Пример #1
void KstEquation::replaceDependency(KstVectorPtr oldVector, KstVectorPtr newVector) {
  QString oldTag = oldVector->tagName();
  QString newTag = newVector->tagName();
  // replace all occurences of oldTag with newTag
  QString newExp = _equation.replace("["+oldTag+"]", "["+newTag+"]");
  // also replace all occurences of scalar stats for the oldVector
  QDictIterator<KstScalar> scalarDictIter(oldVector->scalars());
  for (; scalarDictIter.current(); ++scalarDictIter) {
    QString oldTag = scalarDictIter.current()->tagName();
    QString newTag = ((newVector->scalars())[scalarDictIter.currentKey()])->tagName();
    newExp = newExp.replace("[" + oldTag + "]", "[" + newTag + "]"); 

  // do the dependency replacements for _inputVectors, but don't call parent function as it
  // replaces _inputScalars 
  for (KstVectorMap::Iterator j = _inputVectors.begin(); j != _inputVectors.end(); ++j) {
    if (j.data() == oldVector) {
      _inputVectors[j.key()] = newVector;  
Пример #2
void KstDataObject::replaceDependency(KstVectorPtr oldVector, KstVectorPtr newVector) {
  for (KstVectorMap::Iterator j = _inputVectors.begin(); j != _inputVectors.end(); ++j) {
    if (*j == oldVector) {
      _inputVectors[j.key()] = newVector;

  for (KstScalarMap::Iterator j = _inputScalars.begin(); j != _inputScalars.end(); ++j) {
    for (ScalarCollection::const_iterator l = oldVector->scalars().begin(); l != oldVector->scalars().end(); ++l) {
      if (*l == *j) {
        _inputScalars[j.key()] = (newVector->scalars())[l.key()];
Пример #3
void EventMonitorEntry::replaceDependency(KstVectorPtr oldVector, KstVectorPtr newVector) {
  // replace all occurences of oldTag with newTag
  QString newExp = _event.replace("[" + oldVector->tagName() + "]", "[" + newVector->tagName() + "]");

  // also replace all occurences of vector stats for the oldVector
  QHashIterator<QString, KstScalar*> scalarDictIter(oldVector->scalars());
  while (scalarDictIter.hasNext()) {
    const QString oldTag = scalarDictIter.next().value()->tagName();
    const QString newTag = newVector->scalars()[scalarDictIter.key()]->tagName();
    newExp = newExp.replace("[" + oldTag + "]", "[" + newTag + "]");


  // events have no _inputVectors