void kiptablesgenerator::setupIPolicyPage() { iPolicyPage = new QFrame(this); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(iPolicyPage); QLabel *intro = new QLabel(i18n( "<p>What do you want your firewall to do to unmatched packets?</p>" "<p>Your firewall can either accept unmatched packets, or drop unmatched " "packets; the recommended option is to drop unmatched packets.</p>" "<p><i>Advanced users: This sets the policy for the INPUT chain.</i></p>"), iPolicyPage); intro->show(); layout->addWidget(intro); KComboBox *options = new KComboBox(iPolicyPage); options->insertItem(i18n("Accept")); options->insertItem(i18n("Drop")); options->setCurrentItem(1); options->show(); layout->addWidget(options); namedWidgets["incomingPolicy"] = options; iPolicyPage->show(); this->addPage(iPolicyPage, i18n("Default Action")); }
//// A dialog to load a KDE icon by its name LoadIconDialog::LoadIconDialog(QWidget *parent) : KDialog(parent, "loadicon_dialog", true, i18n("Load KDE Icon by Name"), Ok | Cancel, Ok, false) { QFrame *frame = makeMainWidget(); QGridLayout *l = new QGridLayout(frame); // Name input QLabel *name = new QLabel(i18n("&Name:"), frame); l->addWidget(name, 0, 0); name->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); m_nameInput = new KLineEdit("kexi", frame); l->addWidget(m_nameInput, 0, 1); name->setBuddy(m_nameInput); // Choose size QLabel *size = new QLabel(i18n("&Size:"), frame); l->addWidget(size, 1, 0); size->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); KComboBox *combo = new KComboBox(frame); l->addWidget(combo, 1, 1); size->setBuddy(combo); QStringList list; list << i18n("Small") << i18n("Medium") << i18n("Large") << i18n("Huge"); combo->insertStringList(list); combo->setCurrentItem(2); connect(combo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(changeIconSize(int))); // Icon chooser button m_button = new KIconButton(frame); m_button->setIcon(koIconName("calligrakexi")); m_button->setIconSize(KIconLoader::SizeMedium); l->addWidget(m_button, 0, 2, 2, 1); connect(m_button, SIGNAL(iconChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(updateIconName(QString))); connect(m_nameInput, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(setIcon(QString))); }
TransferDialog::TransferDialog( MediaDevice *mdev ) : KDialogBase( Pana::mainWindow(), "transferdialog", true, QString::null, Ok|Cancel, Ok ) { m_dev = mdev; m_accepted = false; m_sort1LastIndex = m_sort2LastIndex = -1; kapp->setTopWidget( this ); setCaption( kapp->makeStdCaption( i18n( "Transfer Queue to Device" ) ) ); QVBox* vbox = makeVBoxMainWidget(); vbox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); QString transferDir = mdev->getTransferDir(); QGroupBox *location = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Music Location" ), vbox ); new QLabel( i18n( "Your music will be transferred to:\n%1" ) .arg( transferDir ), location ); QVBox *vbox2 = new QVBox( vbox ); QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem( 0, 25 ); QLayout *vlayout = vbox2->layout(); if( vlayout ) vlayout->addItem( spacer ); new QLabel( i18n( "You can have your music automatically grouped in\n" "a variety of ways. Each grouping will create\n" "directories based upon the specified criteria.\n"), vbox ); QGroupBox *sorting = new QGroupBox( 6, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Groupings" ), vbox ); m_label1 = new QLabel( i18n( "Select first grouping:\n" ), sorting ); m_sort1 = new KComboBox( sorting ); m_label2 = new QLabel( i18n( "Select second grouping:\n" ), sorting ); m_sort2 = new KComboBox( sorting ); m_label3 = new QLabel( i18n( "Select third grouping:\n" ), sorting ); m_sort3 = new KComboBox( sorting ); m_combolist = new QPtrList<KComboBox>(); m_combolist->append( m_sort1 ); m_combolist->append( m_sort2 ); m_combolist->append( m_sort3 ); KComboBox * comboTemp; for( comboTemp = m_combolist->first(); comboTemp; comboTemp = m_combolist->next() ) { comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("None") ); comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("Artist") ); comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("Album") ); comboTemp->insertItem( i18n("Genre") ); comboTemp->setCurrentItem( 0 ); } m_sort1->setCurrentItem( mdev->m_firstSort ); m_sort2->setCurrentItem( mdev->m_secondSort ); m_sort3->setCurrentItem( mdev->m_thirdSort ); m_label2->setDisabled( m_sort1->currentItem() == 0 ); m_sort2->setDisabled( m_sort1->currentItem() == 0 ); m_label3->setDisabled( m_sort2->currentItem() == 0 ); m_sort3->setDisabled( m_sort2->currentItem() == 0 ); connect( m_sort1, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( sort1_activated(int)) ); connect( m_sort2, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( sort2_activated(int)) ); QVBox *vbox3 = new QVBox( vbox ); QSpacerItem *spacer2 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 25 ); QLayout *vlayout2 = vbox3->layout(); if( vlayout2 ) vlayout2->addItem( spacer2 ); QGroupBox *options = new QGroupBox( 6, Qt::Vertical, i18n( "Options" ), vbox ); QCheckBox *convertSpaces = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Convert spaces to underscores" ), options ); convertSpaces->setChecked( mdev->getSpacesToUnderscores() ); connect( convertSpaces, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( convertSpaces_toggled(bool) ) ); }
void kiptablesgenerator::setupNewServiceDialog() { newServiceDialog = new KDialogBase(this, 0, true, i18n("Add Service"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel); QFrame *dialogArea = new QFrame(newServiceDialog); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(dialogArea, 7, 2); QLabel *intro = new QLabel(i18n( "<p><i>Advanced users only</i></p>" "<p>Here you can allow or deny access to services through your firewall.<br />" "You can specify a port range in the box using this format: <tt>fromPort:toPort</tt></p>"), dialogArea); intro->show(); layout->addMultiCellWidget(intro, 0, 0, 0, 1); QLabel *protocolLabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Protocol: "), dialogArea); protocolLabel->show(); layout->addWidget(protocolLabel, 1, 0); KComboBox *protocols = new KComboBox(dialogArea); protocols->insertItem(i18n("TCP")); protocols->insertItem(i18n("UDP")); protocols->insertItem(i18n("TCP & UDP")); protocols->insertItem(i18n("ICMP")); protocols->setCurrentItem(2); protocols->show(); layout->addWidget(protocols, 1, 1); protocolLabel->setBuddy(protocols); namedWidgets["newService_protocols"] = protocols; connect(protocols, SIGNAL(activated(int )), this, SLOT(slotChangedProtocol(int ))); QLabel *selectByLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Select service by: "), dialogArea); selectByLabel->show(); layout->addMultiCellWidget(selectByLabel, 2, 2, 0, 1); QButtonGroup *optNamedOrNumbered = new QButtonGroup(dialogArea); optNamedOrNumbered->hide(); namedWidgets["newService_namedOrNumbered"] = optNamedOrNumbered; QRadioButton *optNamed = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Name: "), dialogArea); optNamed->setChecked(true); optNamed->setName("named"); optNamedOrNumbered->insert(optNamed); optNamed->show(); layout->addWidget(optNamed, 3, 0); namedWidgets["newService_named"] = optNamed; KComboBox *names = new KComboBox(dialogArea); names->show(); layout->addWidget(names, 3, 1); namedWidgets["newService_names"] = names; QRadioButton *optNumbered = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Port number(s): "), dialogArea); optNumbered->setName("numbered"); optNamedOrNumbered->insert(optNumbered); optNumbered->show(); layout->addWidget(optNumbered, 4, 0); namedWidgets["newService_numbered"] = optNumbered; KLineEdit *ports = new KLineEdit(dialogArea); ports->show(); layout->addWidget(ports, 4, 1); namedWidgets["newService_ports"] = ports; QButtonGroup *optAllowDeny = new QButtonGroup(dialogArea); optAllowDeny->hide(); namedWidgets["newService_allowDeny"] = optAllowDeny; KSeparator *separator = new KSeparator(dialogArea); separator->show(); layout->addMultiCellWidget(separator, 5, 5, 0, 1); QRadioButton *optAllow = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Accept"), dialogArea); optAllow->setName(i18n("Accept")); optAllow->setChecked(true); optAllow->show(); optAllowDeny->insert(optAllow); layout->addWidget(optAllow, 6, 0); QRadioButton *optDeny = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Drop"), dialogArea); optDeny->setName(i18n("Drop")); optDeny->show(); optAllowDeny->insert(optDeny); layout->addWidget(optDeny, 6, 1); dialogArea->show(); newServiceDialog->setMainWidget(dialogArea); connect(newServiceDialog, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(slotAddService())); slotChangedProtocol(2); // TCP+UDP }