in map order (probably alphabetical order)
    return *ifs.constBegin().value();