void GPMTreeHeaderWidget::TableDrawCell ( JPainter& p, const JPoint& cell, const JRect& rect ) { JXDrawUpFrame(p, rect, kJXDefaultBorderWidth); JString str; if (!GetColTitle(cell.x, &str)) { str = JString(cell.x, JString::kBase10); } JSize underLines = 0; if (itsList->TreeColIsSelected(cell.x)) { underLines = 1; } const JFont font = GetFontManager()->GetFont( JGetDefaultFontName(), JGetDefaultRowColHeaderFontSize(), JFontStyle(kJTrue, kJFalse, underLines, kJFalse, (p.GetColormap())->GetBlackColor())); p.SetFont(font); p.String(rect, str, JPainter::kHAlignCenter, JPainter::kVAlignCenter); }
void JXColHeaderWidget::TableDrawCell ( JPainter& p, const JPoint& cell, const JRect& rect ) { JXDrawUpFrame(p, rect, kCellFrameWidth); JString str; JBoolean hasTitle = kJFalse; if (itsTitles != NULL) { const JString* title = itsTitles->NthElement(cell.x); if (title != NULL) { str = *title; hasTitle = kJTrue; } } if (!hasTitle) { str = JString(cell.x, 0); } p.SetFont(JGetDefaultFontName(), kFontSize, JFontStyle(kJTrue, kJFalse, 0, kJFalse, (p.GetColormap())->GetBlackColor())); p.String(rect, str, JPainter::kHAlignCenter, JPainter::kVAlignCenter); }
void JXRowHeaderWidget::TableDrawCell ( JPainter& p, const JPoint& cell, const JRect& rect ) { JXDrawUpFrame(p, rect, kCellFrameWidth); JString str; JBoolean hasTitle = kJFalse; if (itsTitles != NULL) { const JString* title = itsTitles->NthElement(cell.y); if (title != NULL) { str = *title; hasTitle = kJTrue; } } if (!hasTitle) { str = JString(cell.y, JString::kBase10); } p.SetFont(JGetDefaultFontName(), kJDefaultRowColHeaderFontSize, JFontStyle(kJTrue, kJFalse, 0, kJFalse, (p.GetColormap())->GetBlackColor())); p.String(rect, str, JPainter::kHAlignCenter, JPainter::kVAlignCenter); const JCoordinate wmin = p.GetStringWidth(str) + 2*itsHMarginWidth; if (rect.width() < wmin && itsMaxBcastWidth < wmin) { Broadcast(NeedsToBeWidened(wmin - itsMaxBcastWidth)); itsMaxBcastWidth = wmin; } }
void CBCommandTable::TableDrawCell ( JPainter& p, const JPoint& cell, const JRect& rect ) { JPoint editCell; if (GetEditedCell(&editCell) && cell == editCell) { return; } HilightIfSelected(p, cell, rect); const CBCommandManager::CmdInfo info = itsCmdList->GetElement(cell.y); if (info.separator) { JPoint pt1 = rect.bottomLeft(), pt2 = rect.bottomRight(); pt1.y--; pt2.y--; p.Line(pt1, pt2); } if (cell.x == kOptionsColumn) { JString s; if (info.isMake) { s += ",M"; } if (info.isVCS) { s += ",V"; } if (info.saveAll) { s += ",S"; } if (info.oneAtATime) { s += ",O"; } if (info.useWindow) { s += ",W"; } if (info.raiseWindowWhenStart) { s += ",R"; } if (info.beepWhenFinished) { s += ",B"; } if (!s.IsEmpty()) { if (s.GetFirstCharacter() == ',') { s.RemoveSubstring(1,1); } p.String(rect, s, JPainter::kHAlignCenter, JPainter::kVAlignCenter); } } else { const JString* s = NULL; JFontStyle style; if (cell.x == kMenuTextColumn) { s = info.menuText; } else if (cell.x == kMenuShortcutColumn) { s = info.menuShortcut; } else if (cell.x == kScriptNameColumn) { s = info.name; } else if (cell.x == kCommandColumn) { s = info.cmd; } else if (cell.x == kPathColumn) { s = info.path; style.color = CBCommandPathInput::GetTextColor(*s, itsBasePath, kJFalse, p.GetColormap()); } assert( s != NULL ); p.SetFont(itsFontName, itsFontSize, style); JRect r = rect; r.left += kHMarginWidth; p.String(r, *s, JPainter::kHAlignLeft, JPainter::kVAlignCenter); } }
void JXTreeListWidget::TableDrawCell ( JPainter& p, const JPoint& cell, const JRect& rect ) { if (JIndex(cell.x) == itsNodeColIndex && itsDrawSelectionFlag) { HilightIfSelected(p, cell, rect); } const JTreeNode* node = itsTreeList->GetNode(cell.y); if (JIndex(cell.x) == itsToggleOpenColIndex && node->IsOpenable()) { p.ShiftOrigin(rect.topLeft()); const JPolygon* triangle = (itsTreeList->IsOpen(cell.y) ? &kOpenTriangle : &kClosedTriangle); if (kOpenTriangle.IsEmpty()) { kOpenTriangle.AppendElement(JPoint(5, 6)); kOpenTriangle.AppendElement(JPoint(15, 6)); kOpenTriangle.AppendElement(JPoint(10, 11)); kClosedTriangle.AppendElement(JPoint(10, 3)); kClosedTriangle.AppendElement(JPoint(15, 8)); kClosedTriangle.AppendElement(JPoint(10, 13)); } const JColormap* colormap = p.GetColormap(); if ((itsToggleDragIndex == cell.y && itsMouseInToggleFlag) || itsDNDTargetIndex == JIndex(cell.y)) { p.SetFilling(kJTrue); p.SetPenColor(colormap->GetBlackColor()); p.Polygon(*triangle); } else { p.SetFilling(kJTrue); p.SetPenColor(colormap->GetGrayColor(90)); p.Polygon(*triangle); p.SetFilling(kJFalse); p.SetPenColor(colormap->GetBlackColor()); p.Polygon(*triangle); } p.ShiftOrigin(-(rect.topLeft())); } else if (JIndex(cell.x) == itsNodeColIndex) { JRect r = rect; r.left += GetNodeIndent(cell.y); p.SetClipRect(r); TLWDrawNode(p, cell, r); // Table controls clip rect, so we don't have to reset it. } }
void GPMProcessTreeList::TableDrawCell ( JPainter& p, const JPoint& cell, const JRect& rect ) { GPMProcessTable::DrawRowBackground(p, cell, rect, (p.GetColormap())->GetGrayColor(95)); if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeOpenClose || cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeCommand) { JXNamedTreeListWidget::TableDrawCell(p, cell, rect); return; } HilightIfSelected(p, cell, rect); const JTreeNode* node = GetTreeList()->GetNode(cell.y); const GPMProcessEntry& entry = * dynamic_cast<const GPMProcessEntry*>(node); JString str; JPainter::HAlignment halign = JPainter::kHAlignRight; if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeState) { GPMProcessTable::DrawProcessState(entry, p, rect, *itsZombieImage); } else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreePID) { str = JString(entry.GetPID(), JString::kBase10); } else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeUser) { str = entry.GetUser(); halign = JPainter::kHAlignLeft; } /* else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreePPID) { str = JString(entry.GetPPID(), JString::kBase10); } else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreePriority) { str = JString(entry.GetPriority(), JString::kBase10); } */ else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeNice) { str = JString(entry.GetNice(), JString::kBase10); } else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeSize) { str = JString(entry.GetSize(), JString::kBase10); } /* else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeResident) { str = JString(entry.GetResident(), JString::kBase10); } else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeShare) { str = JString(entry.GetShare(), JString::kBase10); } */ else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeCPU) { str = JString(entry.GetPercentCPU(), 1); } else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeMemory) { str = JString(entry.GetPercentMemory(), 1); } else if (cell.x == GPMProcessList::kTreeTime) { str = JString(entry.GetTime(), JString::kBase10); } JRect r = rect; r.left += kHMarginWidth; r.right -= kHMarginWidth; p.JPainter::String(r, str, halign, JPainter::kVAlignCenter); }