void KstChangeFileDialog::sourceChanged(const QString& text) { delete _configWidget; _configWidget = 0L; _configureSource->setEnabled(false); _file = QString::null; if (!text.isEmpty() && text != "stdin" && text != "-") { KUrl url; QString txt = _dataFile->completionObject()->replacedPath(text); if (QFile::exists(txt) && QFileInfo(txt).isRelative()) { url.setPath(txt); } else { url = KUrl::fromPathOrURL(txt); } if (!url.isLocalFile() && url.protocol() != "file" && !url.protocol().isEmpty()) { _fileType->setText(QString::null); return; } if (!url.isValid()) { _fileType->setText(QString::null); return; } QString file = txt; KstDataSourcePtr ds = *KST::dataSourceList.findReusableFileName(file); QStringList fl; QString fileType; if (ds) { ds->readLock(); fl = ds->fieldList(); fileType = ds->fileType(); ds->unlock(); ds = 0L; } else { bool complete = false; fl = KstDataSource::fieldListForSource(file, QString::null, &fileType, &complete); } if (!fl.isEmpty() && !fileType.isEmpty()) { if (ds) { ds->writeLock(); _configWidget = ds->configWidget(); ds->unlock(); } else { _configWidget = KstDataSource::configWidgetForSource(file, fileType); } } _configureSource->setEnabled(_configWidget); _file = file; _fileType->setText(fileType.isEmpty() ? QString::null : tr("Data source of type: %1").arg(fileType)); } else { _fileType->setText(QString::null); } }
ViewProperties::ViewProperties(const KUrl& url) : m_changedProps(false), m_autoSave(true), m_node(0) { GeneralSettings* settings = DolphinSettings::instance().generalSettings(); const bool useGlobalViewProps = settings->globalViewProps(); bool useDetailsViewWithPath = false; // We try and save it to the file .directory in the directory being viewed. // If the directory is not writable by the user or the directory is not local, // we store the properties information in a local file. if (useGlobalViewProps) { m_filePath = destinationDir("global"); } else if (url.protocol().contains("search")) { m_filePath = destinationDir("search"); useDetailsViewWithPath = true; } else if (url.protocol() == QLatin1String("trash")) { m_filePath = destinationDir("trash"); useDetailsViewWithPath = true; } else if (url.isLocalFile()) { m_filePath = url.toLocalFile(); const QFileInfo info(m_filePath); if (!info.isWritable() || !isPartOfHome(m_filePath)) { m_filePath = destinationDir("local") + m_filePath; } } else { m_filePath = destinationDir("remote") + m_filePath; } const QString file = m_filePath + QDir::separator() + QLatin1String(".directory"); m_node = new ViewPropertySettings(KSharedConfig::openConfig(file)); // If the .directory file does not exist or the timestamp is too old, // use default values instead. const bool useDefaultProps = (!useGlobalViewProps || useDetailsViewWithPath) && (!QFileInfo(file).exists() || (m_node->timestamp() < settings->viewPropsTimestamp())); if (useDefaultProps) { if (useDetailsViewWithPath) { setViewMode(DolphinView::DetailsView); setAdditionalInfo(KFileItemDelegate::InformationList() << KFileItemDelegate::LocalPathOrUrl); } else { // The global view-properties act as default for directories without // any view-property configuration settings->setGlobalViewProps(true); ViewProperties defaultProps(url); setDirProperties(defaultProps); settings->setGlobalViewProps(false); m_changedProps = false; } } }
void TrashProtocol::copy( const KUrl &src, const KUrl &dest, int /*permissions*/, KIO::JobFlags flags ) { INIT_IMPL; kDebug()<<"TrashProtocol::copy(): " << src << " " << dest; if (src.protocol() == QLatin1String("trash") && dest.protocol() == QLatin1String("trash")) { error( KIO::ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, i18n( "This file is already in the trash bin." ) ); return; } copyOrMove( src, dest, (flags & KIO::Overwrite), Copy ); }
void TrashProtocol::rename( const KUrl &oldURL, const KUrl &newURL, KIO::JobFlags flags ) { INIT_IMPL; kDebug()<<"TrashProtocol::rename(): old="<<oldURL<<" new="<<newURL<<" overwrite=" << (flags & KIO::Overwrite); if (oldURL.protocol() == QLatin1String("trash") && newURL.protocol() == QLatin1String("trash")) { error( KIO::ERR_CANNOT_RENAME, oldURL.prettyUrl() ); return; } copyOrMove( oldURL, newURL, (flags & KIO::Overwrite), Move ); }
// We only generate pages when the user clicks on a link void StatisticsDialog::slotOpenURLRequest ( const KUrl& url, const KParts::OpenUrlArguments &, const KParts::BrowserArguments & ) { if ( url.protocol() == "main" ) { generatePageGeneral(); } else if ( url.protocol() == "dayofweek" ) { generatePageForDay ( url.path().toInt() ); } else if ( url.protocol() == "monthofyear" ) { generatePageForMonth ( url.path().toInt() ); } }
bool KMail::Util::handleClickedURL( const KUrl &url, const QSharedPointer<MailCommon::FolderCollection> &folder ) { if ( url.protocol() == QLatin1String( "mailto" ) ) { KMime::Message::Ptr msg ( new KMime::Message ); uint identity = folder->identity(); MessageHelper::initHeader( msg, KMKernel::self()->identityManager(), identity ); msg->contentType()->setCharset("utf-8"); QMap<QString, QString> fields = MessageCore::StringUtil::parseMailtoUrl( url ); msg->to()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "to" ),"utf-8" ); if ( !fields.value( "subject" ).isEmpty() ) msg->subject()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "subject" ),"utf-8" ); if ( !fields.value( "body" ).isEmpty() ) msg->setBody( fields.value( "body" ).toUtf8() ); if ( !fields.value( "cc" ).isEmpty() ) msg->cc()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "cc" ),"utf-8" ); TemplateParser::TemplateParser parser( msg, TemplateParser::TemplateParser::NewMessage ); parser.setIdentityManager( KMKernel::self()->identityManager() ); parser.process( msg, folder->collection() ); KMail::Composer * win = KMail::makeComposer( msg, false, false, KMail::Composer::New, identity ); win->setFocusToSubject(); win->setCollectionForNewMessage( folder->collection() ); win->show(); return true; } else { kWarning() << "Can't handle URL:" << url; return false; } }
bool KMail::Util::handleClickedURL( const KUrl &url ) { if ( url.protocol() == QLatin1String( "mailto" ) ) { KMime::Message::Ptr msg ( new KMime::Message ); MessageHelper::initHeader( msg, KMKernel::self()->identityManager(), 0 ); msg->contentType()->setCharset("utf-8"); QMap<QString, QString> fields = MessageCore::StringUtil::parseMailtoUrl( url ); msg->to()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "to" ),"utf-8" ); if ( !fields.value( "subject" ).isEmpty() ) msg->subject()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "subject" ),"utf-8" ); if ( !fields.value( "body" ).isEmpty() ) msg->setBody( fields.value( "body" ).toUtf8() ); if ( !fields.value( "cc" ).isEmpty() ) msg->cc()->fromUnicodeString( fields.value( "cc" ),"utf-8" ); KMail::Composer * win = KMail::makeComposer( msg, false, false,KMail::Composer::New, 0 ); win->setFocusToSubject(); win->show(); return true; } else { kWarning() << "Can't handle URL:" << url; return false; } }
void Navigator::slotItemSelected( QTreeWidgetItem *currentItem ) { if ( !currentItem ) return; mSelected = true; NavigatorItem *item = static_cast<NavigatorItem *>( currentItem ); kDebug(1400) << item->entry()->name() << endl; item->setExpanded( !item->isExpanded() ); KUrl url ( item->entry()->url() ); if ( url.protocol() == "khelpcenter" ) { mView->closeUrl(); History::self().updateCurrentEntry( mView ); History::self().createEntry(); showOverview( item, url ); } else { emit itemSelected( url.url() ); } mLastUrl = url; }
static KUrl findUrlForAccount( const KMail::ImapAccountBase * a ) { assert( a ); const SieveConfig sieve = a->sieveConfig(); if ( !sieve.managesieveSupported() ) return KUrl(); if ( sieve.reuseConfig() ) { // assemble Sieve url from the settings of the account: KUrl u; u.setProtocol( "sieve" ); u.setHost( a->host() ); u.setUser( a->login() ); u.setPass( a->passwd() ); u.setPort( sieve.port() ); u.addQueryItem( "x-mech", a->auth() == "*" ? "PLAIN" : a->auth() ); //translate IMAP LOGIN to PLAIN if ( !a->useSSL() && !a->useTLS() ) u.addQueryItem( "x-allow-unencrypted", "true" ); u.setFileName( sieve.vacationFileName() ); return u; } else { KUrl u = sieve.alternateURL(); if ( u.protocol().toLower() == "sieve" && !a->useSSL() && !a->useTLS() && u.queryItem("x-allow-unencrypted").isEmpty() ) u.addQueryItem( "x-allow-unencrypted", "true" ); u.setFileName( sieve.vacationFileName() ); return u; } }
void KexiStartupFileHandler::init(const KUrl &startDirOrVariable, Mode mode) { /* if (d->requester || d->dialog) { QWidget *w = d->requester ? static_cast<QWidget*>(d->requester) : static_cast<QWidget*>(d->dialog); connect(w, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(saveRecentDir())); }*/ connect(d->dialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(slotAccepted())); //d->dialog->setStartDir(startDirOrVariable); KUrl url; if (startDirOrVariable.protocol() == "kfiledialog") { url = KFileDialog::getStartUrl(startDirOrVariable, d->recentDirClass); } else { url = startDirOrVariable; } if (d->requester) d->requester->setUrl(url); else d->dialog->setUrl(url); //setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); setMode(mode); QAction *previewAction = d->dialog->actionCollection()->action("preview"); if (previewAction) previewAction->setChecked(false); // setFocusProxy(locationEdit()); // connect(dialog, SIGNAL(fileHighlighted(QString)), // this, SLOT(slotExistingFileHighlighted(QString))); }
BreadcrumbSiblingList FileBrowser::Private::siblingsForDir( const KUrl &path ) { BreadcrumbSiblingList siblings; if( path.protocol() == "places" ) { for( int i = 0; i < placesModel->rowCount(); i++ ) { QModelIndex idx = placesModel->index( i, 0 ); QString name = idx.data( Qt::DisplayRole ).toString(); QString url = idx.data( KFilePlacesModel::UrlRole ).toString(); if( url.isEmpty() ) // the place perhaps needs mounting, use places url instead url = placesString + name; siblings << BreadcrumbSibling( idx.data( Qt::DecorationRole ).value<QIcon>(), name, url ); } } else if( path.isLocalFile() ) { QDir dir( path.toLocalFile() ); dir.cdUp(); foreach( const QString &item, dir.entryList( QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot ) ) { siblings << BreadcrumbSibling( KIcon( "folder-amarok" ), item, dir.absoluteFilePath( item ) ); } }
void Connection::connectToRemote(const QString &address) { //kDebug(7017) << "Connection requested to " << address; KUrl url = address; QString scheme = url.protocol(); if (scheme == QLatin1String("local")) { d->setBackend(new SocketConnectionBackend(SocketConnectionBackend::LocalSocketMode, this)); } else if (scheme == QLatin1String("tcp")) { d->setBackend(new SocketConnectionBackend(SocketConnectionBackend::TcpSocketMode, this)); } else { kWarning(7017) << "Unknown requested KIO::Connection protocol='" << scheme << "' (" << address << ")"; Q_ASSERT(0); return; } // connection succeeded if (!d->backend->connectToRemote(url)) { //kWarning(7017) << "could not connect to " << url << "using scheme" << scheme ; delete d->backend; d->backend = 0; return; } d->dequeue(); }
void AsyncFileTester::checkIfFolder(const QModelIndex &index, QObject *object, const char *method) { if (!index.isValid()) { callResultMethod(object, method, index, false); return; } KFileItem item = static_cast<const ProxyModel*>(index.model())->itemForIndex(index); KUrl url = item.targetUrl(); if (item.isDir()) { callResultMethod(object, method, index, true); return; } if (item.isDesktopFile()) { // Check if the desktop file is a link to a local folder KDesktopFile file(url.path()); if (file.readType() == "Link") { url = file.readUrl(); if (url.isLocalFile()) { KFileItem destItem(KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, url); callResultMethod(object, method, index, destItem.isDir()); return; } if (KProtocolInfo::protocolClass(url.protocol()) == QString(":local")) { AsyncFileTester *tester = new AsyncFileTester(index, object, method); tester->delayedFolderCheck(url); return; } } } callResultMethod(object, method, index, false); }
void Core::loadSilently(const KUrl& url, const QString& group) { if (url.protocol() == "magnet") { MagnetLinkLoadOptions options; options.silently = true; options.group = group; load(bt::MagnetLink(url.prettyUrl()), options); } else if (url.isLocalFile()) { QString path = url.toLocalFile(); QString dir = locationHint(group); if (dir != QString::null) loadFromFile(path, dir, group, true); } else { // download to a random file in tmp KIO::Job* j = KIO::storedGet(url); connect(j, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(downloadFinishedSilently(KJob*))); if (!group.isNull()) add_to_groups.insert(url, group); } }
QString KUrlNavigator::Private::firstButtonText() const { QString text; // The first URL navigator button should get the name of the // place instead of the directory name if ((m_placesSelector != 0) && !m_showFullPath) { const KUrl placeUrl = m_placesSelector->selectedPlaceUrl(); text = m_placesSelector->selectedPlaceText(); } if (text.isEmpty()) { const KUrl currentUrl = q->locationUrl(); if (currentUrl.isLocalFile()) { text = m_showFullPath ? QLatin1String("/") : i18n("Custom Path"); } else { text = currentUrl.protocol() + QLatin1Char(':'); if (!currentUrl.host().isEmpty()) { text += QLatin1Char(' ') + currentUrl.host(); } } } return text; }
void KDirSelectDialog::setCurrentUrl( const KUrl& url ) { if ( !url.isValid() ) return; if (url.protocol() != d->m_rootUrl.protocol()) { KUrl u( url ); u.cd("/");//NOTE portability? d->m_treeView->setRootUrl( u ); d->m_rootUrl = u; } //Check if url represents a hidden folder and enable showing them QString fileName = url.fileName(); //TODO a better hidden file check? bool isHidden = fileName.length() > 1 && fileName[0] == '.' && (fileName.length() > 2 ? fileName[1] != '.' : true); bool showHiddenFiles = isHidden && !d->m_treeView->showHiddenFiles(); if (showHiddenFiles) { d->showHiddenFoldersAction->setChecked(true); d->m_treeView->setShowHiddenFiles(true); } d->m_treeView->setCurrentUrl( url ); }
bool destMatch(const KUrl &url, const QString &protClass, const KUrl &base, const QString &baseClass) const { if (destProtEqual) { if ( (url.protocol() != base.protocol()) && (protClass.isEmpty() || baseClass.isEmpty() || protClass != baseClass) ) return false; } else if (destProtWildCard) { if ( !destProt.isEmpty() && !url.protocol().startsWith(destProt) && (protClass.isEmpty() || (protClass != destProt)) ) return false; } else { if ( (url.protocol() != destProt) && (protClass.isEmpty() || (protClass != destProt)) ) return false; } if (destHostWildCard) { if (!destHost.isEmpty() && !url.host().endsWith(destHost)) return false; } else if (destHostEqual) { if (url.host() != base.host()) return false; } else { if (url.host() != destHost) return false; } if (destPathWildCard) { if (!destPath.isEmpty() && !url.path().startsWith(destPath)) return false; } else { if (url.path() != destPath) return false; } return true; }
// static function ContextHelp::LinkType ContextHelp::extractLinkType( const KUrl & url ) { QString path = url.path(); if ( url.protocol() == "ktechlab-help" ) { if ( itemLibrary()->haveDescription( path, KGlobal::locale()->language() ) ) return HelpLink; else return NewHelpLink; } if ( url.protocol() == "ktechlab-example" ) return ExampleLink; return ExternalLink; }
KProtocolInfo::ExtraFieldList KProtocolInfo::extraFields( const KUrl &url ) { KProtocolInfo::Ptr prot = KProtocolInfoFactory::self()->findProtocol(url.protocol()); if ( !prot ) return ExtraFieldList(); return prot->d_func()->extraFields; }
AmpacheService::AmpacheService( AmpacheServiceFactory* parent, const QString & name, const QString &url, const QString &username, const QString &password ) : ServiceBase( name, parent ) , m_authenticated( false ) , m_server ( QString() ) , m_sessionId ( QString() ) , m_collection( 0 ) { DEBUG_BLOCK setShortDescription( i18n( "Use Amarok as a seamless frontend to your Ampache server." ) ); setIcon( KIcon( "view-services-ampache-amarok" ) ); //we are using http queries later on, so we require KUrl kurl; if( url.contains( "//" ) ) { kurl.setUrl( url, KUrl::TolerantMode ); if( kurl.protocol() != "http" && kurl.protocol() != "https" ) { kurl.setProtocol( "http" ); } } else { kurl.setProtocol( "http" ); kurl.setAuthority( url ); } m_server = kurl.url(); // We need to check the version of Ampache we are attempting to authenticate against, as this changes how we deal with it QString versionString = "<server>/server/xml.server.php?action=ping"; versionString.replace(QString("<server>"), m_server); debug() << "Verifying Ampache Version Using: " << versionString; m_username = username; m_password = password; m_xmlVersionJob = KIO::storedGet( versionString, KIO::Reload, KIO::HideProgressInfo ); connect( m_xmlVersionJob, SIGNAL(result(KJob *)), this, SLOT( authenticate(KJob *) ) ); }
bool NepomukCollection::possiblyContainsTrack( const KUrl &url ) const { QString proto = url.protocol(); if ( proto == "file" || proto == uidUrlProtocol() ) return true; else return false; }
void RemoteProtocol::rename(const KUrl &src, const KUrl &dest, KIO::JobFlags flags) { if (src.protocol()!="remote" || dest.protocol()!="remote" || m_impl.isWizardURL(src) || m_impl.isWizardURL(dest)) { error(KIO::ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, src.prettyUrl()); return; } if (m_impl.renameFolders(src.fileName(), dest.fileName(), flags & KIO::Overwrite)) { finished(); return; } error(KIO::ERR_CANNOT_RENAME, src.prettyUrl()); }
void ChecksumSearchController::registerSearch(ChecksumSearchTransferDataSource *search, const KUrl &baseUrl) { if (m_finished.contains(baseUrl)) { kDebug(5001) << "Already downloaded" << baseUrl; const KUrl urlToFile = m_finished[baseUrl]; if (!urlToFile.isEmpty()) { search->gotBaseUrl(m_finished[baseUrl]); } } else { const bool alreadySearchedFor = m_searches.contains(baseUrl); if (!m_searches.contains(baseUrl, search)) { m_searches.insert(baseUrl, search); if (alreadySearchedFor) { kDebug(5001) << "Search already started for" << baseUrl; return; } kDebug(5001) << "Creating download for" << baseUrl; static int files = 0; const KUrl dest = KUrl(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata", "checksumsearch/") + QString::number(files++)); if (QFile::exists(dest.toLocalFile())) { KIO::Job *del = KIO::del(dest, KIO::HideProgressInfo); KIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun(del, 0); } if (baseUrl.protocol() != "ftp" && baseUrl.protocol() != "sftp") { kDebug(5001) << "Downloading" << baseUrl; KIO::FileCopyJob *job = KIO::file_copy(baseUrl, dest, -1, KIO::HideProgressInfo); job->addMetaData("errorPage", "false"); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotResult(KJob*))); m_jobs[job] = qMakePair(baseUrl, dest); } else { kDebug(5001) << "ftp, doing a listjob"; KIO::ListJob *job = KIO::listDir(baseUrl, KIO::HideProgressInfo); connect(job, SIGNAL(entries(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList)), this, SLOT(slotEntries(KIO::Job*,KIO::UDSEntryList))); connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), SLOT(slotResult(KJob*))); m_jobs[job] = qMakePair(baseUrl, dest); } } }
// The opposite of parseURL static QString splitURL( int mRealArgType, const KUrl& url ) { if ( mRealArgType == 33 ) { // LDAP server // The format is HOSTNAME:PORT:USERNAME:PASSWORD:BASE_DN Q_ASSERT( url.protocol() == "ldap" ); return urlpart_encode( url.host() ) + ':' + ( url.port() != -1 ? QString::number( url.port() ) : QString() ) + ':' + // -1 is used for default ports, omit urlpart_encode( url.user() ) + ':' + urlpart_encode( url.pass() ) + ':' + // KUrl automatically encoded the query (e.g. for spaces inside it), // so decode it before writing it out to gpgconf (issue119) urlpart_encode( KUrl::fromPercentEncoding( url.query().mid(1).toLatin1() ) ); } return url.path(); }
bool baseMatch(const KUrl &url, const QString &protClass) const { if (baseProtWildCard) { if ( !baseProt.isEmpty() && !url.protocol().startsWith(baseProt) && (protClass.isEmpty() || (protClass != baseProt)) ) return false; } else { if ( (url.protocol() != baseProt) && (protClass.isEmpty() || (protClass != baseProt)) ) return false; } if (baseHostWildCard) { if (!baseHost.isEmpty() && !url.host().endsWith(baseHost)) return false; } else { if (url.host() != baseHost) return false; } if (basePathWildCard) { if (!basePath.isEmpty() && !url.path().startsWith(basePath)) return false; } else { if (url.path() != basePath) return false; } return true; }
bool SecurityOrigin::taintsCanvas(const KUrl& url) const { if (canRequest(url)) return false; // This function exists because we treat data URLs as having a unique origin, // contrary to the current (9/19/2009) draft of the HTML5 specification. // We still want to let folks paint data URLs onto untainted canvases, so // we special case data URLs below. If we change to match HTML5 w.r.t. // data URL security, then we can remove this function in favor of // !canRequest. if (url.protocol().toLower() == QLatin1String("data")) return false; return true; }
void App::handleCliArgs() //static { DEBUG_BLOCK KCmdLineArgs* const args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); if( args->isSet( "cwd" ) ) KCmdLineArgs::setCwd( args->getOption( "cwd" ).toLocal8Bit() ); bool haveArgs = true; // assume having args in first place if( args->count() > 0 ) { KUrl::List list; for( int i = 0; i < args->count(); i++ ) { KUrl url = args->url( i ); //TODO:PORTME if( Podcasts::PodcastProvider::couldBeFeed( url.url() ) ) { KUrl feedUrl = Podcasts::PodcastProvider::toFeedUrl( url.url() ); The::playlistManager()->defaultPodcasts()->addPodcast( feedUrl ); } else if( url.protocol() == "amarok" ) { s_delayedAmarokUrls.append( url.url() ); } else { list << url; DEBUG_LINE_INFO } } int options = Playlist::AppendAndPlay; if( args->isSet( "queue" ) ) options = Playlist::Queue; else if( args->isSet( "append" ) ) options = Playlist::Append; else if( args->isSet( "load" ) ) options = Playlist::Replace; if( args->isSet( "play" ) ) options |= Playlist::DirectPlay; The::playlistController()->insertOptioned( list, options ); }
void KonqSidebarTree::addUrl(KonqSidebarTreeTopLevelItem* item, const KUrl & url) { QString path; if (item) path = item->path(); else path = m_dirtreeDir.dir.path(); KUrl destUrl; if (url.isLocalFile() && url.fileName().endsWith(".desktop")) { QString filename = findUniqueFilename(path, url.fileName()); destUrl.setPath(filename); KIO::NetAccess::file_copy(url, destUrl, this); } else { QString name = url.host(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = url.fileName(); QString filename = findUniqueFilename(path, name); destUrl.setPath(filename); KDesktopFile desktopFile(filename); KConfigGroup cfg = desktopFile.desktopGroup(); cfg.writeEntry("Encoding", "UTF-8"); cfg.writeEntry("Type","Link"); cfg.writeEntry("URL", url.url()); QString icon = "folder"; if (!url.isLocalFile()) icon = KMimeType::favIconForUrl(url); if (icon.isEmpty()) icon = KProtocolInfo::icon( url.protocol() ); cfg.writeEntry("Icon", icon); cfg.writeEntry("Name", name); cfg.writeEntry("Open", false); cfg.sync(); } destUrl.setPath( destUrl.directory() ); OrgKdeKDirNotifyInterface::emitFilesAdded( destUrl.url() ); if (item) item->setOpen(true); }
void KonqRun::slotRedirection(KIO::Job *job, const KUrl& redirectedToURL) { KUrl redirectFromURL = static_cast<KIO::TransferJob *>(job)->url(); kDebug() << redirectFromURL << "->" << redirectedToURL; KonqHistoryManager::kself()->confirmPending(redirectFromURL); if (redirectedToURL.protocol() == "mailto") { m_mailto = redirectedToURL; return; // Error will follow } KonqHistoryManager::kself()->addPending(redirectedToURL); // Do not post data on reload if we were redirected to a new URL when // doing a POST request. if (redirectFromURL != redirectedToURL) browserArguments().setDoPost (false); browserArguments().setRedirectedRequest(true); }
KexiFileWidget::KexiFileWidget( const KUrl &startDirOrVariable, Mode mode, QWidget *parent) : KFileWidget(startDirOrVariable, parent) , d(new Private()) { kDebug() << startDirOrVariable.scheme(); if (startDirOrVariable.protocol() == "kfiledialog") { KFileDialog::getStartUrl(startDirOrVariable, d->recentDirClass); } setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum); setMode(mode); QAction *previewAction = actionCollection()->action("preview"); if (previewAction) previewAction->setChecked(false); setFocusProxy(locationEdit()); connect(this, SIGNAL(fileHighlighted(QString)), this, SLOT(slotExistingFileHighlighted(QString))); }