PassRefPtr<Intent> Intent::create(ScriptState* scriptState, const Dictionary& options, ExceptionCode& ec) { String action; if (!options.get("action", action) || action.isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } String type; if (!options.get("type", type) || type.isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } String service; KURL serviceUrl; if (options.get("service", service) && !service.isEmpty()) { serviceUrl = KURL(KURL(), service); if (!serviceUrl.isValid()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } } MessagePortArray ports; OwnPtr<MessagePortChannelArray> channels; if (options.get("transfer", ports)) channels = MessagePort::disentanglePorts(&ports, ec); ScriptValue dataValue; RefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> serializedData; if (options.get("data", dataValue)) { bool didThrow = false; serializedData = dataValue.serialize(scriptState, &ports, 0, didThrow); if (didThrow) { ec = DATA_CLONE_ERR; return 0; } } HashMap<String, String> extras; Dictionary extrasDictionary; if (options.get("extras", extrasDictionary)) extrasDictionary.getOwnPropertiesAsStringHashMap(extras); HashSet<AtomicString> suggestionsStrings; Vector<KURL> suggestions; if (options.get("suggestions", suggestionsStrings)) { for (HashSet<AtomicString>::iterator iter = suggestionsStrings.begin(); iter != suggestionsStrings.end(); ++iter) { KURL suggestedURL = KURL(KURL(), *iter); if (!suggestedURL.isValid()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } suggestions.append(suggestedURL); } } return adoptRef(new Intent(action, type, serializedData.release(), channels.release(), extras, serviceUrl, suggestions)); }
bool LinkLoader::loadLink(const LinkRelAttribute& relAttribute, const AtomicString& crossOriginMode, const String& type, const KURL& href, Document& document) { if (relAttribute.isDNSPrefetch()) { Settings* settings = document.settings(); // FIXME: The href attribute of the link element can be in "//hostname" form, and we shouldn't attempt // to complete that as URL <>. if (settings && settings->dnsPrefetchingEnabled() && href.isValid() && !href.isEmpty()) prefetchDNS(; } // FIXME( Should take care of import. if ((relAttribute.isLinkPrefetch() || relAttribute.isLinkSubresource()) && href.isValid() && document.frame()) { if (!m_client->shouldLoadLink()) return false; Resource::Type type = relAttribute.isLinkSubresource() ? Resource::LinkSubresource : Resource::LinkPrefetch; FetchRequest linkRequest(ResourceRequest(document.completeURL(href)), FetchInitiatorTypeNames::link); if (!crossOriginMode.isNull()) linkRequest.setCrossOriginAccessControl(document.securityOrigin(), crossOriginMode); setResource(document.fetcher()->fetchLinkResource(type, linkRequest)); } if (const unsigned prerenderRelTypes = prerenderRelTypesFromRelAttribute(relAttribute)) { if (!m_prerender) { m_prerender = PrerenderHandle::create(document, this, href, prerenderRelTypes); } else if (m_prerender->url() != href) { m_prerender->cancel(); m_prerender = PrerenderHandle::create(document, this, href, prerenderRelTypes); } // TODO(gavinp): Handle changes to rel types of existing prerenders. } else if (m_prerender) { m_prerender->cancel(); m_prerender.clear(); } return true; }
bool protocolHostAndPortAreEqual(const KURL& a, const KURL& b) { if (!a.isValid() || !b.isValid()) return false; return a.protocol() == b.protocol() && == && a.port() == b.port(); }
void FileSelectDlg::updateSizeLabels() { //calculate free disk space KURL sdir = KURL(m_downloadLocation -> url()); while( sdir.isValid() && sdir.isLocalFile() && (!sdir.isEmpty()) && (! QDir(sdir.path()).exists()) ) { sdir = sdir.upURL(); } Uint64 bytes_free = 0; if (!FreeDiskSpace(sdir.path(),bytes_free)) { FreeDiskSpace(tc->getDataDir(),bytes_free); } Uint64 bytes_to_download = 0; if (root) bytes_to_download = root->bytesToDownload(); else bytes_to_download = tc->getStats().total_bytes; lblFree->setText(kt::BytesToString(bytes_free)); lblRequired->setText(kt::BytesToString(bytes_to_download)); if (bytes_to_download > bytes_free) lblStatus->setText("<font color=\"#ff0000\">" + kt::BytesToString(-1*(long long)(bytes_free - bytes_to_download)) + i18n(" short!")); else lblStatus->setText(kt::BytesToString(bytes_free - bytes_to_download)); }
PassRefPtr<EventSource> EventSource::create(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& url, const Dictionary& eventSourceInit, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (url.isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } KURL fullURL = context->completeURL(url); if (!fullURL.isValid()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } // FIXME: Convert this to check the isolated world's Content Security Policy once is solved. bool shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy = false; if (context->isDocument()) { Document* document = toDocument(context); shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy = document->frame()->script()->shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy(); } if (!shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy && !context->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowConnectToSource(fullURL)) { // FIXME: Should this be throwing an exception? ec = SECURITY_ERR; return 0; } RefPtr<EventSource> source = adoptRef(new EventSource(context, fullURL, eventSourceInit)); source->setPendingActivity(source.get()); source->connect(); source->suspendIfNeeded(); return source.release(); }
PassRefPtr<EntrySync> WorkerContext::webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL(const String& url, ExceptionCode& ec) { ec = 0; KURL completedURL = completeURL(url); if (!AsyncFileSystem::isAvailable() || !securityOrigin()->canAccessFileSystem() || !securityOrigin()->canRequest(completedURL)) { ec = FileException::SECURITY_ERR; return 0; } AsyncFileSystem::Type type; String filePath; if (!completedURL.isValid() || !DOMFileSystemBase::crackFileSystemURL(completedURL, type, filePath)) { ec = FileException::ENCODING_ERR; return 0; } FileSystemSyncCallbackHelper readFileSystemHelper; LocalFileSystem::localFileSystem().readFileSystem(this, type, FileSystemCallbacks::create(readFileSystemHelper.successCallback(), readFileSystemHelper.errorCallback(), this), true); RefPtr<DOMFileSystemSync> fileSystem = readFileSystemHelper.getResult(ec); if (!fileSystem) return 0; RefPtr<EntrySync> entry = fileSystem->root()->getDirectory(filePath, 0, ec); if (ec == FileException::TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR) return fileSystem->root()->getFile(filePath, 0, ec); return entry.release(); }
CredentialTransformData::CredentialTransformData(HTMLFormElement* form) : m_userNameElement(0) , m_passwordElement(0) , m_isValid(false) { ASSERT(form); // Get the document URL KURL fullOrigin(ParsedURLString, form->document()->documentURI()); // Calculate the canonical action URL String action = form->action(); if (action.isNull()) action = ""; // missing 'action' attribute implies current URL KURL fullAction = form->document()->completeURL(action); if (!fullAction.isValid()) return; if (!findPasswordFormFields(form)) return; m_url = stripURL(fullOrigin); m_action = stripURL(fullAction); m_protectionSpace = ProtectionSpace(, m_url.port(), ProtectionSpaceServerHTTP, "Form", ProtectionSpaceAuthenticationSchemeHTMLForm); m_credential = Credential(m_userNameElement->value(), m_passwordElement->value(), CredentialPersistencePermanent); m_isValid = true; }
PassRefPtr<EventSource> EventSource::create(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& url, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (url.isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } KURL fullURL = context->completeURL(url); if (!fullURL.isValid()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return 0; } // FIXME: Should support at least some cross-origin requests. if (!context->securityOrigin()->canRequest(fullURL)) { ec = SECURITY_ERR; return 0; } if (!context->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowConnectToSource(fullURL)) { // FIXME: Should this be throwing an exception? ec = SECURITY_ERR; return 0; } RefPtr<EventSource> source = adoptRef(new EventSource(fullURL, context)); source->setPendingActivity(source.get()); source->connect(); source->suspendIfNeeded(); return source.release(); }
EventSource* EventSource::create(ExecutionContext* context, const String& url, const EventSourceInit& eventSourceInit, ExceptionState& exceptionState) { if (url.isEmpty()) { exceptionState.throwDOMException(SyntaxError, "Cannot open an EventSource to an empty URL."); return nullptr; } KURL fullURL = context->completeURL(url); if (!fullURL.isValid()) { exceptionState.throwDOMException(SyntaxError, "Cannot open an EventSource to '" + url + "'. The URL is invalid."); return nullptr; } // FIXME: Convert this to check the isolated world's Content Security Policy once is solved. if (!ContentSecurityPolicy::shouldBypassMainWorld(context) && !context->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowConnectToSource(fullURL)) { // We can safely expose the URL to JavaScript, as this exception is generate synchronously before any redirects take place. exceptionState.throwSecurityError("Refused to connect to '" + fullURL.elidedString() + "' because it violates the document's Content Security Policy."); return nullptr; } EventSource* source = new EventSource(context, fullURL, eventSourceInit); source->scheduleInitialConnect(); source->suspendIfNeeded(); return source; }
void ArchiveResourceCollection::addAllResources(MHTMLArchive* archive) { ASSERT(archive); if (!archive) return; const MHTMLArchive::SubArchiveResources& subresources = archive->subresources(); for (const RefPtrWillBeMember<ArchiveResource>& subresource : subresources) { addResource(*subresource); } const MHTMLArchive::SubFrameArchives& subframes = archive->subframeArchives(); for (const RefPtrWillBeMember<MHTMLArchive>& archive : subframes) { ASSERT(archive->mainResource()); const String& frameName = archive->mainResource()->frameName(); if (!frameName.isNull()) { m_subframes.set(frameName, archive.get()); } else { // In the MHTML case, frames don't have a name so we use the URL instead. m_subframes.set(archive->mainResource()->url().string(), archive.get()); } KURL cidURI = MHTMLParser::convertContentIDToURI(archive->mainResource()->contentID()); if (cidURI.isValid()) m_subframes.set(cidURI, archive.get()); } }
WebPasswordFormData::WebPasswordFormData(const WebFormElement& webForm) { RefPtr<HTMLFormElement> form = webForm.operator PassRefPtr<HTMLFormElement>(); Frame* frame = form->document()->frame(); if (!frame) return; PasswordFormFields fields; findPasswordFormFields(form.get(), &fields); // Get the document URL KURL fullOrigin(ParsedURLString, form->document()->documentURI()); // Calculate the canonical action URL String action = form->action(); if (action.isNull()) action = ""; // missing 'action' attribute implies current URL KURL fullAction = frame->loader()->completeURL(action); if (!fullAction.isValid()) return; // Determine the types of the password fields HTMLInputElement* password = 0; HTMLInputElement* oldPassword = 0; if (!locateSpecificPasswords(&fields, &password, &oldPassword)) return; assemblePasswordFormResult(fullOrigin, fullAction, fields.submit, fields.userName, oldPassword, password, this); }
void SearchManager::startSearch(KURL const& root, SearchMode const& modo) { canceled_ = false; //time_.restart(); time_.start(); Q_ASSERT(root.isValid()); //Q_ASSERT(root.protocol() == "http" || root.protocol() == "https"); if(root.hasHost() && (domain_.isNull() || domain_.isEmpty())) { setDomain( +; kdDebug(23100) << "Domain: " << domain_ << endl; } root_.setIsRoot(true); root_.setDepth(0); root_.setOriginalUrl(root.prettyURL()); root_.setAbsoluteUrl(root); root_.setOnlyCheckHeader(false); root_.setRootUrl(root); search_mode_ = modo; if(modo == depth) Q_ASSERT(depth_ != -1); else if(modo == domain) Q_ASSERT(depth_ == -1); else Q_ASSERT(depth_ != -1); searching_ = true; //Q_ASSERT(domain_ != QString::null); checkRoot(); }
void History::stateObjectAdded(PassRefPtr<SerializedScriptValue> data, const String& title, const String& urlString, StateObjectType stateObjectType, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (!m_frame || !m_frame->page()) return; KURL fullURL = urlForState(urlString); RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> origin = SecurityOrigin::create(fullURL); if (!fullURL.isValid() || !m_frame->document()->securityOrigin()->isSameSchemeHostPort(origin.get())) { ec = SECURITY_ERR; return; } if (stateObjectType == StateObjectPush) m_frame->loader()->history()->pushState(data, title, fullURL.string()); else if (stateObjectType == StateObjectReplace) m_frame->loader()->history()->replaceState(data, title, fullURL.string()); if (!urlString.isEmpty()) m_frame->document()->updateURLForPushOrReplaceState(fullURL); if (stateObjectType == StateObjectPush) m_frame->loader()->client()->dispatchDidPushStateWithinPage(); else if (stateObjectType == StateObjectReplace) m_frame->loader()->client()->dispatchDidReplaceStateWithinPage(); }
void PageSerializer::serializeCSSStyleSheet(CSSStyleSheet* styleSheet, const KURL& url) { StringBuilder cssText; for (unsigned i = 0; i < styleSheet->length(); ++i) { StyleBase* item = styleSheet->item(i); String itemText = item->cssText(); if (!itemText.isEmpty()) { cssText.append(itemText); if (i < styleSheet->length() - 1) cssText.append("\n\n"); } // Some rules have resources associated with them that we need to retrieve. if (item->isImportRule()) { CSSImportRule* importRule = static_cast<CSSImportRule*>(item); KURL importURL = styleSheet->document()->completeURL(importRule->href()); if (m_resourceURLs.contains(importURL)) continue; serializeCSSStyleSheet(importRule->styleSheet(), importURL); } else if (item->isFontFaceRule()) { // FIXME: Add support for font face rule. It is not clear to me at this point if the actual otf/eot file can // be retrieved from the CSSFontFaceRule object. } else if (item->isStyleRule()) retrieveResourcesForCSSRule(static_cast<CSSStyleRule*>(item)); } if (url.isValid() && !m_resourceURLs.contains(url)) { // FIXME: We should check whether a charset has been specified and if none was found add one. TextEncoding textEncoding(styleSheet->charset()); ASSERT(textEncoding.isValid()); String textString = cssText.toString(); CString text = textEncoding.encode(textString.characters(), textString.length(), EntitiesForUnencodables); m_resources->append(Resource(url, String("text/css"), SharedBuffer::create(, text.length()))); m_resourceURLs.add(url); } }
CachedImage* CachedResourceLoader::requestImage(ResourceRequest& request) { if (Frame* f = frame()) { Settings* settings = f->settings(); if (!f->loader()->client()->allowImages(!settings || settings->areImagesEnabled())) return 0; if (f->loader()->pageDismissalEventBeingDispatched()) { KURL requestURL = request.url(); if (requestURL.isValid() && canRequest(CachedResource::ImageResource, requestURL)) PingLoader::loadImage(f, requestURL); return 0; } } CachedImage* resource = static_cast<CachedImage*>(requestResource(CachedResource::ImageResource, request, String())); if (resource) { #ifdef ANDROID_BLOCK_NETWORK_IMAGE resource->setAutoLoadWasPreventedBySettings(!autoLoadImages() || shouldBlockNetworkImage(request.url())); #else resource->setAutoLoadWasPreventedBySettings(!autoLoadImages()); #endif if (autoLoadImages() && resource->stillNeedsLoad()) { #ifdef ANDROID_BLOCK_NETWORK_IMAGE if (shouldBlockNetworkImage(request.url())) { return resource; } #endif resource->setLoading(true); load(resource, true); } } return resource; }
static void dnsPrefetchIfNeeded( const LinkRelAttribute& relAttribute, const KURL& href, Document& document, const NetworkHintsInterface& networkHintsInterface, LinkCaller caller) { if (relAttribute.isDNSPrefetch()) { UseCounter::count(document, UseCounter::LinkRelDnsPrefetch); if (caller == LinkCalledFromHeader) UseCounter::count(document, UseCounter::LinkHeaderDnsPrefetch); Settings* settings = document.settings(); // FIXME: The href attribute of the link element can be in "//hostname" // form, and we shouldn't attempt to complete that as URL // <>. if (settings && settings->dnsPrefetchingEnabled() && href.isValid() && !href.isEmpty()) { if (settings->logDnsPrefetchAndPreconnect()) { document.addConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage::create( OtherMessageSource, DebugMessageLevel, String("DNS prefetch triggered for " +; } networkHintsInterface.dnsPrefetchHost(; } } }
static void preconnectIfNeeded( const LinkRelAttribute& relAttribute, const KURL& href, Document& document, const CrossOriginAttributeValue crossOrigin, const NetworkHintsInterface& networkHintsInterface, LinkCaller caller) { if (relAttribute.isPreconnect() && href.isValid() && href.protocolIsInHTTPFamily()) { UseCounter::count(document, UseCounter::LinkRelPreconnect); if (caller == LinkCalledFromHeader) UseCounter::count(document, UseCounter::LinkHeaderPreconnect); Settings* settings = document.settings(); if (settings && settings->logDnsPrefetchAndPreconnect()) { document.addConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage::create( OtherMessageSource, DebugMessageLevel, String("Preconnect triggered for ") + href.getString())); if (crossOrigin != CrossOriginAttributeNotSet) { document.addConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage::create( OtherMessageSource, DebugMessageLevel, String("Preconnect CORS setting is ") + String((crossOrigin == CrossOriginAttributeAnonymous) ? "anonymous" : "use-credentials"))); } } networkHintsInterface.preconnectHost(href, crossOrigin); } }
void DolphinView::startDirLister(const KURL& url, bool reload) { if (!url.isValid()) { const QString location(url.prettyURL()); if (location.isEmpty()) { m_statusBar->setMessage(i18n("The location is empty."), DolphinStatusBar::Error); } else { m_statusBar->setMessage(i18n("The location '%1' is invalid.").arg(location), DolphinStatusBar::Error); } return; } // Only show the directory loading progress if the status bar does // not contain another progress information. This means that // the directory loading progress information has the lowest priority. const QString progressText(m_statusBar->progressText()); m_showProgress = progressText.isEmpty() || (progressText == i18n("Loading directory...")); if (m_showProgress) { m_statusBar->setProgressText(i18n("Loading directory...")); m_statusBar->setProgress(0); } m_refreshing = true; m_dirLister->stop(); m_dirLister->openURL(url, false, reload); }
bool PlaylistSaver::save(const KURL &file, int opt) { // kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "opt=" << opt << endl; if(file.isEmpty() || !file.isValid()) return false; switch (opt) { default: case 0: case XMLPlaylist: return saveXML(file, opt); case M3U: case EXTM3U: return saveM3U(file, opt); case PLS: return savePLS(file, opt); case ASX: return false; // No, I won't code that! [mETz] } }
static PathToDefaultProtectionSpaceMap::iterator findDefaultProtectionSpaceForURL(const KURL& url) { ASSERT(url.protocolIsInHTTPFamily()); ASSERT(url.isValid()); PathToDefaultProtectionSpaceMap& map = pathToDefaultProtectionSpaceMap(); // Don't spend time iterating the path for origins that don't have any credentials. if (!originsWithCredentials().contains(originStringFromURL(url))) return map.end(); String directoryURL = protectionSpaceMapKeyFromURL(url); unsigned directoryURLPathStart = url.pathStart(); while (true) { PathToDefaultProtectionSpaceMap::iterator iter = map.find(directoryURL); if (iter != map.end()) return iter; if (directoryURL.length() == directoryURLPathStart + 1) // path is "/" already, cannot shorten it any more return map.end(); size_t index = directoryURL.reverseFind('/', directoryURL.length() - 2); ASSERT(index != notFound); directoryURL = directoryURL.substring(0, (index == directoryURLPathStart) ? index + 1 : index); ASSERT(directoryURL.length() > directoryURLPathStart); ASSERT(directoryURL.length() == directoryURLPathStart + 1 || directoryURL[directoryURL.length() - 1] != '/'); } }
KURL AbstractWorker::resolveURL(const String& url, ExceptionCode& ec) { if (url.isEmpty()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return KURL(); } // FIXME: This should use the dynamic global scope (bug #27887) KURL scriptURL = scriptExecutionContext()->completeURL(url); if (!scriptURL.isValid()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return KURL(); } if (!scriptExecutionContext()->securityOrigin()->canRequest(scriptURL)) { ec = SECURITY_ERR; return KURL(); } if (scriptExecutionContext()->contentSecurityPolicy() && !scriptExecutionContext()->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowScriptFromSource(scriptURL)) { ec = SECURITY_ERR; return KURL(); } return scriptURL; }
void KSubtitleRipperView::createSRT() { // TODO check if srttool is executable if ( !askIfModified() ) return; KURL url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( srtName, "*.srt|" + i18n("SRT Subtitles"), this, i18n( "Save Subtitles" ) ); if ( url.isEmpty() || !url.isValid() ) return; /*QString extension = QFileInfo( url.path() ).extension( false ).lower(); if ( extension != "srt" && ( !url.isLocalFile() || !QFile::exists( url.path() ) ) ) url = url.url() + ".srt"; */ QString text = "A file named \"%1\" already exists.\nAre you sure you want to overwrite it?"; if ( url.isLocalFile() && QFile::exists( url.path() ) && KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n( text ).arg( url.filename() ), i18n( "Overwrite File?" ), i18n( "Overwrite" ) ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return; newSrt = new KURL( url ); if ( url.isLocalFile() ) { tmpSrt = QString::null; CreateSRT *createSrt = new CreateSRT( project, url.path() ); connect(createSrt, SIGNAL(success( CreateSRT* )), this, SLOT(createSrtSuccess( CreateSRT* ) ) ); connect(createSrt, SIGNAL(failed( CreateSRT*, const QString& )), this, SLOT(createSrtFailed( CreateSRT*, const QString& ) ) ); createSrt->saveSRT(); } else {
PassRefPtr<EntrySync> WorkerGlobalScopeFileSystem::webkitResolveLocalFileSystemSyncURL(WorkerGlobalScope* worker, const String& url, ExceptionState& exceptionState) { KURL completedURL = worker->completeURL(url); ExecutionContext* secureContext = worker->executionContext(); if (!secureContext->securityOrigin()->canAccessFileSystem() || !secureContext->securityOrigin()->canRequest(completedURL)) { exceptionState.throwSecurityError(FileError::securityErrorMessage); return 0; } if (!completedURL.isValid()) { exceptionState.throwDOMException(EncodingError, "the URL '" + url + "' is invalid."); return 0; } EntrySyncCallbackHelper resolveURLHelper; OwnPtr<AsyncFileSystemCallbacks> callbacks = ResolveURICallbacks::create(resolveURLHelper.successCallback(), resolveURLHelper.errorCallback(), worker); callbacks->setShouldBlockUntilCompletion(true); LocalFileSystem::from(worker)->resolveURL(worker, completedURL, callbacks.release()); RefPtr<EntrySync> entry = resolveURLHelper.getResult(exceptionState); if (!entry) return 0; return entry.release(); }
ScriptPromise ServiceWorkerClients::openWindow(ScriptState* scriptState, const String& url) { ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver = ScriptPromiseResolver::create(scriptState); ScriptPromise promise = resolver->promise(); ExecutionContext* context = scriptState->getExecutionContext(); KURL parsedUrl = KURL(toWorkerGlobalScope(context)->location()->url(), url); if (!parsedUrl.isValid()) { resolver->reject(V8ThrowException::createTypeError( scriptState->isolate(), "'" + url + "' is not a valid URL.")); return promise; } if (!context->getSecurityOrigin()->canDisplay(parsedUrl)) { resolver->reject(V8ThrowException::createTypeError( scriptState->isolate(), "'" + parsedUrl.elidedString() + "' cannot be opened.")); return promise; } if (!context->isWindowInteractionAllowed()) { resolver->reject(DOMException::create(InvalidAccessError, "Not allowed to open a window.")); return promise; } context->consumeWindowInteraction(); ServiceWorkerGlobalScopeClient::from(context)->openWindow( parsedUrl, WTF::makeUnique<NavigateClientCallback>(resolver)); return promise; }
static bool shouldTreatAsUniqueOrigin(const KURL& url) { if (!url.isValid()) return true; // FIXME: Do we need to unwrap the URL further? KURL innerURL = shouldUseInnerURL(url) ? extractInnerURL(url) : url; // FIXME: Check whether innerURL is valid. // For edge case URLs that were probably misparsed, make sure that the origin is unique. // FIXME: Do we really need to do this? This looks to be a hack around a // security bug in CFNetwork that might have been fixed. if (schemeRequiresAuthority(innerURL) && return true; // SchemeRegistry needs a lower case protocol because it uses HashMaps // that assume the scheme has already been canonicalized. String protocol = innerURL.protocol().lower(); if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsNoAccess(protocol)) return true; // This is the common case. return false; }
KXmlRpcServer::KXmlRpcServer( const KURL &url, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ) { if ( url.isValid() ) m_url = url; m_userAgent = "KDE XMLRPC resources"; }
CachedResource* DocLoader::requestResource(CachedResource::Type type, const String& url, const String& charset, bool isPreload) { KURL fullURL = m_doc->completeURL(url); if (!fullURL.isValid() || !canRequest(type, fullURL)) return 0; if (cache()->disabled()) { DocumentResourceMap::iterator it = m_documentResources.find(fullURL.string()); if (it != m_documentResources.end()) { it->second->setDocLoader(0); m_documentResources.remove(it); } } checkForReload(fullURL); CachedResource* resource = cache()->requestResource(this, type, fullURL, charset, isPreload); if (resource) { // Check final URL of resource to catch redirects. // See <>. if (!canRequest(type, KURL(resource->url()))) return 0; m_documentResources.set(resource->url(), resource); checkCacheObjectStatus(resource); } return resource; }
PassRefPtr<EventSource> EventSource::create(ExecutionContext* context, const String& url, const Dictionary& eventSourceInit, ExceptionState& exceptionState) { if (url.isEmpty()) { exceptionState.throwDOMException(SyntaxError, "Cannot open an EventSource to an empty URL."); return 0; } KURL fullURL = context->completeURL(url); if (!fullURL.isValid()) { exceptionState.throwDOMException(SyntaxError, "Cannot open an EventSource to '" + url + "'. The URL is invalid."); return 0; } // FIXME: Convert this to check the isolated world's Content Security Policy once is solved. bool shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy = false; if (context->isDocument()) { Document* document = toDocument(context); shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy = document->frame()->script().shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy(); } if (!shouldBypassMainWorldContentSecurityPolicy && !context->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowConnectToSource(fullURL)) { // We can safely expose the URL to JavaScript, as this exception is generate synchronously before any redirects take place. exceptionState.throwSecurityError("Refused to connect to '" + fullURL.elidedString() + "' because it violates the document's Content Security Policy."); return 0; } RefPtr<EventSource> source = adoptRef(new EventSource(context, fullURL, eventSourceInit)); source->setPendingActivity(source.get()); source->scheduleInitialConnect(); source->suspendIfNeeded(); return source.release(); }
String SVGImageLoader::sourceURI(const AtomicString& attribute) const { KURL base = element()->baseURI(); if (base.isValid()) return KURL(base, stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(attribute)).string(); return element()->document()->completeURL(stripLeadingAndTrailingHTMLSpaces(attribute)); }
void DOMTreeView::slotSaveClicked() { //kdDebug(90180) << "void KfingerCSSWidget::slotSaveAs()" << endl; KURL url = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( part->url().url(), "*.html", this, i18n("Save DOM Tree as HTML") ); if (!(url.isEmpty()) && url.isValid()) { QFile file(url.path()); if (file.exists()) { const QString title = i18n( "File Exists" ); const QString text = i18n( "Do you really want to overwrite: \n%1?" ).arg(url.url()); if (KMessageBox::Continue != KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, text, title, i18n("Overwrite") ) ) { return; } } if ( ) { kdDebug(90180) << "Opened File: " << url.url() << endl; m_textStream = new QTextStream(&file); //(stdOut) saveTreeAsHTML(part->document()); file.close(); kdDebug(90180) << "File closed " << endl; delete m_textStream; } else { const QString title = i18n( "Unable to Open File" ); const QString text = i18n( "Unable to open \n %1 \n for writing" ).arg(url.path()); KMessageBox::sorry( this, text, title ); } } else { const QString title = i18n( "Invalid URL" ); const QString text = i18n( "This URL \n %1 \n is not valid." ).arg(url.url()); KMessageBox::sorry( this, text, title ); } }