Пример #1
double TtbarHypothesis::M3() const {
	JetCollection jets;

	return M3(jets);
Пример #2
JetCollection BTagWeight::getUDSGJets(const JetCollection& jets) const {
	JetCollection udsgjets;
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		if (abs(jets.at(index).partonFlavour()) != 4 && abs(jets.at(index).partonFlavour()) != 5) //not a c- or b-quark
	return udsgjets;
Пример #3
JetCollection BTagWeight::getCJets(const JetCollection& jets) const {
	JetCollection cjets;
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		if (abs(jets.at(index).partonFlavour()) == 4) //c-quark
	return cjets;
Пример #4
JetCollection BTagWeight::getBJets(const JetCollection jets) const {
	JetCollection bjets;
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		if (abs(jets.at(index)->partonFlavour()) == 5) //b-quark
	return bjets;
Пример #5
JetCollection Event::GetBJetCollection(const JetCollection& jets, BtagAlgorithm::value btagAlgorithm,
		BtagAlgorithm::workingPoint WP) const {
	JetCollection bjets;
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet = jets.at(index);
		if (jet->isBJet(btagAlgorithm, WP))

	return bjets;
Пример #6
const JetCollection TopPairEMuReferenceSelection::cleanedBJets(const EventPtr event) const {
	const JetCollection jets(cleanedJets(event));
	JetCollection cleanedBJets;

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(jets.at(index));
		if (isBJet(jet))

	return cleanedBJets;

const JetCollection TopPairMuPlusJetsReferenceSelection2011::cleanedJets(const EventPtr event) const {
	const JetCollection jets(event->Jets());
	JetCollection cleanedJets;

	if (!hasExactlyOneIsolatedLepton(event)) //if no signal lepton is found, can't clean jets, return them all!
		return jets;

	const LeptonPointer lepton(signalLepton(event));

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(jets.at(index));
		if (!jet->isWithinDeltaR(0.3, lepton))

	return cleanedJets;
Пример #8
const JetCollection TopPairEMuReferenceSelection::cleanedJets(const EventPtr event) const {
	const JetCollection jets(event->Jets());
	JetCollection cleanedJets;

	//if no signal lepton is found, can't clean jets, return them all!
	if (!passesDiLeptonSelection(event))
		return jets;

	const PhotonCollection photons(signalPhotons(event));
	const ElectronCollection electrons(signalElectrons(event));
	const MuonCollection muons(signalMuons(event));

	double minDR = 999999999.;
	double minDR_pho = 999999999.;

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(jets.at(index));
		for (unsigned int lep = 0; lep < electrons.size(); lep++){
			const LeptonPointer lepton(electrons.at(lep));
			if(jet->deltaR(lepton) < minDR)
				minDR = jet->deltaR(lepton);
		for (unsigned int lep = 0; lep < muons.size(); lep++){
			const LeptonPointer lepton(muons.at(lep));
			if(jet->deltaR(lepton) < minDR)
				minDR = jet->deltaR(lepton);
		for (unsigned int pho = 0; pho < photons.size(); pho++){
					const PhotonPointer photon(photons.at(pho));
					if(jet->deltaR(photon) < minDR_pho)
						minDR_pho = jet->deltaR(photon);

		if (minDR > 0.5 && minDR_pho > 0.3 && isGoodJet(jet))
	return cleanedJets;
bool HLTriggerQCDAnalyser::passesTriggerAnalysisSelection(const EventPtr event) const {
	const ElectronCollection electrons(event->Electrons());
	const JetCollection jets(event->Jets());
	if (electrons.size() == 0 || jets.size() < 3)
		return false;

	unsigned int nElectrons(0);
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < electrons.size(); ++index) {
		const ElectronPointer electron(electrons.at(index));
		if (fabs(electron->eta()) < 2.5 && electron->pt() > 20)
		//if more than 2 electrons passing the selection of > 20GeV, reject event
	const ElectronPointer mostEnergeticElectron(electrons.front());
	//clean jets against electron
	JetCollection cleanedJets;

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(jets.at(index));
		if (!jet->isWithinDeltaR(0.3, mostEnergeticElectron))

	unsigned int nCleanedJetsAbove30GeV(0), nCleanedJetsAbove45GeV(0);
	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < cleanedJets.size(); ++index) {
		const JetPointer jet(cleanedJets.at(index));
		if (jet->pt() > 45.)
		if (jet->pt() > 30.)

	return nElectrons == 1
			&& (nCleanedJetsAbove45GeV >= 3
					|| (nCleanedJetsAbove45GeV >= 2 && nCleanedJetsAbove30GeV >= 3 && event->runnumber() >= 194270));
BAT::TtbarHypothesis HitFitAnalyser::analyseAndReturn(const EventPtr event, const JetCollection jets, const JetCollection bjets, const LeptonPointer selectedLepton ) {
	weight_ = event->weight() * prescale_ * scale_;
	treeMan_->Fill("EventWeight", weight_ );

	// const JetCollection jets(event->getCleanedJets( SelectionCriteria::ElectronPlusJetsReference ));
	// const JetCollection bJets(event->getCleanedBJets( SelectionCriteria::ElectronPlusJetsReference ));
	// const LeptonPointer selectedLepton = event->getSignalLepton( SelectionCriteria::ElectronPlusJetsReference );

	string metPrefix = METAlgorithm::names.at(0);
	const METPointer met(event->MET((METAlgorithm::value) 0));

	// Get cleaned jets that aren't b tagged
	JetCollection leadingLightJets;
	JetCollection leadingBJets;
	unsigned int maxNJet = std::min(5, int(jets.size()));
	for ( unsigned int jetIndex=0; jetIndex < maxNJet; ++jetIndex ) {
		bool isBJet = false;
		JetPointer thisJet = jets[jetIndex];
		for ( unsigned int bJetIndex=0; bJetIndex < bjets.size(); ++bJetIndex ) {
			JetPointer thisBJet = bjets[bJetIndex];
			if ( thisJet == thisBJet ) {
				isBJet = true;
		if ( !isBJet ) leadingLightJets.push_back( thisJet );
		else leadingBJets.push_back( thisJet );

	//set MC matching flag
	if (event->getDataType() == DataType::TTJets_amcatnloFXFX)
		do_MC_matching = true;
		do_MC_matching = false;

	//prepare the jets collection
	// Copy jets into an array
	JetCollection jetCopy;
	for (JetCollection::const_iterator j = leadingLightJets.begin(); j != leadingLightJets.end(); ++j) {

	JetCollection bJetCopy;
	for (JetCollection::const_iterator j = leadingBJets.begin(); j != leadingBJets.end(); ++j) {

	std::sort(jetCopy.begin(), jetCopy.end(), jetPtComp);
	std::sort(bJetCopy.begin(), bJetCopy.end(), jetPtComp);

	unsigned numJetsToFit = jetCopy.size();

	if (jetCopy.size() >= 2) {
		if (numJetsToFit > 5)
			numJetsToFit = 5;
		jetsForFitting.insert(jetsForFitting.begin(), jetCopy.begin(), jetCopy.begin() + numJetsToFit);

	numJetsToFit = bJetCopy.size();
	if (bJetCopy.size() >= 2) {
		if (numJetsToFit > 5)
			numJetsToFit = 5;
		bJetsForFitting.insert(bJetsForFitting.begin(), bJetCopy.begin(), bJetCopy.begin() + numJetsToFit);

	BatHitFit hhFitter(electronTranslator_, muonTranslator_, jetTranslator_, metTranslator_, hitfitDefault_,
			hitfitLepWMass_, hitfitHadWMass_, hitfitTopMass_);

	// Clear the internal state

	// Add lepton into hitfit
	if ( isElectronChannel_ ) {
		const ElectronPointer signalElectron(boost::static_pointer_cast<Electron>(selectedLepton));
		//TODO: fix the fitter to accept lepton class OR particle!!
	else {
		const MuonPointer signalMuon(boost::static_pointer_cast<Muon>(selectedLepton));
		//TODO: fix the fitter to accept lepton class OR particle!!

	// Add jets into HitFit
	// Also check if jets matched to ttbar partons are in the jets passed to the fit
	bool quarkInCollection = false, quarkBarInCollection = false, lebBInCollection = false, hadBInCollection = false;
	for (size_t jet = 0; jet != jetsForFitting.size(); ++jet) {
		// cout << "Adding light jet with csv : " << jetsForFitting.at(jet)->getBTagDiscriminator(BAT::BtagAlgorithm::value::CombinedSecondaryVertexV2) << endl;
		if ( jetsForFitting.at(jet)->ttbar_decay_parton() ) {
			int partonPdg = jetsForFitting.at(jet)->ttbar_decay_parton();
			if ( partonPdg == 3 ) quarkInCollection = true;
			else if ( partonPdg == 4 ) quarkBarInCollection = true;
			else if ( partonPdg == 5 ) lebBInCollection = true;
			else if ( partonPdg == 6 ) hadBInCollection = true;
	for (size_t jet = 0; jet != bJetsForFitting.size(); ++jet) {
		// cout << "Adding b jet with csv : " << bJetsForFitting.at(jet)->getBTagDiscriminator(BAT::BtagAlgorithm::value::CombinedSecondaryVertexV2) << endl;
		if ( bJetsForFitting.at(jet)->ttbar_decay_parton() ) {
			int partonPdg = bJetsForFitting.at(jet)->ttbar_decay_parton();
			if ( partonPdg == 3 ) quarkInCollection = true;
			else if ( partonPdg == 4 ) quarkBarInCollection = true;
			else if ( partonPdg == 5 ) lebBInCollection = true;
			else if ( partonPdg == 6 ) hadBInCollection = true;


	// Check if jets matched to ttbar partons are in the jets passed to the fit
	if (do_MC_matching) {
		if ( quarkInCollection && quarkBarInCollection && lebBInCollection && hadBInCollection  ) {
			allTTBarJetsPassedToFit_ = true;
		int lastTTBarJetPosition = positionOfLastTTBarJet( jets );
		if ( lastTTBarJetPosition != -1 ) {
			allTTBarJetsPassSelection_ = true;
			treeMan_->Fill("PositionOfLastTTbarJet", lastTTBarJetPosition + 1 );
		else treeMan_->Fill("PositionOfLastTTbarJet", lastTTBarJetPosition );

	// Add missing transverse energy into HitFit

	// Container for input of all jet permutation of the event
	std::vector<hitfit::Lepjets_Event> hitfitEventsInput;

	// Container for results of the fit for all jet permutation of the event
	std::vector<hitfit::Fit_Result> hitfitResult;
	// R U N   H I T F I T
	// Run the kinematic fit and get how many permutations is possible
	// in the fit

	size_t nHitFit = hhFitter.FitAllPermutation();

//   // Get the number of jets
	// nHitFitJet      = hhFitter.GetEvent().njets();

	// Get the input events for all permutations
	hitfitEventsInput = hhFitter.GetUnfittedEvent();

	// Get the fit results for all permutations
	hitfitResult = hhFitter.GetFitAllPermutation();

	double bestChi2 = 999.;
	unsigned bestX2pos = nHitFit + 1;

//   // Loop over all permutations and extract the information
	for (size_t fit = 0; fit != nHitFit; ++fit) {

		// Get the event after the fit
		hitfit::Fit_Result fitResult = hitfitResult[fit];

		if (hitfitResult[fit].chisq() > 0.0) {
		// Is this the permutation with smallest chi2?
		if (fitResult.chisq() > 0.0 && fitResult.chisq() < bestChi2) {
			bestChi2 = fitResult.chisq();
			bestX2pos = fit;



	if (bestX2pos < nHitFit + 1) {

		//pass hitfit event into BAT format
		lepton_charge = selectedLepton->charge();
		BAT::TtbarHypothesis newHyp = BatEvent(hitfitResult[bestX2pos].ev(), event, "SolutionCategory");

		treeMan_->Fill("FittedLeptonicTopPtBestSolution", newHyp.leptonicTop->pt());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedHadronicTopPtBestSolution", newHyp.hadronicTop->pt());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedLeptonicTopRapidityBestSolution", newHyp.leptonicTop->rapidity());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedHadronicTopRapidityBestSolution", newHyp.hadronicTop->rapidity());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedTTbarMassBestSolution", newHyp.resonance->mass());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedTTbarPtBestSolution", newHyp.resonance->pt());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedTTbarRapidityBestSolution", newHyp.resonance->rapidity());

		// Get the event before the fit
		hitfit::Lepjets_Event unfittedEvent = hitfitEventsInput[bestX2pos];

		// Now need to perform second kinematic fit
		hitfit::Fit_Result secondFitResult = performSecondKinematicFit( unfittedEvent, event);
		BAT::TtbarHypothesis newHyp_afterSecondFit = BatEvent(secondFitResult.ev(), event, "SolutionCategory_second");


		treeMan_->Fill("FittedLeptonicTopPtBestSolution_second", newHyp_afterSecondFit.leptonicTop->pt());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedHadronicTopPtBestSolution_second", newHyp_afterSecondFit.hadronicTop->pt());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedLeptonicTopRapidityBestSolution_second", newHyp_afterSecondFit.leptonicTop->rapidity());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedHadronicTopRapidityBestSolution_second", newHyp_afterSecondFit.hadronicTop->rapidity());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedTTbarMassBestSolution_second", newHyp_afterSecondFit.resonance->mass());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedTTbarPtBestSolution_second", newHyp_afterSecondFit.resonance->pt());
		treeMan_->Fill("FittedTTbarRapidityBestSolution_second", newHyp_afterSecondFit.resonance->rapidity());

		return newHyp_afterSecondFit;

	} else {
		// cout << "No HitFit solution found for this event" << endl;
		treeMan_->Fill("SolutionCategory", 0 );
		treeMan_->Fill("SolutionCategory_second", 0);

	return BAT::TtbarHypothesis();
