//copy constructor JumblePuzzle::JumblePuzzle(const JumblePuzzle& jumble) { rowPos = jumble.getRowPos(); colPos = jumble.getColPos(); size = jumble.getSize(); direction = jumble.getDirection(); if (jumble.getJumble()) { jumbleArray = new char*[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) jumbleArray[i] = new char[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { jumbleArray[i][j] = jumble.getJumble()[i][j]; } } } }
// How quickly can you find the hidden string? void playGame() { string toHide; string difficulty; int guessRow, guessCol; int start, finish; char guessDirection; cout << "Provide a string to hide in the puzzle, all lower case: "; cin >> toHide; cout << "\nChoose your difficulty level: \"easy\", \"medium\" or \"hard\": "; cin >> difficulty; JumblePuzzle* jp; try { jp = new JumblePuzzle(toHide, difficulty); } catch (BadJumbleException& e) { cerr << e.what(); return; } showJumble(jp->getJumble(), jp->getSize()); start = static_cast<int>(time(NULL)); cout << "Enter row location: "; cin >> guessRow; cout << "Enter column location: "; cin >> guessCol; cout << "Enter direction (\"n\", \"e\", \"s\" or \"w\"): "; cin >> guessDirection; finish = static_cast<int>(time(NULL)); if (guessRow == jp->getRowPos() && guessCol == jp->getColPos() && guessDirection == jp->getDirection()) cout << "You found it!" << endl; else { cout << "Wrong location..." << endl; cout << "The location is row: " << jp->getRowPos() << " col: " << jp->getColPos() << ", direction: " << jp->getDirection() << endl; } cout << "You took " << (finish - start) << " seconds." << endl; delete jp; jp = NULL; } // end playGame
// Copy constructor JumblePuzzle::JumblePuzzle(const JumblePuzzle& right) { strLen = right.getSize(); row = right.getRowPos(); col = right.getColPos(); direction = right.getDirection(); puzzle = new char*[strLen]; // individual arrays for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) puzzle[i] = new char[strLen]; charArrayPtr* rightJumble = right.getJumble(); for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < strLen; j++) puzzle[i][j] = rightJumble[i][j]; } }
// Copy Constructor JumblePuzzle::JumblePuzzle(const JumblePuzzle& right) { size = right.getSize(); row = right.getRowPos(); col = right.getColPos(); direction = right.getDirection(); jumble = new char*[size]; // Create individual arrays on the heap for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) jumble[i] = new char[size]; charArrayPtr* rightJumble = right.getJumble(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) jumble[i][j] = rightJumble[i][j]; } }
// Add unit tests to this function. A few unit tests are provided to test your copy constructor, // your assignment overloading and aliasing. You need to write some more tests before these ones. // Test the public members only ("Black Box Testing"). Test to make sure that exceptions are // thrown when they should be, that the puzzle is the correct size and is formed properly, and // that the accessors return what they should. You can add these unit tests as you develop your // code ("TDD") and comment out the supplied tests until you are ready for them. void testJumble() { JumblePuzzle* jp; string hiddenWord = "HIDDEN"; // Testing Accessors cout << "Testing Accessors: " << endl; jp = new JumblePuzzle(hiddenWord, "hard"); char dir = jp->getDirection(); if (dir != 'n' && dir != 'e' && dir != 's' && dir != 'w') cerr << "Direction Accessor returned invalid value." << endl; int size = jp->getSize(); int correctSize = hiddenWord.size() * 4; if (correctSize != size) cerr << "Size Accessor returned invalid value." << endl; int row = jp->getRowPos(); int col = jp->getColPos(); if (row < 0 || row >= size) cerr << "Row Accessor returned invalid value." << endl; if (col < 0 || col >= size ) cerr << "Column Accessor returned invalud value." << endl; cout << "Jumble Accessors working correctly." << endl; // Test puzzle is correct size cout << "\nTesting for correct puzzle size: " << endl; hiddenWord = "pie"; correctSize = hiddenWord.size() * 2; jp = new JumblePuzzle(hiddenWord, "easy"); if (jp->getSize() == correctSize) cout << "Correct puzzle size for easy difficulty." << endl; else cerr << "Invalid puzzle size for easy difficulty." << endl; correctSize = hiddenWord.size() * 3; jp = new JumblePuzzle(hiddenWord, "medium"); if (jp->getSize() == correctSize) cout << "Correct puzzle size for medium difficulty." << endl; else cerr << "Invalid puzzle size for medium difficulty." << endl; correctSize = hiddenWord.size() * 4; jp = new JumblePuzzle(hiddenWord, "hard"); if (jp->getSize() == correctSize) cout << "Correct puzzle size for hard difficulty." << endl; else cerr << "Invalid puzzle size for hard difficulty." << endl; // Puzzle Formed properly cout << "\nTesting for properly formed puzzle: " << endl; hiddenWord = "HIDDEN"; jp = new JumblePuzzle(hiddenWord, "medium"); row = jp->getRowPos(); col = jp->getColPos(); dir = jp->getDirection(); charArrayPtr* jumble = jp->getJumble(); if (jumble[row][col] != hiddenWord.at(0)) cerr << "Invalid formation of puzzle. At row: " << row << ", col: " << col << ", direction: " << dir << endl; for (int i = 1; i < hiddenWord.size(); i++) { if (dir == 'n') row--; else if (dir == 'e') col++; else if (dir == 's') row++; else // dir == 'w' col--; if (jumble[row][col] != hiddenWord.at(i)) cerr << "Invalid formation of puzzle. At row: " << row << ", col: " << col << ", direction: " << dir << endl; } cout << "Puzzle formed correctly." << endl; // Testing exceptions cout << "\nTesting Exceptions: " << endl; // Invalid word length try { jp = new JumblePuzzle("to", "easy"); } catch (BadJumbleException& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } try { jp = new JumblePuzzle("aaaaaaaaaaa", "easy"); } catch (BadJumbleException& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } // Invalid Difficulty try { jp = new JumblePuzzle("word", "Easy"); // Must be lower-case } catch (BadJumbleException& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } try { jp = new JumblePuzzle("word", "beginner"); // Must be easy, medium, or hard } catch (BadJumbleException& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; } /* // Test copy constructor for proper operation cout << "Testing copy constructor:" << endl; // While debugging, you can use capital letters to make the hidden string easier to locate JumblePuzzle jp1("HELLO", "easy"); showJumble(jp1.getJumble(), jp1.getSize()); JumblePuzzle jp2(jp1); cout << "Should look the same:" << endl; showJumble(jp2.getJumble(), jp2.getSize()); // Test aliasing from copy constructor charArrayPtr* puzzle = jp2.getJumble(); int sz = jp2.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) puzzle[i][i] = '.'; cout << "Dotted diagonal:" << endl; showJumble(puzzle, sz); cout << "Should be same as original 1:" << endl; showJumble(jp1.getJumble(), sz); cout << "Should be same as original 2:" << endl; showJumble(jp2.getJumble(), sz); // Test assignment operator for proper operation cout << "Testing assignment operator:" << endl; JumblePuzzle jp3("BYE", "easy"); showJumble(jp3.getJumble(), jp3.getSize()); JumblePuzzle jp4 = jp3; cout << "Should look the same:" << endl; showJumble(jp4.getJumble(), jp4.getSize()); // Test aliasing from assignment operator puzzle = jp4.getJumble(); sz = jp4.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) puzzle[i][i] = '*'; cout << "Star diagonal:" << endl; showJumble(puzzle, sz); cout << "Should be same as original 3:" << endl; showJumble(jp3.getJumble(), sz); cout << "Should be same as original 4:" << endl; showJumble(jp4.getJumble(), sz); // Test self-assignment jp4 = jp4; cout << "Should be same as original 4:" << endl; showJumble(jp4.getJumble(), sz); */ } // end testJumble