static OptInterval find_bounds_for_lambda0(double aa0,double aa1,double cc0,double cc1, int insist_on_speeds_signs){ double a0=aa0,a1=aa1,c0=cc0,c1=cc1; Interval result; bool flip = a1<0; if (a1<0){a1=-a1; c1=-c1;} if (a0<0){a0=-a0; c0=-c0;} double a = (a0<a1 ? a0 : a1); double c = (c0<c1 ? c0 : c1); double delta = 1-4*a*c; if ( delta < 0 ) return OptInterval();//return empty interval double lambda_max = (1+std::sqrt(delta))/2/a; result = Interval(c,lambda_max); if (flip) result *= -1; if (insist_on_speeds_signs == 1){ if (result.max() < 0)//Caution: setMin with max<new min... return OptInterval();//return empty interval result.setMin(0); } result = Interval(result.min()-.1,result.max()+.1);//just in case all our approx. were exact... return result; }
Piecewise<SBasis> convole(SBasisOf<double> const &f, Interval dom_f, SBasisOf<double> const &g, Interval dom_g, bool f_cst_ends = false){ if ( dom_f.extent() < dom_g.extent() ) return convole(g, dom_g, f, dom_f); Piecewise<SBasis> result; SBasisOf<SBasisOf<double> > u,v; u.push_back(LinearOf<SBasisOf<double> >(SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(0,1)))); v.push_back(LinearOf<SBasisOf<double> >(SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(0,0)), SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(1,1)))); SBasisOf<SBasisOf<double> > v_u = (v - u)*(dom_f.extent()/dom_g.extent()); v_u += SBasisOf<SBasisOf<double> >(SBasisOf<double>(-dom_g.min()/dom_g.extent())); SBasisOf<SBasisOf<double> > gg = multi_compose(g,v_u); SBasisOf<SBasisOf<double> > ff = SBasisOf<SBasisOf<double> >(f); SBasisOf<SBasisOf<double> > hh = integral(ff*gg,0); result.cuts.push_back(dom_f.min()+dom_g.min()); //Note: we know dom_f.extent() >= dom_g.extent()!! //double rho = dom_f.extent()/dom_g.extent(); double t0 = dom_g.min()/dom_f.extent(); double t1 = dom_g.max()/dom_f.extent(); double t2 = t0+1; double t3 = t1+1; SBasisOf<double> a,b,t; SBasis seg; a = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(0,0)); b = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(0,t1-t0)); t = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(t0,t1)); seg = toSBasis(compose(hh,b,t)-compose(hh,a,t)); result.push(seg,dom_f.min() + dom_g.max()); if (dom_f.extent() > dom_g.extent()){ a = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(0,t2-t1)); b = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(t1-t0,1)); t = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(t1,t2)); seg = toSBasis(compose(hh,b,t)-compose(hh,a,t)); result.push(seg,dom_f.max() + dom_g.min()); } a = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(t2-t1,1.)); b = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(1.,1.)); t = SBasisOf<double>(LinearOf<double>(t2,t3)); seg = toSBasis(compose(hh,b,t)-compose(hh,a,t)); result.push(seg,dom_f.max() + dom_g.max()); result*=dom_f.extent(); //--constant ends correction-------------- if (f_cst_ends){ SBasis ig = toSBasis(integraaal(g))*dom_g.extent(); ig -= ig.at0(); Piecewise<SBasis> cor; cor.cuts.push_back(dom_f.min()+dom_g.min()); cor.push(reverse(ig)*f.at0(),dom_f.min()+dom_g.max()); cor.push(Linear(0),dom_f.max()+dom_g.min()); cor.push(ig*f.at1(),dom_f.max()+dom_g.max()); result+=cor; } //---------------------------------------- return result; }
void IntensityDistributionHistogram::construct( const Billon &billon, const Interval<uint> &sliceInterval, const Interval<int> &intensityInterval, const uint &smoothingRadius ) { const uint &width = billon.n_cols; const uint &height = billon.n_rows; const int &minVal = intensityInterval.min(); uint i, j, k; clear(); resize(intensityInterval.size()+1); for ( k=sliceInterval.min() ; k<=sliceInterval.max() ; ++k ) { const Slice &slice = billon.slice(k); for ( j=0 ; j<height ; ++j ) { for ( i=0 ; i<width ; ++i ) { if ( intensityInterval.containsClosed(,i)) ) ++((*this)[,i)-minVal]); } } } meansSmoothing(smoothingRadius,false); }
void IntensityDistributionHistogram::construct( const Billon &billon, const Interval<uint> &sliceInterval, const Interval<uint> §orInterval, const iCoord2D &pithCoord, const uint &maxDistance, const Interval<int> &intensityInterval, const uint &smoothingRadius ) { const uint &width = billon.n_cols; const uint &height = billon.n_rows; const int &minVal = intensityInterval.min(); uint i, j, k; clear(); resize(intensityInterval.size()+1); for ( j=0 ; j<height ; ++j ) { for ( i=0 ; i<width ; ++i ) { if ( sectorInterval.containsClosed(PieChartSingleton::getInstance()->sectorIndexOfAngle(pithCoord.angle(iCoord2D(i,j)))) && pithCoord.euclideanDistance(iCoord2D(i,j)) < maxDistance ) { for ( k=sliceInterval.min() ; k<=sliceInterval.max() ; ++k ) { if ( intensityInterval.containsClosed(billon.slice(k).at(j,i)) ) ++((*this)[billon.slice(k).at(j,i)-minVal]); } } } } meansSmoothing(smoothingRadius,false); }
Interval bounds_local(const SBasis &sb, const Interval &i, int order) { double t0=i.min(), t1=i.max(), lo=0., hi=0.; for(int j = sb.size()-1; j>=order; j--) { double a=sb[j][0]; double b=sb[j][1]; double t = 0; if (lo<0) t = ((b-a)/lo+1)*0.5; if (lo>=0 || t<t0 || t>t1) { lo = std::min(a*(1-t0)+b*t0+lo*t0*(1-t0),a*(1-t1)+b*t1+lo*t1*(1-t1)); }else{ lo = lerp(t, a+lo*t, b); } if (hi>0) t = ((b-a)/hi+1)*0.5; if (hi<=0 || t<t0 || t>t1) { hi = std::max(a*(1-t0)+b*t0+hi*t0*(1-t0),a*(1-t1)+b*t1+hi*t1*(1-t1)); }else{ hi = lerp(t, a+hi*t, b); } } Interval res = Interval(lo,hi); if (order>0) res*=pow(.25,order); return res; }
QVector<rCoord2D> restrictedAreaVertex( const Billon &billon, const Interval<uint> & sliceInterval, const uint & nbPolygonVertex, const int & intensityThreshold ) { Q_ASSERT_X( nbPolygonVertex>0 , "BillonTpl<T>::getRestrictedAreaVertex", "nbPolygonVertex arguments equals to 0 => division by zero" ); QVector<rCoord2D> vectAllVertex; if ( billon.hasPith() ) { const int width = billon.n_cols; const int height = billon.n_rows; const qreal angleIncrement = TWO_PI/static_cast<qreal>(nbPolygonVertex); rCoord2D edge, center; rVec2D direction; qreal orientation; for ( uint indexSlice = sliceInterval.min() ; indexSlice<=sliceInterval.max() ; ++indexSlice ) { const Slice & currentSlice = billon.slice(indexSlice); center.x = billon.pithCoord(indexSlice).x; center.y = billon.pithCoord(indexSlice).y; orientation = 0.; while (orientation < TWO_PI) { orientation += angleIncrement; direction = rVec2D(qCos(orientation),qSin(orientation)); edge = center + direction*30; while ( edge.x>0. && edge.y>0. && edge.x<width && edge.y<height && currentSlice(edge.y,edge.x) >= intensityThreshold ) { edge += direction; } vectAllVertex.push_back(edge); } } } return vectAllVertex; }
Piecewise<SBasis> reciprocalOnDomain(Interval range, double tol){ Piecewise<SBasis> reciprocal_fn; //TODO: deduce R from tol... double R=2.; SBasis reciprocal1_R=reciprocal(Linear(1,R),3); double a=range.min(), b=range.max(); if (a*b<0){ b=std::max(fabs(a),fabs(b)); a=0; }else if (b<0){ a=-range.max(); b=-range.min(); } if (a<=tol){ reciprocal_fn.push_cut(0); int i0=(int) floor(std::log(tol)/std::log(R)); a=pow(R,i0); reciprocal_fn.push(Linear(1/a),a); }else{ int i0=(int) floor(std::log(a)/std::log(R)); a=pow(R,i0); reciprocal_fn.cuts.push_back(a); } while (a<b){ reciprocal_fn.push(reciprocal1_R/a,R*a); a*=R; } if (range.min()<0 || range.max()<0){ Piecewise<SBasis>reciprocal_fn_neg; //TODO: define reverse(pw<sb>); reciprocal_fn_neg.cuts.push_back(-reciprocal_fn.cuts.back()); for (unsigned i=0; i<reciprocal_fn.size(); i++){ int idx=reciprocal_fn.segs.size()-1-i; reciprocal_fn_neg.push_seg(-reverse(; reciprocal_fn_neg.push_cut(; } if (range.max()>0){ reciprocal_fn_neg.concat(reciprocal_fn); } reciprocal_fn=reciprocal_fn_neg; } return(reciprocal_fn); }
void SectorHistogram::construct( const Billon &billon, const Interval<uint> &sliceInterval, const Interval<int> &intensity, const uint &zMotionMin, const int &radiusAroundPith ) { clear(); if ( billon.hasPith() && sliceInterval.isValid() && sliceInterval.width() > 0 ) { const int &width = billon.n_cols; const int &height = billon.n_rows; const qreal squareRadius = qPow(radiusAroundPith,2); fill(0.,PieChartSingleton::getInstance()->nbSectors()); QVector<int> circleLines; circleLines.reserve(2*radiusAroundPith+1); for ( int lineIndex=-radiusAroundPith ; lineIndex<=radiusAroundPith ; ++lineIndex ) { circleLines.append(qSqrt(squareRadius-qPow(lineIndex,2))); } QVector<int>::ConstIterator circlesLinesIterator; int iRadius; uint diff; iCoord2D currentPos; // Calcul du diagramme en parcourant les tranches du billon comprises dans l'intervalle for ( uint k=sliceInterval.min() ; k<=sliceInterval.max() ; ++k ) { const Slice ¤tSlice = billon.slice(k); const Slice &previousSlice = billon.previousSlice(k); const iCoord2D ¤tPithCoord = billon.pithCoord(k); currentPos.y = currentPithCoord.y-radiusAroundPith; for ( circlesLinesIterator = circleLines.constBegin() ; circlesLinesIterator != circleLines.constEnd() ; ++circlesLinesIterator ) { iRadius = *circlesLinesIterator; currentPos.x = currentPithCoord.x-iRadius; iRadius += currentPithCoord.x; while ( currentPos.x <= iRadius ) { if ( currentPos.x < width && currentPos.y < height && intensity.containsOpen(,currentPos.x)) && intensity.containsOpen(,currentPos.x)) ) { diff = billon.zMotion(currentPos.x,currentPos.y,k); //if ( motionInterval.containsClosed(diff) ) if ( diff >= zMotionMin ) { (*this)[PieChartSingleton::getInstance()->sectorIndexOfAngle( currentPithCoord.angle(currentPos) )] += diff-zMotionMin; } } currentPos.x++; } currentPos.y++; } } } }
static double my_f (const gsl_vector *v, void *params) { double x, y; bits_n_bobs* bnb = (bits_n_bobs *)params; x = gsl_vector_get(v, 0); y = gsl_vector_get(v, 1); Bezier b0(bnb->B[0], bnb->B[0]+bnb->dB[0]*x, bnb->A[0]+bnb->dA[0]*y, bnb->A[0]); Bezier b1(bnb->B[1], bnb->B[1]+bnb->dB[1]*x, bnb->A[1]+bnb->dA[1]*y, bnb->A[1]); D2<SBasis> zeroset(b0.toSBasis(), b1.toSBasis()); SBasis comp = compose((*bnb->ff),zeroset); Interval bounds = *bounds_fast(comp); double error = (bounds.max()>-bounds.min() ? bounds.max() : -bounds.min() ); //printf("error = %g %g %g\n", bounds.max(), bounds.min(), error); return error*error; }
//TODO: handle the case when B is "behind" A for the natural orientation of the level set. //TODO: more generally, there might be up to 4 solutions. Choose the best one! D2<SBasis> sb2d_cubic_solve(SBasis2d const &f, Geom::Point const &A, Geom::Point const &B){ D2<SBasis>result;//(Linear(A[X],B[X]),Linear(A[Y],B[Y])); //g_warning("check 0 = %f = %f!", f.apply(A[X],A[Y]), f.apply(B[X],B[Y])); SBasis2d f_u = partial_derivative(f , 0); SBasis2d f_v = partial_derivative(f , 1); SBasis2d f_uu = partial_derivative(f_u, 0); SBasis2d f_uv = partial_derivative(f_v, 0); SBasis2d f_vv = partial_derivative(f_v, 1); Geom::Point dfA(f_u.apply(A[X],A[Y]),f_v.apply(A[X],A[Y])); Geom::Point dfB(f_u.apply(B[X],B[Y]),f_v.apply(B[X],B[Y])); Geom::Point V0 = rot90(dfA); Geom::Point V1 = rot90(dfB); double D2fVV0 = f_uu.apply(A[X],A[Y])*V0[X]*V0[X]+ 2*f_uv.apply(A[X],A[Y])*V0[X]*V0[Y]+ f_vv.apply(A[X],A[Y])*V0[Y]*V0[Y]; double D2fVV1 = f_uu.apply(B[X],B[Y])*V1[X]*V1[X]+ 2*f_uv.apply(B[X],B[Y])*V1[X]*V1[Y]+ f_vv.apply(B[X],B[Y])*V1[Y]*V1[Y]; std::vector<D2<SBasis> > candidates = cubics_fitting_curvature(A,B,V0,V1,D2fVV0,D2fVV1); if (candidates.empty()) { return D2<SBasis>(Linear(A[X],B[X]),Linear(A[Y],B[Y])); } //TODO: I'm sure std algorithm could do that for me... double error = -1; unsigned best = 0; for (unsigned i=0; i<candidates.size(); i++){ Interval bounds = *bounds_fast(compose(f,candidates[i])); double new_error = (fabs(bounds.max())>fabs(bounds.min()) ? fabs(bounds.max()) : fabs(bounds.min()) ); if ( new_error < error || error < 0 ){ error = new_error; best = i; } } return candidates[best]; }
void subdiv_sbasis(SBasis const & s, std::vector<double> & roots, double left, double right) { Interval bs = bounds_fast(s); if(bs.min() > 0 || bs.max() < 0) return; // no roots here if(s.tailError(1) < 1e-7) { double t = s[0][0] / (s[0][0] - s[0][1]); roots.push_back(left*(1-t) + t*right); return; } double middle = (left + right)/2; subdiv_sbasis(compose(s, Linear(0, 0.5)), roots, left, middle); subdiv_sbasis(compose(s, Linear(0.5, 1.)), roots, middle, right); }
Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > doEffect_pwd2 (Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > & pwd2_in, Geom::Piecewise<Geom::D2<Geom::SBasis> > & pattern) { using namespace Geom; Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > uskeleton = arc_length_parametrization(pwd2_in, 2, .1); uskeleton = remove_short_cuts(uskeleton,.01); Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > n = rot90(derivative(uskeleton)); n = force_continuity(remove_short_cuts(n,.1)); D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > patternd2 = make_cuts_independent(pattern); Piecewise<SBasis> x = Piecewise<SBasis>(patternd2[0]); Piecewise<SBasis> y = Piecewise<SBasis>(patternd2[1]); Interval pattBnds = *bounds_exact(x); x -= pattBnds.min(); Interval pattBndsY = *bounds_exact(y); y -= (pattBndsY.max()+pattBndsY.min())/2; int nbCopies = int(uskeleton.cuts.back()/pattBnds.extent()); double scaling = 1; double pattWidth = pattBnds.extent() * scaling; if (scaling != 1.0) { x*=scaling; } double offs = 0; Piecewise<D2<SBasis> > output; for (int i=0; i<nbCopies; i++){ output.concat(compose(uskeleton,x+offs)+y*compose(n,x+offs)); offs+=pattWidth; } return output; }
void PlotConcavityPointSerieCurve::update( const ConcavityPointSerieCurve &curve, const Interval<qreal> &angularInterval ) { QVector<QPointF> datasMinConcavity(0); QVector<QPointF> datasMaxConcavity(0); QVector<QPointF> datasMinKnotArea(0); QVector<QPointF> datasMaxKnotArea(0); const int nbMaxConcavityPoints = curve.nbMaxConcavityPoints(); const int nbMinConcavityPoints = curve.nbMinConcavityPoints(); if ( nbMaxConcavityPoints || nbMinConcavityPoints ) { const qreal minAngle = angularInterval.min(); const qreal maxAngle = angularInterval.isValid() ? angularInterval.max() : angularInterval.max()+TWO_PI; int firstX, lastX; firstX = lastX = 0; if ( nbMaxConcavityPoints>0 && nbMinConcavityPoints>0 ) { firstX = qMin(curve.maxConcavityPointsSerie().first().x,curve.minConcavityPointsSerie().first().x); lastX = qMax(curve.maxConcavityPointsSerie().last().x,curve.minConcavityPointsSerie().last().x); } else if ( nbMaxConcavityPoints>0 ) { firstX = curve.maxConcavityPointsSerie().first().x; lastX = curve.maxConcavityPointsSerie().last().x; } else if ( nbMinConcavityPoints>0 ) { firstX = curve.minConcavityPointsSerie().first().x; lastX = curve.minConcavityPointsSerie().last().x; } if ( curve.nbMinConcavityPoints() > 0 ) { datasMinConcavity.reserve(curve.nbMinConcavityPoints()); QVector<rCoord2D>::ConstIterator begin = curve.minConcavityPointsSerie().begin(); const QVector<rCoord2D>::ConstIterator end = curve.minConcavityPointsSerie().end(); while ( begin != end ) { datasMinConcavity.append(QPointF(begin->x,begin->y)); ++begin; } datasMinKnotArea.resize(2); datasMinKnotArea[0] = QPointF( firstX, minAngle*RAD_TO_DEG_FACT ); datasMinKnotArea[1] = QPointF( lastX, minAngle*RAD_TO_DEG_FACT ); } if ( curve.nbMaxConcavityPoints() > 0 ) { datasMaxConcavity.reserve(curve.nbMaxConcavityPoints()); QVector<rCoord2D>::ConstIterator begin = curve.maxConcavityPointsSerie().begin(); const QVector<rCoord2D>::ConstIterator end = curve.maxConcavityPointsSerie().end(); while ( begin != end ) { datasMaxConcavity.append(QPointF(begin->x,begin->y)); ++begin; } datasMaxKnotArea.resize(2); datasMaxKnotArea[0] = QPointF( firstX, maxAngle*RAD_TO_DEG_FACT ); datasMaxKnotArea[1] = QPointF( lastX, maxAngle*RAD_TO_DEG_FACT ); } } _minConcavityPointsData.setSamples(datasMinConcavity); _maxConcavityPointsData.setSamples(datasMaxConcavity); _minKnotAreaAngle.setSamples(datasMinKnotArea); _maxKnotAreaAngle.setSamples(datasMaxKnotArea); }
static void multi_roots_internal(SBasis const &f, SBasis const &df, std::vector<double> const &levels, std::vector<std::vector<double> > &roots, double htol, double vtol, double a, double fa, double b, double fb){ if (f.size()==0){ int idx; idx=upper_level(levels,0,vtol); if (idx<(int)levels.size()&&fabs(<=vtol){ roots[idx].push_back(a); roots[idx].push_back(b); } return; } ////usefull? // if (f.size()==1){ // int idxa=upper_level(levels,fa); // int idxb=upper_level(levels,fb); // if (fa==fb){ // if (fa==levels[idxa]){ // roots[a]=idxa; // roots[b]=idxa; // } // return; // } // int idx_min=std::min(idxa,idxb); // int idx_max=std::max(idxa,idxb); // if (idx_max==levels.size()) idx_max-=1; // for(int i=idx_min;i<=idx_max; i++){ // double t=a+(b-a)*(levels[i]-fa)/(fb-fa); // if(a<t&&t<b) roots[t]=i; // } // return; // } if ((b-a)<htol){ //TODO: use different tol for t and f ? //TODO: unsigned idx ? (remove int casts when fixed) int idx=std::min(upper_level(levels,fa,vtol),upper_level(levels,fb,vtol)); if (idx==(int)levels.size()) idx-=1; double; if((fa-c)*(fb-c)<=0||fabs(fa-c)<vtol||fabs(fb-c)<vtol){ roots[idx].push_back((a+b)/2); } return; } int idxa=upper_level(levels,fa,vtol); int idxb=upper_level(levels,fb,vtol); Interval bs = bounds_local(df,Interval(a,b)); //first times when a level (higher or lower) can be reached from a or b. double ta_hi,tb_hi,ta_lo,tb_lo; ta_hi=ta_lo=b+1;//default values => no root there. tb_hi=tb_lo=a-1;//default values => no root there. if (idxa<(int)levels.size() && fabs(<vtol){//a can be considered a root. //ta_hi=ta_lo=a; roots[idxa].push_back(a); ta_hi=ta_lo=a+htol; }else{ if (bs.max()>0 && idxa<(int)levels.size()) ta_hi=a+( )-fa)/bs.max(); if (bs.min()<0 && idxa>0) ta_lo=a+(; } if (idxb<(int)levels.size() && fabs(<vtol){//b can be considered a root. //tb_hi=tb_lo=b; roots[idxb].push_back(b); tb_hi=tb_lo=b-htol; }else{ if (bs.min()<0 && idxb<(int)levels.size()) tb_hi=b+( )-fb)/bs.min(); if (bs.max()>0 && idxb>0) tb_lo=b+(; } double t0,t1; t0=std::min(ta_hi,ta_lo); t1=std::max(tb_hi,tb_lo); //hum, rounding errors frighten me! so I add this +tol... if (t0>t1+htol) return;//no root here. if (fabs(t1-t0)<htol){ multi_roots_internal(f,df,levels,roots,htol,vtol,t0,f(t0),t1,f(t1)); }else{ double t,t_left,t_right,ft,ft_left,ft_right; t_left =t_right =t =(t0+t1)/2; ft_left=ft_right=ft=f(t); int idx=upper_level(levels,ft,vtol); if (idx<(int)levels.size() && fabs(<vtol){//t can be considered a root. roots[idx].push_back(t); //we do not want to count it twice (from the left and from the right) t_left =t-htol/2; t_right=t+htol/2; ft_left =f(t_left); ft_right=f(t_right); } multi_roots_internal(f,df,levels,roots,htol,vtol,t0 ,f(t0) ,t_left,ft_left); multi_roots_internal(f,df,levels,roots,htol,vtol,t_right,ft_right,t1 ,f(t1) ); } }
Piecewise<SBasis> log(Interval in) { Piecewise<SBasis> I = integral(Geom::reciprocal(Linear(in.min(), in.max()))); return I + Piecewise<SBasis> (-I.segs[0][0] + log(in.min())); }
bool operator == (const Interval<U>& v){ return min()==v.min() && max()==v.max(); }
virtual void draw(cairo_t *cr, std::ostringstream *notify, int width, int height, bool save, std::ostringstream *timer_stream) { double slider_top = width/4.; double slider_bot = width*3./4.; double slider_margin = width/8.; if(hand.pts.empty()) { hand.pts.push_back(Geom::Point(width*3./16., 3*width/4.)); hand.pts.push_back(hand.pts[0] + Geom::Point(width/2., 0)); hand.pts.push_back(hand.pts[0] + Geom::Point(width/8., -width/12.)); hand.pts.push_back(hand.pts[0] + Geom::Point(0,-width/4.)); hand.pts.push_back(Geom::Point(slider_margin,slider_bot)); hand.pts.push_back(Geom::Point(width-slider_margin,slider_top)); } hand.pts[4][X] = slider_margin; if (hand.pts[4][Y]<slider_top) hand.pts[4][Y] = slider_top; if (hand.pts[4][Y]>slider_bot) hand.pts[4][Y] = slider_bot; hand.pts[5][X] = width-slider_margin; if (hand.pts[5][Y]<slider_top) hand.pts[5][Y] = slider_top; if (hand.pts[5][Y]>slider_bot) hand.pts[5][Y] = slider_bot; double tA = (slider_bot-hand.pts[4][Y])/(slider_bot-slider_top); double tB = (slider_bot-hand.pts[5][Y])/(slider_bot-slider_top); cairo_move_to(cr,Geom::Point(slider_margin,slider_bot)); cairo_line_to(cr,Geom::Point(slider_margin,slider_top)); cairo_move_to(cr,Geom::Point(width-slider_margin,slider_bot)); cairo_line_to(cr,Geom::Point(width-slider_margin,slider_top)); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.5); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0.3, 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); Frame frame; frame.O = hand.pts[0];// frame.x = hand.pts[1]-hand.pts[0];// frame.y = hand.pts[2]-hand.pts[0];// frame.z = hand.pts[3]-hand.pts[0];// /* SBasis2d f = y_x2(); D2<SBasis> true_solution(Linear(0,1),Linear(0,1)); true_solution[Y].push_back(Linear(-1,-1)); SBasis zero = SBasis(Linear(0.)); Geom::Point A = true_solution(tA); Geom::Point B = true_solution(tB); */ SBasis2d f = x2_plus_y2_1(); D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > true_solution; true_solution[X] = cos(SBasis(Linear(0,3.141592/2))); true_solution[Y] = sin(SBasis(Linear(0,3.141592/2))); Piecewise<SBasis> zero = Piecewise<SBasis>(SBasis(Linear(0.))); //Geom::Point A(cos(tA*M_PI/2), sin(tA*M_PI/2));// = true_solution(tA); //Geom::Point B(cos(tB*M_PI/2), sin(tB*M_PI/2));// = true_solution(tB); Geom::Point A = true_solution(tA); Geom::Point B = true_solution(tB); Point dA(-sin(tA*M_PI/2), cos(tA*M_PI/2)); Geom::Point dB(-sin(tB*M_PI/2), cos(tB*M_PI/2)); SBasis2d dfdu = partial_derivative(f, 0); SBasis2d dfdv = partial_derivative(f, 1); Geom::Point dfA(dfdu.apply(A[X],A[Y]),dfdv.apply(A[X],A[Y])); Geom::Point dfB(dfdu.apply(B[X],B[Y]),dfdv.apply(B[X],B[Y])); dA = rot90(dfA); dB = rot90(dfB); plot3d(cr,Linear(0,1),Linear(0,0),Linear(0,0),frame); plot3d(cr,Linear(0,1),Linear(1,1),Linear(0,0),frame); plot3d(cr,Linear(0,0),Linear(0,1),Linear(0,0),frame); plot3d(cr,Linear(1,1),Linear(0,1),Linear(0,0),frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.2); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); plot3d_top(cr,f,frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,1); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, .5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); plot3d(cr,f,frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.2); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, .5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); plot3d(cr, true_solution[X], true_solution[Y], zero, frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.5); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); double error; for(int degree = 2; degree < 2; degree++) { D2<SBasis> zeroset = sb2dsolve(f,A,B,degree); plot3d(cr, zeroset[X], zeroset[Y], SBasis(Linear(0.)),frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,1); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0., 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); SBasis comp = compose(f,zeroset); plot3d(cr, zeroset[X], zeroset[Y], comp, frame); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.7, 0., 0.7, 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); //Fix Me: bounds_exact does not work here?!?! Interval bounds = *bounds_fast(comp); error = (bounds.max()>-bounds.min() ? bounds.max() : -bounds.min() ); } if (1) { bits_n_bobs par = {&f, A, B, dA, dB}; bits_n_bobs* bnb = ∥ std::cout << f[0] << "= intial f \n"; const gsl_multimin_fminimizer_type *T = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_nmsimplex; gsl_multimin_fminimizer *s = NULL; gsl_vector *ss, *x; gsl_multimin_function minex_func; size_t iter = 0; int status; double size; /* Starting point */ x = gsl_vector_alloc (2); gsl_vector_set (x, 0, 0.552); // magic number for quarter circle gsl_vector_set (x, 1, 0.552); /* Set initial step sizes to 1 */ ss = gsl_vector_alloc (2); gsl_vector_set_all (ss, 0.1); /* Initialize method and iterate */ minex_func.n = 2; minex_func.f = &my_f; minex_func.params = (void *)∥ s = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_alloc (T, 2); gsl_multimin_fminimizer_set (s, &minex_func, x, ss); do { iter++; status = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_iterate(s); if (status) break; size = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_size (s); status = gsl_multimin_test_size (size, 1e-7); if (status == GSL_SUCCESS) { printf ("converged to minimum at\n"); } } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 100); printf ("%5lu %g %gf f() = %g size = %g\n", iter, gsl_vector_get (s->x, 0), gsl_vector_get (s->x, 1), s->fval, size); { double x = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 0); double y = gsl_vector_get(s->x, 1); Bezier b0(bnb->B[0], bnb->B[0]+bnb->dB[0]*x, bnb->A[0]+bnb->dA[0]*y, bnb->A[0]); Bezier b1(bnb->B[1], bnb->B[1]+bnb->dB[1]*x, bnb->A[1]+bnb->dA[1]*y, bnb->A[1]); D2<SBasis> zeroset(b0.toSBasis(), b1.toSBasis()); plot3d(cr, zeroset[X], zeroset[Y], SBasis(Linear(0.)),frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,1); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0., 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); SBasis comp = compose(f,zeroset); plot3d(cr, zeroset[X], zeroset[Y], comp, frame); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.7, 0., 0.7, 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); //Fix Me: bounds_exact does not work here?!?! Interval bounds = *bounds_fast(comp); error = (bounds.max()>-bounds.min() ? bounds.max() : -bounds.min() ); } gsl_vector_free(x); gsl_vector_free(ss); gsl_multimin_fminimizer_free (s); } *notify << "Gray: f-graph and true solution,\n"; *notify << "Red: solver solution,\n"; *notify << "Purple: value of f over solver solution.\n"; *notify << " error: "<< error <<".\n"; Toy::draw(cr, notify, width, height, save,timer_stream); }
Crossings mono_intersect(Curve const & A, Interval const &Ad, Curve const & B, Interval const &Bd) { Crossings ret; mono_intersect(A, Ad.min(), Ad.max(), B, Bd.min(), Bd.max(), ret); return ret; }
virtual void draw(cairo_t *cr, std::ostringstream *notify, int width, int height, bool save) { double slider_top = width/4.; double slider_bot = width*3./4.; double slider_margin = width/8.; if(hand.pts.empty()) { hand.pts.push_back(Geom::Point(width*3./16., 3*width/4.)); hand.pts.push_back(hand.pts[0] + Geom::Point(width/2., 0)); hand.pts.push_back(hand.pts[0] + Geom::Point(width/8., -width/12.)); hand.pts.push_back(hand.pts[0] + Geom::Point(0,-width/4.)); hand.pts.push_back(Geom::Point(slider_margin,slider_bot)); hand.pts.push_back(Geom::Point(width-slider_margin,slider_top)); } hand.pts[4][X] = slider_margin; if (hand.pts[4][Y]<slider_top) hand.pts[4][Y] = slider_top; if (hand.pts[4][Y]>slider_bot) hand.pts[4][Y] = slider_bot; hand.pts[5][X] = width-slider_margin; if (hand.pts[5][Y]<slider_top) hand.pts[5][Y] = slider_top; if (hand.pts[5][Y]>slider_bot) hand.pts[5][Y] = slider_bot; double tA = (slider_bot-hand.pts[4][Y])/(slider_bot-slider_top); double tB = (slider_bot-hand.pts[5][Y])/(slider_bot-slider_top); cairo_move_to(cr,Geom::Point(slider_margin,slider_bot)); cairo_line_to(cr,Geom::Point(slider_margin,slider_top)); cairo_move_to(cr,Geom::Point(width-slider_margin,slider_bot)); cairo_line_to(cr,Geom::Point(width-slider_margin,slider_top)); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.5); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0.3, 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); Frame frame; frame.O = hand.pts[0];// frame.x = hand.pts[1]-hand.pts[0];// frame.y = hand.pts[2]-hand.pts[0];// frame.z = hand.pts[3]-hand.pts[0];// #if 0 SBasis2d f = y_x2(); D2<SBasis> true_solution(Linear(0,1),Linear(0,1)); true_solution[Y].push_back(Linear(-1,-1)); SBasis zero = SBasis(Linear(0.)); Geom::Point A = true_solution(tA); Geom::Point B = true_solution(tB); #else SBasis2d f = x2_plus_y2_1(); D2<Piecewise<SBasis> > true_solution; true_solution[X] = cos(SBasis(Linear(0,3.14/2))); true_solution[Y] = sin(SBasis(Linear(0,3.14/2))); Piecewise<SBasis> zero = Piecewise<SBasis>(SBasis(Linear(0.))); Geom::Point A = true_solution(tA); Geom::Point B = true_solution(tB); #endif plot3d(cr,Linear(0,1),Linear(0,0),Linear(0,0),frame); plot3d(cr,Linear(0,1),Linear(1,1),Linear(0,0),frame); plot3d(cr,Linear(0,0),Linear(0,1),Linear(0,0),frame); plot3d(cr,Linear(1,1),Linear(0,1),Linear(0,0),frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.2); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); plot3d_top(cr,f,frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,1); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, .5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); plot3d(cr,f,frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.2); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, .5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); plot3d(cr, true_solution[X], true_solution[Y], zero, frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,.5); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0., 0., 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); double error; for(int degree = 1; degree < 4; degree++) { //D2<SBasis> zeroset = sb2dsolve(f,A,B,degree); D2<SBasis> zeroset = sb2d_cubic_solve(f,A,B); plot3d(cr, zeroset[X], zeroset[Y], SBasis(Linear(0.)),frame); cairo_set_line_width(cr,1); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.9, 0., 0., 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); SBasis comp = compose(f,zeroset); plot3d(cr, zeroset[X], zeroset[Y], comp, frame); cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 0.7, 0., 0.7, 1.); cairo_stroke(cr); //Fix Me: bounds_exact does not work here?!?! Interval bounds = *bounds_fast(comp); error = (bounds.max()>-bounds.min() ? bounds.max() : -bounds.min() ); } *notify << "Gray: f-graph and true solution,\n"; *notify << "Red: solver solution,\n"; *notify << "Purple: value of f over solver solution.\n"; *notify << " error: "<< error <<".\n"; Toy::draw(cr, notify, width, height, save); }