Пример #1
Socket::Status UdpSocket::send(const void* data, std::size_t size, const IpAddress& remoteAddress, unsigned short remotePort)
    // Create the internal socket if it doesn't exist

    // Make sure that all the data will fit in one datagram
    if (size > MaxDatagramSize)
        err() << "Cannot send data over the network "
              << "(the number of bytes to send is greater than sf::UdpSocket::MaxDatagramSize)" << std::endl;
        return Error;

    // Build the target address
    sockaddr_in address = priv::SocketImpl::createAddress(remoteAddress.toInteger(), remotePort);

    // Send the data (unlike TCP, all the data is always sent in one call)
    int sent = sendto(getHandle(), static_cast<const char*>(data), static_cast<int>(size), 0, reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&address), sizeof(address));

    // Check for errors
    if (sent < 0)
        return priv::SocketImpl::getErrorStatus();

    return Done;
Пример #2
    Socket::Status TcpListener::Listen(unsigned short port, const IpAddress& address)

        if ((address == IpAddress::None) || (address == IpAddress::Broadcast))
            return Error;

        sockaddr_in addr = be::SocketBE::createAddress(address.toInteger(), port);
        if (bind(GetHandle(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&addr), sizeof(addr)) == -1)
            return Error;
        if (::listen(GetHandle(), 0) == -1)
            return Error;
        return Done;
Пример #3
Socket::Status UdpSocket::bind(unsigned short port, const IpAddress& address)
    // Create the internal socket if it doesn't exist

    // Check if the address is valid
    if ((address == IpAddress::None) || (address == IpAddress::Broadcast))
        return Error;

    // Bind the socket
    sockaddr_in addr = priv::SocketImpl::createAddress(address.toInteger(), port);
    if (::bind(getHandle(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&addr), sizeof(addr)) == -1)
        err() << "Failed to bind socket to port " << port << std::endl;
        return Error;

    return Done;
Пример #4
Socket::Status TcpSocket::connect(const IpAddress& remoteAddress, unsigned short remotePort, Time timeout)
    // Disconnect the socket if it is already connected

    // Create the internal socket if it doesn't exist

    // Create the remote address
    sockaddr_in address = priv::SocketImpl::createAddress(remoteAddress.toInteger(), remotePort);

    if (timeout <= Time::Zero)
        // ----- We're not using a timeout: just try to connect -----

        // Connect the socket
        if (::connect(getHandle(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&address), sizeof(address)) == -1)
            return priv::SocketImpl::getErrorStatus();

        // Connection succeeded
        return Done;
        // ----- We're using a timeout: we'll need a few tricks to make it work -----

        // Save the previous blocking state
        bool blocking = isBlocking();

        // Switch to non-blocking to enable our connection timeout
        if (blocking)

        // Try to connect to the remote address
        if (::connect(getHandle(), reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&address), sizeof(address)) >= 0)
            // We got instantly connected! (it may no happen a lot...)
            return Done;

        // Get the error status
        Status status = priv::SocketImpl::getErrorStatus();

        // If we were in non-blocking mode, return immediately
        if (!blocking)
            return status;

        // Otherwise, wait until something happens to our socket (success, timeout or error)
        if (status == Socket::NotReady)
            // Setup the selector
            fd_set selector;
            FD_SET(getHandle(), &selector);

            // Setup the timeout
            timeval time;
            time.tv_sec  = static_cast<long>(timeout.asMicroseconds() / 1000000);
            time.tv_usec = static_cast<long>(timeout.asMicroseconds() % 1000000);

            // Wait for something to write on our socket (which means that the connection request has returned)
            if (select(static_cast<int>(getHandle() + 1), NULL, &selector, NULL, &time) > 0)
                // At this point the connection may have been either accepted or refused.
                // To know whether it's a success or a failure, we must check the address of the connected peer
                if (getRemoteAddress() != IpAddress::None)
                    // Connection accepted
                    status = Done;
                    // Connection refused
                    status = priv::SocketImpl::getErrorStatus();
                // Failed to connect before timeout is over
                status = priv::SocketImpl::getErrorStatus();

        // Switch back to blocking mode

        return status;
Пример #5
bool operator <(const IpAddress& left, const IpAddress& right)
    return left.toInteger() < right.toInteger();