Пример #1
JSValueRef JSEvaluateScriptInternal(const JSLockHolder&, ExecState* exec, JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef thisObject, const SourceCode& source, JSValueRef* exception)

    JSObject* jsThisObject = toJS(thisObject);

    // evaluate sets "this" to the global object if it is NULL
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    JSGlobalObject* globalObject = vm.vmEntryGlobalObject(exec);
    NakedPtr<Exception> evaluationException;
    JSValue returnValue = profiledEvaluate(globalObject->globalExec(), ProfilingReason::API, source, jsThisObject, evaluationException);

    if (evaluationException) {
        if (exception)
            *exception = toRef(exec, evaluationException->value());
        // FIXME: If we have a debugger attached we could learn about ParseError exceptions through
        // ScriptDebugServer::sourceParsed and this path could produce a duplicate warning. The
        // Debugger path is currently ignored by inspector.
        // NOTE: If we don't have a debugger, this SourceCode will be forever lost to the inspector.
        // We could stash it in the inspector in case an inspector is ever opened.
        globalObject->inspectorController().reportAPIException(exec, evaluationException);
        return nullptr;

    if (returnValue)
        return toRef(exec, returnValue);

    // happens, for example, when the only statement is an empty (';') statement
    return toRef(exec, jsUndefined());
Пример #2
void JSGlobalContextSetIncludesNativeCallStackWhenReportingExceptions(JSGlobalContextRef ctx, bool includesNativeCallStack)
    if (!ctx) {

    ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    JSLockHolder lock(exec);

    JSGlobalObject* globalObject = exec->vmEntryGlobalObject();
Пример #3
JSValueRef JSEvaluateScript(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef script, JSObjectRef thisObject, JSStringRef sourceURL, int startingLineNumber, JSValueRef* exception)
    if (!ctx) {
        return 0;
    ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    JSLockHolder locker(exec);

    JSObject* jsThisObject = toJS(thisObject);

    startingLineNumber = std::max(1, startingLineNumber);

    // evaluate sets "this" to the global object if it is NULL
    JSGlobalObject* globalObject = exec->vmEntryGlobalObject();
    auto sourceURLString = sourceURL ? sourceURL->string() : String();
    SourceCode source = makeSource(script->string(), SourceOrigin { sourceURLString }, sourceURLString, TextPosition(OrdinalNumber::fromOneBasedInt(startingLineNumber), OrdinalNumber()));

    NakedPtr<Exception> evaluationException;
    JSValue returnValue = profiledEvaluate(globalObject->globalExec(), ProfilingReason::API, source, jsThisObject, evaluationException);

    if (evaluationException) {
        if (exception)
            *exception = toRef(exec, evaluationException->value());
        // FIXME: If we have a debugger attached we could learn about ParseError exceptions through
        // ScriptDebugServer::sourceParsed and this path could produce a duplicate warning. The
        // Debugger path is currently ignored by inspector.
        // NOTE: If we don't have a debugger, this SourceCode will be forever lost to the inspector.
        // We could stash it in the inspector in case an inspector is ever opened.
        globalObject->inspectorController().reportAPIException(exec, evaluationException);
        return 0;

    if (returnValue)
        return toRef(exec, returnValue);

    // happens, for example, when the only statement is an empty (';') statement
    return toRef(exec, jsUndefined());