//! @return "opened x minutes ago" string or similar
static QString openedString(const QDateTime& _opened)
    const KDateTime cur(KDateTime::currentUtcDateTime());
    const KDateTime opened = KDateTime(_opened);
    if (!opened.isValid() || opened >= cur)
        return QString();
    const int days = opened.daysTo(cur);
    if (days <= 1 && opened.secsTo(cur) < 24*60*60) {
        const int minutes = opened.secsTo(cur) / 60;
        const int hours = minutes / 60;
        if (hours < 1) {
            if (minutes == 0)
                return i18n("Opened less than minute ago");
                return i18np("Opened 1 minute ago", "Opened %1 minutes ago", minutes);
        } else {
            return i18np("Opened 1 hour ago", "Opened %1 hours ago", hours);
    } else {
        if (days < 30)
            return i18np("Opened yesterday", "Opened %1 days ago", days);
        if (days < 365)
            return i18np("Opened over a month ago", "Opened %1 months ago", days / 30);
        return i18np("Opened one year ago", "Opened %1 years ago", days / 365);
    return QString();
SummaryEventInfo::List SummaryEventInfo::eventsForDate( const QDate &date,
                                                        KCal::Calendar *calendar )
  KCal::Event *ev;

  KCal::Event::List events = calendar->events( date, calendar->timeSpec() );
  KCal::Event::List::ConstIterator it = events.constBegin();

  KDateTime qdt;
  KDateTime::Spec spec = KSystemTimeZones::local();
  KDateTime currentDateTime = KDateTime::currentDateTime( spec );
  QDate currentDate = currentDateTime.date();

  // sort the events for this date by summary
  events = KCal::Calendar::sortEvents( &events,
                                       KCal::SortDirectionAscending );
  // sort the events for this date by start date
  events = KCal::Calendar::sortEvents( &events,
                                       KCal::SortDirectionAscending );

  List eventInfoList;

  for ( it=events.constBegin(); it != events.constEnd(); ++it ) {
    ev = *it;
    int daysTo = -1;

    // Count number of days remaining in multiday event
    int span = 1;
    int dayof = 1;
    if ( ev->isMultiDay() ) {
      QDate d = ev->dtStart().date();
      if ( d < currentDate ) {
        dayof += d.daysTo( currentDate );
        span += d.daysTo( currentDate );
        d = currentDate;
      while ( d < ev->dtEnd().date() ) {
        if ( d < date ) {
        d = d.addDays( 1 );

    QDate startOfMultiday = ev->dtStart().date();
    if ( startOfMultiday < currentDate ) {
      startOfMultiday = currentDate;
    bool firstDayOfMultiday = ( date == startOfMultiday );

    // If this date is part of a floating, multiday event, then we
    // only make a print for the first day of the event.
    if ( ev->isMultiDay() && ev->allDay() &&
         ( currentDate > ev->dtStart().date() || !firstDayOfMultiday ) ) {
    // If the event is already over, then it isn't upcoming. so don't print it.
    if ( !ev->allDay() ) {
      if ( ev->recurs() ) {
        KDateTime kdt( date, QTime( 0, 0, 0 ), KSystemTimeZones::local() );
        kdt = kdt.addSecs( -1 );
        if ( currentDateTime > ev->recurrence()->getNextDateTime( kdt ) ) {
      } else {
        if ( currentDateTime > ev->dtEnd() ) {

    SummaryEventInfo *summaryEvent = new SummaryEventInfo();
    eventInfoList.append( summaryEvent );

    // Event
    summaryEvent->ev = ev;

    // Start date label
    QString str = "";
    QDate sD = QDate( date.year(), date.month(), date.day() );
    if ( ( sD.month() == currentDate.month() ) &&
          ( sD.day()   == currentDate.day() ) ) {
      str = i18nc( "the appointment is today", "Today" );
      summaryEvent->makeBold = true;
    } else if ( ( sD.month() == currentDate.addDays( 1 ).month() ) &&
                ( sD.day()   == currentDate.addDays( 1 ).day() ) ) {
      str = i18nc( "the appointment is tomorrow", "Tomorrow" );
    } else {
      str = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( sD, KLocale::FancyLongDate );
    summaryEvent->startDate = str;

    // Print the date span for multiday, floating events, for the
    // first day of the event only.
    if ( ev->isMultiDay() && ev->allDay() && firstDayOfMultiday && span > 1 ) {
      str = IncidenceFormatter::dateToString( ev->dtStart(), false, spec ) +
            " -\n " +
            IncidenceFormatter::dateToString( ev->dtEnd(), false, spec );
    summaryEvent->dateSpan = str;

    // Days to go label
    str = "";
    dateDiff( startOfMultiday, daysTo );
    if ( ev->isMultiDay() && !ev->allDay() ) {
      dateDiff( date, daysTo );
    if ( daysTo > 0 ) {
      str = i18np( "in 1 day", "in %1 days", daysTo );
    } else {
      if ( !ev->allDay() ) {
        int secs;
        if ( !ev->recurs() ) {
          secs = currentDateTime.secsTo( ev->dtStart() );
        } else {
          KDateTime kdt( date, QTime( 0, 0, 0 ), KSystemTimeZones::local() );
          kdt = kdt.addSecs( -1 );
          KDateTime next = ev->recurrence()->getNextDateTime( kdt );
          secs = currentDateTime.secsTo( next );
        if ( secs > 0 ) {
          str = i18nc( "eg. in 1 hour 2 minutes", "in " );
          int hours = secs / 3600;
          if ( hours > 0 ) {
            str += i18ncp( "use abbreviation for hour to keep the text short",
                           "1 hr", "%1 hrs", hours );
            str += ' ';
            secs -= ( hours * 3600 );
          int mins = secs / 60;
          if ( mins > 0 ) {
            str += i18ncp( "use abbreviation for minute to keep the text short",
                           "1 min", "%1 mins", mins );
        } else {
          str = i18n( "now" );
      } else {
        str = i18n( "all day" );
    summaryEvent->daysToGo = str;

    // Summary label
    str = ev->richSummary();
    if ( ev->isMultiDay() &&  !ev->allDay() ) {
      str.append( QString( " (%1/%2)" ).arg( dayof ).arg( span ) );
    summaryEvent->summaryText = str;
    summaryEvent->summaryUrl = ev->uid();
    QString tipText( KCal::IncidenceFormatter::toolTipStr( calendar, ev, date, true, spec ) );
    if ( !tipText.isEmpty() ) {
      summaryEvent->summaryTooltip = tipText;

    // Time range label (only for non-floating events)
    str = "";
    if ( !ev->allDay() ) {
      QTime sST = ev->dtStart().toTimeSpec( spec ).time();
      QTime sET = ev->dtEnd().toTimeSpec( spec ).time();
      if ( ev->isMultiDay() ) {
        if ( ev->dtStart().date() < date ) {
          sST = QTime( 0, 0 );
        if ( ev->dtEnd().date() > date ) {
          sET = QTime( 23, 59 );
      str = i18nc( "Time from - to", "%1 - %2",
                    KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( sST ),
                    KGlobal::locale()->formatTime( sET ) );
      summaryEvent->timeRange = str;

    // For recurring events, append the next occurrence to the time range label
    if ( ev->recurs() ) {
      KDateTime kdt( date, QTime( 0, 0, 0 ), KSystemTimeZones::local() );
      kdt = kdt.addSecs( -1 );
      KDateTime next = ev->recurrence()->getNextDateTime( kdt );
      QString tmp = IncidenceFormatter::dateTimeToString(
        ev->recurrence()->getNextDateTime( next ), ev->allDay(),
        true, KSystemTimeZones::local() );
      if ( !summaryEvent->timeRange.isEmpty() ) {
        summaryEvent->timeRange += "<br>";
      summaryEvent->timeRange += "<font size=\"small\"><i>" +
                                 i18nc( "next occurrence", "Next: %1", tmp ) +

  return eventInfoList;