bool KSSLD::caAdd(TQString certificate, bool ssl, bool email, bool code) { KSSLCertificate *x = KSSLCertificate::fromString(certificate.local8Bit()); if (!x) return false; TDEConfig cfg("ksslcalist", false, false); cfg.setGroup(x->getSubject()); cfg.writeEntry("x509", certificate); cfg.writeEntry("site", ssl); cfg.writeEntry("email", email); cfg.writeEntry("code", code); cfg.sync(); delete x; return true; }
bool KSSLD::caRemoveFromFile(TQString filename) { TQStringList certificates; certificates = caReadCerticatesFromFile(filename); if (certificates.isEmpty()) return false; bool ok = true; for (TQStringList::Iterator it = certificates.begin(); it != certificates.end(); ++it ) { TQString certificate = *it; KSSLCertificate *x = KSSLCertificate::fromString(certificate.local8Bit()); ok &= x && caRemove(x->getSubject()); delete x; } return ok; }
void KSSLInfoDlg::setup(KSSLCertificate *cert, const QString &ip, const QString &url, const QString &cipher, const QString &cipherdesc, const QString &sslversion, int usedbits, int bits, KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidation /*certState*/) { // Needed to put the GUI stuff here to get the layouting right d->_cert = cert; QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout(4, 2, KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Chain:"), this), 0, 0); d->_chain = new KComboBox(this); layout->addMultiCellWidget(d->_chain, 1, 1, 0, 1); connect(d->_chain, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotChain(int))); d->_chain->clear(); if(cert->chain().isValid() && cert->chain().depth() > 1) { d->_chain->setEnabled(true); d->_chain->insertItem(i18n("0 - Site Certificate")); int cnt = 0; QPtrList< KSSLCertificate > cl = cert->chain().getChain(); cl.setAutoDelete(true); for(KSSLCertificate *c = cl.first(); c != 0; c = { KSSLX509Map map(c->getSubject()); QString id; id = map.getValue("CN"); if(id.length() == 0) id = map.getValue("O"); if(id.length() == 0) id = map.getValue("OU"); d->_chain->insertItem(QString::number(++cnt) + " - " + id); } d->_chain->setCurrentItem(0); } else d->_chain->setEnabled(false); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Peer certificate:"), this), 2, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_subject = static_cast< KSSLCertBox * >(buildCertInfo(cert->getSubject())), 3, 0); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Issuer:"), this), 2, 1); layout->addWidget(d->_issuer = static_cast< KSSLCertBox * >(buildCertInfo(cert->getIssuer())), 3, 1); d->m_layout->addMultiCell(layout, 1, 1, 0, 2); layout = new QGridLayout(11, 2, KDialog::spacingHint()); layout->setColStretch(1, 1); QLabel *ipl = new QLabel(i18n("IP address:"), this); layout->addWidget(ipl, 0, 0); if(ip.isEmpty()) { ipl->hide(); } layout->addWidget(ipl = new QLabel(ip, this), 0, 1); if(ip.isEmpty()) { ipl->hide(); } layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("URL:"), this), 1, 0); KSqueezedTextLabel *urlLabel = new KSqueezedTextLabel(url, this); layout->addWidget(urlLabel, 1, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Certificate state:"), this), 2, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_csl = new QLabel("", this), 2, 1); update(); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Valid from:"), this), 3, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_validFrom = new QLabel("", this), 3, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Valid until:"), this), 4, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_validUntil = new QLabel("", this), 4, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Serial number:"), this), 5, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_serialNum = new QLabel("", this), 5, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("MD5 digest:"), this), 6, 0); layout->addWidget(d->_digest = new QLabel("", this), 6, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Cipher in use:"), this), 7, 0); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(cipher, this), 7, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Details:"), this), 8, 0); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(cipherdesc.simplifyWhiteSpace(), this), 8, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("SSL version:"), this), 9, 0); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(sslversion, this), 9, 1); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("Cipher strength:"), this), 10, 0); layout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("%1 bits used of a %2 bit cipher").arg(usedbits).arg(bits), this), 10, 1); d->m_layout->addMultiCell(layout, 2, 2, 0, 2); displayCert(cert); }
bool KSSLSigners::remove(KSSLCertificate& cert) { return remove(cert.getSubject()); }
bool KSSLSigners::useForCode(KSSLCertificate& cert) const{ return useForCode(cert.getSubject()); }
void KJavaAppletServer::slotJavaRequest( const QByteArray& qb ) { // qb should be one command only without the length string, // we parse out the command and it's meaning here... QString cmd; QStringList args; int index = 0; const int qb_size = qb.size(); //get the command code const char cmd_code = qb[ index++ ]; ++index; //skip the next sep //get contextID QString contextID; while( qb[index] != 0 && index < qb_size ) { contextID += qb[ index++ ]; } bool ok; const int ID_num = contextID.toInt( &ok ); // context id or kio job id /*if (d->locked_context > -1 && ID_num != d->locked_context && (cmd_code == KJAS_JAVASCRIPT_EVENT || cmd_code == KJAS_APPLET_STATE || cmd_code == KJAS_APPLET_FAILED)) { / * Don't allow requests from other contexts if we're waiting * on a return value that can trigger JavaScript events * / d->java_requests.push_back(qb); return; }*/ ++index; //skip the sep if (cmd_code == KJAS_PUT_DATA) { // rest of the data is for kio put if (ok) { KIOJobMap::iterator it = d->kiojobs.find( ID_num ); if (ok && it != d->kiojobs.end()) { QByteArray qba; qba = QByteArray::fromRawData( + index, qb.size() - index - 1); it.value()->data(qba); qba = QByteArray::fromRawData( + index, qb.size() - index - 1); } kDebug(6100) << "PutData(" << ID_num << ") size=" << qb.size() - index; } else kError(6100) << "PutData error " << ok << endl; return; } //now parse out the arguments while( index < qb_size ) { int sep_pos = qb.indexOf( (char) 0, index ); if (sep_pos < 0) { kError(6100) << "Missing separation byte" << endl; sep_pos = qb_size; } //kDebug(6100) << "KJavaAppletServer::slotJavaRequest: "<< QString::fromLocal8Bit( + index, sep_pos - index ); args.append( QString::fromLocal8Bit( + index, sep_pos - index ) ); index = sep_pos + 1; //skip the sep } //here I should find the context and call the method directly //instead of emitting signals switch( cmd_code ) { case KJAS_SHOW_DOCUMENT: cmd = QLatin1String( "showdocument" ); break; case KJAS_SHOW_URLINFRAME: cmd = QLatin1String( "showurlinframe" ); break; case KJAS_SHOW_STATUS: cmd = QLatin1String( "showstatus" ); break; case KJAS_RESIZE_APPLET: cmd = QLatin1String( "resizeapplet" ); break; case KJAS_GET_URLDATA: if (ok && !args.empty() ) { d->kiojobs.insert(ID_num, new KJavaDownloader(ID_num, args.first())); kDebug(6100) << "GetURLData(" << ID_num << ") url=" << args.first(); } else kError(6100) << "GetURLData error " << ok << " args:" << args.size() << endl; return; case KJAS_PUT_URLDATA: if (ok && !args.empty()) { KJavaUploader* const job = new KJavaUploader(ID_num, args.first()); d->kiojobs.insert(ID_num, job); job->start(); kDebug(6100) << "PutURLData(" << ID_num << ") url=" << args.first(); } else kError(6100) << "PutURLData error " << ok << " args:" << args.size() << endl; return; case KJAS_DATA_COMMAND: if (ok && !args.empty()) { const int cmd = args.first().toInt( &ok ); KIOJobMap::iterator it = d->kiojobs.find( ID_num ); if (ok && it != d->kiojobs.end()) it.value()->jobCommand( cmd ); kDebug(6100) << "KIO Data command: " << ID_num << " " << args.first(); } else kError(6100) << "KIO Data command error " << ok << " args:" << args.size() << endl; return; case KJAS_JAVASCRIPT_EVENT: cmd = QLatin1String( "JS_Event" ); if(!args.empty()) { kDebug(6100) << "Javascript request: "<< contextID << " code: " << args[0] << endl; } else { kError(6100) << "Expected args not to be empty!" << endl; } break; case KJAS_GET_MEMBER: case KJAS_PUT_MEMBER: case KJAS_CALL_MEMBER: { if(!args.empty()) { const int ticket = args[0].toInt(); JSStack::iterator it = d->jsstack.find(ticket); if (it != d->jsstack.end()) { kDebug(6100) << "slotJavaRequest: " << ticket; args.pop_front(); it.value()->args.operator=(args); // just in case .. it.value()->ready = true; it.value()->exit = true; } else kDebug(6100) << "Error: Missed return member data"; } else { kError(6100) << "Expected args not to be empty!" << endl; } return; } case KJAS_AUDIOCLIP_PLAY: cmd = QLatin1String( "audioclip_play" ); if(!args.empty()) kDebug(6100) << "Audio Play: url=" << args[0]; else kError(6100) << "Expected args not to be empty!" << endl; break; case KJAS_AUDIOCLIP_LOOP: cmd = QLatin1String( "audioclip_loop" ); if(!args.empty()) kDebug(6100) << "Audio Loop: url=" << args[0]; else kError(6100) << "Expected args not to be empty!" << endl; break; case KJAS_AUDIOCLIP_STOP: cmd = QLatin1String( "audioclip_stop" ); if(!args.empty()) kDebug(6100) << "Audio Stop: url=" << args[0]; else kError(6100) << "Expected args not to be empty!" << endl; break; case KJAS_APPLET_STATE: if(args.size() > 1) kDebug(6100) << "Applet State Notification for Applet " << args[0] << ". New state=" << args[1]; else kError(6100) << "Expected args not to be empty!" << endl; cmd = QLatin1String( "AppletStateNotification" ); break; case KJAS_APPLET_FAILED: if(args.size() > 1) kDebug(6100) << "Applet " << args[0] << " Failed: " << args[1]; else kError(6100) << "Expected args not to be empty!" << endl; cmd = QLatin1String( "AppletFailed" ); break; case KJAS_SECURITY_CONFIRM: { if (KSSL::doesSSLWork() && !d->kssl) d->kssl = new KSSL; QStringList sl; QString answer( "invalid" ); if (!d->kssl) { answer = "nossl"; } else if (args.size() > 2) { const int certsnr = args[1].toInt(); Q_ASSERT(args.size() > certsnr + 1); QString text; QList<KSSLCertificate *> certs; for (int i = certsnr - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const QByteArray &arg = args[i + 2].toAscii(); KSSLCertificate * cert = KSSLCertificate::fromString(arg.constData()); if (cert) { certs.prepend(cert); if (cert->isSigner()) text += i18n("Signed by (validation: %1)", KSSLCertificate::verifyText(cert->validate())); else text += i18n("Certificate (validation: %1)", KSSLCertificate::verifyText(cert->validate())); text += "\n"; QString subject = cert->getSubject() + QChar('\n'); QRegExp reg(QString("/[A-Z]+=")); int pos = 0; while ((pos = subject.indexOf(reg, pos)) > -1) subject.replace(pos, 1, QString("\n ")); text += subject.mid(1); } } kDebug(6100) << "Security confirm " << args.first() << certs.count(); if ( !certs.isEmpty() ) { KSSLCertChain chain; chain.setChain( certs ); if ( chain.isValid() ) answer = PermissionDialog( qApp->activeWindow() ).exec( text, args[0] ); } qDeleteAll(certs); } sl.push_front( answer ); sl.push_front( QString::number(ID_num) ); process->send( KJAS_SECURITY_CONFIRM, sl ); return; } default: return; break; } if( !ok ) { kError(6100) << "could not parse out contextID to call command on" << endl; return; } KJavaAppletContext* const context = d->contexts[ ID_num ]; if( context ) context->processCmd( cmd, args ); else if (cmd != "AppletStateNotification") kError(6100) << "no context object for this id" << endl; }