Пример #1
void JSModuleWriter::WriteModulePreInit(String& source)
    source.AppendWithFormat("\nvoid jsb_package_%s_preinit_%s (JSVM* vm)\n{\n\njsb_declare_classes(vm);\n",
                            module_->package_->GetName().ToLower().CString(), module_->GetName().ToLower().CString());

    // register enums and constants
    source += "// enums and constants\n";
    source += "duk_context* ctx = vm->GetJSContext();\n";
    source.AppendWithFormat("duk_get_global_string(ctx, \"%s\");\n", module_->package_->GetName().CString());
    source += "// enums\n";

    Vector<SharedPtr<JSBEnum>> enums = module_->enums_.Values();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < enums.Size(); i++)
        JSBEnum* jenum = enums[i];

        HashMap<String, String>& values = jenum->GetValues();

        HashMap<String, String>::ConstIterator itr = values.Begin();

        while (itr != values.End())
            String name = (*itr).first_;
            source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_number(ctx, (double) %s);\n", name.CString());
            source.AppendWithFormat("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"%s\");\n",name.CString());
    source += "// constants\n";

    Vector<String> constants = module_->constants_.Keys();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < constants.Size(); i++)
        source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_number(ctx, (double) %s);\n", constants.At(i).CString());
        source.AppendWithFormat("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"%s\");\n", constants.At(i).CString());

    source += "duk_pop(ctx);\n";
    source += "// end enums and constants\n";

    source += "\n}\n";

void JSBModuleWriter::WriteModulePreInit(String& source)
    source.AppendWithFormat("\nvoid jsb_package_%s_preinit_%s (JSVM* vm)\n{\n\njsb_declare_classes(vm);\n",
                            module_->package_->GetName().ToLower().CString(), module_->GetName().ToLower().CString());

    // register enums and constants
    source += "// enums and constants\n";
    source += "duk_context* ctx = vm->GetJSContext();\n";
    source += "duk_get_global_string(ctx, \"Atomic\");\n";

    source += "// enums\n";

    Vector<SharedPtr<JSBEnum>> enums = module_->enums_.Values();

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < enums.Size(); i++)
        JSBEnum* jenum = enums[i];

        Vector<String>& values = jenum->GetValues();

        for (unsigned k = 0; k < values.Size(); k++)
            source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_number(ctx, (double) %s);\n", values[k].CString());
            source.AppendWithFormat("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"%s\");\n",values[k].CString());
    source += "// constants\n";

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < module_->constants_.Size(); i++)
        source.AppendWithFormat("duk_push_number(ctx, (double) %s);\n",  module_->constants_.At(i).CString());
        source.AppendWithFormat("duk_put_prop_string(ctx, -2, \"%s\");\n",  module_->constants_.At(i).CString());

    source += "duk_pop(ctx);\n";
    source += "// end enums and constants\n";

    source += "\n}\n";

void CSModuleWriter::GenerateManagedEnumsAndConstants(String& source)
    Vector<SharedPtr<JSBEnum>> enums = module_->enums_.Values();


    for (unsigned i = 0; i < enums.Size(); i++)
        JSBEnum* jenum = enums[i];

        source += "\n";
        String line = "public enum " + jenum->GetName() + "\n";
        source += IndentLine(line);
        source += IndentLine("{\n");

        HashMap<String, String>& values = jenum->GetValues();

        HashMap<String, String>::ConstIterator itr = values.Begin();


        while (itr != values.End())
            String name = (*itr).first_;
            String value = (*itr).second_;

            if (value.Length())
                line = name + " = " + value;
                line = name;


            if (itr != values.End())
                line += ",";

            line += "\n";

            source += IndentLine(line);



        source += IndentLine("}\n");


    // constants

    HashMap<String, JSBModule::Constant>& constants = module_->GetConstants();

    if (constants.Size())

        source += "\n";

        String line = "public static partial class Constants\n";
        source += IndentLine(line);
        source += IndentLine("{\n");

        const Vector<String>& constantsName = constants.Keys();


        for (unsigned i = 0; i < constantsName.Size(); i++)
            const String& cname = constantsName.At(i);

            JSBModule::Constant& constant = constants[cname];

            String managedType = GetManagedPrimitiveType(constant.type);

            String value = constant.value;

            if (!value.Length())

            //static const unsigned M_MIN_UNSIGNED = 0x00000000;
//            /static const unsigned M_MAX_UNSIGNED = 0xffffffff;

            if (cname == "M_MIN_INT")
                value = "int.MinValue";

            if (cname == "M_INFINITY")
                value = "float.MaxValue";

            if (value == "M_MAX_UNSIGNED")
                value = "0xffffffff";

            // Input stuff

            if (module_->GetName() == "Input")
                if (cname.StartsWith("KEY_"))
                    if (value.Length() == 1 && (IsAlpha(value[0]) || IsDigit(value[0])))
                        value = "'" + value + "'";

                // https://raw.githubusercontent.com/flibitijibibo/SDL2-CS/master/src/SDL2.cs

                if (value.StartsWith("SDL_BUTTON_") || value.StartsWith("SDL_HAT_"))
                    value = "(int) SDL." + value;
                else if (value.StartsWith("SDLK_"))
                    value = "(int) SDL.SDL_Keycode." + value;
                else if (value.StartsWith("SDL_SCANCODE_"))
                    value = "(int) SDL.SDL_Scancode." + value;
                else if (value.StartsWith("SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_"))
                    value = "(int) SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton." + value;
                else if (value.StartsWith("SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_"))
                    value = "(int) SDL.SDL_GameControllerAxis." + value;

            String line = "public const " + managedType + " " + cname + " = " + value;

            if (managedType == "float" && !line.EndsWith("f") && IsDigit(line[line.Length()-1]))
                line += "f";

            line += ";\n";

            source += IndentLine(line);



        source += "\n";
        line = "}\n";
        source += IndentLine(line);


    source += "\n";

