Пример #1
void KatalogView::slTreeviewItemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem *newItem, QTreeWidgetItem * /* prevItem */ )
  KatalogListView *listview = getListView();
  if( !listview ) return;
  if( ! newItem ) return;

  bool itemEdit = true;
  bool itemNew = true;
  bool chapterNew = false;
  bool chapterEdit = false;

  if( listview->isRoot(newItem) ) {
    // we have the root item, not editable
    itemEdit = false;
    itemNew  = false;
    chapterNew = true;
  } else if( listview->isChapter(newItem) ) {
    itemEdit = false;
    chapterNew = true;
    chapterEdit = true;
  m_acNewItem->setEnabled( itemNew );
  m_acAddChapter->setEnabled( chapterNew );
  m_acEditChapter->setEnabled( chapterEdit );
  m_acRemChapter->setEnabled( chapterEdit );

Пример #2
void MaterialKatalogView::slNewTemplate()
  KatalogListView *listview = getListView();
  if( !listview ) return;
  MaterialKatalogListView *matListView = static_cast<MaterialKatalogListView*>(listview);

  StockMaterial *newMat = new StockMaterial();
  newMat->setName( i18n( "<new material>" ) );
  QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem = static_cast<QTreeWidgetItem*>( listview->currentItem() );
  if ( parentItem ) {
    if ( ! ( matListView->isRoot( parentItem ) || matListView->isChapter( parentItem ) ) ) {
      parentItem = ( QTreeWidgetItem* ) parentItem->parent();

  if( parentItem && listview->isChapter( parentItem )) {
    // try to find out which catalog is open/current
    CatalogChapter *chap = static_cast<CatalogChapter*>(listview->itemData( parentItem ));
    newMat->setChapter( chap->id().toInt() );

  mNewItem = matListView->addMaterialToView( parentItem, newMat );
  openDialog( mNewItem, newMat, true );

Пример #3
void KatalogView::slEditSubChapter()
  slotStatusMsg( i18n("Editing a sub chapter..."));
  KatalogListView *listview = getListView();
  if( listview )
  slotStatusMsg( i18n("Ready."));
Пример #4
void KatalogView::slAddSubChapter()
  slotStatusMsg( i18n("Creating a new sub chapter..."));
  KatalogListView *listview = getListView();
  if( listview )
  slotStatusMsg( i18n("Ready."));
Пример #5
void TemplKatalogView::slNewTemplate()
  KatalogListView *listView = getListView();
  if( !listView ) return;

  // create new template object
  FloskelTemplate *flosTempl = new FloskelTemplate();
  flosTempl->setText( i18n( "<new template>" ) );

  // find the corresponding parent (==chapter) item
  QTreeWidgetItem *parentItem = static_cast<QTreeWidgetItem*>(listView->currentItem());
  if( parentItem )
    // if it is not a chapter nor root, take the parent
    if( ! (listView->isRoot(parentItem) || listView->isChapter(parentItem)) )
      parentItem = (QTreeWidgetItem*) parentItem->parent();

  if( parentItem ) {
    // try to find out which catalog is open/current
    CatalogChapter *chap = static_cast<CatalogChapter*>( listView->itemData( parentItem ) );
    if( chap ) {
      flosTempl->setChapterId( chap->id().toInt(), true );

  TemplKatalogListView *templListView = static_cast<TemplKatalogListView*>(listView);
  QTreeWidgetItem *item = templListView->addFlosTemplate(parentItem, flosTempl);
  listView->scrollToItem( item );
  listView->setCurrentItem( item );
  openDialog( item, flosTempl, true );
Пример #6
void KatalogView::init(const QString& katName )
  m_katalogName = katName;

  // set up a vertical layout box
  QWidget *w = new QWidget(this);
  QBoxLayout *box = new QVBoxLayout(w);

  // start to set up the listview
  createCentralWidget(box, w);
  KatalogListView *listview = getListView();

  if( ! listview ) {
      // qDebug () << "ERROR: No listview created !!!" << endl;
  } else {
      m_filterHead = new FilterHeader(w, listview);
      box->insertWidget(0, m_filterHead);

      connect( listview, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged ( QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*)),
               this, SLOT(slTreeviewItemChanged( QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*)) );
      connect( listview, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)),
               this, SLOT(slEditTemplate()));
      connect( listview, SIGNAL(templateHoovered(CatalogTemplate*)),
               this, SLOT(slotShowTemplateDetails( CatalogTemplate*)));

      // Populate the context Menu
      (listview->contextMenu())->addAction( m_acEditItem );
      (listview->contextMenu())->addAction( m_acNewItem );
      (listview->contextMenu())->addAction( m_acDeleteItem );
      (listview->contextMenu())->addAction( m_acAddChapter );
      (listview->contextMenu())->addAction( m_acEditChapter );
      (listview->contextMenu())->addAction( m_acRemChapter );
      getKatalog( katName );
      listview->addCatalogDisplay( katName );

  m_editListViewItem = 0;
  // qDebug () << "Getting katalog!" << katName << endl;

  setAutoSaveSettings( QString::fromLatin1( "CatalogWindow" ),  true );