QDialog* SemanticMarkupEdition::newLinkDialog( //krazy:exclude=qclasses const QString& url) const { KDialog* dialog = new KDialog(mTextEdit); dialog->setModal(true); dialog->setButtons(KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel); dialog->button(KDialog::Ok)->setObjectName("okButton"); dialog->button(KDialog::Cancel)->setObjectName("cancelButton"); SemanticMarkupLinkWidget* linkWidget = new SemanticMarkupLinkWidget(dialog); linkWidget->setUrl(url); dialog->setMainWidget(linkWidget); dialog->setWindowTitle(linkWidget->windowTitle()); return dialog; }
void ExpressionLineEdit::insertComponent() { if (!m_clock) { return; } ComponentWidget *componentWidget = new ComponentWidget(NULL, m_clock); KDialog *dialog = new KDialog(this); dialog->setMainWidget(componentWidget); dialog->setModal(false); dialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("Insert Clock Component")); dialog->setButtons(KDialog::Apply | KDialog::Close); dialog->button(KDialog::Apply)->setText(i18n("Insert")); dialog->button(KDialog::Apply)->setEnabled(false); dialog->show(); connect(dialog->button(KDialog::Apply), SIGNAL(clicked()), componentWidget, SLOT(insertComponent())); connect(componentWidget, SIGNAL(componentChanged(bool)), dialog->button(KDialog::Apply), SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); connect(componentWidget, SIGNAL(insertComponent(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(insertComponent(QString,QString))); }
void Task::showPropertiesDialog() { if (m_taskType != GroupType || !(m_applet->groupManager()->taskGrouper()->editableGroupProperties() & TaskManager::AbstractGroupingStrategy::Name)) { return; } QWidget *groupWidget = new QWidget; m_groupUi.setupUi(groupWidget); m_groupUi.icon->setIcon(m_group->icon()); m_groupUi.name->setText(m_group->name()); KDialog *groupDialog = new KDialog; groupDialog->setMainWidget(groupWidget); groupDialog->setButtons(KDialog::Cancel | KDialog::Ok); connect(groupDialog, SIGNAL(okClicked()), this, SLOT(setProperties())); groupDialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("%1 Settings", m_group->name())); groupDialog->show(); }
void PPPL_ShowLog() { QStringList sl, result; PPPL_MakeLog(sl); bool foundConnect = false; bool foundLCP = gpppdata.getPPPDebug(); QString lcp = QLatin1String("[LCP"); QString conn = QLatin1String("Connect:"); QStringList::ConstIterator it = sl.constBegin(); for( ; it != sl.constEnd(); it++) { if((*it).indexOf(lcp) >= 0) { foundLCP = true; break; } if((*it).contains(conn)) foundConnect = true; } if(foundConnect && !foundLCP) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNo(0, i18n("KPPP could not prepare a PPP log. It is very likely " "that pppd was started without the \"debug\" option.\n" "Without this option it is difficult to find out PPP " "problems, so in general the debug option should be used.\n" "Enable debug now, and restart pppd?"), QString(), KGuiItem(i18n("Restart pppd")), KGuiItem(i18n("Do Not Restart"))); if(result == KMessageBox::Yes) { gpppdata.setPPPDebug(true); KMessageBox::information(0, i18n("The \"debug\" option has been added. You " "should now try to reconnect. If that fails " "again, you will get a PPP log that may help " "you to track down the connection problem.")); // return; } // return; } PPPL_AnalyseLog(sl, result); KDialog *dlg = new KDialog(); dlg->setButtons(KDialog::Close | KDialog::Ok); dlg->setWindowTitle(i18n("PPP Log")); dlg->setButtonText(KDialog::Ok,i18n("Write to File")); KVBox* v = new KVBox(dlg); QTextEdit *edit = new QTextEdit(v); edit->setReadOnly(true); QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("kppp's diagnosis (just guessing):"), v); QTextEdit *diagnosis = new QTextEdit(v); diagnosis->setReadOnly(true); edit->setMinimumSize(600, 250); label->setMinimumSize(600, 15); diagnosis->setMinimumSize(600, 60); dlg->setMainWidget(v); for(int i = 0; i < sl.count(); i++) edit->append(sl.at(i)); for(int i = 0; i < result.count(); i++) diagnosis->append(result.at(i)); if(dlg->exec()) { QDir d = QDir::home(); QString s = d.absolutePath() + "/PPP-logfile"; int old_umask = umask(0077); FILE *f = fopen(QFile::encodeName(s), "w"); for(int i = 0; i < sl.count(); i++) fprintf(f, "%s\n", sl.at(i).toLocal8Bit().data()); fclose(f); umask(old_umask); QString msg = i18n("The PPP log has been saved\nas \"%1\".\n\nIf you want to send a bug report, or have\nproblems connecting to the Internet, please\nattach this file. It will help the maintainers\nto find the bug and to improve KPPP", s); KMessageBox::information(0, msg); } delete dlg; }
/** * Authenticate using OAuth * * TODO (Dirk): There's some GUI code slipped in here, * that really doesn't feel like it's belonging here. */ void FbTalker::doOAuth() { // just in case m_loginInProgress = true; // TODO (Dirk): // Find out whether this signalBusy is used here appropriately. emit signalBusy(true); KUrl url("https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth"); url.addQueryItem("client_id", m_appID); url.addQueryItem("redirect_uri", "https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html"); // TODO (Dirk): Check which of these permissions can be optional. url.addQueryItem("scope", "photo_upload,user_photos,friends_photos,user_photo_video_tags,friends_photo_video_tags,offline_access"); url.addQueryItem("response_type", "token"); kDebug() << "OAuth URL: " << url; KToolInvocation::invokeBrowser(url.url()); emit signalBusy(false); KDialog* window = new KDialog(kapp->activeWindow(), 0); window->setModal(true); window->setWindowTitle( i18n("Facebook Application Authorization") ); window->setButtons(KDialog::Ok | KDialog::Cancel); QWidget* main = new QWidget(window, 0); QLineEdit* textbox = new QLineEdit( ); QPlainTextEdit* infobox = new QPlainTextEdit( i18n( "Please follow the instructions in the browser window. " "When done, copy the Internet address from your browser into the textbox below and press \"OK\"." ) ); infobox->setReadOnly(true); QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout; layout->addWidget(infobox); layout->addWidget(textbox); main->setLayout(layout); window->setMainWidget(main); if( window->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { // Error code and reason from the Facebook service QString errorReason; QString errorCode; url = KUrl( textbox->text() ); QString fragment = url.fragment(); kDebug() << "Split out the fragment from the URL: " << fragment; QStringList params = fragment.split('&'); QList<QString>::iterator i = params.begin(); while( i != params.end() ) { QStringList keyvalue = (*i).split('='); if( keyvalue.size() == 2 ) { if( ! keyvalue[0].compare( "access_token" ) ) { m_accessToken = keyvalue[1]; } else if( ! keyvalue[0].compare( "expires_in" ) ) { m_sessionExpires = keyvalue[1].toUInt(); if( m_sessionExpires != 0 ) { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x40700 m_sessionExpires += QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000; #else m_sessionExpires += QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t(); #endif } } else if( ! keyvalue[0].compare( "error_reason" ) ) { errorReason = keyvalue[1]; } else if( ! keyvalue[0].compare( "error" ) ) { errorCode = keyvalue[1]; } } ++i; } if( !m_accessToken.isEmpty() && errorCode.isEmpty() && errorReason.isEmpty() ) { return getLoggedInUser(); } } authenticationDone(-1, i18n("Canceled by user.")); // TODO (Dirk): Correct? emit signalBusy(false); }