* Called when the New From Template action is clicked.
* Creates a popup menu listing all alarm templates, in sorted name order.
void TemplateMenuAction::slotInitMenu()
	KMenu* m = menu();

	// Compile a sorted list of template names
	int i, end;
	QStringList sorted;
	KAEvent::List templates = KAlarm::templateList();
	for (i = 0, end = templates.count();  i < end;  ++i)
		QString name = templates[i]->templateName();
		int j = 0;
		for (int jend = sorted.count();
		     j < jend  &&  QString::localeAwareCompare(name, sorted[j]) > 0;
		     ++j) ;
		sorted.insert(j, name);

	for (i = 0, end = sorted.count();  i < end;  ++i)
		QAction* act = m->addAction(sorted[i]);
		mOriginalTexts[act] = sorted[i];   // keep original text, since action text has shortcuts added
Пример #2
void Widget::themeMenuAboutToShow()
  if ( !d->mStorageModel )

  KMenu * menu = dynamic_cast< KMenu * >( sender() );
  if ( !menu )


  menu->addTitle( i18n( "Theme" ) );

  QActionGroup * grp = new QActionGroup( menu );

  const QHash< QString, Theme * > & themes = Manager::instance()->themes();

  QAction * act;

  QList< const Theme * > sortedThemes;

  for ( QHash< QString, Theme * >::ConstIterator ci = themes.constBegin(); ci != themes.constEnd(); ++ci )
    int idx = 0;
    int cnt = sortedThemes.count();
    while ( idx < cnt )
      if ( sortedThemes.at( idx )->name() > ( *ci )->name() )
        sortedThemes.insert( idx, *ci );

    if ( idx == cnt )
      sortedThemes.append( *ci );

  for ( QList< const Theme * >::ConstIterator it = sortedThemes.constBegin(); it != sortedThemes.constEnd(); ++it )
    act = menu->addAction( ( *it )->name() );
    act->setCheckable( true );
    grp->addAction( act );
    act->setChecked( d->mLastThemeId == ( *it )->id() );
    act->setData( QVariant( ( *it )->id() ) );
    connect( act, SIGNAL( triggered( bool ) ),
             SLOT( themeSelected( bool ) ) );


  act = menu->addAction( i18n( "Configure..." ) );
  connect( act, SIGNAL( triggered( bool ) ),
           SLOT( configureThemes() ) );
Пример #3
void Widget::sortOrderMenuAboutToShow()
  if ( !d->mAggregation )

  KMenu * menu = dynamic_cast< KMenu * >( sender() );
  if ( !menu )


  menu->addTitle( i18n( "Message Sort Order" ) );

  QActionGroup * grp;
  QAction * act;
  QList< QPair< QString, int > > options;
  QList< QPair< QString, int > >::ConstIterator it;

  grp = new QActionGroup( menu );

  options = SortOrder::enumerateMessageSortingOptions( d->mAggregation->threading() );

  for ( it = options.constBegin(); it != options.constEnd(); ++it )
    act = menu->addAction( ( *it ).first );
    act->setCheckable( true );
    grp->addAction( act );
    act->setChecked( d->mSortOrder.messageSorting() == ( *it ).second );
    act->setData( QVariant( ( *it ).second ) );

  connect( grp, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),
           SLOT( messageSortingSelected( QAction * ) ) );

  options = SortOrder::enumerateMessageSortDirectionOptions( d->mSortOrder.messageSorting() );

  if ( options.size() >= 2 )
    menu->addTitle( i18n( "Message Sort Direction" ) );

    grp = new QActionGroup( menu );

    for ( it = options.constBegin(); it != options.constEnd(); ++it )
      act = menu->addAction( ( *it ).first );
      act->setCheckable( true );
      grp->addAction( act );
      act->setChecked( d->mSortOrder.messageSortDirection() == ( *it ).second );
      act->setData( QVariant( ( *it ).second ) );

    connect( grp, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),
             SLOT( messageSortDirectionSelected( QAction * ) ) );

  options = SortOrder::enumerateGroupSortingOptions( d->mAggregation->grouping() );

  if ( options.size() >= 2 )
    menu->addTitle( i18n( "Group Sort Order" ) );

    grp = new QActionGroup( menu );

    for ( it = options.constBegin(); it != options.constEnd(); ++it )
      act = menu->addAction( ( *it ).first );
      act->setCheckable( true );
      grp->addAction( act );
      act->setChecked( d->mSortOrder.groupSorting() == ( *it ).second );
      act->setData( QVariant( ( *it ).second ) );

    connect( grp, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),
             SLOT( groupSortingSelected( QAction * ) ) );

  options = SortOrder::enumerateGroupSortDirectionOptions( d->mAggregation->grouping(),
                                                           d->mSortOrder.groupSorting() );

  if ( options.size() >= 2 )
    menu->addTitle( i18n( "Group Sort Direction" ) );

    grp = new QActionGroup( menu );

    for ( it = options.constBegin(); it != options.constEnd(); ++it )
      act = menu->addAction( ( *it ).first );
      act->setCheckable( true );
      grp->addAction( act );
      act->setChecked( d->mSortOrder.groupSortDirection() == ( *it ).second );
      act->setData( QVariant( ( *it ).second ) );

    connect( grp, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),
             SLOT( groupSortDirectionSelected( QAction * ) ) );

  act = menu->addAction( i18n( "Folder Always Uses This Sort Order" ) );
  act->setCheckable( true );
  act->setChecked( d->mStorageUsesPrivateSortOrder );
  connect( act, SIGNAL( triggered( bool ) ),
           SLOT( setPrivateSortOrderForStorage() ) );