Пример #1
void setJSHTMLInputElementMaxLength(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    HTMLInputElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(static_cast<JSHTMLInputElement*>(thisObject)->impl());
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    imp->setMaxLength(value.toInt32(exec), ec);
    setDOMException(exec, ec);
Пример #2
void setJSSVGAnimatedIntegerBaseVal(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    SVGAnimatedInteger* imp = static_cast<SVGAnimatedInteger*>(static_cast<JSSVGAnimatedInteger*>(thisObject)->impl());
    if (static_cast<JSSVGAnimatedInteger*>(thisObject)->context())
short JSNodeFilterCondition::acceptNode(JSC::ExecState* exec, Node* filterNode) const
    JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly);

    CallData callData;
    CallType callType = m_filter.getCallData(callData);
    if (callType == CallTypeNone)
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_ACCEPT;

   // The exec argument here should only be null if this was called from a
   // non-JavaScript language, and this is a JavaScript filter, and the document
   // in question is not associated with the frame. In that case, we're going to
   // behave incorrectly, and just reject nodes instead of calling the filter function.
   // To fix that we'd need to come up with a way to find a suitable JavaScript
   // execution context for the filter function to run in.
    if (!exec)
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    MarkedArgumentBuffer args;
    // FIXME: The node should have the prototype chain that came from its document, not
    // whatever prototype chain might be on the window this filter came from. Bug 27662
    args.append(toJS(exec, deprecatedGlobalObjectForPrototype(exec), filterNode));
    if (exec->hadException())
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    JSValue result = call(exec, m_filter, callType, callData, m_filter, args);
    if (exec->hadException())
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    int intResult = result.toInt32(exec);
    if (exec->hadException())
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    return intResult;
void setJSSVGAnimatedEnumerationBaseVal(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSSVGAnimatedEnumeration* castedThisObj = static_cast<JSSVGAnimatedEnumeration*>(thisObject);
    SVGAnimatedEnumeration* imp = static_cast<SVGAnimatedEnumeration*>(castedThisObj->impl());
    JSSVGContextCache::propagateSVGDOMChange(castedThisObj, imp->associatedAttributeName());
Пример #5
short JSNodeFilterCondition::acceptNode(Node* filterNode, JSValue*& exception) const
    // FIXME: It makes no sense for this to depend on the document being in a frame!
    Frame* frame = filterNode->document()->frame();
    if (!frame)
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    JSLock lock;

    CallData callData;
    CallType callType = m_filter->getCallData(callData);
    if (callType == CallTypeNone)
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_ACCEPT;

    ExecState* exec = frame->script()->globalObject()->globalExec();
    ArgList args;
    args.append(toJS(exec, filterNode));
    if (exec->hadException()) {
        exception = takeException(exec);
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;
    JSValue* result = call(exec, m_filter, callType, callData, m_filter, args);
    if (exec->hadException()) {
        exception = takeException(exec);
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;
    int intResult = result->toInt32(exec);
    if (exec->hadException()) {
        exception = takeException(exec);
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;
    return intResult;
void JSHTMLInputElement::setSelectionEnd(ExecState* exec, JSValue value)
    HTMLInputElement& input = impl();
    if (!input.canHaveSelection())

Пример #7
void JSHTMLInputElement::setSelectionEnd(ExecState* exec, JSValue value)
    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(impl());
    if (!input->canHaveSelection())

void setJSHTMLMarqueeElementScrollDelay(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSHTMLMarqueeElement* castedThis = static_cast<JSHTMLMarqueeElement*>(thisObject);
    HTMLMarqueeElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLMarqueeElement*>(castedThis->impl());
    ExceptionCode ec = 0;
    imp->setScrollDelay(value.toInt32(exec), ec);
    setDOMException(exec, ec);
Пример #9
void JSHTMLInputElement::setSelectionEnd(ExecState& state, JSValue value)
    HTMLInputElement& input = wrapped();
    if (!input.canHaveSelection())

Пример #10
short JSNodeFilterCondition::acceptNode(JSC::ExecState* exec, Node* filterNode) const
    JSLock lock(SilenceAssertionsOnly);

    if (!m_filter)
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_ACCEPT;

    // Exec is null if we've been called from a non-JavaScript language and the document
    // is no longer able to run JavaScript (e.g., it's disconnected from its frame).
    if (!exec)
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    JSValue filter = m_filter.get();
    CallData callData;
    CallType callType = getCallData(filter, callData);
    if (callType == CallTypeNone) {
        filter = filter.get(exec, Identifier(exec, "acceptNode"));
        callType = getCallData(filter, callData);
        if (callType == CallTypeNone) {
            throwError(exec, createTypeError(exec, "NodeFilter object does not have an acceptNode function"));
            return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    MarkedArgumentBuffer args;
    // FIXME: The node should have the prototype chain that came from its document, not
    // whatever prototype chain might be on the window this filter came from. Bug 27662
    args.append(toJS(exec, deprecatedGlobalObjectForPrototype(exec), filterNode));
    if (exec->hadException())
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    JSValue result = JSMainThreadExecState::call(exec, filter, callType, callData, m_filter.get(), args);
    if (exec->hadException())
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    int intResult = result.toInt32(exec);
    if (exec->hadException())
        return NodeFilter::FILTER_REJECT;

    return intResult;
void setJSDataGridColumnSortDirection(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSDataGridColumn* castedThisObj = static_cast<JSDataGridColumn*>(thisObject);
    DataGridColumn* imp = static_cast<DataGridColumn*>(castedThisObj->impl());
JSValue JSInspectorFrontendHost::showContextMenu(ExecState* exec)
    if (exec->argumentCount() < 2)
        return jsUndefined();
    Event* event = toEvent(exec->argument(0));

    JSArray* array = asArray(exec->argument(1));
    Vector<ContextMenuItem*> items;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < array->length(); ++i) {
        JSObject* item = asObject(array->getIndex(i));
        JSValue label = item->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "label"));
        JSValue type = item->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "type"));
        JSValue id = item->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "id"));
        JSValue enabled = item->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "enabled"));
        JSValue checked = item->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "checked"));
        if (!type.isString())

        String typeString = ustringToString(type.toString(exec)->value(exec));
        if (typeString == "separator") {
            items.append(new ContextMenuItem(SeparatorType,
        } else {
            ContextMenuAction typedId = static_cast<ContextMenuAction>(ContextMenuItemBaseCustomTag + id.toInt32(exec));
            ContextMenuItem* menuItem = new ContextMenuItem((typeString == "checkbox" ? CheckableActionType : ActionType), typedId, ustringToString(label.toString(exec)->value(exec)));
            if (!enabled.isUndefined())
            if (!checked.isUndefined())

    impl()->showContextMenu(event, items);
    return jsUndefined();
void setJSHTMLTableCellElementRowSpan(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSHTMLTableCellElement* castedThisObj = static_cast<JSHTMLTableCellElement*>(thisObject);
    HTMLTableCellElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLTableCellElement*>(castedThisObj->impl());
Пример #14
void setJSHTMLElementTabIndex(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSHTMLElement* castedThis = static_cast<JSHTMLElement*>(thisObject);
    HTMLElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(castedThis->impl());
void setJSHTMLDataGridColElementSortDirection(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSHTMLDataGridColElement* castedThisObj = static_cast<JSHTMLDataGridColElement*>(thisObject);
    HTMLDataGridColElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLDataGridColElement*>(castedThisObj->impl());
void setJSHTMLTableCellElementColSpan(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    HTMLTableCellElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLTableCellElement*>(static_cast<JSHTMLTableCellElement*>(thisObject)->impl());
JSValue JSInspectorFrontendHost::showContextMenu(ExecState* execState, const ArgList& args)
    if (args.size() < 2)
        return jsUndefined();

    Event* event = toEvent(args.at(0));

    JSArray* array = asArray(args.at(1));
    Vector<ContextMenuItem*> items;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < array->length(); ++i) {
        JSObject* item = asObject(array->getIndex(i));
        JSValue label = item->get(execState, Identifier(execState, "label"));
        JSValue id = item->get(execState, Identifier(execState, "id"));
        if (label.isUndefined() || id.isUndefined())
            items.append(new ContextMenuItem(SeparatorType, ContextMenuItemTagNoAction, String()));
        else {
            ContextMenuAction typedId = static_cast<ContextMenuAction>(ContextMenuItemBaseCustomTag + id.toInt32(execState));
            items.append(new ContextMenuItem(ActionType, typedId, label.toString(execState)));

    impl()->showContextMenu(event, items);
    return jsUndefined();
Пример #18
void setJSHTMLBaseFontElementSize(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    HTMLBaseFontElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLBaseFontElement*>(static_cast<JSHTMLBaseFontElement*>(thisObject)->impl());
Пример #19
void WASMModuleParser::parseGlobalSection(ExecState* exec)
    uint32_t numberOfInternalI32GlobalVariables;
    uint32_t numberOfInternalF32GlobalVariables;
    uint32_t numberOfInternalF64GlobalVariables;
    uint32_t numberOfImportedI32GlobalVariables;
    uint32_t numberOfImportedF32GlobalVariables;
    uint32_t numberOfImportedF64GlobalVariables;
    READ_COMPACT_UINT32_OR_FAIL(numberOfInternalI32GlobalVariables, "Cannot read the number of internal int32 global variables.");
    READ_COMPACT_UINT32_OR_FAIL(numberOfInternalF32GlobalVariables, "Cannot read the number of internal float32 global variables.");
    READ_COMPACT_UINT32_OR_FAIL(numberOfInternalF64GlobalVariables, "Cannot read the number of internal float64 global variables.");
    READ_COMPACT_UINT32_OR_FAIL(numberOfImportedI32GlobalVariables, "Cannot read the number of imported int32 global variables.");
    READ_COMPACT_UINT32_OR_FAIL(numberOfImportedF32GlobalVariables, "Cannot read the number of imported float32 global variables.");
    READ_COMPACT_UINT32_OR_FAIL(numberOfImportedF64GlobalVariables, "Cannot read the number of imported float64 global variables.");
    uint32_t numberOfGlobalVariables = numberOfInternalI32GlobalVariables + numberOfInternalF32GlobalVariables + numberOfInternalF64GlobalVariables +
        numberOfImportedI32GlobalVariables + numberOfImportedF32GlobalVariables + numberOfImportedF64GlobalVariables;

    Vector<WASMType>& globalVariableTypes = m_module->globalVariableTypes();
    Vector<JSWASMModule::GlobalVariable>& globalVariables = m_module->globalVariables();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfInternalI32GlobalVariables; ++i) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfInternalF32GlobalVariables; ++i) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfInternalF64GlobalVariables; ++i) {
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfImportedI32GlobalVariables; ++i) {
        String importName;
        READ_STRING_OR_FAIL(importName, "Cannot read the import name of an int32 global variable.");
        JSValue value;
        getImportedValue(exec, importName, value);
        FAIL_IF_FALSE(value.isPrimitive() && !value.isSymbol(), "\"" + importName + "\" is not a primitive or is a Symbol.");
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfImportedF32GlobalVariables; ++i) {
        String importName;
        READ_STRING_OR_FAIL(importName, "Cannot read the import name of a float32 global variable.");
        JSValue value;
        getImportedValue(exec, importName, value);
        FAIL_IF_FALSE(value.isPrimitive() && !value.isSymbol(), "\"" + importName + "\" is not a primitive or is a Symbol.");
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numberOfImportedF64GlobalVariables; ++i) {
        String importName;
        READ_STRING_OR_FAIL(importName, "Cannot read the import name of a float64 global variable.");
        JSValue value;
        getImportedValue(exec, importName, value);
        FAIL_IF_FALSE(value.isPrimitive() && !value.isSymbol(), "\"" + importName + "\" is not a primitive or is a Symbol.");
Пример #20
void setJSDataGridColumnSortable(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    DataGridColumn* imp = static_cast<DataGridColumn*>(static_cast<JSDataGridColumn*>(thisObject)->impl());
Пример #21
void setJSHTMLTextAreaElementSelectionEnd(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    HTMLTextAreaElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLTextAreaElement*>(static_cast<JSHTMLTextAreaElement*>(thisObject)->impl());
Пример #22
void setJSSVGViewElementZoomAndPan(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    SVGViewElement* imp = static_cast<SVGViewElement*>(static_cast<JSSVGViewElement*>(thisObject)->impl());
Пример #23
void JSDictionary::convertValue(ExecState* exec, JSValue value, int& result)
    result = value.toInt32(exec);
Пример #24
void setJSHTMLPreElementWidth(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSHTMLPreElement* castedThis = static_cast<JSHTMLPreElement*>(thisObject);
    HTMLPreElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLPreElement*>(castedThis->impl());
    imp->setIntegralAttribute(WebCore::HTMLNames::widthAttr, value.toInt32(exec));
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL constructJSWebAssemblyInstance(ExecState* exec)
    auto& vm = exec->vm();
    auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
    auto* globalObject = exec->lexicalGlobalObject();

    // If moduleObject is not a WebAssembly.Module instance, a TypeError is thrown.
    JSWebAssemblyModule* jsModule = jsDynamicCast<JSWebAssemblyModule*>(vm, exec->argument(0));
    if (!jsModule)
        return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("first argument to WebAssembly.Instance must be a WebAssembly.Module"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(exec->argument(0)))));
    const Wasm::ModuleInformation& moduleInformation = jsModule->moduleInformation();

    // If the importObject parameter is not undefined and Type(importObject) is not Object, a TypeError is thrown.
    JSValue importArgument = exec->argument(1);
    JSObject* importObject = importArgument.getObject();
    if (!importArgument.isUndefined() && !importObject)
        return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("second argument to WebAssembly.Instance must be undefined or an Object"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(importArgument))));

    // If the list of module.imports is not empty and Type(importObject) is not Object, a TypeError is thrown.
    if (moduleInformation.imports.size() && !importObject)
        return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("second argument to WebAssembly.Instance must be Object because the WebAssembly.Module has imports"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(importArgument))));

    Identifier moduleKey = Identifier::fromUid(PrivateName(PrivateName::Description, "WebAssemblyInstance"));
    WebAssemblyModuleRecord* moduleRecord = WebAssemblyModuleRecord::create(exec, vm, globalObject->webAssemblyModuleRecordStructure(), moduleKey, moduleInformation);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    Structure* instanceStructure = InternalFunction::createSubclassStructure(exec, exec->newTarget(), globalObject->WebAssemblyInstanceStructure());
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    JSWebAssemblyInstance* instance = JSWebAssemblyInstance::create(vm, instanceStructure, jsModule, moduleRecord->getModuleNamespace(exec));
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());
        // Always start with a dummy Memory, so that wasm -> wasm thunks avoid checking for a nullptr Memory when trying to set pinned registers.
        Wasm::Memory memory;
        instance->setMemory(vm, JSWebAssemblyMemory::create(vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->WebAssemblyMemoryStructure(), WTFMove(memory)));

    // Let funcs, memories and tables be initially-empty lists of callable JavaScript objects, WebAssembly.Memory objects and WebAssembly.Table objects, respectively.
    // Let imports be an initially-empty list of external values.
    unsigned numImportFunctions = 0;
    unsigned numImportGlobals = 0;

    bool hasMemoryImport = false;
    bool hasTableImport = false;
    // For each import i in module.imports:
    for (auto& import : moduleInformation.imports) {
        // 1. Let o be the resultant value of performing Get(importObject, i.module_name).
        JSValue importModuleValue = importObject->get(exec, import.module);
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());
        // 2. If Type(o) is not Object, throw a TypeError.
        if (!importModuleValue.isObject())
            return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("import must be an object"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(importModuleValue))));

        // 3. Let v be the value of performing Get(o, i.item_name)
        JSObject* object = jsCast<JSObject*>(importModuleValue);
        JSValue value = object->get(exec, import.field);
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

        switch (import.kind) {
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Function: {
            // 4. If i is a function import:
            // i. If IsCallable(v) is false, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
            if (!value.isFunction())
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("import function must be callable"))));
            JSCell* cell = value.asCell();
            // ii. If v is an Exported Function Exotic Object:
            if (WebAssemblyFunction* importedExport = jsDynamicCast<WebAssemblyFunction*>(vm, cell)) {
                // a. If the signature of v does not match the signature of i, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
                Wasm::SignatureIndex importedSignatureIndex = importedExport->signatureIndex();
                Wasm::SignatureIndex expectedSignatureIndex = moduleInformation.importFunctionSignatureIndices[import.kindIndex];
                if (importedSignatureIndex != expectedSignatureIndex)
                    return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("imported function's signature doesn't match the provided WebAssembly function's signature"))));
                // b. Let closure be v.[[Closure]].
            // iii. Otherwise:
            // a. Let closure be a new host function of the given signature which calls v by coercing WebAssembly arguments to JavaScript arguments via ToJSValue and returns the result, if any, by coercing via ToWebAssemblyValue.
            // Note: done as part of Plan compilation.
            // iv. Append v to funcs.
            // Note: adding the JSCell to the instance list fulfills closure requirements b. above (the WebAssembly.Instance wil be kept alive) and v. below (the JSFunction).
            instance->setImportFunction(vm, cell, numImportFunctions++);
            // v. Append closure to imports.
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Table: {
            RELEASE_ASSERT(!hasTableImport); // This should be guaranteed by a validation failure.
            // 7. Otherwise (i is a table import):
            hasTableImport = true;
            JSWebAssemblyTable* table = jsDynamicCast<JSWebAssemblyTable*>(vm, value);
            // i. If v is not a WebAssembly.Table object, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
            if (!table)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Table import is not an instance of WebAssembly.Table"))));

            uint32_t expectedInitial = moduleInformation.tableInformation.initial();
            uint32_t actualInitial = table->size();
            if (actualInitial < expectedInitial)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Table import provided an 'initial' that is too small"))));

            if (std::optional<uint32_t> expectedMaximum = moduleInformation.tableInformation.maximum()) {
                std::optional<uint32_t> actualMaximum = table->maximum();
                if (!actualMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Table import does not have a 'maximum' but the module requires that it does"))));
                if (*actualMaximum > *expectedMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Imported Table's 'maximum' is larger than the module's expected 'maximum'"))));

            // ii. Append v to tables.
            // iii. Append v.[[Table]] to imports.
            instance->setTable(vm, table);
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Memory: {
            // 6. If i is a memory import:
            RELEASE_ASSERT(!hasMemoryImport); // This should be guaranteed by a validation failure.
            hasMemoryImport = true;
            JSWebAssemblyMemory* memory = jsDynamicCast<JSWebAssemblyMemory*>(vm, value);
            // i. If v is not a WebAssembly.Memory object, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
            if (!memory)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory import is not an instance of WebAssembly.Memory"))));

            Wasm::PageCount expectedInitial = moduleInformation.memory.initial();
            Wasm::PageCount actualInitial = memory->memory()->initial();
            if (actualInitial < expectedInitial)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory import provided an 'initial' that is too small"))));

            if (Wasm::PageCount expectedMaximum = moduleInformation.memory.maximum()) {
                Wasm::PageCount actualMaximum = memory->memory()->maximum();
                if (!actualMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory import did not have a 'maximum' but the module requires that it does"))));

                if (actualMaximum > expectedMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory imports 'maximum' is larger than the module's expected 'maximum'"))));
            // ii. Append v to memories.
            // iii. Append v.[[Memory]] to imports.
            instance->setMemory(vm, memory);
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Global: {
            // 5. If i is a global import:
            // i. If i is not an immutable global, throw a TypeError.
            ASSERT(moduleInformation.globals[import.kindIndex].mutability == Wasm::Global::Immutable);
            // ii. If Type(v) is not Number, throw a TypeError.
            if (!value.isNumber())
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("imported global must be a number"))));
            // iii. Append ToWebAssemblyValue(v) to imports.
            switch (moduleInformation.globals[import.kindIndex].type) {
            case Wasm::I32:
                instance->setGlobal(numImportGlobals++, value.toInt32(exec));
            case Wasm::F32:
                instance->setGlobal(numImportGlobals++, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(value.toFloat(exec)));
            case Wasm::F64:
                instance->setGlobal(numImportGlobals++, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(value.asNumber()));

        if (!!moduleInformation.memory && moduleInformation.memory.isImport()) {
            // We should either have a Memory import or we should have thrown an exception.

        if (moduleInformation.memory && !hasMemoryImport) {
            // We create a memory when it's a memory definition.
            bool failed;
            Wasm::Memory memory(moduleInformation.memory.initial(), moduleInformation.memory.maximum(), failed);
            if (failed)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createOutOfMemoryError(exec)));
               JSWebAssemblyMemory::create(vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->WebAssemblyMemoryStructure(), WTFMove(memory)));

        if (!!moduleInformation.tableInformation && moduleInformation.tableInformation.isImport()) {
            // We should either have a Table import or we should have thrown an exception.

        if (!!moduleInformation.tableInformation && !hasTableImport) {
            // We create a Table when it's a Table definition.
            JSWebAssemblyTable* table = JSWebAssemblyTable::create(exec, vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->WebAssemblyTableStructure(),
                moduleInformation.tableInformation.initial(), moduleInformation.tableInformation.maximum());
            // We should always be able to allocate a JSWebAssemblyTable we've defined.
            // If it's defined to be too large, we should have thrown a validation error.
            instance->setTable(vm, table);

    // Globals
        ASSERT(numImportGlobals == moduleInformation.firstInternalGlobal);
        for (size_t globalIndex = numImportGlobals; globalIndex < moduleInformation.globals.size(); ++globalIndex) {
            const auto& global = moduleInformation.globals[globalIndex];
            ASSERT(global.initializationType != Wasm::Global::IsImport);
            if (global.initializationType == Wasm::Global::FromGlobalImport) {
                ASSERT(global.initialBitsOrImportNumber < numImportGlobals);
                instance->setGlobal(globalIndex, instance->loadI64Global(global.initialBitsOrImportNumber));
            } else
                instance->setGlobal(globalIndex, global.initialBitsOrImportNumber);

    moduleRecord->link(exec, instance);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    if (verbose)
    JSValue startResult = moduleRecord->evaluate(exec);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    return JSValue::encode(instance);
void setJSHTMLOptionsCollectionSelectedIndex(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    JSHTMLOptionsCollection* castedThis = static_cast<JSHTMLOptionsCollection*>(thisObject);
    HTMLOptionsCollection* imp = static_cast<HTMLOptionsCollection*>(castedThis->impl());
static void populateContextMenuItems(ExecState* exec, JSArray* array, ContextMenu& menu)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < array->length(); ++i) {
        JSObject* item = asObject(array->getIndex(exec, i));
        JSValue label = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "label"));
        JSValue type = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "type"));
        JSValue id = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "id"));
        JSValue enabled = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "enabled"));
        JSValue checked = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "checked"));
        JSValue subItems = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "subItems"));
        if (!type.isString())

        String typeString = type.toWTFString(exec);
        if (typeString == "separator") {
            ContextMenuItem item(SeparatorType, ContextMenuItemTagNoAction, String());
        } else if (typeString == "subMenu" && subItems.inherits(JSArray::info())) {
            ContextMenu subMenu;
            JSArray* subItemsArray = asArray(subItems);
            populateContextMenuItems(exec, subItemsArray, subMenu);
            ContextMenuItem item(SubmenuType, ContextMenuItemTagNoAction, label.toWTFString(exec), &subMenu);
        } else {
            ContextMenuAction typedId = static_cast<ContextMenuAction>(ContextMenuItemBaseCustomTag + id.toInt32(exec));
            ContextMenuItem menuItem((typeString == "checkbox" ? CheckableActionType : ActionType), typedId, label.toWTFString(exec));
            if (!enabled.isUndefined())
            if (!checked.isUndefined())
Пример #28
static PassRefPtr<PositionOptions> createPositionOptions(ExecState* exec, JSValue value)
    // Create default options.
    RefPtr<PositionOptions> options = PositionOptions::create();

    // Argument is optional (hence undefined is allowed), and null is allowed.
    if (value.isUndefinedOrNull()) {
        // Use default options.
        return options.release();

    // Given the above test, this will always yield an object.
    JSObject* object = value.toObject(exec);

    // For all three properties, we apply the following ...
    // - If the getter or the property's valueOf method throws an exception, we
    //   quit so as not to risk overwriting the exception.
    // - If the value is absent or undefined, we don't override the default.
    JSValue enableHighAccuracyValue = object->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "enableHighAccuracy"));
    if (exec->hadException())
        return 0;
    if (!enableHighAccuracyValue.isUndefined()) {
        if (exec->hadException())
            return 0;

    JSValue timeoutValue = object->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "timeout"));
    if (exec->hadException())
        return 0;
    if (!timeoutValue.isUndefined()) {
        double timeoutNumber = timeoutValue.toNumber(exec);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return 0;
        // If the value is positive infinity, there's nothing to do.
        if (!(isinf(timeoutNumber) && (timeoutNumber > 0))) {
            // Wrap to int32 and force non-negative to match behavior of window.setTimeout.
            options->setTimeout(max(0, timeoutValue.toInt32(exec)));
            if (exec->hadException())
                return 0;

    JSValue maximumAgeValue = object->get(exec, Identifier(exec, "maximumAge"));
    if (exec->hadException())
        return 0;
    if (!maximumAgeValue.isUndefined()) {
        double maximumAgeNumber = maximumAgeValue.toNumber(exec);
        if (exec->hadException())
            return 0;
        if (isinf(maximumAgeNumber) && (maximumAgeNumber > 0)) {
            // If the value is positive infinity, clear maximumAge.
        } else {
            // Wrap to int32 and force non-negative to match behavior of window.setTimeout.
            options->setMaximumAge(max(0, maximumAgeValue.toInt32(exec)));
            if (exec->hadException())
                return 0;

    return options.release();
Пример #29
void setJSHTMLVideoElementHeight(ExecState* exec, JSObject* thisObject, JSValue value)
    HTMLVideoElement* imp = static_cast<HTMLVideoElement*>(static_cast<JSHTMLVideoElement*>(thisObject)->impl());