static void OnPaintListItem(WindowControl * Sender, LKSurface& Surface) { if (!Sender) { return; } unsigned int n = UpLimit - LowLimit; TCHAR sTmp[50]; Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); const int LineHeight = Sender->GetHeight(); const int TextHeight = Surface.GetTextHeight(_T("dp")); const int TextPos = (LineHeight - TextHeight) / 2; // offset for text vertical center if (DrawListIndex < n) { const size_t i = (FullFlag) ? StrIndex[LowLimit + DrawListIndex] : (LowLimit + DrawListIndex); // Poco::Thread::sleep(100); const int width = Sender->GetWidth(); // total width const int w0 = LineHeight; // Picto Width const int w2 = Surface.GetTextWidth(TEXT(" 000km")); // distance Width _stprintf(sTmp, _T(" 000%s "), MsgToken(2179)); const int w3 = Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp); // bearing width const int w1 = width - w0 - 2*w2 - w3; // Max Name width // Draw Picto const RECT PictoRect = {0, 0, w0, LineHeight}; AirspaceSelectInfo[i].airspace->DrawPicto(Surface, PictoRect); // Draw Name Surface.DrawTextClip(w0, TextPos, AirspaceSelectInfo[i].airspace->Name() , w1); LK_tcsncpy(sTmp, CAirspaceManager::GetAirspaceTypeShortText(AirspaceSelectInfo[i].Type) , 4); const int w4 = Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp); Surface.DrawTextClip(w1+w2, TextPos, sTmp,w4); // Draw Distance : right justified after waypoint Name _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%.0f%s"), AirspaceSelectInfo[i].Distance , Units::GetDistanceName()); const int x2 = width - w3 - Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp); Surface.DrawText(x2, TextPos, sTmp); // Draw Bearing right justified after distance _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%d%s"), iround(AirspaceSelectInfo[i].Direction), MsgToken(2179)); const int x3 = width - Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp); Surface.DrawText(x3, TextPos, sTmp); } else { if (DrawListIndex == 0) { // LKTOKEN _@M466_ = "No Match!" Surface.DrawText(IBLSCALE(2), TextPos, MsgToken(466)); } } }
static void OnPaintComboPopupListItem(WindowControl * Sender, LKSurface& Surface) { if (Sender) { if (ComboListPopup->ComboPopupDrawListIndex >= 0 && ComboListPopup->ComboPopupDrawListIndex < ComboListPopup->ComboPopupItemCount) { // Fill Background with Highlight color if Selected Item if (!Sender->HasFocus() && ComboListPopup->ComboPopupItemIndex == ComboListPopup->ComboPopupDrawListIndex) { RECT rc = Sender->GetClientRect(); Surface.FillRect(&rc, LKBrush_Higlighted); } const int w = Sender->GetWidth(); const int h = Sender->GetHeight(); const TCHAR* szText = ComboListPopup->ComboPopupItemList[ComboListPopup->ComboPopupDrawListIndex]->StringValueFormatted; Surface.SetBackgroundTransparent(); Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); const int xText = 3 * ScreenScale; const int yText = (h - Surface.GetTextHeight(szText)) / 2; Surface.DrawTextClip(xText, yText, szText, w - ScreenScale * 5); } } }
static void OnMultiSelectListPaintListItem(WindowControl * Sender, LKSurface& Surface) { #define PICTO_WIDTH 50 Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); if (TaskDrawListIndex < iNO_Tasks) { TCHAR *pToken = NULL; TCHAR *pWClast = NULL; TCHAR *pWClast2 = NULL; TCHAR text[180] = {TEXT("empty")}; TCHAR text1[180] = {TEXT("empty")}; TCHAR text2[180] = {TEXT("empty")}; _tcscpy(text, szTaskStrings [TaskDrawListIndex] ); unsigned int i=0; while (i < _tcslen(text) ) // remove all quotations " { if(text[i]== '"') // quotations found ? { for (unsigned int j= i ; j < _tcslen(text); j++) text[j] = text[j+1]; } i++; } pToken = strsep_r(text, TEXT(","), &pWClast) ; _tcscpy(text1, pToken ); if(*text1 == '\0') _tcscpy(text1, _T("???") ); pToken = strsep_r(pWClast, TEXT(","), &pWClast2) ; // remove takeof point _tcscpy(text2, pWClast2); Surface.SetBkColor(LKColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); PixelRect rc = { 0, 0, 0, // DLGSCALE(PICTO_WIDTH), static_cast<PixelScalar>(Sender->GetHeight()) }; /******************** * show text ********************/ Surface.SetBackgroundTransparent(); Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); Surface.DrawText(rc.right + DLGSCALE(2), DLGSCALE(2), text1); int ytext2 = Surface.GetTextHeight(text1); Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_DARKBLUE); Surface.DrawText(rc.right + DLGSCALE(2), ytext2, text2); } }
static void OnTaskPaintListItem(WindowControl * Sender, LKSurface& Surface){ int n = UpLimit - LowLimit; TCHAR sTmp[120]; TCHAR wpName[120]; TCHAR landableStr[5] = TEXT(" [X]"); // LKTOKEN _@M1238_ "L" landableStr[2] = MsgToken(1238)[0]; LockTaskData(); const PixelRect rcClient(Sender->GetClientRect()); const int w0 = rcClient.GetSize().cx - DLGSCALE(1); const int w1 = Surface.GetTextWidth(TEXT(" 000km")); _stprintf(sTmp, _T(" 000%s"), MsgToken(2179)); const int w2 = Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp); const int TextMargin = (rcClient.GetSize().cy - Surface.GetTextHeight(TEXT("A"))) / 2; const int p1 = w0-w1-w2- rcClient.GetSize().cy - DLGSCALE(2); const int p2 = w0-w2- rcClient.GetSize().cy - DLGSCALE(2); const PixelRect rc = { 0, 0, rcClient.GetSize().cy, rcClient.GetSize().cy }; if (DrawListIndex < n){ int i = LowLimit + DrawListIndex; // if ((WayPointList[Task[i].Index].Flags & LANDPOINT) >0) // MapWindow::DrawRunway(hDC, &WayPointList[Task[i].Index], rc, 3000,true); MapWindow::DrawTaskPicto(Surface, DrawListIndex, rc, 2500); if (Task[i].Index>=0) { _stprintf(wpName, TEXT("%s%s"), WayPointList[Task[i].Index].Name, (WayPointList[Task[i].Index].Flags & LANDPOINT) ? landableStr : TEXT("")); if (AATEnabled && ValidTaskPoint(i+1) && (i>0)) { if (Task[i].AATType==0 || Task[i].AATType==3) { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.1f"), wpName, Task[i].AATCircleRadius*DISTANCEMODIFY); } else { if(Task[i].AATType==2 && DoOptimizeRoute()) { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.1f/1"), wpName, Task[i].PGConeSlope); } else { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.1f"), wpName, Task[i].AATSectorRadius*DISTANCEMODIFY); } } } else { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s"), wpName); } Surface.SetBackgroundTransparent(); Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); Surface.DrawTextClip(rc.right + DLGSCALE(2), TextMargin, sTmp, p1-DLGSCALE(4)); _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%.0f %s"),Task[i].Leg*DISTANCEMODIFY,Units::GetDistanceName()); Surface.DrawText(rc.right+p1+w1-Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp), TextMargin, sTmp); _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%d%s"), iround(Task[i].InBound),MsgToken(2179)); Surface.DrawText(rc.right +p2+w2-Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp), TextMargin, sTmp); } } else { Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); // if (DrawListIndex==n) { // patchout 091126 if (DrawListIndex==n && UpLimit < MAXTASKPOINTS) { // patch 091126 // LKTOKEN _@M832_ = "add waypoint" _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT(" (%s)"), MsgToken(832)); Surface.DrawText(rc.right +DLGSCALE(2), TextMargin, sTmp); } else if ((DrawListIndex==n+1) && ValidTaskPoint(0)) { if (!AATEnabled || ISPARAGLIDER) { // LKTOKEN _@M735_ = "Total:" Surface.DrawText(rc.right +DLGSCALE(2), TextMargin, MsgToken(735)); _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%.0f %s%s"), lengthtotal*DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), fai_ok?_T(" FAI"):_T("")); Surface.DrawText(rc.right +p1+w1-Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp), TextMargin, sTmp); } else { double d1 = CALCULATED_INFO.TaskDistanceToGo; if ((CALCULATED_INFO.TaskStartTime>0.0) && (CALCULATED_INFO.Flying) && (ActiveTaskPoint>0)) { d1 += CALCULATED_INFO.TaskDistanceCovered; } if (d1==0.0) { d1 = CALCULATED_INFO.AATTargetDistance; } _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.0f min %.0f (%.0f) %s"), // LKTOKEN _@M735_ = "Total:" MsgToken(735), AATTaskLength*1.0, DISTANCEMODIFY*lengthtotal, DISTANCEMODIFY*d1, Units::GetDistanceName()); Surface.DrawText(rc.right +DLGSCALE(2), TextMargin, sTmp); } } } UnlockTaskData(); }
static void OnMultiSelectListPaintListItem(WindowControl * Sender, LKSurface& Surface) { #define PICTO_WIDTH 50 Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); if ((DrawListIndex < iNO_ELEMENTS) &&(DrawListIndex >= 0)) { int j; static CAirspaceBase airspace_copy; int i = DrawListIndex; LKASSERT(i < MAX_LIST_ITEMS); PixelRect rc = { 0, 0, DLGSCALE(PICTO_WIDTH), static_cast<PixelScalar>(Sender->GetHeight()) }; const CAirspace* pAS = NULL; int HorDist, Bearing, VertDist; double Distance; unsigned int idx = 0; TCHAR text1[180] = {TEXT("empty")}; TCHAR text2[180] = {TEXT("empty")}; TCHAR Comment[80] = {TEXT("")}; TCHAR Comment1[80] = {TEXT("")}; Surface.SetBkColor(LKColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); LKASSERT(i < MAX_LIST_ITEMS); switch (Elements[i].type) { case IM_AIRSPACE: pAS = (CAirspace*) Elements[i].ptr; if (pAS) { /*********************************************************************** * here we use a local copy of the airspace, only common property exists ***********************************************************************/ airspace_copy = CAirspaceManager::Instance().GetAirspaceCopy(pAS); // airspace type already in name? if (_tcsnicmp(airspace_copy.Name(), airspace_copy.TypeName(), _tcslen(airspace_copy.TypeName())) == 0) { _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s"), airspace_copy.Name()); // yes, take name only } else { // fixed strings max. 20 NAME_SIZE 30 => max. 30 char _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s %s"), airspace_copy.TypeName(), airspace_copy.Name()); } CAirspaceManager::Instance().GetSimpleAirspaceAltText(Comment, sizeof (Comment) / sizeof (Comment[0]), airspace_copy.Top()); CAirspaceManager::Instance().GetSimpleAirspaceAltText(Comment1, sizeof (Comment1) / sizeof (Comment1[0]), airspace_copy.Base()); CAirspaceManager::Instance().AirspaceCalculateDistance((CAirspace*) pAS, &HorDist, &Bearing, &VertDist); _stprintf(text2, TEXT("%3.1f%s (%s - %s)"), (double) HorDist*DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), Comment1, Comment); //8 + 8+3 21 /**************************************************************** * for drawing the airspace pictorial, we need the original data. * copy contain only base class property, not geo data, * original data are shared ressources ! * for that we need to grant all called methods are thread safe ****************************************************************/ pAS->DrawPicto(Surface, rc); } break; case IM_TASK_PT: case IM_WAYPOINT: idx = -1; LockTaskData(); // protect from external task changes if (Elements[i].type == IM_TASK_PT) { if(ValidTaskPointFast(Elements[i].iIdx)) { idx = Task[Elements[i].iIdx].Index; } } else { if(ValidWayPointFast(Elements[i].iIdx)) { idx = Elements[i].iIdx; } } // This is not a solution. It will avoid a crash but the solution is to understand // why we are getting a wrong idx, eventually. If ever we got a wrong idx! // And then this "fix" should be changed to something more useful, instead of // adopting a totally wrong waypoint for task. assert(idx < WayPointList.size()); if(idx < WayPointList.size()) { if (WayPointList[idx].Comment != NULL) { LK_tcsncpy(Comment, WayPointList[idx].Comment, 30); } else { _tcscpy(Comment, TEXT("")); } DistanceBearing(GPS_INFO.Latitude, GPS_INFO.Longitude, WayPointList[idx].Latitude, WayPointList[idx].Longitude, &Distance, NULL); if (Elements[i].type != IM_TASK_PT) { if (WayPointCalc[idx].IsLandable) { MapWindow::DrawRunway(Surface, &WayPointList[idx], rc, nullptr, 1.5, true); if (WayPointCalc[idx].IsAirport) { // remove spaces from frequency for (j = 1; j < (CUPSIZE_FREQ); j++) if (WayPointList[idx].Freq[CUPSIZE_FREQ - j] == ' ') WayPointList[idx].Freq[CUPSIZE_FREQ - j] = '\0'; if (_tcslen(WayPointList[idx].Freq) > 2) _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s %s MHz"), WayPointList[idx].Name, WayPointList[idx].Freq); else _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s"), WayPointList[idx].Name); } else { if (WayPointList[idx].Comment != NULL) _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s %s"), WayPointList[idx].Name, Comment); else _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s"), WayPointList[idx].Name); } if ((WayPointList[idx].RunwayLen >= 10) || (WayPointList[idx].RunwayDir > 0)) { _stprintf(text2, TEXT("%3.1f%s (%i%s %02i/%02i %i%s)"), Distance * DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), (int) (WayPointList[idx].Altitude * ALTITUDEMODIFY), Units::GetAltitudeName(), (int) (WayPointList[idx].RunwayDir / 10.0 + 0.5), (int) (AngleLimit360(WayPointList[idx].RunwayDir + 180.0) / 10.0 + 0.5), (int) ((double) WayPointList[idx].RunwayLen * ALTITUDEMODIFY), Units::GetAltitudeName()); } else { _stprintf(text2, TEXT("%3.1f%s (%i%s) "), Distance * DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), (int) (WayPointList[idx].Altitude * ALTITUDEMODIFY), Units::GetAltitudeName()); } }// waypoint isLandable else { MapWindow::DrawWaypointPicto(Surface, rc, &WayPointList[idx]); _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s %s"), WayPointList[idx].Name, Comment); _stprintf(text2, TEXT("%3.1f%s (%i%s)"), Distance * DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), (int) (WayPointList[idx].Altitude * ALTITUDEMODIFY), Units::GetAltitudeName()); } }// Elements IM_TASK else { int iTaskIdx = Elements[i].iIdx; MapWindow::DrawTaskPicto(Surface, iTaskIdx, rc, 3000); int iLastTaskPoint = 0; while (ValidTaskPoint(iLastTaskPoint)) iLastTaskPoint++; iLastTaskPoint--; if (iTaskIdx == 0) { // _@M2301_ "S" # S = Start Task point _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s: (%s)"), MsgToken(2301), WayPointList[idx].Name); _stprintf(text2, TEXT("Radius %3.1f%s (%i%s)"), StartRadius * DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), (int) (WayPointList[idx].Altitude * ALTITUDEMODIFY), Units::GetAltitudeName()); } else { if (iTaskIdx == iLastTaskPoint) { // _@M2303_ "F" // max 30 30 => max 60 char _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s: (%s) "), MsgToken(2303), WayPointList[idx].Name); _stprintf(text2, TEXT("Radius %3.1f%s (%i%s)"), FinishRadius * DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), (int) (WayPointList[idx].Altitude * ALTITUDEMODIFY), Units::GetAltitudeName()); } else { // _@M2302_ "T" # F = Finish point // max 30 30 => max 60 char _stprintf(text1, TEXT("%s%i: (%s) "), MsgToken(2302), iTaskIdx, WayPointList[idx].Name); double SecRadius = 0; SecRadius = SectorRadius; if (AATEnabled) { if (Task[iTaskIdx].AATType == SECTOR) SecRadius = Task[iTaskIdx].AATSectorRadius; else SecRadius = Task[iTaskIdx].AATCircleRadius; } _stprintf(text2, TEXT("Radius %3.1f%s (%i%s)"), SecRadius * DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName(), (int) (WayPointList[idx].Altitude * ALTITUDEMODIFY), Units::GetAltitudeName()); } } } } UnlockTaskData(); // protect from external task changes break; } /******************** * show text ********************/ Surface.SetBackgroundTransparent(); Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); Surface.DrawText(rc.right + DLGSCALE(2), DLGSCALE(2), text1); int ytext2 = Surface.GetTextHeight(text1); Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_DARKBLUE); Surface.DrawText(rc.right + DLGSCALE(2), ytext2, text2); } }
static void OnTaskPaintListItem(WindowControl * Sender, LKSurface& Surface){ (void)Sender; int n = UpLimit - LowLimit; TCHAR sTmp[120]; TCHAR wpName[120]; TCHAR landableStr[5] = TEXT(" [X]"); // LKTOKEN _@M1238_ "L" landableStr[2] = gettext(TEXT("_@M1238_"))[0]; LockTaskData(); int w0 = Sender->GetWidth()-1; int w1 = Surface.GetTextWidth(TEXT(" 000km")); _stprintf(sTmp, _T(" 000%s"), gettext(_T("_@M2179_"))); int w2 = Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp); int TextMargin = (Sender->GetHeight() - Surface.GetTextHeight(TEXT("A"))) / 2; int p1 = w0-w1-w2- Sender->GetHeight()-2; int p2 = w0-w2- Sender->GetHeight()-2; RECT rc = {0*ScreenScale, 0*ScreenScale, Sender->GetHeight(), Sender->GetHeight()}; if (DrawListIndex < n){ int i = LowLimit + DrawListIndex; // if ((WayPointList[Task[i].Index].Flags & LANDPOINT) >0) // MapWindow::DrawRunway(hDC, &WayPointList[Task[i].Index], rc, 3000,true); MapWindow::DrawTaskPicto(Surface, DrawListIndex, rc, 2500); if (Task[i].Index>=0) { _stprintf(wpName, TEXT("%s%s"), WayPointList[Task[i].Index].Name, (WayPointList[Task[i].Index].Flags & LANDPOINT) ? landableStr : TEXT("")); if (AATEnabled && ValidTaskPoint(i+1) && (i>0)) { if (Task[i].AATType==0) { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.1f"), wpName, Task[i].AATCircleRadius*DISTANCEMODIFY); } else { if(Task[i].AATType==2 && DoOptimizeRoute()) { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.1f/1"), wpName, Task[i].PGConeSlope); } else { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.1f"), wpName, Task[i].AATSectorRadius*DISTANCEMODIFY); } } } else { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s"), wpName); } Surface.SetBackgroundTransparent(); Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); Surface.DrawTextClip(Sender->GetHeight()+2*ScreenScale, TextMargin, sTmp, p1-4*ScreenScale); _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%.0f %s"), Task[i].Leg*DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName()); Surface.DrawText(Sender->GetHeight()+p1+w1-Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp), TextMargin, sTmp, _tcslen(sTmp)); _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%d%s"), iround(Task[i].InBound),gettext(_T("_@M2179_"))); Surface.DrawText(Sender->GetHeight()+p2+w2-Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp), TextMargin, sTmp, _tcslen(sTmp)); } } else { Surface.SetTextColor(RGB_BLACK); // if (DrawListIndex==n) { // patchout 091126 if (DrawListIndex==n && UpLimit < MAXTASKPOINTS) { // patch 091126 // LKTOKEN _@M832_ = "add waypoint" _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT(" (%s)"), gettext(TEXT("_@M832_"))); Surface.DrawText(Sender->GetHeight()+2*ScreenScale, TextMargin, sTmp, _tcslen(sTmp)); } else if ((DrawListIndex==n+1) && ValidTaskPoint(0)) { if (!AATEnabled || ISPARAGLIDER) { // LKTOKEN _@M735_ = "Total:" _tcscpy(sTmp, gettext(TEXT("_@M735_"))); Surface.DrawText(Sender->GetHeight()+2*ScreenScale, TextMargin, sTmp, _tcslen(sTmp)); if (fai_ok) { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%.0f %s FAI"), lengthtotal*DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName()); } else { _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%.0f %s"), lengthtotal*DISTANCEMODIFY, Units::GetDistanceName()); } Surface.DrawText(Sender->GetHeight()+p1+w1-Surface.GetTextWidth(sTmp), TextMargin, sTmp, _tcslen(sTmp)); } else { double d1 = CALCULATED_INFO.TaskDistanceToGo; if ((CALCULATED_INFO.TaskStartTime>0.0) && (CALCULATED_INFO.Flying) && (ActiveWayPoint>0)) { d1 += CALCULATED_INFO.TaskDistanceCovered; } if (d1==0.0) { d1 = CALCULATED_INFO.AATTargetDistance; } _stprintf(sTmp, TEXT("%s %.0f min %.0f (%.0f) %s"), // LKTOKEN _@M735_ = "Total:" gettext(TEXT("_@M735_")), AATTaskLength*1.0, DISTANCEMODIFY*lengthtotal, DISTANCEMODIFY*d1, Units::GetDistanceName()); Surface.DrawText(Sender->GetHeight()+2*ScreenScale, TextMargin, sTmp, _tcslen(sTmp)); } } } UnlockTaskData(); }